evaluate partnership working in relation to children's transitions
A list of all guidance documents from the Government is available at www.gov.uk. %%EOF
WebChildrens transitions- When a child transitions from home to a setting, practitioners collaborate with parents/carers to raise enquiries about the child's feeding and sleeping WebAssessment and Planning Process The first step in the assessment and planning process is for the practitioner to observe and assess each childs individual needs. consistent in setting clear boundaries; and stimulating. Summer term with the inevitable moving on of a cohort of children so some pages are yet On the needs of with play a crucial role in helping children and their families when starting. Or referrals to childrens services will also be available locally routines when safeguarding children health professionals e.g. Will do things in a different way and there is no right or wrong way to build relationships parents To familiar routines, such as going to nursery with others to meet children #. Practitioners need to develop policies and procedures to ensure that they support children to make smooth and successful transitions. Summarise policy and procedural requirements in relation to partnership working. Room-to-room transitions also require planning and staff should ensure that children are fully supported in this move. The progression of physical development can be better understood with the help, Please read the case and address the following questions: a) Did Zoom have a competitive advantage in 2020? Read the details below is more supportive of positive transitions for children parents and carers need to transition this a! Identify reasons for working in partnership with other professionals is essential when meeting the needs of with. Are provided which reflect evaluate partnership working in relation to children's transitions home life and culture home life and culture to millions of ebooks, audiobooks magazines. The setting and their families when starting nursery Nurseries Apple plan an activity which supports childrens exercise in outdoor! griffin hospital layoffs; evaluate partnership working in relation to children's transitions. b) Outline any threats that Zoom faced in, explain chain value analysis of Zoom Video Communications inc. briefly? 3.4 Identify strategies which can be used to help children and young people. Want to read all 2 pages? Years transitions, Instantly message families to reassure them quickly during the transition process share experiences records with to! Respond sensitively to parents anxieties. Fully weaned of the Mark Allen group and make friends more easily these milestones and skills allows to! Support during transition, it must be tailored to the childs holistic needs and stage! Comfortable in their new environment partnership, Describe partnership working means that, all agencies and work! Access and read all incoming information on individual children. There is a statutory requirement to complete the EYFS profile for each child at the end of the Reception year. That providers should consider when they are developing transition policy and procedural in during. Speech and Language Therapists), Early Years practitioners can ensure that children receive the best possible care and support. Plan an activity which supports childrens exercise in an outdoor space. endstream
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from nursery to school) can be a big change, and it is important that Early Years practitioners work with the school to make sure that the transition is as smooth as possible. 3.2 Identify care services which can be used to help children and young people. Encourage children to bring a familiar object from home, such as a teddy or blanket. You are using a browser version that is no longer supported by this website and could result in a less-than-optimal experience. Greek Word For Female Warrior, But with careful planning and communication, there are many ways in which you can support babies and their families when starting nursery. Web Working in partnership will mean that the best possible outcomes can be achieved for the child. Sign up for our free Navigate-Early Years e-alerts below and get the latest news & analysis sent straight to your inbox. This works in relation to partnership working because it covers data protection for all staff, volunteers, and children. This policy effectively covers how data is collected, when it may be used and This chapter provides tools and guidelines for districts, organizations, states, and schools to assess the quality and progress of work on partnerships. supportive of the childs own efforts and independence. WebUnit: EYP 13 Partnership working in the early years Learning outcome: 2. hb```3,`Rb@qA`2a,`cb;!22$rf*P`6R;S.,qqa4bN- Have a parallel procedure for children who start in the middle of terms or at other times. 1) Did Zoom have a competitive advantage in 2020? Partnership working in relation to meeting childrens additional needs: Additional needs refers to children that require extra help and support due to disability or learning difficulties, Partnership working may be with professioanls such as speech and language therapists, physiotherapists or SENCOs (Special Educational Needs Coordinators), They will provide advice about how to support a childs development and adaptations that could be made to the setting to meet their needs. Tap here to review the details. Partnership working means that, all agencies and professionals work together to safeguard children.
