katsina state population by local government
We have provided a few examples below that you can copy and paste to your site: Your data export is now complete. School; Gora B /T. School; Jarkuka Pri. [8] The state is considered a political stronghold of Buhari, a native of Daura, who won the state in the 2019 presidential election with almost 80% of the vote. Hassan K/G Alh. School, Maigora Gabas K/G. It is the site of the Hassan Usman Katsina Polytechnic college (1983) and federal and Islamic teacher-training colleges. School; Machnawa D/Kudu K/Gidan Yarimai; Yan Yabo K/Gidan Magaji Doki, Jigawar Turke Dandali Maikanya; Jigawar Tomo Pri. School; Nanjogel - Near Gidan Galadima; Kuka - Kuka Fage; Lafiyaru 'A' - Lafiyaru Pri. It is situated on latitude between 110 07' 49N' 130 2257" and Longitude 6052'03East and 990 02' East. The State is blessed with abundant underground water, dams and streams, which are used for domestic purposes as well as dry season farming. Associated with the towns large central mosque is the Gobarau Minaret, a 50-foot (15-metre) tower made of mud and palm branches and probably dating from the 18th century. School; Dan Nayaki II Open Space; Ung. School; Kamarawa II - Pri. Source: Nigerian Meteorological Agency, Katsina, 2021, January is usually the coldest month of the year in Katsina having the lowest average low temperatures of 14.7C or 58.5F. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0006636. The estimated population of Katsina LGA is put at 391,417 inhabitants with the vast majority of the areas population consisting of members of the Hausa and Fulani ethnic groups. At present, there is a Wind Power Generating Project at Marabar Rimi, which is expected to produce 10 megawatts of electricity. WebKatsina local government area is situated in Katsina state, Northwest geopolitical zone of Nigeria. Let me enjoin members of this committee to note the imperative of Census in Nation Building. School; Zambadawa/Open Space; Jangero /S/ Mantau - Open Space; Rafin Kanya-Kanya Open Space; Ung. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. This article was most recently revised and updated by, https://www.britannica.com/place/Katsina-Nigeria. As reported by the Daily Trust, Kaduna Commissioner for the Ministry of Internal Security and Home Affairs, Samuel Aruwan confirmed this in a statement on Tuesday. Also in the 1970s Katsina was developed as a regional education centre. This explains why it is traditionally known as 'Gidan Korau' (House of Korau). School I; Tudun Kudi II Dugarawa; Jakwallawa - Pri. [24], The governor of each state is selected using a modified two-round system.
School; Karjawa - G/Unguwa; Sabon Garin Yamma - G/Unguwa; Duwan Bakin Kasuwa - Kasuwa; Fango - Fango Pri. - Fango Pri Maigora At Clinic ; Dandashire I A & B Dansheri ;.. Kanya-Kanya Open Space ; Alhayazawa D/Banjeni Danbanjeni ; Tudun Wada - Dudi Pri Matsiga/Koki II Open ;! School; Shabewa Baruwa/K/G Maigari; Ung. Ii, Ung Ibrahim Idris Pri Liman Rayya I - Shadawa Pri Unguwa Hassan ; Yarlagwada/Pri K/Gidan ;! main 2 branches 0 tags Go to file Code devbrymo LGA and Wards in Katsina In Select Option Format fc15893 on Jan 26 2 commits WARDS LGA and Wards in Katsina In Select Option Format 3 months ago LGA.html LGA and Wards in Katsina In Select Option Format School; Jirdebe I Pri. - K/Gidan Mai Ung ; Kauyen Dawa K/G m/ung ; Ung Waziri - Kanawa.. ; Jargaba ; Kabomo ; Kwantakwaran ; Amfani ; Sandada ; Gazara ; Kwantakwaran ; ; ; Maizuma Near Abduk House ; Ung Bakuru - K/G Alh Barde ; Dawan Musa ; Kabomo ; ;! This chapter is an introduction to the city and people of Katsina. Over 75% of the population engages in agriculture, making Agriculture the mainstay of the economy of the people who are blessed with: Fertile soil, Good rainfall, Good drainage system.
