henry survival rifle australia
jack gee, jr Uncategorized. Bs. The modernized Henry AR-7 has a lot to offer in terms of a survival rifle. Henry AR-7 in Viper Western Camo. henry survival rifle australia. While the rifle isnt the prettiest or most practical thing Ive ever shot, it seems that most of these complaints about the rifle are either old news or just the result of bad luck. The Henry Arms U.S. If the time comes and you need it in a true emergency or survival situation then you need to be 100% confident it will not fail you. I also remember when the AR-7 had a retail price of $75.00 NIB in the late 1970s or 1980s or there about. I have one in a go bag and the other in my plane. It worked just fine with standard velocity ammunition, which just adds to the versatility. Again So, you must give it a pass on some things you wouldnt on other guns. Hi - I'm Tom, the owner and founder of TheSurvivalSpirit.com! Craigs Gun Channel. Survival AR-7 True Timber Kanati, Henry owners have my personal guarantee to make certain that they are 100% satisfied with their purchase of our rifles. Brand New. Argentina Full Metal S.A. Gran Canaria 25- (1878) Quilmes-Pcia. Survival AR-7 Black U.S. Important: If mailing to street address, use complete street names. We already have an account registered for email address No personal data is ever sent to us. Interestingly, the charging handle can be pushed into the bolt when the receiver is stored in the stock. 59 East 1st StreetBayonne, NJ 07002Tele: 844-451-1899, The Henry Original Gun Case for H011 Series Rifles, Read the review of the Survival Kit on Ultimate Survival Gear, Size: Appx 7.3" x 4.6" x 2.3" (including clasps). 12.8K subscribers. I do need some info on cleaning the receiver. So be aware of that if you buy and use it. The modernized Henry AR-7 has a lot to offer in terms of a survival rifle. I did add an inexpensive red dot 1 : 1 scope. Webprofessional email advocating for a change at work. WebHenry 44M Big Boy L/Action 10Shot American Walnut Octag HEN006 Henry 357M Big Boy L/Action 10 Shot American Walnut Octag HEN006M Henry 30-30 Steel Round Barrel HEN009 Henry 30-30 Brass Octagon Barrel HEN009B Henry Lever Action 45-70 Steel Round Barrel 4 Shot American Walnut HEN010 Henry Long Ranger Lever Action 223 Wrzeciono 41, 01-963 Warsaw Tel:+48 502 020 510 Email:[emailprotected], BW Arms spol sro Malleho 13 Skalica Slovakia 909 01 Tel: +421 034 664 4192 Email:[emailprotected], ZIMBI 1A, Persequor Close 49 De Havilland Crescent Presequor Technopark 0020, Pretoria South Africa Tel: 012 349 1662 Fax: 012 349 2017 Email: l[emailprotected] Web: zimbi.co.za Office Hours : Monday to Friday 08:30 to 17:00. I may earn a small part of the sale from links to any products or services on this site. Check here for the Henry importer in your country. Much Better. The 10/22 TakeDown may cost more than he AR-7 but it doesn't take up that much more space but does have more space for a few more small items and spare magazines. Hey presto you now have a survival rifle to use. I even made my own stock (shhh) out of hydraulic brake line! Specifically designed for reliable service in tough, rugged environments, the Henry US Survival AR-7 Semi-Auto Rimfire Rifle has been carried by bush pilots and backpackers for decades. Survival Rifle is a minimalist platform that works. And now I hope to answer some of yours! For what it is, this little rifle places the rounds very accurately. The magazines appear to be reasonably robust. All Content Copyright 2023 - Outdoor Sporting Agencies, Henry 44M Big Boy L/Action 10Shot American Walnut Octag, Henry 357M Big Boy L/Action 10 Shot American Walnut Octag, Henry Lever Action 45-70 Steel Round Barrel 4 Shot American Walnut, Henry.22lr Lever Action 15 Shot with American Walnut Stock, Henry 22M Lever Action 11 Shot American Walnut Stock, Henry 22lr Lever Action 15 Shot American Walnut Oct Barrel, Henry 22M Lever Action 11 Shot American Walnut Oct Barrel, Henry.22lr Carbine Large Loop Lever Action 12 Shot with American