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Requests may be made up to $10,000. Additional Information Award Amount: Varies Terre Haute Michigan Playground Equipment Elephant Stair Santa Barbara Applying organizations are required to be a 501 (c)(3) tax exempt organization as well as qualified tribal and government agencies, including schools. Qualifying organizations are those considered to be 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations. Grant requests will not exceed $25,000 or twenty-five percent of the total project cost. Additional Information The applicant will also have been providing programs and services to the community for a minimum of two years. The Alaska Community Foundation Grants are given out on a yearly basis and applicants are not only permitted to apply once within that years timespan, regardless of whether the original proposal was accepted. Applications are evaluated based on their compatibility with the Foundations values. The Director will then work with the organization to prepare the proposal and provide the application material. Applicants are encouraged to reapply yearly if projects are not selected for funding upon application the first year. Applications should be kept brief and concise, containing only pertinent information that is deemed most important for funding. Additional Information Award Amount: $1,000-$15,000 (212) 463-7042 Grants Non Profit Foundation ( To provide support to adaptive Hudson Yards *Only applicants inWashington (Auburn, Maryville, Olympia), New York (Buffalo, Rochester), North Carolina (Charlotte, Kannapolis, Lenoir, Monroe, Statesville), Texas (Austin, Marble Falls, Round Rock, San Antonio), and Georgia (Athens, Atlanta, Burford, Riverdale, Rome) are eligible for this opportunity. An introduction of the organization, along with goals and objectives, organization methodology and IRS determination letter should all be enclosed. 5 Foot Double Wave Slide Additional Information Specific programs should focus on topics such as: financial literacy for youth and adults; effective mentoring programs for at-risk youth; student scholarship programs; literacy, English as a Second Language (ESL) programs; and entrepreneurship programs for the underserved youth. Houston Endowment Preferred areas of funding include arts, culture, and humanities; community development; education; environment; health; human service; spiritual development; and youth development. Grants range from $1,000-$5,000 and are accepted twice per year. Preference is given to those projects or proposals that provide collaborative relationships and demonstrate a significant impact with high potential for sustainability in the community. All application information will need to be gathered prior to the application process as the application does not save during the process. Award Amount: Varies Funding is provided to those 501 (c)(3) tax-exempt organizations and public entities in communities with Lowes stores and distribution centers. Grants will favor local organizations over national entities and requests for renovation and equipment purchases over general operating costs. The California Scholarship and Award Committee will review all applications and notify all applicants of their status in January. The Alleghany Foundation strives to strengthen the quality of life in the Alleghany Highlands of Virginia by awarding grants to their community. Preference is given to those organizations serving low-income or under-represented populations including the elderly, homeless, disabled, and children. Additional Information Applied Materials Foundation Highmark Foundation Dog Grooming Table Accessory Pad The Oregon Community Foundation The Alvah & Wyline Chapman Foundation seeks to fund programs in the areas of children and families, education, multicultural understanding, substance abuse prevention, and programs serving the homeless. Wells Fargo is proud to support qualified 501 (c)(3) agencies, including tribal agencies, government organizations and schools. At least fifty percent of the grant funding is required to be matched by a non-federally grant sourced towards the purchase of equipment. The specified geographic giving area includes the Black Hills Area and counties of Butte, Custer, Fall River, Lawrence, Meade, Oglala Lakota, Pennington, Haakon, Harding, Jackson, Perkins, and Ziebach. There are two rounds of grants made per year. Grant forms can be found online. Arkansas Playground Equipment 4 feet x 2 feet Rubber Swing Wear Mat Additional Information file size: 128 MB. Additional Information The foundation offers grant funds to schools and nonprofit organizations to promote educational, humanitarian, cultural and recreational activities. Deadline: June 1st The Community Foundation of Western North Carolina RockWell Teeter Duo WebAll projects must meet requirements for perpetual outdoor recreation use. PRISM, RCOs database for grant project management, is unavailable. After school and in-school supplemental programming will be considered for funding if it meets other guidelines as outlined. This is a new program but funding is expected in future years. Benefits of Playground Interaction Award Amount: $20,000 -$40,000 The scope of a project and the resources available are all reviewed when awarding grant requests. Additional Information In order to apply through the foundation an organization must: have an active board of trustees; exhibit ethical methods to solicit funds; provide an appropriate financial audit; demonstrate long term financial viability; and be a tax exempt 501 (c)(3) organization in Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts or New York. The Winston-Salem Foundation Special attention will be paid to those working with low to moderate income families. All criteria will be taken into consideration by the Communications Committee when reaching a decision on grant funding requests. The Indiana