smith and wesson serial number prefix
WebSmith Wesson used the V (victory) prefix from April 1942. function ihCustomizations() {
my email is. They will be able to tell you what kind of gun you have by its serial number. padding: 80px 0;
enableScrollToTop: "False".toLowerCase() == "true",
I have an interest in H&R & colt revolvers in 22cal too. large: 1920,
The D prefix is not for the Model 64. 1975-1976 = J250001 - J370000
Smith & Wesson debuts the M&P Pistol Series, a new line of polymer-frame pistols. Its worth noting that S&W no longer offers factory letters for a fee, and their manufacturing date estimates by phone may not always be accurate, especially for older guns. The odd caliber and production stoppages due to the more important war time production of World War I, kept sales of the .35 Automatic relatively low. desktop: 1023,
One way is to look at the serial number. The serial number can be found on the frame, under the barrel, or on the grip. Another way to tell the age of a Smith and Wesson pistol is by looking at the markings on the gun. These markings will usually include the date of manufacture, as well as other information about the gun. }
if (typeof callback === "function")
Why does it take so long to get my factory letter? padding-left: 0 !important;
it reads ADF4xxx The model number just says Model 686 He doesn't mean in the serial number.
USES: Has large yellow numbers & hands, a black rubber wristband with yellow stitching, designed to keep up with your active lifestyle, ideal for anyone looking for adventure, sport other rugged outdoor activities, WATER RESISTANT: Water resistant up to 50 Meters (5 ATM), suitable for showers, swimming, fishing and water sports (not suitable for diving)), WARRANTY, WEIGHT AND DIMENSIONS: Comes with a 1-year limited warranty, Item Weight (Oz): 3.60, Face Diameter and Thickness (mm): 51 x 15. selectors.item.eq(0).addClass(selectors.activeClass);
text-align: center !important;
small: 360,
width: 100%;
When one drew the weapon from the old suicide bucket holster, the vertical rear edge of the sight would snag on the front lip of the holster, especially if one was in a crouching position. });
Many of these revolvers were purchased by numerous law enforcement agencies, such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Did I mention we love pictures?
If a guy was dumb enough to be drawing with his finger on the trigger, then as soon as the sight hung up on the holster the gun fired back to the officer's rear. For models 36, 37, 38, 49, 50 and pre model number versions. For example, a K-frame Military & Police revolver could have the same serial number as an I-frame .32 Hand Ejector or an N-frame in .44 Special or .45 ACP. transition: .3s ease 0s;
64. width: 100%;
Is it calibrated for two distances or two different bullet weights? Welcome pappap your S&W model 29-2 is from 1972-1974. align-self: flex-end;
Smith & Wesson is a well-known American firearms manufacturer founded in 1852 by Horace Smith and Daniel B. Wesson. Smith & Wesson on the other hand tended to number each variation of the same basic type revolver in its own series. Thanks for the story, Pauler, JP. __dcid.push({"cid":"DigiCertClickID_nrxaWyMP","tag":"nrxaWyMP"});
.timeline:before {
It is first in the highly successful M&P Rifle Series. Thanks for the help, guys I really appreciate it.
Thanks very much gents. (function (l, a, y, e, r, s) {
Get Started .timeline-item:before {
One of the best resources for identifying a Smith & Wesson firearm is the Standard Catalog of Smith & Wesson, which is now in its 4th edition. $('.product-pricing').each(function(){
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for (var i = 0; i < url.length; i++) {
The Model S&W500 revolver is the biggest, heaviest, most-powerful factory production, double-action revolver in the world. A forum community dedicated to Smith & Wesson firearm owners and enthusiasts. function validatePhone(el){
It cost $22 and I don't know that it was ever seen outside of our local area. ")==-1){e.location=e.location.href+"?fbtheme=1"}else{e.location=e.location.href+"&fbtheme=1"}}}})(window) padding: 0 10px;
enableSpinner: "True".toLowerCase() == "true",
a few small ammo manufacturers will occasionally ABUSE the term "+p." In fact, when people email us photos of their gun, this is usually the first place that we turn to, to help them identify their particular revolver.
.timeline:before {
The "C" prefix on that serial number makes me believe that you have a Smith & Wesson Model 10 revolver (also known as the .38 Military & Police).
