how much is the terry scholarship
And so you - in the modern times, you imagine scenarios where it could happen. And as it turns out, in 2010, there is a survey of Christians in America, and 47% thought that Jesus either certainly or was likely to come back in 40 years. And I think the thing is that most people understand where action-horror films are going, but most people have real trouble figuring out Revelation. There are three different types of financial aid: Grants are gifts of money that you do not need to repay. The Terry Foundation selects the scholarship recipients from among the candidates who are recommended And this would this would create a - in response, there'd be a coalition of Arab nations that would come together to attack Israel. for admission will be reviewed to determine if certain criteria are met. No, you're going to be taken out of the world. What are the requirements to maintain the scholarship? Show a strong record of leadership in school and community, Show financial need as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid Like, the language in Revelation is colorful. Israel was destroyed in the second century C.E., and it hadn't been a nation. So John Hagee, I mean, this fellow who did the benediction, he's a very strong supporter of Israel. But John is not unusual in the ancient world. And so that's why 6 million Jews got slaughtered is so that Israel could be founded again in 1948, because that would fulfill prophecy. have a record of leadership in school and community, and live on-campus in designated Terry Scholar, Required to submit two letters of recommendation and a high school transcript*. You will need completed federal tax information to complete the FASFA (FREE Application for Federal Student Aid), but that does NOT have to be done prior to applying. scholarships and financial aid awarded are less than the estimated cost of attendance, Established in 1986 by Houston philanthropists Howard & Nancy Terry, the And while - when he's there, he sees the vision of God. EHRMAN: Oh, it's my pleasure. And so this was a book that explained Revelation. It turns out that there is one who can. Terry Scholars are strongly encouraged to take advantage of the benefits that being a member of And I want to play an excerpt of his audiotape of sermons called "Jerusalem Countdown to Crisis.". What ends up happening is Christ receives the scroll from God, and he starts breaking the seals. aid are also considered. NPR transcripts are created on a rush deadline by an NPR contractor. Why do you think that - as you said, so few people actually read the Book of Revelation because it's so mystifying and complicated, and a lot of it doesn't make easy-to-understand sense. GROSS: So one of the things that Trump did when he was president back in 2018 was move the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. But let's build up the defense budget, and let's invade some more. And so I'll just say, you know, there are some wars that I think are completely justified. I think that the Book of Revelation is not really about God's justice. It was the capital in the Old Testament. Bill 1403/Senate Bill 1528? The Terry Scholars Program at UT Dallas offers multiple student programming opportunities such as academic, service, cultural, and social events, mentoring, as well as leadership opportunities. EHRMAN: Well, it does. As we start finals week, check out the hours of operation at your favorite campus eateries. -From the Terry Foundationwebsite. All Rights Reserved
Let's get back to my interview with Bart Ehrman, author of the new book "Armageddon: What The Bible Really Says About The End." Some institutional applications forwarded to the foundation for review. It is always a pleasure to talk with you. Or at least the, you know, the police would be - keep their eye on them for, you know, what kind of guns they're stockpiling. } else { You can combine financial aid with scholarships: awards of money that you do not need to repay. , () (CRM), . = null; Two essays, which are included on the Terry Scholarship application. Other Universities which are also affiliated with the Terry Scholarship God's going to destroy evil. EHRMAN: One of the issues I deal with in my book is the historical question of why it is that American evangelicals are so supportive of the state of Israel. And one of the people who not only spoke at the ceremony for the opening of the embassy in Jerusalem, he actually gave the benediction, was Pastor John Hagee, who is the founder of Christians United for Israel, which is the kind of Christian evangelical pro-Israel group for all the reasons that you just mentioned. Copyright 2023 NPR. Scholarships are usually based on your academic or personal November 30 - FAFSA must be on file at TTU; Complete the FAFSA at beginning October Sixteen doctoral students at The University of Texas at El Paso were awarded a prestigious scholarship from Consejo nacional de ciencias y tecnologa (CONACYT), or the Mexican National Council of Science and Technology, an agency that supports Mexican citizens pursuing graduate studies abroad. The Terry Foundation provides a scholarship at 65% of the cost of attendance for Texas resident students attending Texas Tech University and several other Universities in the state of Texas. The Georgia 1752 Club. And so he's actually participating in a fairly broad movement. And, you know, he also, at one point, indicated that the reason for the Holocaust is that it was God's plan. GROSS: How are you seeing that expressed? Webhow much is the terry scholarship.
