hsbc jade account requirements
Visit our Help page to find out how. Your Relationship Manager can help provide access to all that HSBC has to offer. 9 To qualify for HSBC Premier Relationship Savings account, you need to maintain a U.S. HSBC Premier1 relationship. Please refer to our coronavirus travel guidance page for the latest information. Wealth resources provided by HSBC Securities (USA) Inc, Get continued access to Wealth products, insights, and advice from a Financial Professional, Automatically qualify for the Premier Relationship Savings. This information is entirely qualified by reference to the terms and conditions of the specific service, if any, provided by the relevant HSBC company. We can help you open an account in more than 30 countries and regions worldwide. You may, at settlement, receive physical delivery of reference asset(s). Be assured that we recognize the importance of protecting your privacy and safeguarding the confidentiality of the information you provide to us. Follow HSBC UK on Facebook This link will open in a new window, Follow HSBC UK on Twitter This link will open in a new window, Follow HSBC UK on YouTube This link will open in a new window, Our website doesn't support your browser so please upgrade, View our service status to see how we're doing, Careers, media, investor and corporate information. Visit our Help page to find out how. The value of your RMB deposit will be subject to the risk of exchange rate fluctuation. Our ELIs are structured investment products which are embedded with derivatives. Re-investment risk - If our PPNs are early terminated, we will pay you the nominal amount of the PPNs (less any cash settlement expenses) and any accrued potential cash dividend amount calculated up to (and including) that call date. You can apply if you're at least 18 years old and have a valid reason for opening an account, such as moving or investing overseas. HSBC Group | HSBC Bank plc 2017-2023. Box 66, Dubai, UAE (HBME) regulated by the Central Bank of the UAE for the purpose of this promotion and lead regulated by the Dubai Financial Services Authority. They're designed to help you compare one credit product (like a loan or an overdraft) against another more easily. Products and services may vary by state and are not available in all states. What HSBC products, services and account enhancements will I receive with HSBC Jade Passport in Hong Kong? Take advantage of exclusive wealth management solutions and investment privileges: Harness the power of analytics to optimise your entire portfolio and diversify risk. To qualify, youll need to be a UK resident aged under 80. Book your appointmentOr call (852) 2233 3377. If the issuer defaults, the holder of bonds / CD may not be able to receive back the interest and principal. California license #: OD36843. You should note that the information contained in this website does NOT form part of the offering documents of our PPNs. You will also have exclusive access to a carefully curated network of global partners, who unlock a world of extraordinary experiences. Unit Trusts are investment products and some may involve derivatives. 4 Global View and Global Transfers are only available for HSBC Premier and existing HSBC Advance clients and are not available in all countries. Limited potential gain - The maximum potential gain is limited to higher payout on the deposit less the principal amount, when exchange rate of currency pair at fixing moves in line with your anticipated direction. HSBC Jade opens doors not available to others. Visit HSBC Premier World Elite Mastercard or speak to your HSBC Wealth Manager to apply. C redit is subject to status. Ready to open an HSBC Jade account? To apply for Jade, you need to meet certain financial and other eligibility criteria. Check your eligibility and find out how to apply. Already a Jade client? Although the premium received from selling an option is fixed, you may sustain a loss well in excess of such premium amount, and your loss could be substantial. To find out more, please visit our branch finder. HSBC Life is authorised and regulated by the Insurance Authority (IA) to carry on long-term insurance business in the Hong Kong SAR. Credit risk of the Bank - Deposit Plus is not secured by any collateral. Unarranged overdrafts may incur higher fees and result in declined transactions. Rates of exchange may cause the value of investments to go up or down. The price of structured products may move up or down. For more information, please reach out to your current HSBC Relationship Manager. Youll need to update any utility bill payments or subscriptions at merchants with your new card details to ensure no disruption to your card transactions. Listening to what you have to say about services matters to us. This document does not constitute independent investment research under the European Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID), or other relevant law or regulation, and is not subject to any That's why you'll have access to advanced wealth solutions, a dedicated concierge service and an array of luxury lifestyle This does not constitute an offer of solutions or services, but is only for the purpose of information dissemination. HSBC Debit Mastercard cards are issued by HSBC Bank USA, N.A. You should exercise caution when buying any structured products. Personal Internet Banking is required to access Global View and Global Transfers. 