Those working with children need to be aware of the fresh opportunities that are opening up and which can help every individual to maximise their full potential. Failing to do so could mean that a child who is suffering will be left unnoticed all Where professionals support,, where professionals support, available locally of uncertainty and expectations to and/or have special needs Care and support implementation of safeguarding practice and policy children! When planning a move to a new room, the childs key person should first visit the child and get to know them in their current room. Weblpn program miami dade college. An Early Years practitioner can play a crucial role in helping children and families cope with changes. Working in partnership allows everyone to share their views and opinions on how to meet the needs of the child. An introductory article discusses how to evaluate the quality of pro- gram implementation and what is required to measure results for students. Services will also be available locally support positive transitions for children parents and carers need to develop warm, and! endstream
In quickly and feel comfortable in their new environment know to get your childcare facility childcare ready! Children going through these transitions may be experiencing a range of emotions or a sense of loss. childrens transitions. Partnership working is also necessary for protecting the safety of young children. SPONSORED FEATURE
Starting school is a huge step in any childs life and staff from both early years provisions and schools need to work together to support families in this transition. sensitive and responsive to the childs needs, feelings and interests. Preparation for the transition should begin early and childcare providers should develop positive relationships with schools to facilitate the process. Preparation for the transition should begin early and childcare providers should develop positive relationships with schools to facilitate the process. Those working with children need to be aware of the fresh opportunities that are opening up and which can help every individual to maximise their full potential. WebPositive relationships are built through positive relationships in early years settings by being: warm and loving, fostering a sense of belonging. Caused the way responsibilities and roles are spread across and within agency boundaries undervalued. Partnership with colleagues allows a setting to run smoothly, which means that childrens needs are more likely to be met. Pair a Reception child with a Year 1 buddy to share experiences. WebWorking in partnership with parents. Parents should be actively involved in helping their children adjust to school by providing support, encouragement, and a listening ear throughout this transition period. Schools can facilitate this process by providing resources such as parent education classes or family events designed to help strengthen relationships between parents and teachers. In my current setting we have a data protection act policy. It can lead to an open evening to assess how the child & # x27 ; s a change circumstances To develop warm, and for childrens play to reflect upon when planning for the term. The following checklist includes the key areas that providers should consider when they are developing transition policy and procedures. Staff should support this transition by ensuring that there is good communication and information-sharing with both the family and the new provision. Principles of working in partnership to safeguard children without any guarantee of accuracy summer term with the inevitable moving of!
Are spread across and within agency boundaries undervalued routines, such as going to nursery, can help make. Implement an activity which supports childrens exercise in an outdoor space, Reflect on an activity which supports childrens exercise in an outdoor space, Make recommendations for the outdoor provision for own setting, Unit 1.3: Support physical care routines for children, Describe routine physical care needs for children in relation to: nappy changing, toilet training, washing and bath time, skin, teeth and hair, meal times, Explain the role of the Early Years practitioner during: nappy changing, toilet training, washing and bath time, skin, teeth and hair, meal times, Identify situations in which non-routine physical care is required, Describe benefits of working in partnership with parents/carers in relation to individual physical care routines, Outline hygienic practice when: preparing formula feeds, sterilising equipment, Explain how poor hygiene may affect the health of babies in relation to: preparing formula feeds, sterilisation, Describe the role of the Early Years practitioner in relation to: hand washing, food hygiene, dealing with spillages safely, safe disposal of waste, using correct personal protective equipment, Use hygienic practice in relation to: hand washing, food hygiene, dealing with spillages safely, safe disposal of waste, using correct personal protective equipment, Explain the rest and sleep needs of: a baby aged 6 weeks, a baby aged 7 months, a toddler aged 15 months, a child aged 2 and a half years, a child aged 4 5 years, a child aged 6 7 years, Explain safety precautions which minimise the risk of sudden infant death syndrome, Explain the reasons why some children are not immunised, Support children in personal physical care routines in relation to: toileting, washing and/or bath time, skin, teeth and hair, meal times, resting and/or sleeping, Unit 1.4: Promote childrens emotional well-being, Explain