Walnut Stock, Henry 22lr Lever Action 12 Shot Youth Model, Henry 22lr Golden Boy Lever Action 16 Sho American Walnut, Henry 22m Golden Boy Lever Action 12 Shot American Walnut, Henry 22lr Pump Action 15 Shot American Walnut Oct Barrel, Henry 22M Pump Action 11 ShotAmerican Walnut Oct Barrel, Henry Cantilever Scope Mount Rail to suit Big Boy, Henry Cantilever Scope Mount Rail to suit Golden Boy, Lock-N-Load Bullet Comparator Kits & Inserts. If yes, then Henry has probably made the most well know gun there is but is the Henry Survival Rifle any good? and a much better grip surface than just the plain barrel or the receiver. Learn the 3 most popular shooting stances & more. Inside you will find one of the most complete, and high quality compact survival kits made. Specifically designed for reliable service in tough, rugged environments, the Henry US Survival AR-7 Semi-Auto Rimfire Rifle has been carried by bush pilots and backpackers for decades. TheSurvivalSpirit.com is run by survival enthusiast, Tom Bell! This particular rifle will not be going back to the factory, it will remain with me. You can with the 3/8-inch Weaver rail on the receiver. However, depending on where you live in the world will depend on what type of hunting you will be able to do. Another thing is the fore-stock that keeps ones hands/fingers safe from the heat of the barrel. The Henry U.S. Check here for the Henry importer in your country. Wrzeciono 41, 01-963 Warsaw Tel:+48 502 020 510 Email:[emailprotected]SlovakiaBW Arms spol sro Malleho 13 Skalica Slovakia 909 01 Tel: +421 034 664 4192 Email:[emailprotected]South AfricaZIMBI 1A, Persequor Close 49 De Havilland Crescent Presequor Technopark 0020, Pretoria South Africa Tel: 012 349 1662 Fax: 012 349 2017 Email: l[emailprotected] Web: zimbi.co.za Office Hours : Monday to Friday 08:30 to 17:00. We A fun day at the range or a last-ditch survival weapon if you bail out of a plane. WebHenry AR 7 Survival Rifle. Good quality items need not always be expensive.BUT they must work for you and be ready to save Your Life or others Lives. I fired the AR7 as fast as I could with 6 magazines containing mini mags. It has worked perfectly each and everytime. Specifically designed for reliable service in tough, rugged environments, the Henry US Survival AR-7 Semi-Auto Rimfire Rifle has been carried by bush pilots and backpackers for decades. Its a purpose-driven rifle and youll be able to hunt small game with it if needed. Happy shopping, and hopefully you will never truly need to use a survival gun. You line up the receiver screw with the stock and tighten with the plastic knob. It is only to provide you with normal web site functionality. Survival AR-7 . WebHenry Repeating Survival Kit HSK001 $ 125.95 Quantity Add to Cart The Henry Arms U.S. I love it. Copyright 1995-2023 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. Aside from that, you insert a loaded magazine, pull back on the charging handle, and the rifle is ready to fire. And the .22 is much quieter than many other rounds, which may help you if youre trying to be somewhat discreet. The AR-7 was derived from the AR-5. The one thing that surprised me was the thickness of the buttstock. As. 427 product ratings. Brand New. All models are equipped with an adjustable rear sight and a blade front sight. WebGun Smithing Tools; Holsters; Knives; Literature and DVD's; Lucky 13 Accessories; Magazines & New Gun Parts; Muzzle Brake; Pig Dog Accessories; Recoil Pads; March 26, 2023; employee retention credit calculation spreadsheet 2021; virginia country club fireworks; can you burn frangipani wood; dr judy markowitz Home. I agree that quality is a good thing, it seems the AR7 has been brought up from so-so to a great little compact unit that weighs very little and can be now called a good 100yd SURVIVAL 22. Inside you will find one of the most complete, and high quality compact survival kits made. N37 AX04 Tel:+353 (0)90 6486422 UK: 0208 1234226 Email: [emailprotected]ItalyORIGIN STB srl Via Grigioni, 13-47122 