please be careful in spanish
Exact: 1010. WebHow to say be careful in spanish. be careful See Also in English be careful not to o la correa no cubran el objetivo, el flash o el sensor de luz. el tiempo necesario para facturar su equipaje. Copyright Curiosity Media Inc. [] and close doors very quietly. painstaking, chary, gingerly, deft. My dentist gave me a careful cleaning today. Sample translated sentence: Please be careful not to let the dog loose. cuidadoso adjective. into Spanish. It's very fragile. Web1 (taking care, cautious) cuidadoso; cauteloso. b. tenga cuidado. Spanish audiobooks:** The sidewalk is slippery. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. translations Be careful! Most frequent English dictionary requests: Suggest as a translation of "please be careful". Por favor, ten cuidado de no dejar al perro suelto. My lawyer's careful work brought me victory in court. Asegrate de tener cuidado con esa bandeja. Be careful what you say, Andrea; the walls have ears. tenga cuidado. Webthe even ing, please be very careful not to wake anyone. Translate text from any application or website in just one click. (ten) cuidado! You must be careful when driving at night. Webb. Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200. Examples Examples have not been reviewed. Tom, be careful you don't fall in the hole. CONTEXT EXAMPLES. CE mark with China Export mark, since they closely resemble each other outwardly. cuidadoso. These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search. This is not a good example for the translation above. The streets aren't safe.Por favor tenga cuidado, seora. Es muy importante que organizaciones como las del sector del transporte, que estn empezando a anunciar sus decisiones sobre los horarios para. paredes del deposito de empaquetadura o el eje de la vlvula. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Copyright Curiosity Media, Inc., a division of IXL Learning All Rights Reserved. The streets aren't safe. WebSpanish Translation. Tom, ten cuidado de no caerte al agujero. Results: 1010. care noun. Translate text from any application or website in just one click. That's also a really fun and easy way to learn spanish.Did you forget to buy something?Spanish words and phrases you NEED to know: for dummies: Stone: to spanish dictionary: to spanish translator: spanish daily by subscribing to my channel. Calienta rpidamente a la temperatura de trabajo. Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200. If you open the product packaging, you must, Si se abre el envase del producto, hay que, Sin embargo, una mujer que viaja sola, debe, This moon tends to draw your impulsive part so, Esta luna tiende a sacar tu parte impulsiva as que, The main thing, watch yourself, and always, Lo principal, obsrvate a ti mismo, y siempre, If you're going to use the washroom, please, There are several on the market, so you must, Hay varios en el mercado, as que usted debe, Quickly heats to working temperature, please. El padre Recoge y Dej el Recordatorio: El nuevo bloque de oficinas al. Ten cuidado!, cuidado, cuidados are the top translations of "Be careful!" atento adjective. 2. Webplease be careful ( pliz bi kehr - fuhl ) phrase 1. the last three digits of your credit card number, or your card may not be accepted. Please be careful, madam. Please be careful not to let the dog loose. because we are losing a high percentage of customers every month. Examples Examples have not been reviewed. P or favor, tenga cuidado y acte de for ma responsable c uando est en l nea. Si no es capaz de controlar sus intestinos. tenga cuidado (76) ten cuidado (51) cuidado (45) por favor tenga cuidado (32) So. Fast, easy, reliable language certification, 35,000+ worksheets, games, and lesson plans. Webcareful interjection. [] and close doors very quietly. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. ten cuidado - cuidado. How to say be careful in spanish. enough time in your journey to check in your baggage. you are participating in any discussion groups or forums on the McAfee website(s).
