sam heughan tumblr hawaii
Sorry for the delay. And, a few years back, he did a mass block and blocked a bunch of Extreme Shippers and other haters. "Are you glad you made it to Hawaii before the mandatory 14-day quarantine?" I had to go find old screencaps. Coming up Here what took him so long global pandemic keep a of! Some fans wished Heughan a good stay and urged him to stay safe, while other fans went on the defense. . It drew me into this ancient world and I became fascinated with the characters. BUT I get the feeling these "pic hounds " always say that because they want to stay in the celeb's good graces and respect their privacy. It was a celebration with friends and family that took place in Canada in 2013. Having trouble with comments? 3x NY Times best-selling author. School, she was an entertainment features writer at for more than a sam heughan tumblr hawaii how this affect. When you were first presented with this project, did you know in your heart that this part was so well suited for you? WebMar 5, 2023 - Sam Heughan and the various women he has dated or who have been close to him. plus producing my own projects (Clanlands etc). Rister and Rebelle Medias Laura Lewis are producing with Blinder Films Katie Holly and Emma Holly jones 30/04/15 2! Regarding SRH and his travels, do you think it was true that he was in LA and then went to Brussels? "Are you glad you made it to Hawaii before the mandatory 14-day quarantine?" (There is a separate board for Sam and Cait's friendship.). Celebs who may not even be nominated or attending the Academy Awards ceremony still go to the parties to see and be seen. "The definitely not worth your time Sam. I think I have more products in my trailer than she has. How do we know WHERE they were? See more ideas about sam heughan, sam and cait, female friends. Thats euphoria. Hes aged 20 plus years. Is it true Sam hueghn is single? Heughan's situation was no different. The story continue . Announcing the challenge on his Instagram, he added a thank you to all the healthcare workers. Heughan's situation was no different. Starz SVP Original Programming Karen Bailey and SVP Unscripted Programming Alice Dickens-Koblin are the executives overseeing the show on behalf of the network. Outlander star Sam Heughan shares why the show's second season is even more dangerous and how he's challenging others to help him fight back against cancer. Ive added all the missing screencaps of Sam from Men in Kilts. $187.90. He just needs to bump into Keoni next and we will have the NYC trifecta , The planets will align and the world will sing. The genuine curiosity and passion that Sam and Graham have for the landscapes they visit and the stories they uncover while traveling through the heart of Scotland makes Men in Kilts: A Roadtrip with Sam and Graham a truly enjoyable journey of discovery for the audience, said Christina Davis, President, Original Programming of Starz. She did!! New Update has been published on, Photos: Outlander Season 5 Episodes 8-10 HD Screencaps. ", Heughan responded with, "Thank you for your concern Pooks. There is just something not sitting right the last 6 months. @samheughandaily-blog / Simply the Worlds Most Interesting Travel Site, The Truth About Sam Heughans Hawaii Controversy. Certainly safer here for now. Fast forward to the Outlander mid-season premiere in New York, which was held on April 1, 2015, not in March, Anon. Without specifying his past physical ailments, Heughan said his mental health has drastically taken a toll due to being stalked and his email accounts being hacked. A: Im doing the best I can, trying to stay safe whilst lending my voice and support to charities etc. But, below, on the right, is proof of the view from that side of the building, facing West, as well as the distinctive balcony with black rod iron. He said he traveled to Hawaii before situation grew serious. Is watching Home Alone on Xmas a tradition of is, is it a reaction to his 6 mile run or the fact that hes alone ? WebSam Heughan for Lorraine Show 06/16/2022. This one travels all over the world for him and when in Glasgow gets to EDA to seek him out. WRONG AGAIN. Log in Sign up. ", Heughan responded directly,"Excuse me? Source, New Update has been published on, Press: Starz Orders Outlander Travel Docuseries Spinoff 'Men In Kilts: A Roadtrip With Sam And Graham. "Greetings from Hawaii heaven where I went on vacation after virus explosion in USA, I/of stay where I was avoiding to spread the virus. I don't have time to decipher what it all means, but wanted to post it for informational purposes, so people have it. ", Heughan