southern university football ticket office phone number
Click here (PDF) for Seating Chart that includes Donation Requirement Amounts for each section Lost, stolen, or destroyed tickets can only be replaced for buyers of record (not walk up sales). Contact or call 1-800-844-TICK for more information. Partner with the Southern Miss Ticket Office to raise funds for your organization! Raising money for your organization has never been easier! -Keep a percentage of the profits to apply towards your fundraising efforts! -Enjoy Game Day at The Rock! 39406-0001: Hattiesburg, Miss. The ticket office is open Monday-Friday as well as on event days. To find out more, please visit Southern University's Privacy Statement. Ticket Offices are open during the week from 8:30 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. OR . Let us know here, West New York Municipal CourtWest New York Municipal Court, 428 60 Street0.3 mile away, Fairview Boro Municipal CourtFairview Boro Municipal Court, 59 Anderson Avenue0.9 mile away, Union City Municipal CourtUnion City Municipal Court, 3715 Palisades Avenue1.0 mile away, 2023 Everything-Bytes | Terms of Use & Privacy Policy. Phone: (615) 963-ROAR
Buy or Sell Tickets, Video Platform powered by CBS Sports Digital. Event tickets will be accessible to purchasers through digital wallets on smartphone devices in all U-M sports for which tickets are sold. Ticket Policies:
Click the "Transfer" link below the ticket(s) you would like to transfer. QUESTIONS? Central location for game day ticket purchases. The recipient must accept the ticket transfer within 48 hours of the transfer initiation or the transaction will be canceled automatically. Mumford Stadium - Southern University Tickets Address Harding Blvd., Baton Rouge, LA 70813 Event Schedule (0) All major credit cards are accepted and tickets will be mailed or placed at will call to be claimed. The use of software that blocks ads hinders our ability to serve you the content you came here to enjoy. ET. Student Eagle Club is an annual fee of $20. If any of these apply to you, contact the court to verify they observe the exemption. Group discounts are available for all SUU home events.
Sorry there are currently no upcoming events.
Visiting Team player guests may pick their tickets up beginning 1.5 hours prior to the game at Gate 9 on the Northeast Side of MM Roberts Stadium. We had such a good time at the Jackson State vs Southern University Game. 2023 SMU Athletics. The use of software that blocks ads hinders our ability to serve you the content you came here to enjoy. Address: 153 Halsey St. 6th Floor, Newark, NJ 07102. Box 1472 Athens, GA 30603 Map It All seating within the Student Section is General Admission seating. Prevent your tickets from getting lost in the mail. WebSouthern Miss Athletic Events. Southern Miss Studentsreceive free admission to football by claiming a digital ticket on their student account. It is the responsibility of the customer to notify the ticket office of any changes to their address, phone number, or any other personal information. Dallas, TX 75275
Statement, DHS Toll Free: (888) 894-2583Ticketmaster
The use of software that blocks ads hinders our ability to serve you the content you came here to enjoy. My Account Login. You will then see a list of tickets available for transfer. This website uses cookies to ensure site visitors get the best experience on our website. WebA.W. North Bergen Municipal Court, 4233 Kennedy Boulevard, North Bergen, NJ07047 These changes can easily be made online through your personal login or by contacting the ticket office directly. Handle tickets as if they were cash.
Simplify the transfer of tickets to friends on short notice, Receive transferred tickets instantly by print-at-home delivery, Support the Golden Eagles by filling the stadium.
3500 John A Merritt Blvd. The use of software that blocks ads hinders our ability to serve you the content you came here to enjoy. We ask that you consider turning off your ad blocker so we can deliver you the best experience possible while you are here. Individuals that require accessible seating are permitted one companion to sit with them in designated seating. Mailing Address
To purchase Group Tickets, contact the Ticket office at (601) 266-5418 or toll free at 1-800-844-TICK (8425). Ticket Office Box 9579. Please have a photo ID in order to receive your tickets. Nashville, TN 37209.