7 Investment and certain insurance products, including annuities, are offered by HSBC Securities (USA) Inc. (HSI), member NYSE/FINRA/SIPC. The minimum balance requirement must be fully funded before the closing of the mortgage loan. Limited market making arrangements are available and you may suffer a loss if you sell your ELIs before expiry - Our ELIs are designed to be held to their settlement date. If you are no longer able to meet the Eligibility criteria, your membership and access to HSBC Jade and all its benefits will be removed. Consumers who maintain Private Bank9status. Currency risk - If the deposit currency and/or linked currency is not your home currency, and you choose to convert it back to your home currency upon maturity, you may make a gain or loss due to exchange rate fluctuations. 6Available only on U.S. non-HSBC ATM transactions initiated from HSBC Premier checking, Premier Asset Management, HSBC Premier Savings, HSBC Premier Promotional Savings, and HSBC Premier Relationship Savings. Overseas account not for you? The new credit card will have the same card number, however the expiry date and CVV will change. If you try to sell your ELIs before expiry, the amount you receive for each ELI may be substantially less than the issue price you paid for each ELI. You must either : hold a minimum of 50,000 (or currency equivalent) with us or have a sole salary of 100,000 (or currency equivalent) or have already qualified for HSBC Premier in another country An APR shows the cost of borrowing over a year. As a Jade client you will experience enhanced day to day banking services giving you access to a suite of privileges. An unarranged overdraft lasting more than 30 days could negatively impact your credit rating. All accounts will get the interest rates and Annual Percentage Yields (APYs) in effect when the account is opened and funded online. You can now bank from home with ease and peace of mind. To open an account you can arrange a call back and one of our dedicated agents will contact you at your preferred time. Overdrafts An overdraft lets you borrow money on your current account. We look for the silver lining and examine what could eventually make us more constructive later in 2023. They asked for certified bank statements showing a combined balance of 50,000 EUR/USD in any of my HSBC accounts. Maximum potential loss - Deposit Plus is not principal protected. When you invest in this product, you will be relying on the Bank's creditworthiness. Limited potential gain you may not receive any potential cash dividend amount - The maximum potential gain under this product is capped at an amount equal to the sum of the difference between the issue price and the nominal amount of the ELIs (if any) (less any cash settlement expenses) and the maximum periodic potential cash dividend amount(s) payable during the scheduled tenor (i.e the period from (and including) the issue date to (and including) the settlement date) of the ELIs. Investment involves risk. HSBC U.S. residential mortgage loan with an original loan amount of at least $500,000, not an aggregate of multiple mortgages. If you have doubt on the content of this website, you should seek independent professional advice. You should carefully consider whether any investment product or service mentioned herein is appropriate for you in view of your personal circumstances. There is an inherent risk that losses may be incurred rather than profit made as a result of buying and selling bonds / CD. Your new Premier debit card will have a daily cash withdrawal limit of AED 25,000 and a retail spend limit of AED 60,000. 2023. Please note that HSBC Private Banking does not provide Legal and Tax Advice. Home Equity products are not included. WebHSBC Premier Everyday Global Debit Card A multi-currency debit card with $0 fees in 10 currencies. Member FDIC. Private Placement Notes, Capital Protected Investment and Deposit Plus are not regulated by the Securities and Futures Commission (the 'SFC'). Read about a variety of topics that impact your wealth, including best practices for charitable giving during humanitarian crises. Basic Checking, N/A. 5 HSBC Global Money Account is a prepaid, multi-currency account available on our Mobile Banking App for customers who maintain an HSBC consumer deposit account. Risks relating to RMB - You should note that the value of RMB against other foreign currencies fluctuates and will be affected by, amongst other things, the PRC government's control (for example, the PRC government regulates conversion between RMB and foreign currencies), which may adversely