goochland county, virginia genealogy
For the States of :
Ballard Mullins6, born after 1850, unmarried. Ann Wales; he is well documented and did NOT have a son Josiah, as proven by the bible of his sister, Alice Carter Griggs.On ther other hand, Baines or Baynes Carter is the proven brother of Josiah of Thomas of Goochland Carter Jr. and Mary Kilpatrick]: "Josiah II's wife was Mary (Mollie) Anthony, born 17 Nov. 1754 in Albermarle,Bedford County, Virginia. A 1773 Goochland County deed shows Baynes Carter and his widowed mother Mary, now of Pittsylvania County, selling their home place to Samuel Coleman Morris. In the mid-1700s, the
1882, Lucy A. Miller, born March, 1862, Kentucky. Maintained by Beverly Watson County File Manager. Wit: Stephen Terry, Thomas Terrell.
(1)James, b. circa 1739 d. 1783 Of St. James Northam Parish, Goochland County, VA.
1 - "unknown" 2 - Penele Carrol (Also listed as Carrell and Carroll.) She was born in Scott Co., Arkansas. Goochland County is a county located in the Piedmont of the Commonwealth of Virginia. 11. But back to the possible line of descent from Jonas Terry to Champness Terry: according to Edna Harris Bushnell, Terry Records of Virginia, Stephen Terry was born about 1701 in Virginia. Just to cover all the bases with the Colonial Virginia Mullins families, I will mention two other transported persons who settled in the island counties of the colony: Accomacke and Northampton. Collection strengths include local history of Goochland pertaining to colonial history, the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, religions and religious movements of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, the Anglo-American slave trade and conditions of slavery in the United States, American biography and genealogy. Find Your Ancestor's Parents: Documents that may list the names of the parents of your ancestor. One naming tradition in the Virginia Mullins line makes searching ever so much easier for genealogists. Estray notice for STRONG
Josiah Carter Jr. b. January 29, 1778 in Henry County, Virginia. 1740-- Cumberland Co VA bef 1771-- Cumberland Co VA 4. The Terry males, Ballinger family men, John Mullins, William Mullins, Michael Mullings, Benjamin Mullings, Charles Calloway, and a group of Owens family males all took the same pledge at the same time -- all families that are allied with the Mullins family for decades if not centuries following this period. Bonnie Louisa Mullins9, born September 5, 1922; married Leonard Johnson, 1944 in Tulsa, Oklahoma; had twin sons: [For a record of the non-surviving children of Parkie and Mitchell Mullins, see the notes by Helen Mullins Walker in the Family Records and Documents. (Chester Mullins, personal communication). Records, 1858-1948, Byrd Presbyterian Church (Goochland County, Va.). Wesley Mullins5, married, had 7 children: (1) John; (2) Mose; (3) Henry; (4) Jack; (5) Welk; (6-7) two daughters; 7. Descendants of these families (Carter, Atkins(on), Dillon, Callaway, Tatum, Anthony, Bowman, Stoval, and others) can still be found in the beautiful and remote hills of Patrick and Henry Counties today. reserved for original submitters. On behalf of the Organizing Committee, I am happy to invite you to participate in the IEEE/CAS-EMB Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS 2015), which will be held on October 22-24, 2015, at the historic Academy of Medicine in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. By this time, henry has been married 40 years, so all his children are grown and some have gone to other places, or have been left behind as the family moved westward. Children: 5. northeast
Chester later became a deacon in the Baptist church on Jackson Road. 10. Please login below or visit the Membership page for more information. 1741-- Cumberland Co VA 5. Terry, spent time in Pittsylvania County, Virginia and perhaps even a while in Lunenberg County, before moving on to the New River Community, and then over the state line into North Carolina's New River Community, a part which became Wilkes County, North Carolina. Cuidamos dos mnimos detalhes para que nossos alunos tenham ao seu dispor uma infraestrutura impecvel e nica enquanto cuidam da sade. At
The family from which we descended settled in the Yourk River's upper reaches where the Pamuney River flows into the York. Contrary to what you may find elsewhere, Giles was NOT the son of Giles of Cold Aston, rather of Theodrick. Jan 2023: PAYNE burials in Grace Episcopal Cemetery
], 4.
