code of honor book summary
GradeSaver, 16 November 2022 Web. Thanks for exploring this SuperSummary Study Guide of Code of Honor by Alan Gratz. This theme is important because it shows the challenges people of mixed identities go through in America. Kamran is thrilled to have a soda and a bag of chips, something he never expected would mean so much a few weeks before, when living large was dancing with Julia Gary and going to the Super Bowl with Adam (78). A military code that they invented. But maybe you know what that feels like already (70). Copyright 1999 - 2023 GradeSaver LLC. We looked out for each other, no matter what.. I love how he tries to save his brother by doing all this stuff escaping government and escaping guards. After the success of Refugee with my students last year, I thought Alan Gratz could do no wrong. After the dance kamran found out something he never wanted to found out. This book is a great page-turner that covers events we face today such as Muslim discrimination and the constant terrorist attacks that our government has to work to stop. It was full of action, good guys, bad guys, heroes, enemies, terrorists, race issues, it was just wonderful. Agamemnon is absolutely convinced by his dream that he can defeat the Trojans once and for all in battle the next morning. The book begins at a homecoming dance, where Kamran introduces his all-American life as the homecoming king, star quarterback, and boyfriend of popular girl Julia Gary. Chapter-by-chapter summaries and multiple sections of expert analysis, The ultimate resource for assignments, engaging lessons, and lively book discussions. help you understand the book. This is the book for you! But when Darius graduates at west point, and then joins the army, he is captured by the al qaeda and forced to make public broadcasts about threats from the terrorist group. In Indonesia, software engineer Jeff Noonan secretly sells the computer program Calliope to Superhuman Games, an Indonesian gaming company. Despite having an Arab background, the family does not practice Islam, and they live like any American family in Phoenix, Arizona. Through countless attacks, terrorist plots, betrayals, and misunderstanding, Kamran and Darius prove their innocence and follow their Code of Honor. She agrees to stay and help her friend, Shannon, by interviewing Meena and attending the verdict hearing. Soon after, he is lured into a honey trap by Wu Chad, an agent working for the cyber warfare division of the Chinese PLA. In the next couple of days kamran was taken to a secret government facility to be interrogated. Not affiliated with Harvard College. In his books, Alan Gratz touches on rather difficult topics, such as the problem of refugees and world wars. He sees it as loyalty to his brother, and worth the punishment he will receive. A real Page-Turner! I like how he stood up for his brother and believed in him even when no one else did. It was impossible to predict. Therefore, the theme shows the significance of the family and its unity, especially during a crisis. Wel moet ik zeggen dat ik het verhaal op een gegeven moment wat ongeloofwaardig vond worden, maar desondanks bleef het spannend. The Question and Answer section for Code of Honor is a great At the verdict hearing, the judge pronounces Govind and Arvind not guilty. In recent days, Darius has been posting violent videos on his social media accounts showing how he has been radicalized to help Al-Qaida to achieve its ill motives against the United States of America. Kamran and his brother Darius are brought up in America and live with their parents. Afterwards, Chao and Kang attempt to assassinate Peter Li, an ex-Navy admiral working for the company, as well as his family. Best summary PDF, themes, and quotes. He and Darius find a bond in their shared heritage, faith, and strength, as well as through their shared passion for serving their country. The next day, Noonan turns to Jesuit priest Pat West for help; however, Chao and Kang catch up to them. It was crazy how he went from a superstar to a nobody, that everyone was scared of just because everyone thought his brother was a terrorist. Everyone believes that Darius is truly evil and Kamran loses all of his friends and is sent to the Department of Homeland Security. Smita and Mohan promise Meena that they will visit her later in the day after she is done filling out legal paperwork. family who sticks together, will eventually be in a better place than before. Alan Gratz's books are popular with my 8th graders. Once they arrive in the desert outside Phoenix, Dane takes out a number of snipers and the team enters the cave housing the terrorists. During the homecoming dance Kamran and his girlfriend Julia were announced Homecoming King and Queen. More books than SparkNotes. Hagan defended his brother, because he believed he couldn't do any harm: Conor wasn't truly guilty. This book was about Kamran Smith, who is half Persian. Kamran refuses to believe that his brother is behind the attack and so he decides to clear his brothers name. WebKamran and Darius Smith made a code of honor when they were kids; be the bravest of, the brave strongest of the strong ,help the helpless, kill all monsters. Kamran Smith is the protagonist and narrator of Code of Honor. I personally really liked this book because of how much detail and how the concept built up throughout the story. I can see why it was added to the Quick Picks list - this book moves at a very fast clip, with a lot of twists and surprises. We are thankful for their contributions and encourage you to make yourown. It had lots of action. WebWord of Honor is the fifth major novel by American writer Nelson DeMille and the first which involves the Vietnam War.It was originally published in 1985 by Warner Books.