WebWebsite: Georgia Southern University Phone: 912-GSU-INFO or 912-478-4636 Undergraduate Admissions Website: Office of Admissions Email: Phone: 912-478-5391 Graduate Admissions Website: Office of Graduate Admissions Email: Phone:
All rights reserved. This is always a sold out event and keeps the school spirit alive, Excellent seats. WebSouthern University Football Tickets | 2023 College Tickets & Schedule | Ticketmaster Home Sports Tickets Football Southern University Football Tickets 3.8 Southern Baseball. 39401: Fax Machine - (601) 266-6595: Staff Directory Members By Category/Department; Image Cedar City, UT 84720
Website: Postseason or Tournament Play:
By continuing to use this site, you accept our use of cookies and Privacy Statement. University Of Southern Mississippi Arts Events. Phone: The ticket office is fully available and reachable by phone at (866) 296-6849 or 734-764-0247 during regular business hours. Non-Ticketed Events
We will seek tickets next year. General parking, which is $20, will only be made available on Saturday. The Dolls & the Ja-settes were stunning in the stands and on the field too. Call, or visit the court's website if listed above. Then select the specific seat(s) you would like to transfer for that game and carefully type in the recipient's name and email address. 351 W. University Blvd. A to Z. General Admission refers to seating or standing areas that are not assigned or reserved, and are occupied on a first-come, first-served basis. Former Athletes, Trainer, Manager Registration. TSU Awarded NCAA AASP Grant For 2nd Straight Mumford Fieldhouse P.O. On the back of each NYC Parking Summons are instructions including a 24-hour assistance number (311), outside NYC Mumford Stadium - Southern University - Baton Rouge.
Inother words,"tickets that will be called for." WebAnswer: Contact the court via phone 201-858-6934 or non-traffic 201-858-6918. WebFor additional information, see DWI / DUI., Traffic infractions., Exclusive Parking., Ordinance violations. The Michigan Ticket Department is located on the South Campus athletic complex at 1100 S State St. Main Number: 973-648-3333 Fax: Tickets can also be purchased at the box office at Shell EnergyStadium. I had a blast at the Boombox Classic football game between Southern university and Jackson State University. Also, the areas on Isabel Herson Drive, near the Southern University Laboratory School, will be available for parking. * Texas Southern Students with valid TSU IDs are admitted without charge. If not, they will need to create a new account by clicking the "Register Now" link and entering their information. WebThe official Roster for the University of Southern Mississippi Golden Eagles. For more ticket Copyright 2023 Southern Utah University. Help & Information, Press Event Days Times vary. Receive half-priced season tickets and Eagle Club Membership. After the transaction has been canceled by you or rejected by the recipient, you may now transfer the tickets to another person or retain the tickets and use them yourself. Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m. to6:00 p.m. (with extended hours on event dates), Payments Accepted: Cash, check, money orderand all major credit cards (Visa, MC, Amex, Disc). Ticket Office Availability: The Michigan Ticket Office is currently maintaining normal business hours between 9a.m. and 5 p.m. CLICK HERE REQUEST MORE INFORMATION! Disabled seating is also available for purchase online or at the venue if tickets remain. Mailing Address: P.O. Resources, Commissioner & Key Tickets may also be left by a third party for someone else to claim. 2021-22 Hardship Waiver Policy and Guidelines. BUY 2023 GROUP TICKETS (Call 877-SALUKIS) Any Group that (English/ En Espanol), Information for Providers and Stakeholders; Contracts, Legal Notices, Press Releases, Publications, and Reports, Public Advisory Boards, Commissions and Councils, Contact Hudson County.
Group Rates
Contracts, Legal Notices, Licensing, MedComms.
North Bergen Municipal Court, 4233 Kennedy Boulevard. NW Corner of Ford Stadium.
Southern University and A&M College is a comprehensive institution offering four-year, graduate, professional, and doctorate degree programs, fully accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS). General Admission
Please call the switchboard at 713-547-3000 for information. We ask that you consider turning off your ad blocker so we can deliver you the best experience possible while you are here. Associate Athletics Director, Development, Associate Athletics Director, Major Gifts, Assistant Athletics Director, Major Gifts, Assistant Athletics Director, Annual Fund, Assistant,Eagle Football Alumni Association (EFAA), TicketSmarter - Official Secondary Ticketing Partner. Great Event! Note: Online ticket sales for an event end five hours before game time. Contact Us | University | The University of Southern Mississippi University USM Home / University / Contact Us Contact Us Contact Resources: A-Z Index, Avoid waiting in Will Call lines to pick up your tickets. Box 47017, Newark, NJ 07101-47017.
The Ticket Office is located on the north side of the stadium across from Section 118 on Texas Street at Bastrop Street. The use of software that blocks ads hinders our ability to serve you the content you came here to enjoy. Excellent seats. The Southern University stadium doesnt allow you to buy a seat and sit wherever. You must sit in the seat you paid for. Great show and a great game Excellent way to deliver tickets (eWallet) when you are traveling to another State for football. Southern Miss Athletic Foundation. 5800 Ownby Dr.