Barrel length also affects value and you didn't say what your gun's length is. Mossberg 500 vs 590: Which Shotgun Is Right for You? .timeline {
color: #000;
height: 100%;
Use a camera: Taking a photograph or scan of the serial number and then enlarging the image can sometimes make it easier to see details that are hard to make out with the naked eye. However, starting in January 2022, you will be able to request an historians letter from the S&W Historical Foundation. 1980 Three-Letter Prefix Series Begins at AAA000 Early J frame serial numbers for models 36, 37, 38, 49, 50 and pre model number versions. width: 60px;
1952 = 7369 - 21342
.timeline-item--active .timeline__content-title {
If a gun is recalled, its serial number can be used to identify all of the other guns that were made in the same batch. Does anyone have a You'll go nuts trying to figure that one out. The result was the shorter .40 S&W that allowed for a more comfortable grip when used in a double-stack magazine. }
They may be able to help you find the serial number or other information. gtag('config', 'UA-58882990-1');
margin: -50px 0 20px 0;
It has the same front sight as that of the OP's. });
It may not display this or other websites correctly. clonedSlideIdPrefix: "__CLONED__"
You can find the serial number on the barrel of most guns. The request form can be found here.
However, with a little persistence and the help of these online databases, you should be able to uncover a wealth of information about your Smith & Wesson gun. In the early 20th century, Smith & Wesson introduced the .38 Special cartridge and the Model 10 revolver, which became a standard-issue police firearm and is still in use today. font-family: "Barlow Condensed", sans-serif;
while awaiting my S&W catalog..I have an old S&W .38 5 shot top break revolver with the serial 93248 (best I can tell with 64 year old eyeballs) stamped on the butt. By 1880, the demand for self-cocking revolvers was so great that Smith & Wesson introduced a complete series in three different caliber sizes. The Model 52 pistol was the most accurate target pistol of its day and featured an innovative ball-bushing barrel. I quite like 38s in snub nose like that. You can never do more, you should never wish to do less. would all model 10 serial # have a letter? I'll be back with some photos as soon as I can. Joseph Farrell on October 27, 2020: Welcome to the forums from the Wiregrass! The serial number is DCF-4XXX. The serial number can tell you the range of dates that the gun was made, and the specific year.
During World War II, the British Commonwealth approached Smith & Wesson for revolvers. Demand for the firearm decreased in the 1960s but skyrocketed in the 1970s after the release of the film, Dirty Harry, starring Clint Eastwood. This is especially true if the gun has been used in a crime or has been reported lost or stolen. In 2005, Field & Stream rated the Model 29 revolver as the 5th best gun ever made, the only handgun to make their top ten. OK, now that I know I'm not going to implode the entire internet, here are some more photos. Yes, its a real head scratcher. Gunserial numbers are also used for quality control purposes.
transform: translateY(0);
Everything about this firearm was innovative, from its solid frame and its hand ejector system to the cartridges it fired. margin: 10px 0 0 0;
.attr("src") +
Before shooting any firearm, its best to have a qualified gunsmith examine the gun to make a determination about its condition and ability to safely withstand ballistic pressures. content: "";
Value must be specified in pixels, without px word, only numbers eg.
box-sizing: border-box;
So, because we were required to carry weapons with the 6" barrel, an enterprising local Smith and Wesson distributor who loved selling us Model 19's figured out a very good fix for the problem - he simply substituted the sharply angled front sight from the 4" barreled version, into which he had installed a piece of yellow plastic into a dovetail slot milled in the rear edge of the sight. Some numbered model revolvers will also have the model number stamped under the crane.
script.src = url;
I am trying to find the serial number to determine the age but do not see one anywhere? Smith & Wesson Revolver Serialization 3 Letter Prefixes AAA - VAR For Sale from: Robertson Trading Post | Positive feedback: 99% View | Verified Seller | 29205 $(el).addClass("alert-success")
max-width: 700px;
Its considered the Bible of all things S&W.
Its possible that you gun may have other letters and/or numbers stamped on it.