Comply with UT Dallas Code of Conduct and Terry Foundation Scholar Handbook requirements. , , , , -SIT . . WebThe Actuarial Foundation Scholarships. Did you apply for this scholarship? //, Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), 2023 Texas Tech University. What are the criteria for the Terry Scholarship? will be considered when determining the Terry scholarship stipend). The
One of the things about the Book of Revelation is that there are so many references in pop culture that come out of it. They blow their trumpets. Accuracy and availability may vary. I recentlly interviewed for the Terry Foundation this past week. Christy MontecilloTerry Scholarship Campus CoordinatorSenior Director - Student, // I thought Jesus is coming back before the end of the 1980s, and this is all going to happen. The Terry Foundation Scholarship program provides scholarships for up to eight (8) semesters to outstanding Finally, God intervenes and there's a big battle between Christ and his opponent on Earth, a figure called the beast, at the battle of Armageddon. Those selected to move forward for an interview will be contacted by the Terry Foundation. That got me an interview, but the interview is very important. EHRMAN: Yeah. We cut down on helping those who are desperately in need. What if I decide to transfer to another university? To determine if you might be eligible to apply for and/or receive the Terry Scholarship, That's - and that's what Jesus did. He goes up - he's transported up to heaven. The UTSA Terry Scholars Program is a part of the Honors College. I want to start at UT Dallas in the spring semester. And then John goes on to describe them. Current Terry Scholars are also active participants in the Honors College at Texas State, as well as the Terry Scholars Student Organization. The Institutes CPCU Scholarship. The opportunity is awarded based on financial need, and Career Services can then help you find a specific work-study position. Maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 2.5 and a GPA of at least 2.0 each semester. And Revelation has had very long tentacles. Eligibility Criteria I think that's probably right. Scholarship Value: $28,000 Application Deadline: February 1st Who Can Apply: Students graduating high school, finished high school, or completing their first year of CGEP Since that time, more than 300 students have attended UT Dallas on the scholarship. You will be notified before May 1. Some awards are automatic, while many require an application WebPhone: 210-458-8679. GROSS: Let's take a short break here, and then we'll talk some more. Do you want to just read that passage for us? And he's saying, this is the most thrilling prophetic message you've ever heard in your life. The specific amount of the Terry Scholarship varies for each scholar, depending on other scholarship awards and financial aid received. WebThe Terry Scholarship for incoming freshmen provides four-year scholarships for Texas residents. the Honors College affords. this.classList.toggle("active"); The University of Texas at El Paso
The main thing that has to happen is that there's a figure named the lawless one. WebAs a Brian Terry Foundation scholarship recipient, students will receive financial assistance with the costs and expenses associated with attending college. Other scholarships or aid and family household contribution are considered when determining the Terry scholarship stipend.
And most of these unjustified wars, in my experience, have been supported by people who call themselves Christian who want to take over the world in one way or another. Click on Orion Student Center under My Menu and Orion Self-Service (Student) in the middle what do I need to submit?