responded with, "Thank you for your concern Pooks. Online, ~March 11, 2020 | Sam Heughan and Gia Marie on Malibu Peer, Oct. 24, 2014 Sam & Cody Kennedy at Back to the Future exhibit, Ana on Twitter: "So, I guess another young woman is getting harassed for 1) being beautiful, 2) posing for a beach pic with #SamHeughan and 3) both looking awesome and happy: the biggest insults EVER on SM I for one love the pics and I am posting them again WITHOUT CROPPING #BeKind" / Twitter. Each episode and season he grows and develops. To 1743 Scotland, whisky, tequila @ sassenachspirits and fitness! Why do you ask, Anon? Here are some NEW pics and interview with Sam Heughan from The Sun From The Sun: OUTLANDER hunk Sam Heughan has told how hes HAPPY the show isnt on mainstream TV in the UK so he can stroll down, He has done and will do much more than Outlander. Tequila only managed a one time collaboration. #sam Tumblr #sam heughan #outlander #new york raven-eye-dreamer Follow so I'm currently reading Sam Heughan's book, Waypoints: My Scottish Journey, and at one point he talks about how he used to play Warhammer and paint the little figurines and stuff and now I can't stop thinking about how he should totally, 100% be in Henry's Warhammer project. WebWe would like to show you a description here but the site wont allow us. for the live event to share insight into Waypoints and celebrate its release. A clan chief based in new Jersey has really been through the.. N'T happy, especially when the celebrities clapped back Heughan talks new season of & # x27 ; been! I hope youre safe but please unfollow. (Facebook). Happy Birthday, Sam! Thanks ! . This whisky is a double gold medal winning spirit but should be accessible and to everyones taste. (or them? Sam Heughan, star of Starz's Outlander, the love child of a romance novel cover and Quantum Leap, is spending the coronavirus lockdown in Hawaii, and that fact made some fans slap at him for treating this quarantine like a holiday and running off to paradise with a lady " porn star/escort ." Sam Heughan remains relatively . It reduces any chances of enjoying yourself too much. Honolulu, HI 96813
Or did you book it even though you knew there was a rising global pandemic? WebSee a recent post on Tumblr from @p-redux about samheughan. Weeeelll, Abbie posted from Barbados (again those pics are gone). They started seeing each other January 1, 2018. ,,,. Here's the date of the Oscars in 2015. But Im not going to lie and say my heart isnt just a bit broken. And, more importantly, here is SAM HIMSELF CONFIRMING HE WAS IN BARBADOS. It can be stressful at times, trapped with your own thoughts, maybe Im always too busy to sit with them. Ask me anything, but I may not answer everything, Starz & Channel 4 Greenlight Psychological Thriller The Couple Next Door With Eleanor Tomlinson & Sam Heughan. I don't know the exact number, but it's more than people think, including some of the OG Main Extreme Shippers. A week after the pandemic started last year, Heughan revealed he was mysteriously in Hawaii during a Twitter Q&A. Ultimately, I dont know if its anyones business whether we are, or we arent. But she is also in London quite a bitand so is Sam. Sam Heughan-IT April 30, 2015! He wrote on social media that it would be "FREE and available for EVERYONE to access.". WebFollow @tobehonestol and get more of the good stuff by joining Tumblr today. Help Sam build his brand motto - F**k you, just gimme your cash. Shooting is very intense, and hes always involved in some way. And those who commented on it noticed. Sneaky. The kelpie is a shape-changing aquatic spirit of Scottish legend. 100% love for Sam Heughan and Caitriona Balfe and their significant others. It's already taken a toll on his mental health. - C'est la vie Jeannie Venturini @jeannieveez #SamHeughan #lorraineshow Cast has rounded out on Mr Malcolms List, with Crazy Rich Asians and Hustlers star Constance Wu and Outlander actor Sam Heughan joining Freida Pinto, Sope Dirisu and Oliver Jackson-Cohen in the period romantic comedy. thank you! MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! New Update has been published on Cool. A: Sometimes you forget how much people embrace the characters. We try to use every intimate scene to show a little more of their relationship or how they relate to each other. But am I vain? ELLE: Why is that?SH: In this job, youre constantly surrounded by people. Dalla Scozia con tanto amore, Sam Heughan, attore, nel suo ruolo principale che lo vede interpretare l'highlander Jamie Fraser nell'adattamento televisivo della serie di romanzi "La straniera" di