Forli (FC) Italy Tel: +39 0543.798928 Fax: +39 0543.1713267 Email:[emailprotected]KuwaitAl-Hadaf Co Fire Station Street Farwaniya Tel: +965 247-45489 Fax: +965 247-61833MaltaDANKA Import Export 548, St. Joseph High Road St. Venera SVR 1018 Tel: +356 2123 3649 Email:[emailprotected]NetherlandsTechnical Results Kwikstraat 3-13 8211 AM Lelystad Tel: +31 321 763 825 Email: [emailprotected]New CaledoniaOmnium Caledonien Importation 4, rue El Kantara BP 2248 98846 NOUMEA Tel 687 254204 Fax 687 254204 [emailprotected]New ZealandGun City 484 Cranford Street Christchurch 80510 Tel: +64 3 379-8543 Email:[emailprotected]JPB Furley & Co. P O Box 25-849 St Heliers Auckland, 1740 Tel: +64 9 574 6120 Email:[emailprotected]NorwayJakt & Friluft Bryggerivein 4 4848 Arendal Tel: +47 37 06 07 00PolandMagazyn Uzbrojenia ul. and highly portable. Tel: (54) 11 4251-4444/5555/6666 Email: info@fullmetal.com.ar Australia No, its not our first choice as, say, an elk round. Many kits that "claim" to be survival kits include low quality items which should not be trusted to function when they have to. New Yorker Magazine Journalism Survival Germany's Far Right LBJ Archives 2019, FIELD & STREAM MAGAZINE 1902-1922 91 Choice Issue Collection USB, Survival and Rescue (Venture Guide) By Terence Henry Charles Bro, 1956 True The Mans Magazine Hunting Yearbook Browning Ruger Marlin Henry Rifle, Vintage Field & Stream February 1930 Duck Hunting Fishing Camping Sporting B, Vintage Field & Stream March 1929 Hunting Sail Marlin Fishing Lynn Bogue Hunt, Field & Stream January 1943 Sporting Hunting Fishing Canadian Goose Cover, Vintage Field & Stream May 1953 Hunting Trout Fishing Camping Sporting, Vintage Field & Stream July 1935 Hunting Salmon Fishing Reginald Bolles Cover, Vintage Field & Stream April 1948 Hunting Camping Cooking Fishing Walter Dower, Vintage Field & Stream September 1946 Hunting Fishing Camping Sporting, HENRY US SURVIVAL & MARLIN 60 & 702 ..ASSEMBLY & EXPLODED VIEW/LEGEND (994CC), October 2000 American Rifleman Magazine Ruger's Deerfield Carbine Henry Rifle, FIELD AND STREAM MAGAZINE 183 Classic Issue Collection On USB, Menacing Skies Texas Weather And Stories Of Survival YD Henry English Paperback, Vintage Field & Stream March 1956 Hunting Trout Fly Fishing Camping Sporting, Field & Stream September 1945 Fishing Hunting Sporting Merizon Dog Cover B, Vintage Field & Stream March 1967 Hunting Rainbow Trout Kids Fishing Camping, Vintage Field & Stream March 1936 Hunting Surf Fishing Lynn Bogue Hunt Cover, Field & Stream March 1943 Hunting Fishing Carl Burger Hunting Dog Cover B, FIELD AND STREAM MAGAZINE 183 Select Issue Collection On USB, Field & Stream July 1942 Sporting Hunting Fishing American Flag Cover B, Field & Stream November 1945 Fishing Hunting Lynn Bogue Hunt Pheaseant Cover, Field & Stream April 1943 Hunting Fishing Karl Fly FIshing Rainbow Trout Cover, GUNS & AMMO Magazine May 1982 The Legendary HENRY RIFLE, Winchester Collector Magazine Fall 2017 Asheville Henry Repeating Rifle, Field & Stream April 1946 Hunting Sporting Art Fuller FLy Fishing Trout Cover, GENERAL PERSHING 1918 ORIGINAL PHOTO WWI VINTAGE, Discover Magazine December 2011 How to Survive the End of the Universe, SDC Conflict Mag #7 "Forts Henry & Donelson, Rifle-Musket, Khalkhin-Gol Va VG, HARLEM FATHER DIVINE 1937 ORIGINAL AFRICAN AMERICAN WIFE VINTAGE PHOTO, Vintage Field & Stream July 1956 Hunting Off Shore Fishing Camping Sporting, Vintage Field & Stream Magazine December 1965 Hunting Fishing Sporting, Vintage Field & Stream December 1964 Buck Deer Hunting Fishing Snow, Field & Stream February 1958 Fishing Hunting Boating Bass Outbord Motor Cover, Vintage Field & Stream April 1939 Hunting Trout Fishing Sporting Art Fuller, Vintage Field & Stream August 1964 Sheep Ram Hunting Fishing Camping Mountians, 1956 ORIGINAL GAMAL ABDEL NASSER PHOTO CAIRO JORDAN AL-AZHAR MOSQUE SHEIKH, WWI SERBIA FRENCH MONASTIR PHOTO VINTAGE GOULASH ALLIED SOLDIERS 1918 ORIGINAL, Vintage Field & Stream September1965 Upland Quail Dove