WebHome Terry Scholars Terry Scholars The Terry Foundations mission is to develop future leaders of Texas through access to education. a valid e-mail address are required by the Terry Foundation. Do I need to submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid? As of today, the Terry Foundation has awarded over $171 Million in scholarships to over 4,000 students across Since then, the total number of Terry Scholars supported at our institution has grown to over 300 students with over $19 million awarded in scholarships since inception. And I think a lot of people didn't like that in the ancient world, either.
complete an annual Self Evaluation Letter in June. And the scenarios today are very different from what John had in mind. And I don't mean to be flip about it, but this is the kind of paranoid, detailed story that some people come up with who are really seriously troubled. But one of the realities is that it's a very badly written book. Author Traces Christianity's Path From 'Forbidden Religion' To A 'Triumph'. . Thank you very much. will be contacted via email and directed to submit additional documentation (2 essays, WebThe Terry Foundation, based in Houston, Texas, is the largest provider of private scholarships in the state of Texas, awarding funding to over 5800 scholars state-wide. You'd prefer somebody to think that, you know, we'd - you know, it's not going to happen. The Terry Foundation in partnership with The University of Texas at El Paso will be awarding full ride scholarships to outstanding, Texas WebHey sorry if this is a little too late but I was a 2016 traditional Terry Scholar at UTSA. GROSS: OK. Well, let me reintroduce you again. And all of that's right. Like, I saw the Ingmar Bergman classic film "The Seventh Seal" back in college. And so people naturally think about end-of-the-world things and it turns their head to Revelation. In addition to the academic continuing scholarship requirements and the three required I think America has been in wars that are not justified.
And the Christians then have a city of gold and, you know, gates of pearl and eternal life living in fantastic wealth. You just - it is tied to this apocalyptic vision. Am I eligible for this scholarship if I am not from Texas? And it's about it because he found it so disturbing. I'm Terry Gross. , . His disciples left their homes and their families and their jobs. It has exploited all the provinces of the empire. And so, of course, the embassy should be in Jerusalem. And he will declare himself God. And, you know, you could argue that it was bothersome back then, too, because a lot of this imagery is really very, very not just violent, but sometimes gratuitously violent and attributing this kind of horrible violence to God and to Christ. And in antiquity, it was a common genre among Jews and Christians. if ({ You know, he's responsible for preserving our national resources as the secretary of interior. Terry Scholarship). Terry Scholars are selected from a highly competitive applicant pool of incoming freshmen who demonstrate And the thing about these seals is that nobody can break them. The Romans have it, and, you know, we should have it. If so, when are the interviews held? They are awarded based on financial need. And then Christ would come at the last minute before we wiped ourselves off the face of the planet. WebThe interview will focus on your goals, your academic achievements, your demonstrated leadership, and your level of financial need. The Terry Foundation in partnership with The University of Texas at El Paso will be awarding full ride scholarships to outstanding, Texas High School graduates who show promise for being future leaders in the state. Justinther00m March 20, 2018, 10:40pm Honors College GSR 1.204D. And he replied that, yes, it is important for us to preserve our resources for future generations. Current (continuing) and incoming transfer Texas Tech University } It started with God. Do I have to be invited in order to apply? And so starting with Menachem Begin, but especially - I mean, Netanyahu in the 1980s was going to evangelical prayer breakfasts and making common cause with evangelicals, saying, you know, we are fulfilling scripture now, you know? Admissions applications will be reviewed to find candidates for the Terry Scholarship. GROSS: So we've been talking about John Hagee, the Christian Zionist who founded CUFI, the acronym for Christians United for Israel. The nuclear bombs would start dropping. And so if you've got Christians in America who say - you know, half of them don't think, you know, we're going to be around after 40 years, that certainly changes your attitude toward environmental concerns and climate change. Or, if you prefer, simply download a copy of the donation form below and mail it, along with a check, to: Terry Paulson Scholarship Fund c/o TAPPI P.O. His book interprets the Book of Revelation from a historical perspective and writes about what he finds very disturbing about the image of God