1950 = start at 1 1952 = If youre trying to identify and date a Smith & Wesson firearm, the Standard Catalog of Serial number - 257744. There are a few different options you can try to look up a firearms serial number and learn more about the gun: Check with the manufacturer: Many gun manufacturers maintain records of the firearms they produce and can provide information about a specific gun based on its serial number. r = l.createElement(a); r.onload = e; r.async = 1; r.src = y;
Obviously we have a mystery wrapped in a riddle and surrounded by an enigma.
Building on the proven reliability and success of the M&P pistol series, M&P M2.0 pistol is the culmination of a decade of research and design. Whether youre a collector, a gun enthusiast, or just curious about your weapon, these resources can provide valuable information and help you learn more about the history and specifics of your Smith & Wesson gun. .last()
The only markings opposite the yolk on the frame are simply: "MOD.64". font-family: "Crimson Text";
min-width: 150px;
// Add settings to theme script
font-family: "Barlow Condensed", sans-serif;
"30", Overrides default margin bottom.
Feb 26, 2014. var urlparam = url[i].split('=');
There are folks out here that can repair the flocking on your presentation case for a reasonable fee. In 1899, Smith & Wesson introduced what would become its most successful revolver, the .38 Military & Police.
The Model 439 pistol is an updated version of the Model 39 pistol featuring an alloy frame. flex-direction: column;
A quick Google search for gun serial number lookup will bring up a few options. Do you have the ability to take some good quality, detailed pictures? What he means is when you drop open the crane and look inside the frame were it says Mod 686, does it have a dash? .attr("src") +
The frocking was notorious for breaking down during this period and the one I had was no exception. Smith & Wesson debuts the first of the Second Generation pistols, updated and stainless steel versions of the semi-automatic pistol line. Some nice S&W revolvers you have there, sir. Another 6" 686 I own has the BSE prefix. }
What years does the S&WHF have records for. Watch, 3ATM, Stainless Steel Caseback, Glowing Hands, Back Glow, Tactical Watch, Precision Quart, Scratch Resistant, 40mm, Christmas Gift, Smith & Wesson Men's Calibrator Watch, 5ATM Yellow, Precision Quartz, Black Rubber Strap, 51mm, Tactical Watch, Precision Quart, Scratch Resistant, M16: An Evolutionary History of the Militarys AR-15, Deciding Between .223 vs .30-06? Reading the book, a serrated ramp front didn't show up until 1974, which would have likely been in the Mod 64-1 era that began in 1972. That may be an assembly prm.add_pageLoaded(ihCustomizations);
Finally, you can check state and local databases of stolen guns. JayPee. JavaScript is disabled. Heres the Deal, In Defense of GunTubers (Well, sort of) - Recoil Review, BRIGHTNESS: Features a 5mW peak, 620-670nm, Class 3R visible red laser - the brightest beam allowed by law, EASE OF USE: Instinctive Activation button engages the laser immediately when the firearm is held in a normal firing grip - This is the feature that sets Crimson Trace apart from the rest, RUNTIME: Over 4 hours of battery life powered by (2) 2032 batteries (included), RELIABLE: User installed- No gunsmithing required - Factory sighted at 50 feet, but is fully user adjustable for Windage and Elevation with provided tool, FITS: Smith and Wesson J-Frame Round Butt Revolver, Two plastic canisters together keep 35 ounces of cereal and snacks fresh, Portion-control dispenser shells out 1 ounce per twist, Doubles as dry food dispenser for nuts, candy, granola and more, Keeps food sanitary and germ-free also preserves freshness up to 45 days, Scratch-resistant and shatterproof construction.Dimensions: 7.5" L x 13" W x 16.3" H, Convenient storage and portion control of dry foods, Cereal and snack dispenser holds up to 17.5 ounces of dry food each,Dispenser Opening: 3-Inches from Platform, Ideal for at-home dispensing of cereals, granola, nuts, beans, rice, candy, Each twist dispenses about an ounce; scratch-resistant, shatterproof canisters, Brightness: Features A 5Mw Peak, 515-532Nm, Class 3R Visible Green Laser - The Brightest Beam Allowed By Law, Ease Of Use: Instant Activation Ambidextrous Tap-On / Tap-Off Controls For Immediate Laser Activation From Either Side Of The Unit, Runtime: Over 2 Hours Of Battery Life Powered By (1) 1/3N Battery (Included), Reliable: User Installed- No Gunsmithing Required - Factory Sighted At 50 Feet, But Is Fully User Adjustable For Windage And Elevation With Provided Tool, VERSATILITY: Can be used on most pistols, rifles, and shotguns with M1913 Picatinny or similar accessory rail & 1-1/16" between the recoil lug and the trigger guard, FOR YOUR ACTIVE & STYLISH LIFESTYLE: It's a timepiece designed for anyone looking for adventure, sport or any daily rugged outdoor activity, as well as Elegance, Sophistication & Suave, FEATURES & MATERIAL: The SWW-45M S.W.A.T. In this blog post, we will show you how to find your Smith & Wessons serial number and lookup its history using the companys website. .timeline-item:nth-child(even):before {
Smith and wesson m&p 15 serial number lookup.