Katsina State recorded 2,757,833 births between 2017 and 2021, the National Population Commission has said. Vegetables such as tomatoes, onions, lotus and pepper. The town is located on the highway between Kano and Maradi (Niger), and it is a junction for local roads. Shool I; Yarraha - Yarraha Pri. Na Maska/Ung. Parasit Vectors. The State is connected with excellent road network. [9] Boko Haram took credit for the incident,[9] but local officials expressed skepticism about the claim, noting that Boko Haram had not been previously active in the region. JAM IYYAR PDP BA ZATA KALUBALANCI ZABEN GWAMNAN KATSINA BA. World Health Organization 2010b: Weekly epidemiological record 30 April No.18, 2010, 85, 157-164. Epub 2017 Jan 13. Daura is the spiritual home of the Hausas, a Local Government Area in Katsina state and the LGA of Origin of President Mohammadu Buhari. It was created in 1989 and has its headquarters in Faskari town. The palace was encircled with a rampart, 'Ganuwar Gidan Sarki' (which is now gone). School; Ganasu K/G Mai Unguwa; Bagga G/Mai Unguwa; Yarawala G/Mai Unguwar; Saarwake G/Mai Unguwa; Rugar Wake Pri. Katsina Dandume Dandume A 4 Katsina Dandume Dandume B 5 Katsina Dandume Dantankari 8 Katsina Dandume Magaji Wando A 10 Katsina Dandume Magaji Wando B 11 Katsina Dandume Mahuta A 1 Katsina Dandume Mahuta B 2 Katsina Dandume Mahuta C 3 Katsina Dandume Nasarawa 9 Katsina Dandume Tumburkai A 6 Katsina Dandume Tumburkai B 7. ; Yamadawa II Kosa Da Mai Unguwar; Tambu I Kofar Dan. Dan-Dutse K/G Lasisi; Ung. Other Institutions of Higher Learning include Hassan Usman Katsina Polytechnic, FCE Katsina, Isa Kaita College Dutsinma, Yusuf Bala Usman College of Legal Daura, School of Basic Studies Funtua, e.t.c. The loss is expected to be about $500 million annually. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Languages spoken in the State are Hausa and Fulfulde. Source: National Population Commission of Nigeria (web), National Bureau of Statistics (web).
School; Ung Umar - Leprosy Clinic; Abduwa - Abduwa Clinic; Dandashire I A&B Dansheri; Ung. Results:
The State extends from the tropical grassland known as the Savannah to Arid Zone to the North. Lafiyaru Pri Tuwaru/ Santar Kuka ; Tuwaru II Pri of Katsina state wards in katsina local government Space ;.! eCollection 2017 Apr. Katsina State has 34 local governments. The local government area of Katsina is an area of 142 km 2, with a population of 318,459 at the 2006 census. The local government are as follows: While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. The Hausa and the Fufulde languages are widely spoken in the area while the majority of the residents of Katsina LGA are practicing Muslims. A good network including treated pipe-borne water, drainage system, and sewage disposal facilities available should be improved upon. Population: 5,801,584 (2006 census figures) 4th of 37, Percentage of Nigerias total population: 4.1%.
School; Dan Marke Iia Dispensary; Dan Marke Iib Dispensary; Dan Marke Iia Tsamiya; Dan Marke (Yalwa) I. V Yalwa; Dan Marke Iib Islamaiya; Katsinawa - Masallachi; Tsaunin Goda Gidan Mai Ung; Gidan Daudu - Gidan Daudu; Yargoje I A Pri. School; Tuge II - Tuge Pri. Is It Safe To Poop During A Thunderstorm, School, Barkiya 'A' Pri. School; Birchi South Pri. WebNational Population Commission census (NPC, 2006), Dutsinma has an estimated population of about 169,829. Katsina Bindawa Baure 8 Katsina Bindawa Bindawa 2 Katsina Bindawa Doro 7 Katsina Bindawa Faru/Dallaji 4 Katsina Bindawa Gaiwa 11 Katsina Bindawa Giremawa 10 Katsina Bindawa Jibawa/R,Bade 6 Katsina Bindawa Kamri 1 Katsina Bindawa Shibdawa 5 Katsina Bindawa Tama/Daye 3 Katsina Bindawa Yangora 9. [citation needed], Former Nigerian late President Umaru Yar'adua was a nobleman of Katsina. Katsina, town, capital of Katsina state, northern Nigeria, near the Niger border. Traditional crafts of the towns predominantly Hausa population include weaving and dyeing of cotton, working in leather and metal, and the design of pottery, embroidery, and calabashes. The National Population Commission (NPC) in collaboration with the Katsina State Government on Thursday inaugurated a 24-man Publicity Committee for the 2023 census exercise in the state. ; Gatakawa II - Pri.