Pacers Foundation accepts proposals on a rolling deadline for programs that impact the youth of Indiana. Straight Snake Loop Ladder | Traditional Climbers John T. Vucurevich Foundation The purpose of the Credit Enhancement program is to award grants to eligible entities that demonstrate innovative methods of helping charter schools address the cost of acquiring, constructing, and renovating facilities by enhancing the availability of loans and bond financing. The Parks and Recreation Development Fund (PARD) is a state-funded matching grant program for eligible local governments within each county to provide recreational opportunities to enhance public health and stimulate local economies. The Monogram Loves Kids Foundation is committed to supporting organizations and programs that focus on a vital community need and support children and families. These funds can be used to build a new park or renovate an existing one. Additional Information Deadline: Annually 32 Gallon Trash Receptacle with Perforated Steel Priority areas of giving are designated by locations in which Trustees reside. If you have any questions regarding this opportunity, please email Additional Information Nonprofit organizations who serve residents of St. Joseph County are eligible to apply. Greater Kansas City Community Foundation Learn more and apply. Organizations are eligible to apply once in a twelve-month period so applying organizations are encouraged to carefully review the funding guidelines. Tips for Choosing Home Playground Equipment During the first round review period, applicants must submit the grant consideration application for review by the Executive Committee. Deadline: May 29 Grant applications are accepted on a rolling basis and reviewed approximately every thirty days. (212) 463-7042 Grants Non Profit Foundation ( To provide support to adaptive organizations and individuals through financial aid, outdoor experiences and filmmaking meant to inspire people of all abilities. Programs should have a focus on outdoor education aligned with the Washington State content learning standards and the development of social and emotional learning skills. Award Amount: Varies A full project narrative including a list of additional funders with grant application and additional resources should be uploaded to the website no later than January 15th or July 15th for full proposal consideration. Through the program WestJetters at our domestic airports review and support donation requests based on their community's local needs and priorities. Elephant Rock Additional Information Galaxy Disc | PFS058 Briarstone Villas | Maximum Play Systems Regal Rocket | PFS054 Award Amount: TBD However, the lead agency may apply on behalf of itself or on behalf of an eligible sub-recipient (includes other state agencies, government subdivisions, special purpose districts such as park districts, and federally recognized Indian tribes). 8 feet high Elite Arch Post Swing - 2 Bays The foundation seeks innovative, high impact programming that is easily replicable. Charles Mound Spark Series Tube Slide | Spark Components Additional Information The mission of the Hannaford Charitable Foundation is to build healthy communities in the states Hannaford is located. Creating a Wheelchair Accessible Playground Additional Information Award Amount: Varies The Laura Jane Musser Foundation fosters government and 501(c)3 status organizations in the states of Colorado, Hawaii, Michigan, Minnesota, Texas and Wyoming. The program provides up to 50 percent reimbursement funds for acquisition and development of outdoor recreation projects. The Enabling Accessibility Fund (EAF) provides funding for eligible capital projects that increase accessibility for people with disabilities in Canadian communities and workplaces, creating more opportunities for people with disabilities to participate in community activities, programs and servi. Award Amount: Varies WebGrant Limits $25,000 minimum grant request $250,000 maximum grant request Match Details There is no match required. Additional Information Hasbro Childrens Fund Due to this, the Aetna Foundation seeks to fund nonprofit organizations with an emphasis in the area of nutrition and motion. 8 Foot Sectional Straight Slide Additional Information Thats why the foundation prioritizes Coloradans of color and address the deepest, most historically entrenched inequities that affect health based on a persons socioeconomic status, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation, country of origin and religion. Honolulu International 1-317-747-0203 CPSC will award up to $3.5 million in two-year grants this year. If selected for a full application, organizations will be notified in February and August. Deadline: April 1- May 31 The Southwestern Michigan Urban League Grant is targeted toward improving the quality of life in the African American community in the Battle Creek Metropolitan Area. The award amounts vary by program and request. Award Amount: Varies Craggy Summit Double Station Pendulum Swing Award Amount: Up to $15,000 in matching funds Additional Information Deadline: June 1 - Aug 31 Successful applicants should expect to hear back shortly after that period. Award Amount: $10,000 Alliant Energy Foundation At the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, we believe that good health and health care are fundamental measures of our success as a nation.In support of this belief, we fund program and policy initiatives in four areas which are each critical to health equityenabling everyone in our nation to live a. RCDI grants are awarded to help non-profit housing and community development organizations, low-income rural communities and federally recognized tribes support housing, community facilities and community and economic development projects in rural areas. Tennessee Disability Coalition The mission of the Multicare Community Partnership Fund is to partner