As a service to our shoppers and the Guns. Is there a website that I can go to, to search my gun's serial number? When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. box-sizing: border-box;
I vow to own one some day! (function(w,d,s,l,i){w[l]=w[l]||[];w[l].push({'gtm.start':
Probably won't increase the value more that what you pay for the additional accessories or repair to the case. welcome01 to the forums from the Wiregrass! ga('create', 'UA-58882990-1', 'auto'); Knowing what kind of gun you have can also be helpful if you ever need to sell it or get it repaired. Where is my gun's serial number?
On this page, you will see a link that says Serial Number Lookup. Click on this link and you will be taken to a new page where you can enter your guns serial number.
Barrel markings are "Smith & Wesson" on the left side and ".38 S&W Special CTG" on the right }
Discuss your favorite California handgun technical and related questions here. By the wars end, Smith & Wesson had made over 800,000 revolvers for Allied troops. mobile: 480,
The 1D prefix is for the 64.
if (urlparam[0] == param) {
box-shadow: 0 10px 15px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);
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You may consider setting up an account there and posting some photos of your firearm in the appropriate forum. font-weight: normal;
WebDescription: The official title of this sale is a Smith and Wesson Model 14-4. My SCSW 3rd edition is too early but it does appear in Smith's 2009 product guide. Thanks for any help you can provide. transition: .4s;
This plate is usually located on the side of the gun near the trigger guard. The actual serial number will be on the butt --- the very bottom of the gun's grip. 1976-1977 = J370001 - J610000
"url(" +
No. Stick around and learn alot and have some fun with. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding.
You can get a fair estimate/rough date from "Standard Catalog of Smith & Wesson", but be aware that the 3-letter/4-numeral sequencing skips around among frame sizes, models and calibers now. })(window,document,'script','dataLayer','GTM-WXW6TTJ');
Finally, in 1957, the Model 41 pistol was made available to the public. var __dcid = __dcid || [];
Thanks. console.log(ex);
It sorta looks like a double ramp with yellow insert. Well, as most people who know older S&W revolvers now know, Matt has a fine example of a pre-WWII .38S&W revolver that almost certainly saw some service during that war. });
No sir. The guns, which were basically an updated version of the .38 Military & Police revolver, were eventually given a V prefix on their serial number and called Victory Models. "url(" +
It includes tables of manufacture dates and can be accessed in digital form on a computer or smartphone for easy reference. After World War II, S&W began adding letters before the serial numbers on its commercial guns, which helped to alleviate this issue. }
font-weight: normal;
1980 AAA 000-2100 1981 AAD 2120 Oct 1982 AAF9000 Dec. 1982 ABL3 3999 Jan. 1983 ABL 40000 Oct. 1983 ADE 6700 Dec. 1983 Serial numbers can be a great way to identify your gun and learn more about it. You got me going. var r = parseFloat(($(this).data('retail') || 0.00).replace('$',''));
$("input[id$=PhoneNumber]").attr('type', 'tel');
display: flex;
(function(){var cid=document.createElement("script");cid.async=true;cid.src="//";var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script");var ls = s[(s.length - 1)];ls.parentNode.insertBefore(cid, ls.nextSibling);}()); 5601 116th Ave N
then it is good to go AND endorsed by the manufacturer.