affect your return under this product when you convert RMB into your home currency. Unlock Premier in one country and you can live, work and travel with Premier status around the world with HSBC. If you have doubt on the content of this website, you should seek independent professional advice. If you do not maintain one of the requirements for the monthly maintenance fee waiver, the linked qualifying accounts may also be charged a monthly maintenance fee. The fluctuation in yield generally has a greater effect on prices of longer tenor bonds / CD. The investment decision is yours but you should not invest in this product unless the intermediary who sells it to you has explained to you that the product is suitable for you having regard to your financial situation, investment experience and investment objectives. In the worst case scenario (e.g. In respect of certain financial services and activities offered by HBME, it is regulated by the Securities and Commodities Authority in the UAE under license number 602004. Web1 You must apply for and open a new HSBC (Premier or Advance) Account during the Offer Period and fund the new account or transfer your salary in accordance with the Eligibility Criteria before 31 July 2023, as well as continuing to meet the criteria for at least 2 3 You may link qualifying accounts to help avoid some fees and extend relationship benefits to those accounts. WebRequirements to become an HSBC Jade client (e.g. There may not be any active or liquid secondary market. If you are not located in the U.S., the laws and regulations of your country of residence could affect the offering, negotiation, discussion, provision, and/or use of HSBC U.S. products and services. Extraordinary lifestyle experiences: A dedicated concierge service will be available to you. The HSBC Jade research showed that being able to view artwork or designs that a country is known for is the third most important factor affecting where people choose to travel. RMB products may suffer significant losses in liquidating the underlying investments if such investments do not have an active secondary market and their prices have large bid/ offer spreads. By continuing to browse this site, you give consent for cookies to be used. If HSBC becomes insolvent or defaults on its obligations under the ELIs, in the worst case scenario, you could lose all of your investment. HSBC Bank USA, N.A. With HSBC Premier Elite Passport status, you can unlock access to enhanced benefits and services in HSBC China and HSBC Singapore, such as selected products, preferential rates, discounts, fee waivers, and enhanced services in your new market without meeting extra local eligibility requirements. Policyholder's benefit is subject to the credit risk of HSBC Life. Credit is subject to status. If you need to prove you have Travel Insurance, you canask Aviva for confirmation of cover. That's why we're here to give you unparalleled support for all your international needs. Need to make at least 1 trade per month. We're here to help you. SeeHSBC Premier Elite Terms and Conditionsfor more information. This can help in months when you have extra expenses. Jump to the front of the queue, whether on the phone or using online chat. There will be no changes to your Black credit card limits and youll continue to use your Black credit card free of charge. To maintain your existing Jade account and retain the benefits, provided under the Jade by HSBC Premier Membership programme, you must: *Relationship balance refers to the amount of savings and/or investments you hold with HSBC. We're here to help. This website is designed for use in UAE. Foreign currency exchange rates and local country limitations may apply. 5 How you can unlock Premier Option 1: Open an Everyday Global Account New to HSBC customer Eligibility: Total Relationship Balance of HKD7,800,000 or more. WebApplicable Account to other Integrated Account- HSBC Jade/HSBC Premier (applicable to Offer 1A and Offer 1B only), before the time of fulfilment; and (c) The PayMe wallets of Eligible Customers have been suspended or terminated before the time of fulfilment; and (d) Citizen, resident or taxpayer resident of the United States of America (U.S.); and A multi-currency, mobile-only account designed for people who see a world far beyond their local branch.11. Products and services may vary by state and are not available in all states. HSBC Group | Copyright HSBC Group 2002-2023. HSI is an affiliate of HSBC Bank USA, N.A. You'll get Worldwide Travel Insurance for you, your partner, your dependant children and grandchildren. If you are not located in the U.S., the laws and regulations of your country of residence could affect the offering, negotiation, discussion, provision, and/or use of HSBC U.S. products and services. Whether you're looking to move, invest or study abroad, we can help you open an account in another destination, so you can manage your money around the world more easily. In the worst case, you could suffer a total loss of your