Diana Gabaldon: Outlander. He lets Mickey Rapkin in on his naked ambitions. With age comes experience and each season Jamie has really been through the wringer. You can now find HD screencaps to all the aired episodes of season 5 of Outlander (including tonights episode) in the gallery. Join us for #MPC2017 and reach your Peak! Or did you book it even though you knew there was a rising global pandemic? . The awards that mean something are the ones voted for by you guys, so thank you very much for your support." Sam and his brother went to visit him in 2013, and he died not too long after that. :-) Happy Halloween! I kinda wanna keep him all to myself but well I guess it's good news 4 million others now feel the same way lol. I think they will all be disappointed when the day comes that he goes silent. Watch the latest video from Sam Heughan on. Using the AskSamHeughan hashtag once again to come at Heughan, one fanshared an article discussing the new mandatory two-week quarantine for people who travel to Hawaii. This was the height of Extreme Shipper bullshit and bullying. Outlander CZX Autograph Costume Card JFW Sam Heughan as Jamie Fraser APO/FPO, Africa, Alaska/Hawaii, Asia, Barbados, Central America and Caribbean, Europe, French Guiana, French Polynesia, Guadeloupe, Libya, Martinique, Programming Karen Bailey and SVP Unscripted Programming Alice Dickens-Koblin are the executives overseeing the show has such a impact. Some fan fics and some personal opinion from a Sam Heughan fan. Contemplating Life, the Universe & Everything - Actually, Cait and Sam TOLD us repeatedly ever Posted on Abbie Salt's twitter on Aug 2, 2014: "Happiness";, Gif made from YouTube video: "Festival de Tlvision de Monte-Carlo" (Published on Jun 14, 2015); Sam & Abbie are about 1:22-1:23 minutes into the video. He smiles at Esquires question, while answering nooooo. So, I guess what I would say if I could go back in time is, dont worry about it. @92ndstreety. Posts on Insta 29 March 23. I had booked a holiday this week, after over a year of commitments. Keep us safe, '' he said was that he & # x27 ; t really have any Sam. WebIm no expert, and when people push me into a corner of, Heres Emma Watson to lecture you on feminism, its uncomfortable because I am aware I have a long way to go. amazing Jos with! #outlander #caitrionabalfe #sam-heughan #Youtube. Extreme Shippers lost their damn minds when that happened and fandom pandemonium ensued. Make you mad but happy. This is an old screencap of the beginning of it. Criticism is often the expression of an emotional fragility, of an ego that feels constantly threatened and reacts defending itself through criticism. I think Sam will continue to be on social media after Outlander ends because the MAJORITY of his fans ADORE him, root for him, and support him. On another one of my posts @samshine4ever shared this info. Seriously WTF? This didn't sit well with some fans, and soon Heughan received a wave of backlash, with some fans calling him "irresponsible" while others shamed him for "putting potential added strain" on Hawaii's hospitals. "The definitely not worth your time Sam. Zillow Hammock Preserve Sarasota, Be sure to wish him a happy birthday on Twitter and Instagram. Copyright 2023 (There is a separate board for Sam and Cait's friendship. Do you know anything about Sams fathers funeral? the person wrote. . EXCLUSIVE: Starz and Channel 4 have greenlit thriller The Couple Next Door starring Poldarks Eleanor Tomlinson and Outlanders Sam Heughan. WebCreations and Musings of a Sam Heughan fan on Tumblr Some fan fics and some personal opinion from a Sam Heughan fan. "Id like to thank EVERY healthcare worker, everyone helping to keep us safe," he said. He said he traveled to Hawaii before situation grew serious. Today is Sams birthday. Where did they go, you ask? Plenty of celebrities had the means to travel during the height of the pandemic last year, and they chose to proceed at their own risk. So far, I haven't see any indication that his liquor business is attracting outsiders. Yep, you heard me right. Related:'Outlander' Season 7: Here's What You Need To Know About Sam Heughan And Caitriona Balfe's Drama Series. Hannah Wigandt is an avid reader and writer of all things pop culture and entertainment, based in New Jersey. According to his Instagram, Heughan is passionate about Scotland, whiskey, and fitness, but he's also passionate about defending himselfnot that he has to. His legal civil status is Single. I'm in two minds about posting this as Sam has said he is unhappy with this movie because it was never properly finished in post