1830 America Walker. Terry himself bought land on New River in 1798 (Wilkes County Deed Book D, p. 357), so he probably married Lucy Ballenger, another Huguenot descendant, about that same time. 7th.
Advanced Search : A Warm Welcome Spotsylvania County Records Jany. We are excited to hear from the following at the BioCAS 2015 Gala Dinner Forum, "The most important problems to be tackled by the BioCAS community": Join the following at the BioCAS 2015 Parallel Workshop, "Lessons Learned Along the Translational Highway": Steve Maschino,Cyberonics, Inc., Intermedics, Jared William Hansen, North Dakota State University, Johanna Neuber, University of Texas at Austin, Muhammad Awais Bin Altaf, Masdar Institute of Science and Technology, Piyakamal Dissanayaka Manamperi, RMIT University, Mami Sakata, Yokohama National University, Elham Shabani Varaki, University of Western Sydney, Mahdi Rasouli, National University of Singapore, A Smart Homecage System with Behavior Analysis and Closed-Loop Optogenetic Stimulation Capacibilities, Yaoyao Jia, Zheyuan Wang, Abdollah Mirbozorgi, Maysam GhovanlooGeorgia Institute of Technology, A 12-Channel Bidirectional Neural Interface Chip with Integrated Channel-Level Feature Extraction and PID Controller for Closed-Loop Operation, Xilin Liu, Milin Zhang, Andrew Richardson, Timothy Lucas, Jan Van der SpiegelUniversity of Pennsylvania, A Wireless Optogenetic Headstage with Multichannel Neural Signal Compression, Gabriel Gagnon-Turcotte, Yoan Lechasseur, (Doric Lenses Inc.), Cyril Bories, Yves De Koninck, Benoit GosselinUniversit Laval, 32k Channels Readout IC for Single Photon Counting Detectors with 75 m Pitch, ENC of 123 e- rms, 9 e- rms Offset Spread and 2% rms Gain Spread, Pawel Grybos, Piotr Kmon, Piotr Maj, Robert SzczygielAGH University of Science and Technology, BioCAS 2015 - Atlanta, Georgia, USA - October 22-24, 2015. The documents can be downloaded below. 154). Josiah is also recorded in the Virginia Publick Claims for Henry County as being reimbursed for provisions supporting the war: Monday, 06 May 1782: 5s-6 for 3 diets, 1 bu corn, 1 peck do. ); had children: 8. But we are getting ahead of ourselves. Then once more in the early-1800s the
[Note: I have no information at all on Numbers 3. and 4. in the list immediately above. Alm das salas de aulas especiais e aparelhos de qualidade, oferecemos piscina semi-olmpica no plano aqutico, espaos de convivncia, restaurante e muito mais! USA (1,373,456) > Virginia (52,567) > Goochland County (459) > Goochland County County Church Records (27), USA (1,373,456) > Virginia (52,567) > Virginia Church Records (1,714) > Goochland County Church Records (27). Telephone: (804) 556-3966, Virginia Family Tree, a free In the early 1900's there were two prominent Carter families that lived in Houston, Texas.One was Samuel Fain Carter (son of JQA, son of William P); the other was William T Carter (1856-1921).Both did well in the lumber business, started banks and then built buildings. Index to the 1810 Virginia Census, Copyright 2023 Iberian Publishing Company, Click here for a complete online catalog of available titles, Guide to Virginia Militia Units in the War of 1812, Chart on the Formation of Virginia Counties, Atlas of County Boundary Changes in Virginia, 1634-1895. and The family also reports that some of William Dow's children by his marriage to Louisa Warren took over that tract of land, which was still in their hands into the 1900s. Amherst, 2. Based on census data, land records and court records, we can say that Henry Mullins and Mary "Polly" Terry Mullins had the following children: 1. Father Edward R Proffitt. Specific inquiries regarding Goochland ancestors will be researched in the Societys files and among selected sources in our collection and at the Goochland County Courthouse. The deed was recorded 18 July 1738. Historical Society. Thomas Carter1780-10-26 Henry Co VA 7.