The latter releases Father West from prison, and General Bai and Huang are eventually arrested by their respective governments. Whatd I ever do to you? I asked him. I wouldnt exactly call Code of Honor wrong, but it relies on coincidence to keep the plot going in a way that tempers the adventure and makes it seem incredibly far-fetched. Mickey Hagan tells the story of his upbringing in Northern Ireland, explaining The Troubles to Kamran, who knows nothing about them. He was rambunctious when young and courageous when older. The primary message in the videos is to kill bad people. This was an amazing book. More books than SparkNotes. A healthy mindset of accountability can inspire every team and organization to achieve a higher level of performance. Its what you and your kind are doing to my country, camel jockey.. He was in Washington D.C. Once all of the terrorist were killed Darius tried to defused the bomb but he fail and at this point the Superbowl was postponed and was evacuated when the bomb the went off. Hagan explains the genius behind Dariuss actions: he chose to use an unbreakable code, one that only he and one other person in the world could understand. i think that the code of honor was good book and that how it starts off was a little wired to start at a high school prom and that he is the high school prom king and his girlfriend is the prom queen, they have the slow dance they eat they have fun then a kid goes up to karmen [the main character] this kid starts to talk bad about him how he is a immigrant and that he is terrorist and that he is not aloud to be apart of the school even though karmen was bron there and only his mom is from Isis. Alan Gratz is the bestselling author of a number of novels for young readers. Therefore, Kamran and his younger brother play a critical role in helping the police investigators uncover the plot of the terrorist attack. Honor. Local theocratic thugs publicly molested Smita and her brother for being Muslima and forced her family to convert to Hinduism. After embedding itself into several military communications systems, Calliope makes contact with an American F-35 stealth fighter in the middle of a training exercise in the Pacific Ocean. Overall, this book demonstrates heroism and how one boy can be put into a situation to possibly help other people, including a very close person that effects every day things. The main characters are well revealed. The novel covers broad WebKamran reflects on the value of getting into a physical fight to defend his brother. Hagan helps Kamran decipher Dariuss finger-wagging in the first video by translating the wags into audible knocks, similar to the code Darius and Kamran shared as boys. Anonymous "Code of Honor Summary". Set in the Tom Clancy universe, President Ryan deals with the imprisonment of his friend and former CIA colleague, Jesuit priest Pat West, in Indonesia. Inside the stadium, Darius and Kamran manage to come to in time, and escape from the portable stage where the Black Widow has placed them. when main character doesn't ask about parents while he is being held by government. When Kamran is at prom a big bully confronts him and accuses him of being the brother of a terrorist. WebCode of Honor Chapters 3-6 Summary & Analysis Chapter 3 Summary Kamran and Adam wait outside the principal's office while Jeremy and his friends are disciplined inside. Kamran agrees to help the police by decoding the language used in the videos to clear his brother's name. When news spreads that Darius has been involved in a terrorist attack, the family becomes more united than ever. "Code of Honor Study Guide: Analysis". At the airport Smita realizes that her capitalist ideals of success are at odds with the fulfillment she feels in her relationship with Mohan. Ammi willingly signs over custody of Abru and leaves to live in a different village. One I wasn't walking out of,". He was heading back to Arizona where his home is. At the house, Mohan overhears Smita using a Muslim greeting with her father and asks her to explain. Rate this title Rate this. It is a great read that I'm sure anyone else would like too. Then he tries to clear his and his brother's name. In dit boek vind je o.a de thema's racisme, terrorisme en broederschap. When Smita and Mohan visit Meena for the first time, Meeena describes the animosity in her relationship with her brothers Govind and Arvind. The book follows main character Kamran Smith after his brother, Army Ranger Darius Smith , is discovered cooperating with al-Qaeda. There were a lot of events that were a little too much for me to buy into, like the way the childhood stories that Darius and Kamran made up as kids lined up so well with the terrorists' plots, and the fact that one of the CIA agents had a terrorist brother, and other things that I won't mention so it doesn't spoil the ending. An editor Hagan and Kamran move to a room full of computer monitors to watch Dariuss videos. Kamran agrees to join them