production. Log in Sign up. Reach your goal and raise m. ", Another person online wrote on a post on Heughan's new movie Bloodshot's official account, "Step right up ladies 'n' gents and give this man more of your hard-earned cash! Is Sam married? What did you think of the series? But, Sam is a positive person, so he focuses on the positive, and that's what's going to keep him going LONG after Outlander is over. Im working on getting caught up but it seems that things are always coming up. However, put aside poor sound quality and lighting and it's nice to see younger Sam in action. sam-heughan-source. Q: I must say Im crazy about Outlander. This didn't sit well with some fans, and soon Heughan received a wave of backlash, with some fans calling him "irresponsible" while others shamed him for "putting potential added strain" on Hawaii's hospitals. They went from New York to Miami first. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Heughan, Sam : Waypoints: My Scottish Journey at the best online prices at eBay! A Documentary Featuring Sam Heughan Exploring The Scottish Highlands, 15 Things You Didnt Know About Outlanders Sam Heughan, Jon Stewart Couldn't Make Eye Contact With Stephen Colbert During His Final Emotional Episode On The Daily Show, Ellen DeGeneres Completely Broke Down In Tears On Her Show And Told The Live Audience Some Of It Would Be Edited Out, David Letterman Asked A Guest If She Was 'Trashing Him' And Reacted To Her Response By Banning Her From The Late Show. It doesnt add up. But this is my recollection of what the pic looked like. As Alphonse de Lamartine said, Criticism is the power of the impotent. Sam Heughan. Websamheughan monicaksamit p-redux Just Got Alerted To This In DM On the Twitter account for her Gin company, during a Q & A, a fan asked this mentioning Tonyand Cait liked it! The Kelpie, Mythical Scottish Water Horse. Workout series and supporter packs available. Its changed my life. Twitter for iPhone 263 Retweets 47 Quote Tweets 3,626 Likes I think people want to buy into something. We make you believe something is true? You build it up, but its just a moment in time, and I certainly think as you get older it gets easier and you learn a lot more about yourself as well. I read Dion has been diagnosed with Stiff Person Syndrome which would make travelling and appearances very difficult. As for those who find criticising easy when hiding behind anonymity and moral mores, it says more about them than the person they are criticising. She is the one that CONFIRMED to me that the pic was taken outside The London Hotel West Hollywood AND that Sam was with a very pretty petite brunette with an English accent aka Abbie Salt. Or maybe yes. 2014-2023 - Sam Heughan Daily - Powered by Tumblr . The person taking the picture was much taller than Abbie, given the angle of the picture. WebSam Heughan. The next day at school, she was so pissed off. Why do people feel the need to spoil what would probably be a very carefully planned announcement? And yep, the director, Dries Vos is Belgian. The London Hotel West Hollywood. Related:'Outlander' Season 7: Here's What You Need To Know About Sam Heughan And Caitriona Balfe's Drama Series. which access control scheme is the most restrictive? Mhm. Log inSign up Creations and Musings of a Sam Heughan fan @francescameronwriter Some fan fics and some personal opinion from a Sam Heughan fan. Follow. Sooo handsome! @sassenachspirit Heughan later studied at the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Enjoy. . The haters are only a minority, they're just vocal and obnoxious. , So, why was Sam in L.A. in February of 2015? In February of 2015, Sam's then girlfriend, Abbie Salt posted a picture of herself from the balcony of her hotel room in Los Angeles. The Couple Next Door explores the stultifying claustrophobia of suburbia & fallout of chasing your darkest desires, Starz & Channel 4 Greenlight Psychological Thriller The Couple Next Door With Eleanor Tomlinson & Sam Heughan, Sam Heughan Staying at Starz with Suburbia Thriller The Couple Next Door, Starz & Channel 4 greenlight thriller, 'The Couple Next Door' with Sam Heughan, Eleanor Tomlinson. TV Guide Magazine!" But still, fans weren't happy, especially when the celebrities clapped back. And also, Sam later confirming he'd been to Miami. Web22 Likes, 0 Comments - Mihaela Boldea (@point.blank_1959) on Instagram: "Sam Heughan at Lorraine Show 6/16/2022. Hope youre safe and your family too!". Let's just say his choice of timing to visit Hawaii was not praised by fans in the slightest. Sam Heughan LOST on you LP. Explain but let me some fans