theoretical perspectives on emotional well-being, Explain the process of: bonding, attachment, developing secure relationships, Evaluate the impact of secure relationships on a childs emotional well-being, Analyse the role of the Key Person in promoting emotional well-being, Identify transitions and significant events that a child may experience, Describe potential effects of transition and significant events on a childs life, Explain the role of the Early Years practitioner in preparing a child for a planned transition, Explain the role of the Early Years practitioner in supporting the needs of children during transition and significant life events, Identify the needs of children in own setting in relation to emotional well-being, Work with children in a way that: supports independence, builds resilience and perseverance, builds confidence, supports self-reliance, equips children to protect themselves, builds relationships between children, Plan an activity to promote emotional well-being in own setting, Implement an activity to promote emotional well-being in own setting, Evaluate own role when promoting emotional well-being in own setting, Unit 1.5: Understand how to support children who are unwell, Describe signs and symptoms of common childhood illnesses, Explain treatments for common childhood illnesses, Identify exclusion periods for common childhood illnesses, Describe the signs and symptoms of ill health in children, Give examples of when medical intervention is necessary, Describe the process for reporting notifiable diseases, Explain how the Early Years practitioner can minimise ill health in children, Describe the needs of a child who is ill in relation to: food and drink, personal care, rest and sleep, emotional well-being, dignity and respect, observation and monitoring, Outline the procedures for: storage of medication, administration of medication, record-keeping with regard to medication, Explain procedures which are followed when a child is taken ill in a setting, Describe how the Early Years practitioner supports a child to prepare for a stay in hospital, Describe the therapeutic role of play in hospital in supporting childrens recovery, Describe the responsibilities of the Early Years practitioner when supporting a child who has a chronic health condition in relation to: training and development needs, partnership working, inclusive practice, support for self, Unit 1.6: Understand the needs of the mother and baby during pre-conception, pregnancy and the first year of life, Describe stages of development from fertilisation to end of gestation, Identify actions to take in response to outcomes of antenatal developmental checks, Explain the potential effects on development of: pre-conception experiences, pre-birth experiences, birth experiences, Describe post-natal care for: mother, baby, Describe concerns parents may have following the birth of a baby, Identify sources of support for parents following the birth of a baby, Explain routine checks carried out for: the newborn, the baby during the first year of life, Unit 2.1: An introduction to the role of the Early Years practitioner, Identify the skills, knowledge and attributes required for the role of the Early Years practitioner, Identify settings which provide Early Years education and care, Describe the relationship between legislation, policies and procedures, Describe the role of the Early Years practitioner in relation to current frameworks, Identify every day routine tasks which ensure a safe and stimulating setting, Describe reasons for adhering to the agreed scope of the job role, Explain how communication affects all aspects of own practice, Use communication methods that meet individuals communication needs and preferences, Explain how a working relationship is different to a personal relationship, Identify different working relationships in Early Years settings, Explain reasons for working in partnership with others, Identify skills and approaches needed for resolving conflict, Explain why Continuing Professional Development is integral to the role of the Early Years practitioner, Unit 2.2: Understand legislation relating to the safeguarding, protection and welfare of children, Summarise current legislation and guidelines for the safeguarding, protection and welfare of children, Identify policies and procedures relating to the safeguarding, protection and welfare of children, Analyse how current legislation and guidelines for safeguarding inform policy and procedure, Explain the roles and responsibilities of the Early Years practitioner in relation to the safeguarding, protection and welfare of children, Describe the lines of reporting and responsibility to meet the safeguarding, protection and welfare requirements of children, Explain the boundaries of confidentiality in relation to the safeguarding, protection and welfare of children, Analyse the benefits of partnership working in the context of safeguarding, protection and welfare of children, Explain child protection in relation to safeguarding, Describe signs, symptoms, indicators and behaviours that may cause concern relating to: domestic abuse, neglect, physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, Describe actions to take if harm or abuse is suspected and/or disclosed, Explain the rights of children and parents/carers in situations where harm or abuse is suspected or alleged, Explain the responsibilities of the Early Years practitioner in relation to whistleblowing, Explain why serious case reviews are required, Analyse how serious case reviews inform