[Thomas of Gloucester Carter, son of Edward and Elizabeth Thornton Carter and twin of Katherine (as proven by the Prayer Book),m.1. In the 1810 census of Kentucky, not one of his children is over 10 years old. Email of 7 Jan 2009 from Mary Ann- now proven descendant of William Presley Carter of Halifax: I have a fun story for you. 1791-- Warren Co GA 13. 3. Don't Think an Eighteen Year Old, or a Guard was a Major, Eh? 1686/87 Middlesex County, Virginia, d. aft. The Members Only section of the website is accessible only by individual members of the Goochland County Historical Society.
William Dow Mullins6 moved onto the George Haskell Survey in McKee Township in Kentucky (Chester Mullins, personal communication) possibly soon after he married Jailey Abner. to get email notices when our county sites are updated. ; (4) Margaret; (5) D.?
The Cabell Library at the Goochland County Historical Society enables researchers, students, teachers and others to have access to the records of Goochland Countys past while preserving historical materials for future generations. Skip Ancestry navigation Main Menu. 5859). State Site. 5. John Miller died at age 94 in Madison County, Arkansas; his wife Susie also died in Madison County, Arkansas. 1672-- Henrico Co VA1738-- Cumberland Co VA M:Unknown (Carroll) (Baynes) Married: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mother: Mary Kilpatrick F:Alexander Kilpatrick M:Elizabeth Easley Married: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Child(ren) of Thomas of Goochland Carter Jr. and Mary Kilpatrick , married 1. She was born May 1, 1938 to the late Rice Lawrence Seay and Mary Lovelace Seay of Andersonville, Buckingham County. A research index to the Douglas Register : St. James Northam Parish, Goochland County, Virginia, A research index to the Douglas Register : [St. James Northam Parish, Goochland County, Virginia], Church records, 1840-1965 (Hebron Presbyterian Church (Manakin-Sabot, Virginia)), Church records, 1858-1968 (Byrd Presbyterian Church (Goochland, Virginia)), Index to the Vestry book of King William Parish, Virginia, 1707-1750 (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Commissioners: Anthony Haden, Joseph Pool, James George.]. Winifred Mullins4, was born 30 March 1766, Halifax Co., VA, died 26 February 1842, Rockcastle Co., KY. She married. It makes ancestors much simpler to trace on the computer screen. Patsy Elizabeth Mullins10, born January 3, 1939, Vian, Oklahoma; married Earl T. Weisinger, 1961. [2] Its county seat is Goochland. ________________________________________________, Matthew Mullins of Pamunkey Neck in Virginia. Matthew is located here in 1699, according to Virginia Land Patents, Cavaliers and Pioneers, 1695-1732; Patent Book 9, p.45. It is a well-organized collection of various types of reference materials. Photographic Reproduction and Permission Fees, Photographic Reproduction Rights Form with Conditions of Use. widow of John T. Thurman. Genealogical Society) FamilySearch Library, Marriage Register, St. Sames Northam Parish (1761-1791) US Gen Web, Ministers' returns, ca. Henry K. Mullins6, (Lorenzo5, Terry4, Henry3, Richard2, Matthew1) born 1847; married Becky Maginnes (McGinness? Let me also put the researcher on notice that I follow my own simple method of numbering family data sheets. [skip to Josiah] Will of Thomas CarterWritten Feb. 14, 1760Probated April 19, 1763 - Goochland County, Virginia Thomas Carter Jr.'s Last Will and Testament was written 14 February 1760 and was recorded in Goochland County on 19 April 1763. The
1680, is listed in English Duplicaes of Lost Virginia Records by Louis des Cognets, Jr. [Cornelius Carroll website:] Much of the "second generation" material on Richard Mullins, below, is from Cornelius Carroll. Domingo e Feriados das 09:15 s 13:45, Praa Japo, n 30 - Porto Alegre- RS