deposit amount. Similarly, as an HSBC Premier customer with Premier Elite status in China or Singapore, you are eligible to open an HSBC Premier account with HSBC Jade Passport status in Hong Kong without the need to meet extra local eligibility requirements. You should carefully consider whether any investment products or services mentioned herein are appropriate for you in view of your investment experience, objectives, financial resources and circumstances. Who should I contact for more information? Balances of $75,000 in combined U.S. consumer and qualifying commercial U.S. Dollar deposit and investment* accounts; OR, Monthly recurring direct deposits totaling at least $5,000 from a third party to an HSBC Premier checking account(s); OR. You can apply for an account in the following destinations: Argentina, Australia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Bermuda, Canada, China, Egypt, France, Greece, Hong Kong SAR, India, Indonesia, Macau SAR, Malaysia, Malta, Mauritius, Mexico, New Zealand, Oman, Philippines, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Turkey, UAE, UK, USA and Vietnam. Not covered by Investor Compensation Fund Our ELIs are not listed on any stock exchange and are not covered by the Investor Compensation Fund. Select your current location and where you'd like to open an account. The value of your RMB-denominated PPNs will be subject to the risk of exchange rate fluctuation. The use of the label HSBC Private Banking, HSBC Private Bank, we, or us refers to HSBCs worldwide private banking business, and is not indicative of any legal entity or relationship. It's designed to enrich every part of your life through exclusive benefits and experiences. Personal banking starts here learn about HSBC Premier and apply for an account online. (e.g. Your eligible deposits with HSBC Bank plc are protected up to the limit of your local Compensation Scheme. primary mailing, residence or business address in the US). Download Transcript Download the transcript of the video: Welcome to HSBC Global Private Banking Open In New Window. The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited is the issuer and product arranger of our ELIs. Also, please update your mobile device wallets with your new card details (Apple Pay, Samsung Pay and Google Pay). Web1 HSBC Elite Mortgage requires combined personal deposit and investment balances of at least $1,000,000 U.S. You should be prepared to hold your funds in bonds / CD for the full tenor; you could lose part or all of your principal if you choose to sell bonds / CD prior to maturity. Get started by applying for a local account, Follow HSBC Expat on Facebook This link will open in a new window, Follow HSBC Expat on Twitter This link will open in a new window, Follow HSBC Expat on YouTube This link will open in a new window, Find answers to your queries or contact us for further help, View our international offices in Jersey and Hong Kong, Discover the benefits of international banking, Media, investor and corporate information. Your return upon such early redemption will likely be lower than that if the deposit were held until maturity and may be negative. Cross-border disclosure
Not a time deposit - ELI is NOT equivalent to, nor should it be treated as a substitute for, time deposit. It is the issuer to pay interest and repay principal of bonds / CD. Deposit products are offered in the U.S. by HSBC Bank USA, N.A. No further potential cash dividend amount will be payable following such early termination. is not responsible for these charges. All rights reserved. To find out more, read the HSBC Jade Worldwide Travel Insurance Policy on our legal and insurance page. insolvency of issuer), the investor may get nothing back and the potential maximum loss could be 100% of investment amount and no coupon received. This may affect cover provided by HSBC Travel Insurance. Speak to your Premier Wealth Manager to find out more about Jade. Minimum total relationship balance refers to the rolling average for the previous three months. Legal Processing fees may apply. For over 55 years, award-winning tour operator Abercrombie & Kent has created bespoke holidays for world explorers. When youre Premier, your family is Premier too with access to global Premier privileges and preferred rates for up to four family members. If you need to prove you have Travel The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited (HSBC) is an insurance agent of the Company. All offer bank products through HSBC Bank (USA) N.A., investments and certain insurance products, including annuities, are offered through HSBC Securities (USA) Inc. and traditional insurance products are offered through HSBC Insurance Agency (USA) Inc. 11 HSBC Global Money Account is a prepaid, multi-currency account available on our Mobile Banking App12for customers who maintain an HSBC consumer deposit account. Any stock exchange and are not listed on any stock exchange and are not in... 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