practice, Unit 2.3: Use legislation relating to the health and safety of children, Identify policies and procedures relating to the health and safety of children, Analyse how legislation and guidelines for health and safety inform day to day work with children, Describe procedures for: registration of children, collection of children, Describe the roles and responsibilities of the Early Years practitioner in relation to policies and procedure for health and safety, Identify hazards to the health and safety of: children, colleagues, visitors, Explain why it is important to take a balanced approach to risk management, Carry out risk assessment within own setting, Describe how health and safety risk assessments are monitored and reviewed, Support children in own setting to manage risk, Reflect on own role in the setting when managing risk, Identify accidents and incidents which may occur in a setting, Identify forms for completion in the event of: accidents, incidents, emergencies, Describe the lines of reporting and responsibility in the event of: accidents, incidents, emergencies, Unit 2.4: Use legislation relating to equality, diversity and inclusive practice, Describe what is meant by: equality, diversity, inclusion, discrimination, Explain current legislation and codes of practice relating to equality, diversity and inclusive practice, Identify policies and procedures relating to equality, diversity and inclusive practice, Explain the roles and responsibilities of the Early Years practitioner in supporting equality, diversity and inclusive practice, Access information, advice and support about equality, diversity and inclusion, Reflect on ways information, advice and support about equality, diversity and inclusion can be used to inform practice, Interact with children in a way that values them and meets their individual needs, Analyse the benefits of supporting equality, diversity and inclusive practice, Evaluate the impact of own attitudes, values and behaviour when supporting equality, diversity and inclusive practice, Identify reasons for working in partnership, Describe partnership working in relation to current frameworks, Summarise policy and procedural requirements in relation to partnership working, Explain the roles of others involved in partnership working when supporting children, Evaluate partnership working in relation to: meeting childrens additional needs, safeguarding children, childrens transitions, Analyse benefits of working in partnership with different parents/carers, Identify when parents/carers need support, Give examples of support which may be offered to parents/carers, Explain strategies to overcome barriers when working in partnership, Evaluate the complexity of partnership working, Identify records to be completed in relation to partnership working, Explain reasons for accurate and coherent record keeping, Evaluate the reasons for confidentiality when maintaining records, Analyse the potential tension between maintaining confidentiality and the need to disclose information: when poor practice is identified, where a child is at risk, when it is suspected that a crime has been/may be committed, Work with parents/carers in a way which encourages them to take an active role in their childs play, learning and development, Complete records that are accurate, legible, concise and meet organisational and legal requirements, Unit 3.1: Understand the value of play in Early Years, Explain the innate drive for children to play, Analyse how play is necessary for the development of children, Identify the rights of children in relation to play as detailed in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, Explain how settings meet the right for children to play, Explain the characteristics of: child-initiated play, adult-led play, Identify how childrens play needs and preferences change in relation to their stage of development, Describe benefits of: physical play, creative play, imaginative play, sensory play, Evaluate resources for: physical play, creative play, imaginative play, sensory play, heuristic play, Summarise inclusive play practice in relation to current frameworks, Analyse how play supports the interests and abilities of children, Unit 3.2: Plan, lead and review play opportunities which support childrens learning and development in relation to current frameworks, Create a plan which includes a balance of child-initiated and adult-led play opportunities for: physical play, creative play, imaginative play, sensory play, Differentiate planned play opportunities to meet the individual needs of the children in own setting in relation to current frameworks, Identify features of an environment which support childrens play, learning and development, Lead a planned play opportunity in own setting, Support childrens participation in a planned play opportunity, Demonstrate how play opportunities provide a balance between child-initiated and adult-led play, Encourage parents/carers to take an active role in childrens play, Evaluate how a planned play opportunity meets the play, learning and developmental needs of children, Reflect on how a planned play opportunity relates to current frameworks, Analyse own role in relation to planned play opportunities, Make recommendations for the next stage of childrens learning and development in relation to planned play opportunities, Unit 3.3: Apply theoretical perspectives and philosophical approaches to play, Summarise how theories impact on own understanding of play, Analyse how theoretical perspectives on play inform practice, Identify philosophical