with organizations that provide a healthy and healing future for the community. Deadlines vary according to the grant an organization wishes to pursue. Dog Climb In alignment with NRPAs equity goals, programs should prioritize mentoring services to reach youth who have historically faced barriers to youth development opportunities including historically disenfranchised populations, specifically Black, American Indian/Alaska Native; Hispanic/Latino; Asian American; LGBTQ+ youth; and youth living in low-income and rural communities. The Foundation does not support individuals, religious organizations, political entities, hospitals, college alumni associations, or projects that do not directly benefit the citizens of Mississippi. The Foundation offers grants to fund projects with committed leadership, a base of support, and a well-planned approach to underlying issues or needs. Additional Information Additional Information An applying organization must show strong measurable outcomes in order to be considered for funding. Grants to USA individuals with disabilities to purchase sports and recreational equipment. While the Otto Bremer Trust does not have specific strategic priorities for their grants, they do emphasize more broad categories to help organizations figure out which types of programs or services they typically invest in. Letters of intent must be submitted to the Blue Cross Blue Shield for approval before full proposals will be accepted. Greater Toledo Community Foundation is a public charitable organization created by citizens of the community to enrich the quality of life for individuals and families in our service area. To be eligible for this grant, the applicant must be a non-profit and qualify as tax-exempt. Awards will be $1000 at minimum and vary based on the needs of the community. About Us Additional Information Capital grants fund the purchase, construction, and/or renovation of a building; the purchase of major equipment; home modifications for low-income homeowners; and select technology projects. Preference will be given to organizations that present clear outcomes, a capacity for leadership, and a demonstrable health benefit to their community. Accepted LOIs will be announced in May, allowing a two month window for applicants to submit a full proposal, including a project narrative in budget. The Foundation promotes 501(c)3 nonprofits that offer programs to strengthen families, promote equality, recognize the innate value of self and others, enhance capacity for individuals to recognize their own capabilities, and advocate self-sufficient living. WebOpen to schools and early years settings in England, Scotland, and Wales, this outdoor learning grant fund has two elements 500 of outdoor equipment chosen from a The Foundation committee reviews all proposals one month after submission and applicants should expect a notice of funding within one to two months after review. Generally, the Foundation prefers not to be the only funder for a project, but to participate with the community in supporting initiatives led by others. Those grant requests over $1,000 will require See more information including staff information, financials and two most recent tax returns. Potential applicants are encouraged to review the map of funded counties prior to applying. Award Amount: Varies Priority funding is distributed to organizations demonstrating the ability to impact the community through programs that collaborate and empower others; implement creative solutions to problems; build on community strengths; and have defined and measurable improvements in health and wellness. Curved Overhead Swinging Ring Ladder FundingFactory turns your usedtoner and inkjet cartridgesinto cash to fund your organization. Bellingham Additional Information Deadline: January 15th & June 15th Deadline: TBD For additional questions regarding funded programs, please refer to the FAQs page. Additional Information Ben Thompson | Content Developer and Information Extrordinaire Finally, a program description, evaluation, and budget should also be included. They believe that parks and natural landscapes are vital to a communitys character and the health of the residents. Emerald Coast | Maximum Series Play Systems Banana Bonanza Arlington Heights | Maximum Series Play Systems Tufts Health Plan Foundations mission is to improve the health and wellness of the diverse communities we serve. Eligible organizations must submit a preliminary online proposal by the October deadline. Specifically, Entergy diligently works to fund early childhood education programs in Arkansas, believing every child should have access to an early education. Weinberg Foundation Notification of award recipients will take place in early December using contact information given during the grant process. WebFrom grants to guides, get helpful tools for building a healthier learning environment. Additional Information Applicants must wait two years before applying for additional funding, whether applications are approved or denied. Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Skype (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window). More information regarding the application process is available on the APS website. Indianapolis, IN 46229-2615 Merry-Go-Round Net Climber Award amounts vary by need and most grants accept applications on a rolling basis. The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program is a flexible program that provides communities with resources to address a wide range of unique community development needs. Deadline: January 7th, April 1st, July 1st, October 3rd Funding requests will only be accepted for those programs being conducted in Black Hawk County and impacting the community members. Contact: Jorge Moreno, Information Officer I Baton Rouge | Spark Play Systems Duke Energy Foundation WebGrants outside this area are considered on an individual funding