WebSouthern University Athletics A.W.
The L ocation: Ticket office is located at the west end of the America First Event Center (152 S. 800 W.) About Us; Staff; Camps; Scuba.
Office Hours
The entire transfer (both initiation and acceptance) must be completed before 2 hours prior to scheduled time of event. Releases, Public and Legislative Affairs, & Publications, Providers & Stakeholders: A photo ID is always required in order to claim tickets at will call.
Renew Your The personnel, fans, and parking associates were all very kind. Will call opens at the stadium 3 hours prior to the game and is located outside Gate 3 on the southwest corner of MM Roberts Stadium. We ask that you consider turning off your ad blocker so we can deliver you the best experience possible while you are here. WebADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE. Click here (PDF) for Seating Chart that includes Donation Requirement Amounts for each section WebDivision: Contact Information: Phone Number: 201-392-2088. (435) 586-7872. Designated limited mobility parking areas will be available on a first come basis. TSU Athletics utilizes the automated (computerized) ticketing system through the stadium. A to Z, Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired Home, How Can CBVI Help? Phone Number: 201-392-2088 Ticket Replacement
3500 John A Merritt Blvd
The Georgia Southern Ticket Office and Athletic Foundation are located at 203 Lanier Drive, Statesboro GA and is open 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Astros Foundation donates $1M for new baseball, softball stadiums at TSU.
The following sports are not ticketed and free to the general public on a "first come, first served" basis: Soccer, Men's & Women's Tennis, Cross Country, Track & Field, Softball and Men's & Women's Golf. The Southern University stadium doesnt allow you to buy a seat and sit wherever. Ticket Offices are open during the week from 8:30 a.m.- 5:00 p.m.
Click here for a step-by-step guide onhow to register your account, Click here for a step-by-step guideon how to claim your student ticket, Video Platform powered by CBS Sports Digital, Lower Level: $270(includes $50 Eagle Club Donation and 2 season tickets), Upper Level: $150(includes $50 Eagle Club Donation and 2 season tickets), Upper Level Seating: Sections JJ, KK, & LL, Section P, A, I and 110-115: Family Package on single game basis - $80 for 4 tickets (2 adults, 2 youth) - $20 for each ticket after the 4-pack. 1. CLICK HERE REQUEST MORE INFORMATION! Tickets purchased via the internet or over the phone are often left at will call to be claimed when the customer arrives at the venue. The Official Home of Texas Southern Athletics, 2020 Texas Southern University Athletics. Involved with DHS!
All Rights Reserved. Location: Ticket office is located at the west end of the America First Event Center(152 S. 800 W.) Click HEREfor detailed directions. CLICK HERE TO REQUEST MORE INFORMATION or call 1-800-844-TICK The University today is part of the only historically black Land Grant university system in the United States. (includes Capital Contribution of $750), $1,390-$1,640 The fans were packed like sardines on the visitors side. All persons must have a ticket for admission into the following Southern Utah athletic events: Football, Volleyball, Men's & Women's Basketballand Gymnastics.
Raising money for your organization has never been easier! The recipient will click on the link and enter the email address where the ticket transfer was received.
All gifts made to the Athletic Foundation are tax-deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. Answer: You can pay Student Account Login. Phone Numbers: Southern Miss Athletics 2609 West 4th Street: Ticket Office - (601) 266-5418 or 1-800-844-TICK: Hattiesburg, Miss. In Person: Customers may visit the Thunderbird Ticket Office(s) during regular business hours (listed above) to purchase tickets in person. WebThe official Roster for the Southeastern Louisiana University Lions. A.W. The University of Michigan Athletic Department now distributes event tickets through contactless mobile delivery. Baseball at Texas State March 17, 2023 6 p.m. March 18 /. Box 9942 Baton Rouge, LA 70813 Phone: (225) 771-3171 Overnight/Shipping Address: Southern University Athletics A.W. NW Corner of Ford Stadium. Located on Sullivan St., opens five (5) hours prior to kickoff at all N.C. A&T Football games for any fans who wish to purchase tickets on Call the SU ticket office at 225-771-3171 for details. When purchasing tickets for a General Admission event, you may be quoted section, row, and seat numbers, however these are for inventory purposes only and do not reflect any actual seating location. We want to host your group! *Please call to verify. Call 877-SALUKIS for details.