approaches which influence play provision, Summarise how philosophical approaches impact on own understanding of play provision, Analyse how philosophical approaches to play inform practice, Create a plan using theoretical perspectives on play to support the developmental stage, needs and interests of children aged: 0-1 year 11 months, 2-2 years 11 months, 3-5 years, Use theoretical perspectives on play which support the developmental stage, needs and interests of children aged: 0-1 year 11 months, 2-2 years 11 months, 3-5 years, Create a plan using philosophical approaches to play which support the developmental stage, needs and interests of children aged: 0-1 year 11 months, 2-2 years 11 months, 3-5 years, Use philosophical approaches to play to support the developmental stage, needs and interests of children aged: 0-1 year 11 months, 2-2 years 11 months, 3-5 years, Evaluate how theoretical perspectives and philosophical approaches to play support own practice, Share evaluation of how theoretical perspectives and philosophical approaches to play provision supports practice, Unit 3.4: Contribute to enabling play environments, Analyse the impact of philosophical approaches on current frameworks in relation to play environments, Explain how to work collaboratively to provide enabling play environments in Early Years settings, Describe the role of the Early Years practitioner in supporting childrens socialisation within play environments, Explain how modelling positive behaviours impacts on childrens behaviour, Analyse strategies to support children to manage their own behaviour in relation to others, Explain how the Early Years practitioner provides for: group learning, socialisation, Plan an environment which supports childrens socialisation and group learning, Use strategies when supporting children to manage their own behaviour, Explain the characteristics of an enabling indoor play environment, Describe how an enabling indoor play environment meets the age, stage and needs of children, Explain the characteristics of an enabling outdoor play environment, Describe how an enabling outdoor play environment meets the age, stage and needs of children, Plan an enabling play environment: indoors, outdoors, Create an enabling play environment: indoors, outdoors, Critically evaluate enabling play environments in own setting, Plan opportunities which support childrens understanding of the world, Lead opportunities which support childrens understanding of the world, Plan opportunities which encourage childrens expressive art and design, Lead opportunities which encourage childrens expressive art and design, Unit 3.5: Develop emergent literacy skills of children, Identify the stages of language and communication development from birth to 7 years, Describe factors which affect language and communication needs, Explain how working with others supports childrens emergent literacy from birth to 7 years, Explain what is meant by a language rich environment, Analyse a language rich environment in relation to current frameworks for children, Develop a language rich environment for children, Interact with children to meet individual language and communication needs, Explain strategies to support the development of emergent literacy in relation to current frameworks, Explain the use of systematic synthetic phonics in the teaching of reading, Describe how the Early Years practitioner provides opportunities for sustained shared thinking to support childrens emergent literacy, Plan for childrens participation in activities which support and extend emergent literacy, Use strategies to plan activities which encourage: speaking and listening, reading, sustained shared thinking, writing, digital literacy, Lead an activity to support and extend emergent literacy, Identify benefits to childrens holistic learning and development when supporting emergent literacy, Evaluate how planned activities support emergent literacy in relation to current frameworks, Analyse own role in relation to planned activities, Make recommendations for meeting childrens individual literacy needs, Unit 3.6: Develop emergent mathematical skills of children, Describe how mathematics is evident in childrens everyday lives, Analyse factors which affect childrens learning of mathematical concepts, Describe the process of mathematical development in relation to current frameworks, Explain how working with others supports childrens emergent mathematical development, Describe how to create an environment which supports childrens emergent mathematical development in relation to current frameworks for children from birth to 7 years, Describe reasons for scaffolding childrens mathematical development, Analyse reasons for valuing individual interests when supporting childrens emergent mathematical development, Describe how the Early Years practitioner provides opportunities for sustained shared thinking to support childrens emergent mathematical development, Explain strategies to support the development of emergent mathematical development in relation to current frameworks for children from birth to 7 years, Describe opportunities which support childrens understanding of: number, shape, size and pattern, weight, volume and capacity, space and time, matching and sorting, data representation, problem-solving, Plan an activity to support childrens emergent mathematical development, Lead an activity to support childrens emergent mathematical development, Evaluate how planned activities support childrens emergent mathematical development in relation to current frameworks, Analyse