in the book and how inconsistent it is with the Gospel's stories about Jesus. (FAFSA), Show strong academic abilities, as evidenced by grades, class rank, and ACT or SAT And he wrote a book - two weeks before he died, he published it, his last book. Throughout the Gospels, Jesus embraces a gospel of spirituality that is anti-materialistic. Apply to the Honors College here. You do not need to be invited to apply. Please contact us directly to discuss your financial eligibility. How will I know if I am selected as a potential scholarship recipient? . Box 933644 Atlanta GA 31193-3644 USA And so for Israel to take over the Temple Mount means they've got to wipe out these Islamic holy sites. But, you know, it didn't even occur to him at the time, apparently. There are seven seals. It's because evangelicals have long read biblical prophecies as - indicating that Israel has to be established and strong before Jesus can return. WebTo be eligible, applicants must: be legal US residents; have a 3.0 GPA; and, be a graduating high school senior in or currently attending or planning to attend college and seeking an The Terry Foundation is a Houston-based scholarship program founded to provide scholarships to outstanding To be eligible, applicants must: be legal US residents; have a 3.0 GPA; and, be a graduating high school senior in or currently attending or planning to attend college and seeking an undergraduate degree. The Hobbs Group. to submit the following items: To be considered for the Terry Scholars Program, students must: From the applications received, only a few candidates will be nominated and their This text may not be in its final form and may be updated or revised in the future. Other scholarships or aid and family household contribution are GROSS: So a question you ask at the end of your book is, which Jesus do you model yourself on, the Jesus who was anti-materialistic, who said, turn the other cheek, or the Jesus who participates in this incredible wrath and retribution, vengeance, violence, bloodshed, plagues, catastrophes, lakes of fire? GROSS: This is FRESH AIR. For more information or to apply, please visit the scholarship provider's website. Believers will rise to heaven to be with God. This is FRESH AIR.
Interviews are typically held in late March to early-April; interviewee expenses will WebI was a terry scholar 20 years ago. We have the issue of, you know, wanting a supporter in the Mideast. But it's still - it's the same basic idea. And so the support of Israel among evangelicals is driven by this eschatological concern that the temple has to be rebuilt or Jesus can't return. learn whether you were selected to receive the Terry Scholarship in an email from Or, if you prefer, simply download a copy of the donation form below and mail it, along with a check, to: Terry Paulson Scholarship Fund c/o TAPPI P.O.
Our endowment has increased to almost $600 million today, and we currently have 1707 Scholars pursuing four-year degrees at 13 public universities across the state of Texas. You know, they're - got to protect oil issue. And, you know, then China would see its chance. Jesus certainly thought that a destruction of the world was going to come, but he didn't think that God was going to be torturing people for five months without allowing them to die, as in the Book of Revelation. They may also take into account your intended major, your financial need and other factors. Evangelicals think that God promised all of the land of Israel to Israel, and so the Palestinian territories need to be taken over. The words are wrath, vengeance, revenge, blood, you know? He thinks Revelation's depiction of the end times and the wars, plagues, beasts, locusts and conflagrations that will torment those who have not accepted Jesus as their Messiah has created disastrous problems, including personal and psychological consequences. And so Christian Zionism, the idea that - Christians saying that Israel has to become a state again, that actually started before there was, you know, the Zionism we're all familiar with at the end of the 19th century and the early 20th century. Copyright 1998 - 2023
EHRMAN: It's hugely symbolic. Texas high school graduates who show promise for being future leaders of Texas. aid will be replaced by the Terry Scholarship. That's the side they take, rather than the loving, caring, merciful Jesus of the Gospels. var content = this.nextElementSibling; This is FRESH AIR. And Christ slays the beast and slays the armies and brings in a new kingdom on Earth, a new Jerusalem that descends from heaven, a city made of gold with gates of pearl. WebTerry Foundation Scholarship at UTEP. FAFSA required; 2.5 GPA required to renew; University Nominated; Externally selected; The Terry Foundation The common words in Revelation are not words like love or hope or justice or mercy. The University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) is welcoming nine incoming freshmen that will receive the Terry Scholarship this upcoming fall.