Notice, Accessibility on Game Day starting when gates open through halftime. ADA Seating
Cedar City, UT 84720. It was filled to capacity and the crowd was amazing. Partner with the Southern Miss Ticket Office to raise funds for your organization! An email will be sent to them with each ticket attached as a .pdf. Unfortunately the visitors side was over crowded, yet the home side was spaced properly for covid concerns. Website: Staff, Disaster & Emergency Excellent way to deliver tickets (eWallet) when you are traveling to another State for football. Contact the Ticket Office if you are interested in suite tickets. Southern University. Department of Athletics. Ticket Office. P.O. Box 10065. Baton Rouge, LA 70813. Phone: (225) 771-3171. Fax 225-771-2260. An invoice will be sent once your application is processed. - Individuals and Families, Important on Game Day starting when gates open through halftime. Let us know your idea for a theme day and we'll bring it to life. SUU will not be held responsible for mail/information not received or returned due to an incorrect address. The use of software that blocks ads hinders our ability to serve you the content you came here to enjoy. WebTicket Office Info Campus Location Louis Crews Stadium Monday - Friday 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Tickets may be purchased in person with Cash, Discover, MasterCard and Visa Online Ticket Sales University Tickets can be obtained at Lead the way Apply Visit Us Request Information All sales are final. Question: If I wish to pay my ticket, what information do you need from me? Tickets for all TSU home games may be purchased online at, by phone at (615) 255-9600, or at Ticketmaster outlets in the Middle Tennessee and Memphis areas. After that, tickets may be purchased via
The Ticket Office is directly accessible from I-94 at the State Street exit #177, and also can be reached off the Ann Arbor-Saline exit #175, or Jackson Road exit #172.
Fax: (615) 963-7515, Tennessee State University
Please call the switchboard at 713-547-3000 for information. Please contact the Southern Miss Football Offices at 601-266-5393 for information on how to obtain recruit tickets. *Not location specific. There is a $5.00 non-refundable ticket reprint fee for all replacement tickets. WebTicket Office Filter Personnel Rosalind Celestine (225) 771-2596 Lakisha Franklin (225) 771-4192 Aretha Hunt (225) 771-4191 Ticket Office Credit Card Line (225) 771-3082 Ticket Office Fax (225) 771-2260 Ticket Office Fax (225) 771-2994 Ticket Office Main Line (225) 771 Nashville, TN 37209. Will Call is a term used for orders that will be claimed at a later date or day of the event. Thank you for making this event a good one. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, By continuing past this page, you agree to our. Phone: The ticket office is fully available and reachable by phone at (866) 296-6849 or 734-764-0247 during regular business hours.
Once you have signed in/activated your account, click the "My Account" link on the menu at the left. Southern Miss player guests may pick their tickets up beginning 1.5 hours prior to the game at Gate 3 on the Southwest Side of MM Roberts Stadium. Web2023 SU Football Season Ticket Application - Southern University 2023 SU Football Season Ticket Application Ad Blocker Detected Thanks for visiting! Tennessee State University. Box 10065 Baton Rouge, LA 70813 Phone: (225) 771-3171 Fax 225-771-2260 An invoice will be sent once your BUY 2023 SINGLE-GAME (on-sale Aug. 1) Buy online, skip the line, same price! Please have a valid State High School Coaches Pass in order to receive your tickets. TicketSmarter: Official Ticket Resale Partner, George S. Eccles Sports Performance Center, Video Platform powered by CBS Sports Digital. Select the "group" ticket type when purchasing online. UPDATED HOURS -- The Michigan Athletic Ticket Office will close at 4 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 10, and will re-open Wednesday, Jan. 11, at 9:45 a.m. following a staff meeting. 2. Telephone: Customers may also call the ticket office during regular business hours to place an order by phone. With the online system TSU alumni and fans have the ability to login to purchase tickets as well as have the option to print an e-ticket.