Sample translated sentence: Please be careful not to let the dog loose. Search millions of Spanish-English example sentences from our dictionary, TV shows, and the internet. SpanishDict is the world's most popular Spanish-English dictionary, translation, and learning website. These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search. in Spanish (!) Examples are used only to help you translate the word or expression searched in various contexts. Debes tener cuidado con el beb. 2013-2022 Reverso Technologies Inc. All rights reserved. Here's what's included: Get conjugations, examples, and pronunciations for millions of words and phrases in Spanish and English. 2. Sample translated sentence: Be careful what you say, Andrea; the walls have ears. Making educational experiences better for everyone. 2013-2022 Reverso Technologies Inc. All rights reserved. Esto significa que tiene que calcular al gramo el peso que lleva durante sus expediciones. Spanish audiobooks:** cuidado - cario - esmero - primor - cuidados - guillo - prudencia - tiento - preocupacin - atencin. English to Spanish translation of ten cuidado (be careful). Be careful! Si entras en la casa tarde por la noche, por favo r ten c uidaddo de no despertar a. be carried away be caught be caught in the net be caused by be cautioned be cautious be certain be challenged by an opponent be changing Be careful!in Spanish English-Spanish dictionary Be careful! WebHow to say be careful in Spanish Spanish Translation ten cuidado More Spanish words for be careful tener cuidado verb take care, beware, watch, care, watch out cuidarse verb take care of oneself ser cuidadoso verb be careful, watch, look tener mucho cuidado be careful Find more words! Be carefulwhat you say, Andrea; the walls have ears. be carried away be caught be caught in the net be caused by be cautioned be cautious be certain be challenged by an opponent be changing Be careful!in Spanish English-Spanish dictionary Be careful! The translation is wrong or of bad quality. Copyright 2006 Harrap Publishers Limited. This category has hundreds of words translated into Spanish and English. have set up for the site, and what settings they are using. Look up words and phrases in comprehensive, reliable bilingual dictionaries and search through billions of online translations. Be careful! WebYou must be more careful now and look after it well, since you have seen that your card is obviously especially valuable. Fast, easy, reliable language certification, 35,000+ worksheets, games, and lesson plans. You can't play with him like you play with your friends. Popular Spanish categories to find more words and phrases: A new category where you can find the top search words and phrases translated into English and Spanish. WebCareful indica una gran atencin hacia personas o asuntos al cargo de uno, y esmero y precaucin en el evitar errores . its a two word phrase to tell someone they should be careful. Look up words and phrases in comprehensive, reliable bilingual dictionaries and search through billions of online translations. Add Ten cuidado! Debes tener cuidado con el beb. Translation of "please be careful" into Spanish. to be careful tener cuidado; (be) careful! atento adjective. grifos, o cajas de servicios de utilidades. Por favor, ten cuidado de no dejar al perro suelto. he's a careful driver es un conductor prudente; conduce con prudencia or cuidado. El trabajo esmerado de mi abogado me trajo la victoria en la corte. Whether you are learning Spanish to study or because you want to travel to a Spanish-speaking country. WebThe racers had to be careful with the wet track. Por favor, ten cuidado de no dejar al perro suelto. this liberalisation respects all services that are considered public services. SpanishDict is the world's most popular Spanish-English dictionary, translation, and learning website. These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. If the user eventually enters a digit in one of the above options and press the. separador para la coma decimal lugares, ya que esto directamente es entr en un comando de SQL. Webbe careful! Have you tried it yet? More Spanish words for careful. [] nadie y cierra las puertas de forma muy silenciosa. Ten Cuidado or Tenga Cuidado to be formal. We conducted a careful analysis of your finances. she's very careful about what she eats pone mucho cuidado en or es muy prudente con lo que come. (ten) cuidado! More examples. in Spanish (!) (imperative; used to address multiple people) a. tengan cuidado (plural) Be careful if you're out late.Tengan cuidado si regresan a casa tarde. Great way to learn spanish. WebYou must be more careful now and look after it well, since you have seen that your card is obviously especially valuable. More examples. Los pilotos deban tener cuidado con la pista mojada. Be carefulwhat you say, Andrea; the walls have ears. [] nadie y cierra las puertas de forma muy silenciosa. Search millions of Spanish-English example sentences from our dictionary, TV shows, and the internet. (ten) cuidado! Webb. Webcareful interjection. ten cuidado - cuidado. sitio, y de los ajustes que estn siendo utilizados. por favor, ten cuidado is the translation of "please be careful" into Spanish. La manera ms prudente de proceder es conseguir la aprobacin verbal primero. These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. vlvula, ya que podra generar una via de fuga a travs de este dao. Be careful with that necklace! Correcteur d'orthographe pour le franais. [] and close doors very quietly. Las calles son peligrosas. Be careful out there. These examples may contain rude words based on your search. No puedes jugar con l como juegas con tus amigos. WebThe racers had to be careful with the wet track. By using a packing extractor such as a. corkscrew, awl and gimlet, remove the packing. (imperative; used to address multiple people). Just like a dictionary! WebTranslation of "please be careful" in Spanish por favor, ten cuidadopor favor ten cuidadopor favor, tenga cuidadopor favor tenga cuidado por favor tengan cuidado por Be an expert in no time! The translation is wrong or of bad quality. painstaking, chary, gingerly, deft. A word or phrase used to refer to the second person formal usted by their conjugation or implied context (e.g., usted). Ten cuidado con lo que dices, Andrea; las paredes tienen odos. Browse Spanish translations from Spain, Mexico, or any other Spanish-speaking country. he's a careful driver es un conductor prudente; conduce con prudencia or cuidado. CONTEXT EXAMPLES. Lea detenidamente el acuerdo para el softwa, Parent Pick Up and Drop Off Reminder: The new office. It's the easiest thing you'll ever do. anticipation of low demand, rather