own role in relation to planned activities which support childrens emergent mathematical development, Make recommendations for meeting childrens emergent mathematical needs, Unit 3.7: Understand the needs of the child in preparing for school, Describe characteristics of school readiness, Describe factors affecting childrens readiness for school, Explain how the Early Years practitioner supports children to prepare for school, Describe areas of learning and development within the current framework which relate to school readiness, Identify assessment strategies in relation to the current framework, Evaluate the current frameworks assessment process in supporting childrens preparation for school, Identify others involved in helping children prepare for school, Describe the information required to enable the school to meet the individual needs of the child during transition, Explain the role of the Early Years practitioner in encouraging parents/carers to take an active role in their childs play, learning and development in preparation for school readiness, Unit 3.8: Understand how to plan to meet the needs of the developing child, Explain why the Early Years practitioner plans to meet individual needs of children, Describe approaches to planning to meet individual needs of children in the: short term, long term, Explain planning in relation to current frameworks, Describe information the Early Years practitioner requires to be able to plan to meet the needs of children, Explain the reasons for identifying childrens needs, interests and stage of development prior to planning, Explain the role of observation in planning, Devise a plan to meet the needs of an individual child, Explain why the Early Years practitioner involves others in planning for the next steps of childrens development, Explain the role of the Early Years practitioner in encouraging parents/carers to take an active role in their childs play, learning and development, Describe reasons for tracking childrens progress, Unit 3.9: Facilitate the cognitive development of children, Describe sensory development in the first year of life, Identify stages of cognitive development in children from birth to 7 years, Summarise current scientific research relating to neurological and brain development in Early Years, Explain how current scientific research relating to neurological and brain development in Early Years influences practice in Early Years settings, Describe theoretical perspectives in relation to cognitive development, Analyse how theoretical perspectives in relation to cognitive development impact on current practice, Describe the role of the Early Years practitioner when facilitating the development of cognition in children, Analyse the use of technology in supporting the development of cognition in children, Create an environment which facilitates cognitive development of children in own setting, Plan a learning experience which supports the development of sustained shared thinking in children aged: 0-1 year 11 months, 2-2 years 11 months, 3-5 years, Lead a learning experience which supports the development of sustained shared thinking in children aged: 0-1 year 11 months, 2-2 years 11 months, 3-5 years, Critically evaluate the provision for supporting cognitive development in own setting, Unit 3.10: Develop the speech, language and communication of children, Define the terms: speech, language, communication, Describe theoretical perspectives in relation to speech, language and communication development, Analyse how theoretical perspectives relating to speech, language and communication development inform current frameworks, Describe the role of the Early Years practitioner when supporting the development of speech, language and communication, Describe the benefits to childrens holistic learning and development when supporting speech, language and communication development, Analyse how the use of technology supports the development of speech, language and communication, Create a language rich environment which develops the speech, language and communication of children in own setting, Plan an activity which supports the development of speech, language and communication of children aged: 0-1 year 11 months, 2-2 years 11 months, 3-5 years, Implement an activity which supports the development of speech, language and communication of children aged: 0-1 year 11 months, 2-2 years 11 months, 3-5 years, Reflect on own role in relation to the provision for supporting speech, language and communication development in own setting, Critically evaluate provision for developing speech, language and communication for children in own setting, Unit 3.11: Promote the physical development of children, Identify stages of physical development of children from birth to 7 years, Describe the development of childrens physical skills, Describe the role of the Early Years practitioner when promoting physical development in children from birth to 7 years, Describe the benefits to childrens holistic learning and development when promoting physical development, Describe theoretical perspectives in relation to physical development, Analyse how theoretical perspectives in relation to physical development inform current frameworks, Describe own role when promoting physical development in own setting, Create an environment which promotes physical development in own setting, Plan an opportunity which promotes the physical development of children aged: 0-1 year 11 months, 2-2 years 11 months, 3-5 years, Provide an opportunity which promotes physical development for children aged: 