Baseball at Texas State March 17, 2023 6 p.m. (English/ En Espanol), Who is Eligible for Services? Individual Football Game Tickets
After the transfer has been initiated, an email will be sent to the recipient with an active link in the message. Check the "Ticket Information" box and click "Submit". You will be routed back to the page with a list of your tickets and given a message that the ticket transfer has been canceled. FULL SEASON TICKETS, PLEASE NOTE: ALL TICKETS HAVE A NO REFUND, NO EXCHANGE POLICY, Faculty/Staff, Senior (Age 65+), Military, $1,020 (435) 586-7872. 3. Home. 5800 Ownby Dr. PO Box 750315. To join Student Eagle Club, visit the Eagle Club office at the Pat Ferlise Center Monday-Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. The seats were really great. PO Box 750315
2023 Tennessee State University Athletics. More so, until fair spacing is done, this game should be played at veterans memorial stadium in Jackson Mississippi where their is adequate space, seats etc. WebTicket Office - Southern University Up Next of the Week Promo Slider Slideshow Content Stream Latest photos Ad Blocker Detected Thanks for visiting! at South Alabama Invitational. Non-Football recruits may pick their tickets up beginning 1.5 hours prior to the game at Gate 9 on the Northeast Side of MM Roberts Stadium. Address Changes
QUESTIONS? 2023 TSU Relays March 17-18, 2023. Mondaythrough Friday from8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Current SUU students are admitted free to all home athletic events. In alignment with the educational mission of the University, we engage the community in meaningful ways and develop the resources necessary to graduate Student-Leaders and pursue championships. All rights reserved. The side performances by the Gold n Bluez, Cheerleaders, Code Blue Team was the cherry on top of the cake. WebSouthern University and A&M College 801 Harding Blvd. Those events are sponsored by the organization hosting the tournament and their ticket policies will be used. Individual ticket prices range from $15 to $53, depending upon seat location. We met a lot of really nice people who were sitting around us.
Very great experience. Baseball. We ask that you consider turning off your ad blocker so we can deliver you the best experience possible while you are here. SUU fans have 3 options to consider when ordering tickets:
Clarity of sound in the stand was good and field performances executed well. Mumford Fieldhouse 1 Swan Street Baton Rouge, LA 70813 Staff Directory Members By Category/Department Footer The tailgating, parking, and food was great. The Athletic Foundation is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization. Get Click here to request a group ticket reservation or more information on group tickets! CLICK HERE REQUEST MORE INFORMATION! The Southern University stadium doesnt allow you to buy a seat and sit wherever. You must sit in the seat you paid for. Great show and a great game Excellent way to deliver tickets (eWallet) when you are traveling to another State for football. Everything was exceptional and worth it. Thank you for making this event a good one If they already have an online ticket office account, they will be able to sign in using their account number and password. He is a musician, and has always dreamed of seeing Southern in person, I love college football so we got tickets and enjoyed both the game and the music. The above policies and procedures will not be in effect for any postseason or tournament play. Is any of the above incorrect? Students are required to have a valid student ID card and sit in designated student seating. Fax: (615) 963-7515. Go Blue! The bands and dancers were electrifying! High School Coaches are eligible to receive 2 tickets for any home game beginning 1.5 hours prior to the game at Gate 9 on the Northeast Side of MM Roberts Stadium. Send us your photo. BUY 2023 GROUP TICKETS (Call 877-SALUKIS) Any Group that purchases tickets to a Saluki Football game this season can have their group recognized with a photo on the video board. Manager, Ticket Operations: (912) 478-5837: TBA: Assistant Ticket Manager (912) 478-9467: Taylor Dunn: General Manager - For all questions regarding N.C. A&T Football tickets, please contact the N.C. A&T Athletics Ticket Office at or call (336) 334-7749. Faculty/Staff Tickets. Seating arrangements vary for each event, and there may or may not be seats of any kind available. Ticket Office - Contact Us - Southern Illinois University Athletics Skip To Main Content Pause All Rotators CLOSE Teams Men's Sports Baseball Schedule Roster WebSouthern University and A&M College is a comprehensive institution offering four-year, graduate, professional, and doctorate degree programs, fully accredited by the Southern Please have a photo ID in order to receive your tickets, For game day parking information, contact ticket office at. America First Event Center Ticket Office
Very clean campus and it was a very friendly experience. Baton Rouge, LA 70813 Phone: (225) 771-4500 Website: Phone: 225-771-4500 Michigan ticket Office is open Monday-Friday as well as on event days an annual fee of $ 20 &,... You for making this event a good one for each event, southern university football ticket office phone number there may or may be! Group discounts are available for transfer tickets: Clarity of sound in the seat you paid for fans packed! Accept the ticket Office is fully available and reachable by phone at ( 866 296-6849. Any of these apply to you, contact the court 's website if listed above 9942 Baton Rouge, 70813. Are sponsored by the organization hosting the tournament and their ticket policies will be canceled.! Them in designated seating Southern Athletics, 2020 Texas Southern Athletics, 2020 Texas Southern Athletics 2020! 5.00 non-refundable ticket reprint fee for all SUU home events seating arrangements vary for each,. 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