as they journey to Arizona, where Kamran suspects Darius is being held. More violent and graphic videos featuring Darius are subsequently released. His 2017 novel, This book had me from the very start. Hagan and Kamran then watch Dariuss Sith Lord comment, the one Kamran had already deciphered to mean that Darius was being brainwashed or forced to act against his will. Everyone believes that Darius is a terrorist because he has Arab roots. The novel ends with Kamran reuniting with his family, while he grapples with the emotional repercussions of the previous months events. In the float there was a bomb that was to be blown up during the haft time show. The writing isn't the greatest, but it's clear and gets the point across. It is a realistic fiction action book that takes place in modern day times in Arizona. It was very courageous to me and it made me really happy. it was ok but i think prisoner b-3087 is better. Code of Honor is a fictional adventurous story about Kamran Smith and his fight to prove his brother's innocence in terrorist activities. His brother, Darius, is seen committing terrorist acts against the U.S. when he is supposed to be an Army Ranger. However, Father West, a former CIA officer, manages to send a private text message about his encounter with Noonan to his friend, U.S. President Jack Ryan. We are thankful for their contributions and encourage you to make yourown. Get help and learn more about the design. WebHonor follows the story of Smita, told from a third-person limited point of view, as she returns to India to write a newspaper article on Meena, a woman who was assaulted by her brothers for marrying a Muslim man and subsequently filed a lawsuit against them. In spite of all the problems I had, the book made me think about the prejudices and biases that people face because of their race or ethnicity. It was hard for me to take at some points. resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss thenovel. The application launches a cruise missile from the aircraft, steering it toward a waiting Chinese trawler. He is annoyed by Smitas constant criticism of India and defends his homeland vehemently. I also enjoyed the fact that it was realistic fiction, one of the genres of books I would most likely pass by for fantasy fiction. He is soon at school stereotyped in the same way. It might really appeal to a middle schooler. Clark follows and tracks him down, killing him. This book is recommended for people either in middle school or high school. While Thirty Umrigars novel, Honor, is written in past and present tense, the guide predominantly relies on the present tense. Kamran realizes the code means that their mother and father are coming, another way of Darius communicating that there was danger on the way. In this quote, Kamran and a bully named Jeremy Vacca argue at the homecoming dance over racial slurs, and Jeremys idea that Kamrans Persian-American heritage makes him a threat to American safety. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. I would pair with. An editor I really enjoyed this book because it was always filled with action and cliffhangers which are some of the most exciting things for me in a cook that I read. The language of honor is apt to strike the modern reader as quaint, even obsolete, if not downright pernicious. The program is uploaded by a Chinese agent into an American communications companys computer system. Hagan then tells Kamran that he and his family moved to Galway, in the Republic of Ireland, where Hagan got good grades and joined the military, hoping to go into intelligence. resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss thenovel. According to Al-Qaida operatives, their number one enemy is the United States of America, and their primary goal is to destroy US embassies globally. Suddenly, the life of Kamran and his parents is turned upside down. They eventually call for air support from USSFort Worth, which eventually rescues them. Nobody believes him, and Kamran is taken into custody in the middle of the night. I've been wanting to read one of his books for a few years and had the opportunity this week to read this one. His brother has been detected as a suspected terrorist. It was a high action thriller and you didn't know what was coming next. Kamran tries to explain to Homeland Security a code that Darius may be using to communicate in the videos, which might prove his innocence. After you claim a section youll have 24 hours to send in a draft. Born the weakling son of a poor farmer at a time when martial prowess or entry to the priesthood were the only ways for an ambitious commoner to escape a life of backbreaking farm toil, he rose from poverty to rule a mighty nation and command hundreds of thousands of samurai warriors. An extension of everything Mom had taught us about being Persian.. He takes the best of both cultures and wants to believe in his brother. The following version of this book was used to create the guide: Umrigar, Thirty. Best summary PDF, themes, and quotes. "[2] Publishers Weekly's verdict on the novel is that "The plot unreels smoothly as it always does with Cameron at the helm. Alan Gratz does a good job of showing the brothers unwavering faith in each other, as well as their doubts and fears. Alan Gratz uses simple and direct language. In Debt of Honor, Jack Ryan works as a security advisor for the United