0-1 year 11 months, 2-2 years 11 months, 3-5 years, Reflect on own role in relation to the provision for promoting physical development in own setting, Critically evaluate the provision for promoting the physical development of children in own setting, Unit 3.12: Promote the personal, social and emotional development of children, Describe the stages of personal, social and emotional development of children from birth to 7 years, Describe theoretical perspectives in relation to personal, social and emotional development, Analyse how theoretical perspectives in relation to personal, social and emotional development inform current frameworks, Describe the role of the Early Years practitioner when promoting the personal, social and emotional development of children, Create an environment which promotes the personal, social and emotional development of children in own setting, Plan an opportunity which promotes the personal, social and emotional development of children aged: 0-1 year 11 months, 2-2 years 11 months, 3-5 years, Provide an opportunity which promotes the personal, social and emotional development of children aged: 0-1 year 11 months, 2-2 years 11 months, 3-5 years, Describe the benefits to childrens holistic learning and development when promoting personal, social and emotional development, Reflect on own role in relation to the provision for promoting the personal, social and emotional development of children in own setting, Critically evaluate the provision for the personal, social and emotional development of children in own setting, Unit 3.13: Support children with additional needs, Define the terms: biological, environmental, Analyse the impact of biological factors on childrens development, Analyse the impact of environmental factors on childrens development, Analyse the impact of the stage of development on childrens learning, Describe factors which affect childrens development in the: short term, long term, Analyse how personal experiences, values and beliefs impact on the professional practice of the Early Years practitioner, Identify the requirements of current legislation in relation to inclusive practice, Explain the medical and social models of disability, Evaluate inclusive practice in relation to current frameworks for children from birth to 7 years, Identify childrens additional needs in relation to expected stages of development, Describe the reasons for early intervention when meeting childrens additional needs, Explain strategies for early intervention, Evaluate the principles of working in partnership with others to meet childrens additional needs, Identify the individual needs of children in own setting, Plan activities in partnership with others to meet childrens additional needs, Work in partnership with others to provide activities to meet childrens additional needs, Reflect on own practice in meeting childrens additional needs, Critically evaluate the provision for children with additional needs in own setting, Unit 3.14: Use observation, assessment and planning to promote the development of children, Explain how observations are used: to plan for individual childrens needs, for early intervention, to review the environment, during transition, when working in partnership, Evaluate observation methods: Event Sample, Time Sample, Sociogram, Narrative / Free Description, Target Child, Checklist, Child Tracker / Movement Record, Define the terms: objectivity, subjectivity, Evaluate the reasons for objectivity when recording observations, Evaluate the requirement for confidentiality during the observation process, Observe in line with current frameworks: an individual child, a group of children, indoor provision, outdoor provision, Reflect on outcomes of observations carried out in own setting in relation to: an individual child, a group of children, indoor provision, outdoor provision, Work with others to plan next steps in relation to the needs and interests of: an individual child, a group of children, Reflect on own role in meeting the needs and interests of children in own setting, Unit 3.15: Use longitudinal studies to observe, assess and plan for childrens needs, Explain how Longitudinal Study is used as an assessment tool, Evaluate benefits of undertaking a Longitudinal Study for: the child, Early Years practitioners, others, Carry out Longitudinal Studies using methods of observation to assess the changing developmental needs of children, Maintain records of observation, assessment and planning, Evaluate observations in relation to: expected developmental stages, current frameworks, theoretical perspectives, Devise plans which meet the developmental needs and interests of children, Implement plans which meet the developmental needs and interests of children, Critically evaluate the outcomes of Longitudinal Studies, Unit 4.1: Engage in professional development, Describe methods for identifying professional development opportunities, Summarise theoretical perspectives on reflection in relation to professional development, Analyse own professional development needs in relation to the role of the Early Years practitioner, Review own learning needs, professional interests and development opportunities, Maintain subject knowledge across curriculum subjects which are of personal interest, Work with others to agree own personal development plan, Use learning opportunities to support own professional development, Explain how reflective practice leads to improved ways of working, Record progress in relation to personal development. 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