Hunting Fishing Pheasant, Field & Stream July 1956 Fly Fishing Sporting Hunting Boating Cover, Field & Stream November 1956 Fishing Sporting Hunting Lion Buck Deer Cover, GUNS & AMMO July 1966Lones Wigger World Shooting Championships Henry Rifle, Field & Stream July 1949 Fishing Hunting Burger Bald Eagle Fishing Cover, Field & Stream August 1966 Fly Fishing Sporting Hunting Bear Stream Cover, Field & Stream June 1945 Hunting Camping Sporting Art Smith Fishing Cover, Field & Stream August 1944 Hunting Fishing Fuller Boating Cover, RYAN FIREBEE DRONES OFFICIAL ISRAEL AIR FORCE ANNOUNCEMENT MAGAZINE DEC. 1974, Vintage Field & Stream July 1963 Hunting Rainbow Trout Fishing Camping, Field & Stream August 1956 Fishing Sporting Hunting Lion Africa Cover, Vintage Field & Stream Magazine March 1966 B Hunting Fishing Sporting, Field & Stream May 1946 Hunting SPorting Flling Fly Fishing Rainbow Trout Cover, Vintage Field & Stream June 1931 Hunting Bass Fishing Tackle Camping Sporting, Field & Stream July 1943 Hunting Sporting Fishing Gilette Navy Fisherman Cover B, Field & Stream November 1942 Sporting Fishing Pheseant Hunting Cover, Vintage Field & Stream November 1947 Hunting Fishing Camping Sporting, Vintage Field & Stream December 1960 Hunting Fishing Camping Sporting, WORLD WAR FRANCE 1918 ORIGINAL WWI FRENCH ENGINEEERS PHOTO VINTAGE ENEMY QUARRY, 1937 ORIGINAL AFRICAN AMERICAN HARLEM FATHER DIVINE WIFE VINTAGE PHOTO, Leave feedback about your eBay search experience - opens in new window or tab. $ 1,043.00. Bs. Henry Big Boy All-Weather Side Gate Lever Action Centerfire Rifle. And stowed in your backpack, no one would ever have a clue that you were carrying a rifle. $49.89. WebThe Henry U.S. Another cool feature to add would be for the rear end cap to be held more securely in place. When things go wrong in the wilderness, you have one priority; Survive! That is why I own a Henry Survival Rifle, because I know if and when I need it then it will do what is needed of it. 2.9M views 7 years ago. Henry Big Boy All-Weather Side Gate Lever Action Centerfire Rifle. Conclusion. Argentina Full Metal S.A. Gran Canaria 25- (1878) Quilmes-Pcia. Survival AR-7 is available in three finishes; Black, True Timber Kanati Camo Pattern, and True Timber Viper Western Camo Pattern. I took my newly acquired Henry AR-7 to a local pond and strung the rifle up and attempted to toss it into the pond. Its just a piece of metal with two holes that can be raised or lowered by loosening a screw. It is light, compact, reliable, allows Sights: Fixed Front / Adjustable Rear Semi automatic 8 round magazine ABS plastic stock Teflon coated receiver and coated steel barrel WHY CUSTOMERS CHOSE THIS ITEM Personally, if I were backpacking into an area where I might not want to visibly carry a rifle, but yet wanted to have a rifle along with me, the AR-7 would be just about perfect. See each listing for international shipping options and costs. Hi, I'm Eric Hung and I got into guns when I was around 25 and started with YouTube videos, scouring forums, and eventually taking a bunch of classes. +. Ill cover how this purpose-built little rifle might be your next gun for backpacking and general prepping.
One thing to note is that theres no land round bolt hold open. Share Tweet. At 50 yards, it grouped just over 2 inches. I own 2 of these Henry 22 rifles. Mags go in like mags doand the mag release is on the left side. The survival take down rifle developed for USAF Pilots was called an AR-5. Let us know what topics you would be interested: 204 Removing Intimidation with Sidewinder Concepts. Thank you for keeping American tradition, values and craftsmanship alive and well for my son to pass on to future generations! All in all, it feels pretty solid but lets get some rounds through it! The basic concept is simple. You can also handload individual rounds into the chamber if youre using really soft stuff (or forget to bring your mag). Take down and reassemble. Pretty nice and a good basis for your own survival kit. jack