basis. Deadline: RFP due in April Park and recreation agencies must apply in partnership with a 501c3 non-profit organization. Programs should support educational opportunities for children, youth leadership, or healthy living and demonstrate a demand for this kind of work in the community it is intended to serve. Non-profit organizations in Pierce, King, Thurston, and Kitsap counties are all regional funding priorities. Thats why they fund yearly initiatives based on rotating areas of focus. Deadline: May 1 and November 1 Grants of $1,000 to $300,000 are provided to nonprofit organizations and state or local agencies, including public school systems and public projects. Northern California counties served include San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Monterey and San Benito, California. Deadline: November 15th, February 15th, May 15th, August 15th A current and prior year organization budget will also need to be uploaded for full consideration. The Environmental Justice Government-to-Government (EJG2G) Program works to support and/or create model state activities that lead to measurable environmental or public health results in communities disproportionately burdened by environmental harms and risks. Grants range from $5,000-$10,000 and are accepted twice per year. Learn more and apply. The foundation will not fund individuals, political causes, endowments, athletic teams, religious organizations, conferences, or capital campaigns. The AnnMarie Foundation is an independent philanthropic organization committed to bettering Wisconsin communities. George A. and Margaret Mee Charitable Foundation Deadline: Rolling Match rates are based on the economic status designations of counties served by the proposed project. Currently offering grants to furloughed and out of work heroes. Although there is no limit to funding requests, the foundation prefers to fund several programs that can have a meaningful impact rather than one program at a larger dollar amount. The foundation seeks to find those wishing to serve underserved individuals and communities. The Houston Endowment seeks to correct the fact that fewer than half of Houstons residents live within the recommended 10 minute walk to a park. 2 Seat Elite Belt Package with Seats Lizzy Lizard Grant-seekers will be evaluated based upon the following criteria: relationship to HCAs mission, critical need in the community, past relationship with the organization, and measurable outcomes. The Foundation asks that organizations not apply for funding to the same project more than once or more than one grant at one time. They do not accept unsolicited proposals but welcome ideas for requests for funding. Summer cycle: Dec 15-Jan 15. The Old National Bank Foundation seeks to foster relationships in communities that strive for economic development, excellence in quality education, and improved quality of life. Brindlewood Beach | Maximum Play Systems Previous programs funded include exercise classes; walking and running programs; sun safety awareness; and health and fitness awareness weeks. The Foundation will respond to the organization if a further interest exists to continue funding the proposed project. Columbia Hills If not selected for funding in May, there is an opportunity for funding in November if funds are still available. Each state coordinates an annual application deadline. Southport | Spark Play Systems Deadline: The 10th of each month The PeopleForBikes Community Grant Program supports bicycle infrastructure projects and targeted advocacy initiatives that make it easier and safer for people of all ages and abilities to ride. Award Amount: Varies Award Amount: $10,000-$50,000 Award Amount: Varies Award Amount: Varies Maximum Series Straight Slide | Maximum Components Grantees must submit a written evaluation 6 months into the project and again within 2 months of project completion. Deadline: Rolling Additional Information Spark Series Snake Climber Wavy The Edwin S Webster Foundation A statement of purpose of the program, program timetable, additional funding sources and continued funding sources are all required supplemental documentation during the application process. Additional Information Award Amount: $5,000-$50,000 The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) provides grants, low-interest direct loans, and/or combinations of the two to develop essential community facilities in rural areas, including public facilities, community support services, and local food systems such as community gardens and food hubs. Franchisees and Corporate Store Leaders contribute to youth development in their communities by applying for grants to support local schools, youth sports organizations, law enforcement agencies and community organizations. Funding preference areas include education programs and institutions with an emphasis on STEM (science, technology, engineering and math), health and wellness, and local community and enrichment programs. Award Amount: Up to $5,000 3 Foot Single Left Turn Slide Spinning Spider Applicants must submit applications directly through the website and inquiries can be addressed to a foundation representative. REACH programs work specifically among African American, Black, Hispanic, Latino, and Asian American, Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander, American Indian, and Alaska Native populations. The S4L program, made possible by espnW and Gatorade, offers community funding to support sustainable improvement to the overall health and development of girls through grant making, leadership training, and capacity-building efforts. The Foundation limits its grants to charitable organizations with 501(c)3 tax exemption status, but eligibility is further restricted to programs related to: educational and research institutions; cultural enrichment; youth organizations; and health and human services.
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