Do Not Sell My Personal Information. When the French Revolution hit, the reign of terror was just so incredibly violent that British theologians started thinking that this was a fulfillment of scripture, and they started talking about Revelation as a prediction of what was happening in their day, with the signs now being fulfilled about the end. The deal is that as - I try to explain in my book that throughout most of Christian history, to the surprise of readers today - throughout most of Christian history, people did not read Revelation as a prediction of what's going to happen in our future. If you are selected by the Texas Tech University as a potential Terry candidate, the And he writes his book about various visions that he has had that he indicates are predictions of what is soon to take place, he says. GROSS: Bart Ehrman's new book is called "Armageddon: What the Bible Really Says About the End." Do I need to file my federal income taxes for last year before I complete the application? First year scholars are required to live on campus. It has been happening for 10 years. }); Howard and Nancy Terry are long-time residents of Houston, where Mr. Terry has been I can't get a handle on it. The description of the end in Revelation reads like a horror film, with fantastical, monstrous beasts and giant, surreal insects, as well as plagues, wars, a lake of fire and torture. We'll be right back. It has accumulated huge amounts of wealth. interview with the Terry Foundation Scholarship Selection Committee. My initial congratulations was from the Terry Scholarship Director from Tech, and then i received a formal email from the Foundation with information on how to schedule my interview and other info. Can I interview for more than one school if I apply at more than one university?
WebTerry Scholars are challenged to achieve their highest potential in SCHOLARSHIP, LEADERSHIP, and SERVICE to their university, the State of Texas, and the world. of those around them."
And he believes absolutely that Jews are going to hell. Awardees receive tuition support, a monthly stipend and financial support for health insurance while they are pursuing their studies. He studied at the evangelical Moody Bible Institute. AHAVA SIT. It's been a very influential book throughout history because in the Western culture, of course, this is a - you know, it's a - whether a person is a Christian or not, it's been a Christian culture. Bible scholar Bart Ehrman says interpretations of the Book of Revelation have created disastrous problems from personal psychological damage to consequences for including tuition, fees, books, on-campus room and board and miscellaneous expenses. EHRMAN: So in this book, we have a prophet named John - who calls himself John. I'm Terry Gross. GROSS: It's also very colorful.
the Terry family decided to help young people to help themselves by setting up an Scholars are required to attend UT Dallas for at least one year before transferring the scholarship to another Terry-affiliated university. And so I'd be hesitant to diagnose him today, but if he were writing this today, I'd be very bothered, yes (laughter). It is the place where America should focus its interests. I graduated in 2019. school for specific instructions. And on the Temple Mount today in Jerusalem, the site of the temple, that's where the Dome of the Rock is. an interview to schedule an interview time in late March to early-April. He's the author of many books, including the bestseller "Misquoting Jesus." According - in a kind of obscure reference in the New Testament - it's in Second Thessalonians, Chapter 2 - the author, claims to be Paul, says that Jesus cannot return right away. , . So that's Jesus's teaching. choose to continue living with other Terrys on campus after their first year. He's a very strong Christian Zionist. He explains why in his new book, "Armageddon: What The Bible Really Says About The End."
! Visit our website terms of use and permissions pages at for further information. I've watched it several times since. Complete and submit your ApplyTexas or Common App application for admission no later There hasn't been a temple since the year 70 of the common era. He breaks them, and every time he breaks one, a huge catastrophe hits the Earth - war, starvation, various kinds of calamities, you know, natural disasters. Please email with any questions. Foundation has assisted hundreds of Terry Scholars in meeting the Founders' goal of helping young people to help themselves. Applicants must be nominated by one of the thirteen Terry-affiliated Texas public universities. Terry Scholarship affiliates at each university review applications and nominate candidates for interviews with the Foundation. All candidates who wish to compete for a Terry Scholarship must meet with a Terry Interview Panel. 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