than in expectation of problems. painstaking, chary, gingerly, deft. These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. WebYou must be more careful now and look after it well, since you have seen that your card is obviously especially valuable. Las calles son peligrosas. Rude or colloquial translations are usually marked in red or orange. WebYou need to be careful with the baby. cuidadoso. Be carefulwhat you say, Andrea; the walls have ears. Listen to hear the pronunciation. Webcareful interjection. Listen to hear the pronunciation. Examples Examples have not been reviewed. be careful See Also in English be careful not to Translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the creators of Linguee. WebTranslation of "please be careful" into Spanish por favor, ten cuidado is the translation of "please be careful" into Spanish. ten cuidado - cuidado. Show algorithmically generated translations. Ten Cuidado or Tenga Cuidado to be formal. P or favor, tenga cuidado y acte de for ma responsable c uando est en l nea. An intransitive verb phrase is a phrase that combines a verb with a preposition or other particle and does not require a direct object (e.g. You can't play with him like you play with your friends. Spanish to Go offers introductory courses you can take to learn Spanish online at your own pace. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Spanish audiobooks:** Translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the creators of Linguee. Please report examples to be edited or not to be displayed. Browse Spanish translations from Spain, Mexico, or any other Spanish-speaking country. These examples may contain rude words based on your search. Llevamos a cabo un anlisis meticuloso de sus finanzas. Here's what's included: Get conjugations, examples, and pronunciations for millions of words and phrases in Spanish and English. Show algorithmically generated translations. Everybody please stand up.). ser peligroso para el instrumento, pero sobre todo para el operador, podra electrocutarse. Examples are used only to help you translate the word or expression searched in various contexts. Eastern Avenue driveway during the pick up or drop off times. you do not participate in any strenuous exercise such as sports, massage or gymnastics. Webbe careful! its a two word phrase to tell someone they should be careful.You can learn spanish while you sleep. Webplease be careful ( pliz bi kehr - fuhl ) phrase 1. If you're determined to go ahead with this. its a two word phrase to tell someone they should be careful. the big dog). WebHow to say be careful in spanish. The most careful way to proceed is to get verbal approval first. WebSpanish Translation. Please be careful. WebTranslation of "please be careful" into Spanish por favor, ten cuidado is the translation of "please be careful" into Spanish. WebHow to say be careful in Spanish Spanish Translation ten cuidado More Spanish words for be careful tener cuidado verb take care, beware, watch, care, watch out cuidarse verb take care of oneself ser cuidadoso verb be careful, watch, look tener mucho cuidado be careful Find more words! A word or phrase used to refer to the second person informal t by their conjugation or implied context (e.g., How are you?). WebHow to say be careful in spanish. all the safety measures mentioned in the warning texts of these directions for use and affixed to the machine. cuidadoso adjective. Access millions of accurate translations written by our team of experienced English-Spanish translators. Be careful! [] nadie y cierra las puertas de forma muy silenciosa. Learn basic Spanish. Como ninguna propiedad est completamente insonorizada, We can't help you, if they try to force you to pay. You can't play with him like you play with your friends. Por favor tenga cuidado, seora. It should not be summed up with the orange entries. The streets aren't safe.Por favor tenga cuidado, seora. Context examples for "be careful!" Since the summer has a large variation in the climate. tenga cuidado (76) ten cuidado (51) cuidado (45) por favor tenga cuidado (32) More Spanish words for careful. If you are not able to control your bowels. he's a careful driver es un conductor prudente; conduce con prudencia or cuidado. into Spanish, be careful with them, you know what I mean, right to be cared for by his or her parents. Search millions of Spanish-English example sentences from our dictionary, TV shows, and the internet. tenga cuidado (76) ten cuidado (51) cuidado (45) por favor tenga cuidado (32) Please be careful. Add Ten cuidado! Copyright Curiosity Media, Inc., a division of IXL Learning All Rights Reserved. With what he learned in the last match, I'm sure he'll be more careful. atento adjective. Ten cuidado afuera. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. **Get 25 [FREE!] A word or phrase that is commonly used in conversational speech (e.g., skinny, grandma). respete la integridad de los servicios que se consideran pblicos. Si se abre el envase del producto, hay que tener cuidado. They are not selected or validated by us and can contain inappropriate terms or ideas. Elapsed time: 607 ms. This is not a good example for the translation above. in Spanish (!) Los pilotos deban tener cuidado con la pista mojada. Rude or colloquial translations are usually marked in red or orange. Access millions of accurate translations written by our team of experienced English-Spanish translators. Ten cuidado con lo que dices, Andrea; las paredes tienen odos. this could be dangerous not only for the instrument but also for the operator, who could receive a severe electric shock. The streets aren't safe.Por favor tenga cuidado, seora. enough time in your journey to check in your baggage. derecho a ser cuidado por los propios padres, ten cuidado con ellos, t ya me entiendes, Y, por favor, dgale a su joven amigo que tenga, We arent exactly sure what were dealing with here, so, No sabemos con exactitud lo que se traen entre manos, as que ve con, I know you can take care of yourself, but, Ya s que sabes cuidar de ti misma, pero, Translation of "Be careful!" Continue with Recommended Cookies. the strap do not cover the lens, flash, or the light sensor. or the valve stem because the damage may cause a leakage. WebTranslation of "please be careful" in Spanish por favor, ten cuidadopor favor ten cuidadopor favor, tenga cuidadopor favor tenga cuidado por favor tengan cuidado por English to Spanish translation of ten cuidado (be careful). Las calles son peligrosas. antonyms: careless, negligent; Meticulous puede indicar ya sea cuidado extremo o una precaucin melindrosa en cuanto a pormenores
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