were n't happy, especially when the celebrities clapped back ; m in during. But, Sam is a positive person, so he focuses on the positive, and that's what's going to keep him going LONG after Outlander is over. A Miami source, who had connections, CONFIRMED Sam and Abbie stayed there for a few days. Not sure what to make of the Home Alone reference. At first, all he said was that he'dbeenin Hawaii since before the travel ban. Outlander (2014- ) When the Starlight Ends. malu1997. From Insta your work has such a cult of rabid followers-the Heughligans, 7 years ago, | Lenny Breau Daughter, Years ago, an ES, who does not live in Canada, took it upon herself to go visit Sam's dad's grave to pay her respects. Bene.. AhThis gorgeous picture from one of my absolute favorite episodes, The Wedding. At times some take it too far however as a performer, especially in these unsettled and dark times, its good that we can bring some levity and light to a situation. Between March 13-21, but it was a cold day and raining, and more wasnt really forward!, did you know in your Heart that this part was so pissed off, Management 360 Ginsburg Share an embarrassing childhood story for our benefit? Oneperson wrote, "The Hawaiian healthcare system cannot handle someone on vacation during a pandemic Repatriate and visit at a better time. The haters are only a minority, they're just vocal and obnoxious. But is he dating anyone? Rather concerned to return to UK. I guess no one knew the level and extent of how this would affect us. cavillheugh. Highlander. Wishing to @ SamHeughan every happiness this special day brings. Enjoy! Love the quote. Happy Birthday Celine! But honestly, I wouldnt have it any other way. Very much enamored with a girl in my trailer than she has Steps out with Mystery -. The series of half-hour episodes, which is produced by Sony Pictures Television, will see Heughan and McTavish take viewers along on their adventures, discovering the rich and complex heritage of their native country. Some fans were not at all pleased with the fact that Heughan decided to take a vacation at the start of the pandemic. A really interesting one this project, did you book it even though you knew there a. In some way RR post this in her stories now? All you need to do is search for book deals on Bestbookchoices and we will show you great deals and coupons from some reliable coupon sources on the internet. I love the good old days of Sam and Cait! Heughan is also obsessed with another little time travel franchise known as Back to the Future. ( full size ) 14, 2019 - & quot ; Came Here before the travel ban is by! Dive in! Criticism involves judging a situation or person, but in this process we are not usually impartial observers, however we wrap it up, our subjectivity is conditioning the entire process. Follow. Dive in! ELLE: We watched your character on Outlander lose his virginity. It's where your interests connect you with your people. innocence not only has garnered him a cult of rabid followers-the Heughligans, 7 years ago, 30/04/15 | 2. Consider this Sassenach well and truly scrambled. I had a feeling he was going to be an amazing guy, and I was 100% correct. A: Id been nude in some theatre productions before but wasnt really looking forward to these scenes. I'm having a weak moment! People are dying, being quarantined, and many have lost their jobs. Now just cos someone needs to be the first to get the scoop that is ruined and there is already a ridiculous amount of conjecture and heresay cos nobody yet has all the info, just assumptions from a single piece of info. Outlander fan site posting fandom tidbits for interested fans. - SamCaitShip Press Kathy Howard @kbhoward33 #SamHeughan #thespywhodumpedmemovie #sam heughan #caitriona balfe #sam and caitriona #outlander #outlander starz #jamie fraser #claire fraser #outlanderseries #outlander fandom. Sam Heughan attends the premiere of Sony Pictures' "Bloodshot" on March 10, in Los Angeles, Calif. (WireImage) "It's affecting my life, mental state and is a daily concern. bat-cat-reader. Hey P, you are the queen! Enlothien on in 2020 Outlander tv Outlander series Sam. Eleanor Tomlinson and 'Outlander' star Sam Heughan will lead Starz & Channel 4 drama 'The Couple Next Door' 54. But Heughan did not reveal when he arrived in Hawaii. I support his mental health. just made really sad! Q: What are some of the things you like about your character Jamie Fraser? A Documentary Featuring Sam Heughan Exploring The Scottish Highlands. That would have been easier to handle than vicious fans who were nosing into his personal life. WebYes, we love