2010. [16][failed verification][17]. Ii Pri Kofar Gamji ; Maifaru - K/Gamji ; Sarkin Noma Pri G/Kusa ; R/Haruna/Dokaji/Yalwa-Dokaji.! All population figures for Nigeria show high error rates; census results are disputed. Unable to load your collection due to an error, Unable to load your delegates due to an error, Map of the study area showing the prevalence of urogenital schistosomiasis by study location, Map of the study area showing the mean intensity of urogenital schistosomiasis infection by study location. Average infection intensity was recorded as number of eggs per 10 ml of urine sample. 2010;3:2832. Diagnosing Urogenital Schistosomiasis: Dealing with Diminishing Returns. Shugaba II K/G. Farming is mostly practiced in the traditional way using traditional implements such as hoe and ox-driven plough. Webwards in katsina local government 07 Apr. Shuri K/Gidan Alh Kudu ( Asibiti ), Salihawa - Ward Head House ; Kanawa! Before Molluscicides should be provided at highly subsidized rate to help control the disease. Dan Dutse Shehu Pr. Pri. There is also a branch of the Central Bank of Nigeria in the State Capital. 3. School; Fulalawa Pri. 6 Mins read.
Modern farming is equally gaining ground in the State with large-scale farming. Centre; Duba. The two committees have been mandated to deliberate, strategize and sensitize citizens on the conduct of the 2023 National Population Census in the State. Katsina State is located in the northwestern part of Nigeria, and its capital is located in the city of Katsina, which is also one of the biggest commercial centers in the state. These include General Hospitals, Comprehensive Health Centres, Dispensaries, Federal Medical Centre and Ibrahim Shehu Shema Orthopedic/Specialist Hospital located in the State Capital. Yakubu Near Alh. School; Gidan Gari/Zango-Zangon Tama; Jabo/Shadawa I - Shadawa Pri. It is situated on Latitude between 110 07 49N 130 22 57 and Longitude 6052 03E and 9 90 02E. Kankara has its headquarters in the town of Kankara. Katsina is both the capital of Katsina state and a Local Government Area. The city is an agricultural area that produces groundnuts. The major inhabitants of the city are the Fulani and Hausa ethnic groups. Kurfi has its headquarters in the town of Kurfi, near the Gada River. School; M/Fash I - K/G Mai Ung; M/Fash II - Sabon Gara; Saye Debe I - Pri. Beside this, there is also an International Airport located in the State Capital. It borders Kaduna State to the South, Jigawa and Kano States to the East, Zamfara State to the West and the Niger Republic to the North. School; Bihayyu - Open Space; Taka Tsaba Open Space; Daddarar Liman Open Space; Garin Wodi Open Space; Matso Matso - Matso Matso Pri. January 14, 2019. Shagari - K/Gidan Mai Unguwa ; Yarawala G/Mai Unguwar ; Saarwake G/Mai Unguwa Kayawa Inwala Yan - Alewa II ; Tudun Kudi II Dugarawa ; Jakwallawa - Pri school ; 'Kauyen ;. School; Unguwar Manna; Ung/Digo/Barau - Ung/Digo Pri. Would you like email updates of new search results? Danja Local Government Area is bounded by Funtua, Bakori, and Kafur Local Government Areas. -. Rainy season is larger in the southern part of the State where it lasts up to five months, while in the northern part of the State it lasts for four months. Sale; Unguwar Ali Kofar Gidan Village Head; Kanon Haki Kofar Gidan Mai Unguwa; Tudun Malamai Yar Yara; Kwankiro Village Head Yard; Ung. WebKatsina. ; Danbatta - Tamarke; Ung Yari Basko - K/G Yari Baso; Ung Waziri - Kanawa Pri. G. Mai Unguwa; Madaddabai/Primary School; Salihawar Mamman/K. School, Ba,El Pri. And has its headquarters in Faskari town Inda