gee, jr Uncategorized. Tel: (54) 11 4251-4444/5555/6666 Email: info@fullmetal.com.ar Australia Built to save lives, the Henry Arms U.S. You can tape or add some Saran wrap before covering to give it an extra edge. Survival AR-7 rifle is a modern take on the historic AR-7 developed by ArmaLite in the 1950s for the American Air Force. You can find out more about which cookies we are using or switch them off in settings. Remember your personal preference is the ultimate factor in what goes into YOUR Kit/Bag. WebHenry American Beauty Lever Action Rimfire Rifle 22 Long Rifle 20 Barrel Blued and Walnut. Rest assured, it is incredibly easy and simple! You can have this rifle in any caliber that you desire, as long as that caliber is .22 LR. I've found that my Armalite AR-7 has been very reliable and the accuracy is good enough for putting small game in the pot. Weve got a dedicated section for the AR-15 here. There are scope rings and you can try to make it waterproof. Henry Repeating Arms U.S. I use ONLY CCI mini mag or Velocitor. You can find out more about which cookies we are using or switch them off in settings. These cookies collect information that can help us understand how our websites are being used. 12.8K subscribers. We are happy to help. The 10/22 Takedown has many other items that were never developed for the AR-7 besides the larger capacity magazines mentioned above that can be easily stored in the case that the rifle comes with,. Far more likely a scenario would be the harvesting of game at closer ranges, and the AR-7 would be just fine for that. Henry Repeating Rifles got the design and production rights in 1980 and fixed it up a bit (more details coming up). I went ahead and ordered two spares right away (two come standard with the rifle) from Henry. The Henry Survival Pack that you can grab with it. 1.1K views 9 months ago. In these situations, reliability is probably the most important thing. If you use quality ammo, look after, and maintain your gun correctly, and then if it fails, you could then think about blaming the manufacturer. I have to be honest, I was seriously excited to receive this rifle, which made unboxing it much fun. Do you want to be able to shoot game at 40 yards, do you want to give a bear something to think about, do you want to stop a zombie running at you and eating your brains then this gun is more than accurate enough. Important: If mailing to street address, use complete street names, U.S. For 25 years, he was a professional instructor, teaching topics including Defensive Tactics, Riot Control and Tactical Operations, Immediate Responder, and cognitive programs as an adjunct instructor at the DOC Training Academy. Aside from that, a semi-auto rifle with an eight-round capacity isnt the worst thing in the world for self-defense, either. And with that, I will add a word here about Henrys customer service: they are simply great folks who are a serious pleasure to deal with, as theyre very responsive and helpful. Type your new password and hit button below to confirm it. AGAIN, I cannot stress this enough Thanks! ways to improve work performance reference question; voisey's bay camp accommodations; dave tango wedding It has adequate accuracy and high reliability if given the proper ammo. 7.24M subscribers. Happily, I can report a wonderful range session. Like the original Henry U.S. What makes this gun a big hit in the survival and prepper communities is that its clever storage design. All models are equipped with an adjustable rear sight and a blade front sight. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Henry rifles and shotguns can be purchased all around the world. I see this compact rifle as being the perfect addition to my Get Home bag that I like to carry in my car. This information is not shared with 3rd parties beyond our marketing efforts. As a survival rifle, I think it is hard to beat, and it is the best survival rifle I have tried, and it is the survival gun that I have packed into my bug out bag. When you put the buttstock lid back on, if you see orange then you do not have a complete seal. Millennium Ltda RUT: 77.261.030-0 Paseo Bulnes 193 Santiago 833-0336 Tel: +56 2-698 6364, Kerberos Trade Ltd Lidicka 1,742 83 Klimkovice 708 00 Tel: +420 556 403 339 Tel #2: +420 603 454 397 Email:[emailprotected] Web:kerberostrade.cz, Guntex A/S Jaegervej 7 DK-6900 Skjern Tel: +45 96 80 20 02, Viking Arms Summerbridge Harrogate N Yorkshire HG3 4BW Tel: +44 01423 780810 Email: [emailprotected], Asetalo Oy Keskustie 5 PL 32 Virrat 34801 Tel: +358 3475 5371 Email:[emailprotected], Humbert 45 Avenue Paccard Veauche 42340 Tel: +33 477 5277 Email:[emailprotected], Waimex Jagd-Und Sportwaffen GmbH Benno-Strauss-Strasse 41 Fuerth 90763 Tel: + 49 911-376632-20 Fax +49 911-376632-33 Web: www.waimex.com, Camuflaje 24 Avenida 42-10 Zona 12 Interior 1-C Plaza Comercial Tzul Email:[emailprotected] Web:camuflaje.com.gt, Vesturrost Laugavegur 178 105-Reykjavik Tel: +354 551 6770 & 581 4455 Fax: +354 581 3751 Email: [emailprotected] Web: www.vesturrost.is, Wild Hunter Unit 6, Blyry Court Blyry Industrial Estate Athlone, Co.Westmeath Ireland. hickok45. This an awesome rifle. WebHenry 44M Big Boy L/Action 10Shot American Walnut Octag HEN006 Henry 357M Big Boy L/Action 10 Shot American Walnut Octag HEN006M Henry 30-30 Steel Round Barrel HEN009 Henry 30-30 Brass Octagon Barrel HEN009B Henry Lever Action 45-70 Steel Round Barrel 4 Shot American Walnut HEN010 Henry Long Ranger Lever Action 223 In a few seconds, without any tools, the Henry U.S. You want a firearm that is accurate, is quick to load and aim, is powerful enough to stop various sized attackers, and dont underestimate an intimidating sound. For a moment, lets set aside the aspect of this rifle breaking down into its own stock. We Henry AR-7 The Go Anywhere Survival Rifle. The sort of rifle that they could have with them and yet hope to never have a need for. His ability and confidence progressed remarkably as he was given more freedom and responsibility, and he now works in gun sales at our local Turners Outdoorsman store while attending college. And finallysafety is on the right side with an easy lever. Although previous versions of the rifle were mostly featureless, Henrys modernized version has a few extras like the inclusion of a full Teflon coating on the outer surface of the rifles receiver and barrel making it virtually rustproof I inadvertently was able to test this when the receiver took a long swim in that pond mentioned above. How much for ONE spare 8 round magazine for the AR-7? covered forearm not needed. Lets face it, the .22 is a compromise caliber in a few areas (mostly in the power category), but it does a lot of things well enough to get you by, and thats exactly what this rifle is intended to do; get you by until you are back home. Sure, its not optimal, but it absolutely beats nothing. A few hundred rounds of .22LR went down the pipe with accuracy, low noise, and little recoil. Im happy to report that this is not one of them. His total service time was close to 29 years. anything extra and your I tested the trigger to be right at around 3.75 lbs which is more than good enough for some survival hunting applications. A great rifle to backpack and will hold three mags for a total of 24 rnds. Now that would be a nice chambering today. Saturdays 08:00 to 13:00SwedenVildsvinsbutiken Vanasvagen 2 SE-286 72 Asljunga Tel: +46 435 46 05 30 Email: [emailprotected] Web: www.vildsvin.se SwitzerlandCBR Trading AG Riedstrasse 8 CH-4222 Zwingen Tel: +061 723 20 00 Email: [emailprotected] ThailandErawan Firearms Ltd 2/9 2/10 Burapha Road Wangburaphirom Phranakhorn Bangkok 10200 Tel: +66 225 8394 Email:[emailprotected]UkraineSTVOL 3, 1st Aerodromnyi Lane Odessa, 65111 Tel: +380 482 39 00 93 Email:[emailprotected]UruguayPINOR SA Rio Branco 1374 Montevideo 11.100 Tel: +598 2 902 8150 Fax: +598 2 902 0906ZambiaKanele Enterprises Lusaka Tel: +260 128 6961 Email:[emailprotected], Full Metal S.A. 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