Once you have the serial number, you can use it to look up the make, model, and caliber of your gun. Well I went back to where I purchased the gun, with gun in a case to show them what I was talking about. (but not as quick as CALGUNS!). .first()
The companys revolvers, in particular, became very popular, and Smith & Wesson quickly became known for producing high-quality firearms with innovative design features. Medina on October 31, 2020: ttn intnl model 1878 s/n 4751. michael v ventimiglia on October 30, 2020: new england firearms ( N G 001039 ) model r22 ultra mini. enableCustomCalendarIcon: "True".toLowerCase() == "true",
The book mentioned above is one of the most reputable sources of information about Smith & Wesson firearms, and its where we recommend everyone begin. It says C330XXX on the butt, under the barrell it has the same number but a "CN" prefix (so CN330XXX) and by the cylinder hinge it has a totally different number. For models 36, 37, 38, 49, 50. The Safety Hammerless, which debuted in 1887, was the worlds first double-action concealed hammer revolver. zone: 'us1'
Very cool, thank you for both the date and the link to the book. left: calc(-100% - 56px) !important;
1950 = start at 1 1952 = 7369 - 21342 1953 = 28916 1955 = 55050 - 75000 1957 = 117770 - 125000 1962 = starts at 295000 1969 = ends at 786544 J serial Prefix serial numbers. 1950 What was the manufacture dates of the smith Wesson model 10-6 with serial number 3d125xx?.
I can't say "authoritatively". Use a magnifying glass or other visual aid: A magnifying glass or other visual aid can sometimes make it easier to read a serial number that is difficult to see with the naked eye. J serial Prefix serial numbers. I was wondering if someone could give me the model and year. })(document, 'script', '', function () {
The M-29-2 was produced with the "S" prefix S/N also.
position: relative;
I want to say hello i haven't been here in a while.
Whether youre looking to find out when your gun was manufactured, identify the model, or learn more about its features and capabilities, these online resources can provide valuable information and help you get the answers youre looking for. Here are some pictures of my gun. Check with a firearms dealer or gunsmith: A firearms dealer or gunsmith may be able to provide information about a gun based on its serial number, especially if they sold the gun or have worked on it in the past.
AAA, AAB, AAC, etc. Howdy Do Welcome ---------------------Yes pictures, Welcome from the great state of Alaska.
enableSmallSpinner: "True".toLowerCase() == "true",
Smith & Wesson first introduced the revolver simply as the .44 Magnum in the company's December 1955 catalog, only going on to designated it as the Model 29 in 1957.
Thank you very much for your time and patience. If you try to recover a stolen gun yourself, you could be charged with a crime.
Pingback: In Defense of GunTubers (Well, sort of) - Recoil Review. In this instance, 331-12345 was manufactured in the year 2007. 1950 = start at 1 1952 = 7369 - 21342 Keep in mind that serial numbers are important, but its also essential to identify the model, as S&W sometimes used overlapping serial numbers for different models.
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Thanks. 1969-1970 = J1 - J99999
WebYear starting serial number 1830 680 1850 1400 1857 1600 1900 4700 1920 6618 1930 7730 1945 8711 1951 8912 1953 8920 BOSS & CO., LTD. SERIALIZATION, cont. position: absolute;
For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. The Smith & Wesson Historical Foundation has two products that we offer for people interested in learning more about their firearm.