House ; Dankwaro Near Maiiunguwa ; ; Saulawa - K/G Alh - K/Gidan Mai Ung ; Mashanya - K/G Mai.. That attracts buyers from as far away as Calabar and parts of Ebonyi state Dandali ; Clinic Maigora At Clinic ; Abduwa - Abduwa Clinic ; Dandashire I &. The average temperature of the State is between 21 30 degrees centigrade. School; Karafa/Karafa; Baruwa/Baruwa Tsaskiya; Karfa/Karfa, Sallubawa/S. Most of the towns old 13.5-mile- (22-km-) long wall is in ruins. ; Makaranta Pri School; Danwaila - K/G Mai Ung; Dandaudu K/G Mai Ung; Danguza Pri School; Danwaila/Na Sambo - Pri School, Guga Gari I - Model Pri. WebBy Abdurrahman Umar. Female genital schistosomiasis as a risk-factor for the transmission of HIV. School; Kwatta Makaurachi - K/Ung; Kwalkodau Pri. The Emir's residential quarters at the epicenter of the Palace is a large compound built in the typical traditional architectural style. wards in katsina local government. Musa F. T. A; Sabon Layi /Gidan Sarkin Yaki I; Sabon Layi /Gidan Sarkin Yaki II; Sabuwar Kasuwa - K/G Alh. That event added another dimension in the annals of social and political transformation of the area.
There is a small government residential area outside the wall. Sarkin Yaki I ; Dansarai/Kgabas - Adult Education Class II ; Tudun Wada Bakin! This assurance came from the NPC Katsina to Establish Village Security Councils in 361 Wards Latest | 2 years ago By Francis Sardauna The Katsina State government has concluded arrangements for the establishment of village. School; Jilawar Ango Pri. An Overview of Katsina State Health Economy Katsina state was created on September 23rd, 1987. [15] The Redeemed Christian Church of God and the Roman Catholic Church are fairly present in the state. ; Nabukka II - K/G Mai Ung; Kafi Awo - K/G Mai Ung; Mashanya - K/G Alh. FOIA School; Fammaraya Pri. Ung/Digo/Barau - Ung/Digo Pri ; Yan Yabo K/Gidan Magaji Doki, Jigawar Turke Maikanya Gari/Zango-Zangon Tama ; Jabo/Shadawa I - Shadawa Pri Marabar Kanya Pri Dandali Maikanya ; Jigawar Pri! This assurance came from the NPC Federal Commissioner in charge of Katsina State Bala Banye during the inauguration of the State Census Publicity Committee for the 2023 Population and Housing Census. Danbirni Madaki Pri. ", "FG leases federal teaching hospital to UMYU for MBBS clinicals", "None of our student is kidnapped, killed Al-Qalam University", "TETFund: Katsina poly gets N1 billion for petrol, engineering courses", "Teacher Arrested For Allegedly Poisoning Friend To Death In Katsina", http://katsinapost.com.ng/2018/05/17/7-institutions-currently-running-degree-programs-in-katsina/, "Katsina, Nigeria - Detailed climate information and monthly weather forecast", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Katsina&oldid=1146758118, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles needing cleanup from September 2022, Articles with bare URLs for citations from September 2022, All articles with bare URLs for citations, Articles covered by WikiProject Wikify from September 2022, All articles covered by WikiProject Wikify, Pages using infobox settlement with possible nickname list, Articles with unsourced statements from October 2022, Articles needing additional references from October 2022, All articles needing additional references, Articles with empty sections from March 2022, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Katsina State Institute of Technology and Management (KTSITM), National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN), This page was last edited on 26 March 2023, at 19:54. 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