States government to stop a political coup that takes place in Japan. Smitas narrative is interjected with Meenas first-person narrative as she talks about her life with Abdul and her struggle to fight the violent system of female oppression that led to the attack against her. There was a shoot out between the security guards and the terrorist. Soon after, he is lured into a honey trap by Wu Chad, an agent working for the cyber warfare division of the Chinese PLA. Code of Honor is a 2015 young adult thriller by Alan Gratz, the author of the acclaimed Prisoner B-3087, among other novels. After pleading for the release of Father West to the Indonesian president to no avail, he decides to make a state visit to Indonesia. I ended up liking it, but it's not my favorite. He asks Kamran if he can tell him a story, which he hopes will help illuminate some of Kamran's own struggles. After a few months in the government facility he finely escaped. Chapter-by-chapter summaries and multiple sections of expert analysis, The ultimate resource for assignments, engaging lessons, and lively book discussions. And that is probably the worst critisism you can give a book. The chapter opens with the announcement of the homecoming king and queenthe winners are Kamran and Julia. Karman and Darius were attacked and knockout and when they woke up they were in a float ready for the haft time show. Once they got untied they broke out of the float and they were stopped by a security guard. A code of honor. We looked out for each other, no matter what. Kamran reflects on the value of getting into a physical fight to defend his brother. He sees it as loyalty to his brother, and worth the punishment he will receive. WebThis fast moving tale follows the events surrounding the Russo-Japanese war of 1904-1905. This book is exiting and full of twists. They begin to suspect Mickey, and remain wary of each other for the rest of the trip to Arizona. Kamran has a strong moral compass and gathers much inspiration from his older brother and their shared moral code. Membership Advantages Media Reviews Reader Reviews Click here and be the first to review this book! Current format, Book, 2015, Available . But through it all, Kamran never stops believing his brother is the same good kid that he knew when he was little. I recommend this book for sure to anyone that like a realistic fiction book and a little bit of war / fighting. Indie Bound* *If you are unaware, I have a video on how to use Indie Bound as a resource on how to find books. The book Code of Honor by Alan Gratz is a story with about never giving up. WebAlan Gratzs novel The Code of Honor received several positive reviews, becoming one of his bestselling books. Their father is American, and their mother is Iranian. The main character is Kamran and he had to go through obstacle after obstacle to get to his brother who is assumed of being a terrorist. I really loved this book because it is a very good story about a boy and his brother. As the book progresses, Kamran becomes more aware of his own self-doubt, and becomes a stronger and more resilient character. He had shown bravery and shown how much he cared and loved his brother enough, to put himself at risk. However fans of the Alex Rider series will like this and there seems to be a hint of more to come. President Ryan receives intelligence on Chinese general Song Bimings granddaughter, who is suffering from retinoblastoma and is about to be brought to the United States for a surgical operation. He also becomes less naive, and begins to understand the often conflicting, duplicitous, and close-minded nature of the world around him. Written by people who wish to remainanonymous. This sort of bias and Islamophobia are common in the novel, especially in its first third. this was quite good i loved how action packed this book was and how sadly realistic elements of the story were. Beruk, Viktoria. Kamran is the star football player, hangs out with the most popular kids in school, and he has been appointed to join Westpoint. After all of this Karman and Darius was arrested because they both were wanted terrorist but after a few day they were let go because the truth came out about Darius he was not a terrorist. He finds himself in Washington, DC, where he is promptly picked up by Mickey and his teamDane, Aaliyah, and Jimmy, all undercover spies who are working covertly to try to rescue Darius. The Black Widow is captured, and millions of lives are saved. Kamran was born and raised in America by Persian-American parents. Code of Honor study guide contains a biography of Alan Gratz, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. He later enlists his friend John Clark's help. Kamrans mother is Iranian, and his father is American. thissection. I really enjoyed this because the moral is not to judge a book by its cover. Really liked this book had me from the title Chinese agent into an American communications companys system... Kamran, who knows nothing about them out for each other for the company, as well as his,! Are saved mother is Iranian like any American family in Phoenix, Arizona n't about... Modern reader as quaint, even obsolete, if code of honor book summary downright pernicious it, it... Their shared moral Code camel jockey computer monitors to watch Dariuss videos float ready the... 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