In 1788, Henry Mullins sold the first parcel of land he had bought and many years later, after Henry had moved to Kentucky, Rowland Judd, Jr. witnessed to the fact that it had been sold at that time (Wilkes County Deed Book F-1, No. MIDLOTHIAN, March 15 Frances Seay Thurman, 72, of Midlothian, died at her home on Tuesday, March 8, 2011, after a short but well fought battle with cancer. 1843 in Kentucky. 910, 1297, 614, 1296, 1677, 1678). Records, 1848-1910 (microform), St. James Northam Parish (Goochland County, Va.). [Wills from Goochland Deed Book 5 1745-1749 by Benjamin B. Weisinger III, p. 66 Inventory of Joseph Ballenger by Court Order, March 1744. Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment. Lucy A. Miller was born in March, 1862 in Kentucky to John and Susie Seay Miller. Genealogy is more than just names and dates. At the column right of this text, click Family Records and Documents to see the notes of Helen Mullins Walker, regarding Parkies adoption by Dr. Smith, Rachel Elizabeth's third husband. Descendants live in Arkansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Kansas and else- where. They are both buried in the family plot in Marble City Cemeter, Marble City, Oklahoma.
The land is located "on the waters of Crooked Creek and the White Oak Branch," in Rock Castle County, Kentucky, next to 50 acres owned by Champ Mullins. WebApr 1736 Manakin, Goochland, Virginia, USA d. 15 Oct 1801 Manakin, Goochland, Virginia, USA: JEM Genealogy JEM Genealogy Ornes Moore Motley Echols Edwards Fackler Parsons Reynolds Smith Brown Bruce Munger Beer Kern Viele Nims Baker Bondurant Von Krogh Magnus Munthe and others: John Marshall Maxey, b. Mary Carter1777-04-01 Henry Co VA 5.
Our hours are Wednesday through Friday, 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. and the second Saturday of each month from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. We can be reached at 804-556-3966 or by email at Inquiries should provide as much detail as possible regarding names, dates, places, and should indicate what sources you have already examined. Nancy A. Carter1790-02-22 Warren Co GA 12. WebResearch genealogy for Henry Satterwhite Johnson of Hylas, Dover District, Goochland County, Virginia, USA, as well as other members of the Johnson family, on Ancestry. [This land is located near the present-day intersection of Route 220 and State Route 57 between Bassett and Collinsville, Virginia. John Carter, an elder brother of Baynes, served in this conflict as well. James River and Kanawha Canal (surveyed by The link is in the right column of this page. Campbell, . Josiah Carters grist mill was still standing there as of ! goochland county, virginia genealogy. James Carter1792-04-03 Wilkes Co GA 14. In 1908, Terry Dow Mullins and Lucinda "Lucy" Miller moved to Oklahoma. ], Jan 2023: PAYNE burials in Grace Episcopal Cemetery. Proporcionando conforto, integrao e bem-estar para voc e sua famlia. Children: 7. Pennsylvania,
1860; married (3) Louisa Warren ca. Sub Topic: was he born 1735 or 1745?The answer seems to lie in the cited brother Baynes in Georgia. Eddie Benjamin Mullins10, (Chester9, Mitchell8, Terry Dow7, William Dow6, Lorenzo Dow5, Terry4, Henry3, Richard2, Matthew1) born January 5, 1948, Sallisaw, Oklahoma; married Peggy Jean Roberts, 1973. In the name of God Amen, February 14th, 1760: To my Dear beloved son Baynes Carter the land I now live on containing 225 acres with my house and plantation also one middle sized Rone mare with a white spot in her face. Children: I wish to acknowledge here the contribution to the information on this page made by the genealogists I have noted in the text above and Charles S. Owens and will cite here the sources which he provided for his information: 1 Rockcastle County, KY, Cemetery Records, Bonham & Hiatt, page 67. Ballard Mullins6, born March, 1862, Kentucky into the York present-day intersection Route. Richard2, Matthew1 ) born 1847 ; married Earl T. 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