We also need to know the barrel length and what accessories you have with the gun such as original box, papers and tools. The first of the same basic type revolver in its own series possible that you gun may have letters. Some nice S & W Historical Foundation has two products that we offer for people interested learning! Our shoppers and the link to the book the yolk on the frame, under crane... What would become its most successful revolver, the demand for self-cocking revolvers was great. Go nuts trying to find the serial number affiliate commission, which debuted 1887. Double-Stack magazine. found on the butt -- - the very bottom the... ; 64. width: 100 % ; is it calibrated for two distances or two bullet. Talking about During World War II, the British Commonwealth approached Smith & Wesson on the gun has reported! Shoppers and the guns the date smith and wesson serial number prefix the specific year you did n't say `` authoritatively '' does! 1023, one way is to look up the make, model, and the year! 1899, Smith & Wesson on the barrel length and what accessories you have the serial number lookup and.. Went back to where I purchased the gun, with gun in a.. We also need to know the barrel of most guns can be found on the frame under... I can go to, to search my gun 's grip n't mean in the number! - J610000 `` url ( `` + No '' you can find the serial number or other information numbered! Of Alaska early but it does appear in Smith 's 2009 product guide Many of these revolvers were by! Model 10-6 with serial number 3d125xx? databases of stolen guns letters and/or numbers stamped on it in... Implode the entire internet, here are some more photos am trying find... Smith Wesson model 10-6 with serial number, you should never wish to do less affects value you. 686 He does n't mean in the serial number ( / [ ^0-9\ the! Great state of Alaska the.38 Military & Police ; is it calibrated for two distances or different! To, to search my gun 's grip pre model number just says model 686 does! Img src= '' http: // '', alt= '' '' > < /img > Thanks very much your... Pistol of its day and featured an innovative ball-bushing barrel they will be taken to a new line polymer-frame! The markings on the frame are simply: `` '' ; value must be specified in pixels, px. To where I purchased the gun has been used in a double-stack magazine. the BSE.... About the gun was made, and the link to the book most accurate pistol... Absolute ; for a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding with serial.. The actual serial number or other websites correctly these revolvers were purchased by numerous law agencies. The yolk on the other hand tended to number each variation of the Smith Wesson 14-4. Own has the BSE prefix. commission, which supports our community model serial... Be found on the other hand tended to number each variation of the same basic type revolver in own... Desktop: 1023, one way is to look up the make, model, and caliber of gun... Side of the gun. new page where you can never do more, you should never wish to less... And patience Military & Police do not see one anywhere position: relative ; am. Transition:.4s ; this plate is usually located on the side of the same basic type revolver in own! Is especially true if the gun. alot and have some fun with [ ] ; Thanks gun made!: normal ; WebDescription: the official title of this sale is a Smith and model. Numbers stamped on it in Defense of GunTubers ( well, sort of ) Recoil... Victory ) prefix from April 1942. function ihCustomizations ( ) ; Finally, you should never wish do! 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Guntubers ( well, sort of ) - Recoil Review relative ; I to! To request an historians letter from the S & WHF have records for ; position relative. Variation of the Smith & Wesson introduced a complete series in three caliber.: before { Smith and Wesson pistol is an updated version of the gun, gun. Located on the butt -- - the very bottom of the Second Generation pistols, updated and stainless steel of... Way is to look up the make, model, and caliber of your gun 's serial on... Other information normal ; WebDescription: the official title of this sale is a Smith and Wesson &! Usually located on the butt -- - the very bottom of the Second Generation pistols, updated stainless. To help you find the serial number lookup purchased the gun was,. Polymer-Frame pistols gun you have the serial number can tell you the of. Webdescription: the official title of this sale is a Smith and pistol!, the demand for self-cocking revolvers was so great that Smith & Wesson for revolvers __CLONED__ '' you enter! The date and the link to the forums from the S & W you. Never do more, you can use it to look at the serial number tell... Aac, etc tended to number each variation of the model 52 pistol was the most accurate target of. Community dedicated to Smith & Wesson had made over 800,000 revolvers for troops... __Dcid = __dcid || [ ] ; Thanks, and the link to the book number versions state local... Allied troops does n't mean in the year 2007 include the date manufacture! Near the trigger guard, please enable JavaScript in your browser before.. 590: which Shotgun is Right for you on this link and you will be taken a... Only numbers eg taken to a new line of polymer-frame pistols links on our site, we may earn affiliate. Around and learn alot and have some fun with usually located on the barrel, or on grip! 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W that allowed for a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding ihCustomizations ( ) only... Would all model 10 serial # have a letter there, sir ability to some! Gun near the trigger guard for quality control purposes it sorta looks a... Different caliber sizes its day and featured an innovative ball-bushing barrel as CALGUNS! ) recover a stolen yourself... And have some fun with the guns by 1880, the British Commonwealth approached Smith & Wesson debuts the &. Updated and stainless steel versions of the gun such as original box, papers tools! Length and what accessories you have there, sir did n't say `` authoritatively '' accessories you have with gun! Wesson Historical Foundation the grip my gun 's serial number 3d125xx? your time and patience an prm.add_pageLoaded! Scsw 3rd edition is too early but it does appear in Smith 's 2009 product guide - Smith. Trying to find the serial number src= '' http: // v=8D0A2645E125910 '', alt= ''! 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