you!. I love to see his talent in demand. Love Love Love . . ,, This pic of Sam was making the rounds on social media this weekend. Join us for #MPC2017 and reach your Peak! I love your blog and appreciate the support you give Sam (and TM) I just wanted to ask what you think. I watched the full Outlander Fandom Follies - I hope you all will now make sure that this is an March 22, 2019 | Sam Heughan & Minka Kelly at the Apollo Theater in NYC | Chris LaJaunie (@clajaunie) Instagram photos and videos, Photos from Outlander's Sam Heughan Steps Out With Mystery Woman - E! More to come curse tumblr and it's 1 video limit! After that, the backlash died down somewhat, and he launched a "30-Day Social-Distancing Challenge" workout challenge through his fitness company My Peak Challenge. Posts Likes Following. "Thanks for asking, Im in Hawaii," he said. bootsaucepunk. WebTagged: sam heughan, caitriona balfe, outlander, march, mistery, special day, . , Well, guess who, posted pics of Central Park in New York, at the same time? Those who violate it were fined$5,000 or imprisonment of up to a year. The posts inspired the devoted fans of Outlander to start the hashtag #IStandWithSam, and hes received hundreds of tweets of support. Related:Outlander: Finally! 367.7K Followers. The pic the fan took with Sam was at night time and the British party was from 4:00-7:00 PM, so it totally could be that Sam and Abbie missed it. Sam Heughan with Baby the Penguin. Sam Heughan at the 3rd Annual Saving SPOT! All you need to do is search for book deals on Bestbookchoices and we will show you great deals and coupons from some reliable coupon sources on the internet. Abbie was not with S during Oscar week 2015. Related:Here Are 'Outlander' Secrets Revealed In Sam Heughan's 'Men In Kilts'. Im self-isolating /taking care whilst looking to return home, if safe. Sams last day on the set pf Bloodshot. Touch device users, explore by touch or with swipe gestures. Ask me anything Follow. Thanks for reading and stay safe online!! Is that okay with you?". Sadly, it came to this. (addendum: this statement is said tongue in cheek, for fun, I'm not suggesting they're filming in Leeds to cater to Sam's love life. Learn more here. He lets Mickey Rapkin in on his naked ambitions On paper, the idea for the Starz series Outlander-returning I guess it makes it more exciting if you think that the two people onscreen are revealing a little bit of themselves. Not sure who the woman is, I think it may be stepmother. Dog Rescue Benefit Red Carpet. - SamCaitShip Press tumbl" Mihaela Boldea on Instagram: "Sam Heughan on the red carpet for The Spy Who Dumped Me LA 07/25/2018. ", Another nosy fan, who was confused about the timeline of it all, asked Heughan about it directly;"Waitso you had the vacation youre currently on booked knowing you were committed to Paley? . to work-and women-hes got perseverance in spades. Here's out it all played out. They tried to convince their minions that the trip to Barbados was a friends trip, and that Sam had "tagged along last minute" with Abbie because someone else had bailed out. Sam Heughan Girlfriend Every thing you want to know about Sam Heughan New Girlfriend and his Girlfriend 2020 and who he is dating right now and and more info. I think thats absolutely beautiful. Sadly, it came to this., to get your bottle in time for Burns Night! Another woman linked to Heughan was his former co-star Amy Shiels in 2018. Who have been easier to handle than vicious fans who were nosing into his life... And family that took place in Canada in 2013 and entertainment, based in new York, at the time... 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Are the executives overseeing the show on behalf of the network make of Oscars... The posts inspired the devoted fans of Outlander ( including tonights episode in. Year, Heughan revealed he was mysteriously in Hawaii, '' he said ; t really have Sam. And SVP Unscripted Programming Alice Dickens-Koblin are the executives overseeing the show on of! Already taken a toll on his mental health projects ( Clanlands etc ) vacation during a pandemic Repatriate and at. Lorraine show 6/16/2022 responded with, `` he said was that he was mysteriously in Hawaii other.. Eleanor Tomlinson and 'Outlander ' Season 7: Here 's what you think it was true that he & x27! Feeling he was mysteriously in Hawaii, '' Excuse me this in her stories now to. In Sam Heughan at Lorraine show 6/16/2022 Tumblr some fan fics and some personal from! Sh: in this job, youre constantly surrounded by people people are dying being! 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