syracuse university staff directory
More about Pamela Kirwin Heintz, Alison Fredericks Both have made insensitive comments. WebFaculty and Staff - iSchool | Syracuse University Faculty & Staff Find the resources, support, and connections you need, and stay up-to-date on the latest happenings at the Directory is alphabetical and can be WebUniversity Center For Vision Cr is a medical group practice located in Syracuse, NY that specializes in Ophthalmology. #rt-smart-modal-container.rt-modal-858 .rt-smart-modal-header, 313 W. Sibley Hall. Do my benefits continue through the summer? Straughn started his coaching career at his alma mater, Eleanor Roosevelt High School (Greenbelt, Md. Tickets Full Need to find one of our faculty or staff members? short term disability or salary continuation benefits. Shortly after joining the faculty in 2006, Haynie founded the Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for Veterans with Disabilities program. Mary Grace A. Almandrez serves as the Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion. #rt-team-container-1931991435 .tlp-layout-isotope .overlay .tlp-position{ font-size:12px; }#rt-team-container-1931991435 .short-bio p,#rt-team-container-1931991435 .short-bio p a, He leads a team of experienced professionals who are responsible for student-facing services and support spanning the outside-of-the-classroom experience. 315.443.3051 Useful links and resources for current faculty and staff members. Through Easter, Passover, Ramadan, Ram Navami and more, all students, faculty and staff are invited to learn of these opportunities and support Syracuse Universitys commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility. Contact HR Shared Services to add your new eligible family members to your existing coverage. WebExam Schedule. 315-443-1419. Meet the faculty members devoting their lives to the environmental crises keeping people up at night. Reserve classrooms or conference rooms, explore the technology available in specific spaces, or plan how youll use available tech to teach or host your next event. The Office of Campus Facilities, Administration and Services is a business unit of the BFAS Division, reporting to the Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer. #rt-team-container-1931991435 .tlp-position a, WebSkip Ad. Leadership Team Faculty Directory Institutional Review Board (IRB) Majors and Minors. I am enrolled in benefits through the University. Lana Pettit Director of Computing, CFAS. Your work ensures our students have an unrivaled A list of online and print journal, newspaper and magazine titles. Alumni Alicia Our Part Time Faculty brings a wide-range of professional experience and expertise to the classroom, giving students the benefit of their workplace insights. Padgett is responsible for leadership of the finance and administration functions, including campus facilities, comptrollers office, institutional risk and audit, budget and planning, treasury, and real estate. Thank you for your service to the University. How do I update my name, address, or other information? The College is divided into the natural sciences and mathematics, the humanities, and the social sciences, with the lattermost offered in partnership with the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs. #rt-team-container-1931991435 .rt-layout-filter-container .rt-filter-wrap .rt-filter-item-wrap.rt-filter-dropdown-wrap .rt-filter-dropdown .rt-filter-dropdown-item, CECE PhD student inducted into the Order of Pegasus April 4, 2023; UCF Hosts Distinguished Lecturer Dr. Cliff Davidson of the Syracuse University March 23, WebSyracuse University Shaw Center Community Engagement; About; Staff Directory Staff Directory . #rt-team-container-1931991435 .isotope6 .single-team-area h3 .team-name, Your work ensures our students have an unrivaled collegiate experience and keeps many facets of the University operating smoothly, behind the scenes and at the highest levels of leadership. Find out about other Career Connections in the (315) programs! Expert architecture and design solutions for private carriers, next-generation metro and long-haul optical networks, ultra low-latency networks, and Internet backbones. Afterward, Sharon Owens 85, Deputy Mayor of Syracuse, will share more about her personal journey and provide career advice. If you do not contact us within 31 days, you must wait for the next annual enrollment (generally held in early November) to make changes to your benefits. WebDirectory Mo Abdallah Assistant Teaching Professor Riyad S. Aboutaha Associate Professor Nicole Adkins Assistant to Director, Records and Study Abroad Jeongmin Ahn The founding college of Syracuse University remains at the center of undergraduate learning. #rt-team-container-1931991435 .special-selected-top-wrap .ttp-label, The College is divided into the natural sciences and mathematics, the humanities, and the social sciences, with the lattermost offered in partnership with the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs. He oversees the financial well-being of Syracuse University, working closely with Chancellor Syverud to proactively position the University to navigate a dynamic financial landscape, optimize resources and investments, and align the budget model in support of the Universitys core mission of academic excellence. Direct Reports: Debbie Skeele Director CFAS Admin, Budget, and Finance. Providers Overview Location Reviews Providers More about Carla Ramirez, Kathryn Bradford Associate Vice President & Director #rt-team-container-1931991435 .owl-theme .owl-nav [class*=owl-], Learn more about the School of Educations Selected Studies in Education bachelors degree program, or contact Timothy Findlay, Assistant Director of Undergraduate Admissions and Recruitment, at or 315.443.4269. #rt-team-container-1931991435 .carousel8 .rt-grid-item .tlp-overlay, Our Featured Speaker: Sharon Owens 85 is a graduate of Syracuse University College of Arts and Sciences. Learn about the College of Arts and Welcome to Syracuse University in New York City! Alison Fredericks Associate Director 315.443.3051 In her role as deputy mayor, WebEamon Lee Executive Director of Hospitality 315.345.4687 Associate Director, Retail TBD Stephen Brandt Director of Residential Dining Ruth Sullivan, MSEd, RDN, CDN Registered Dietitian 315.443.9884 Other Food Services Contacts Campus Cafes 315.443.3768 Campus Catering 315.443.3605 In the Division of Administration and Finance, we embrace our diversity and commit to keeping equity and inclusion at the forefront of our programs, policies, and initiatives to cultivate a flexible, collaborative work environment that leverages differing viewpoints and enables all individuals to contribute to their full potential. WebRecent News. Review the information aboutreaching age 65under balancing your life events. #rt-team-container-1931991435 .overlay h3 a, 550 Harrison St Ste 340, Syracuse NY, 13202. #rt-team-container-1931991435 .rt-pagination-wrap .pagination > li > a, Straughn started his coaching career at his alma mater, Eleanor Roosevelt High School (Greenbelt, Md. Her professional career reflects a breadth and depth of higher education experiences, including organizational development, student affairs, policies and procedures, recruitment and retention, campus climate, crisis management, education and training, curriculum and pedagogy, and program assessment and evaluation. You can also reviewother types of paid and unpaid leavefor military, volunteer emergency service, and personal reasons. .rt-team-container .layout12 .single-team-area h3 .team-name, Have a smartphone? #rt-team-container-1931991435 .rt-layout-filter-container .rt-filter-wrap .rt-filter-item-wrap.rt-filter-dropdown-wrap .rt-filter-dropdown .rt-filter-dropdown-item:hover, Assistant Director crowns those who seek her. Syracuse University's open-access institutional repository. crowns those who seek her. #rt-team-container-1931991435 .owl-theme .owl-dots .owl-dot span:hover, 315.443.2093 315.443.3051 WebExecutive Assistant to the Senior Vice President for Administration and Finance. Primarily an assault rifle player, he can also flex for the other positions on the four-person team. Contact I will be turning 65 next month. Pete Bachelor of Professional Studies Instructor, Admissions and Academic Services Advisor | Student Administrative Services, Senior Functional Business Analyst | Bursar & Registration, Enrollment Management Coordinator | Office of Pre-College Programs, Executive Director | Office of Professional Acceleration and Microcredentials,
Cerri A. #rt-team-container-1931991435 .isotope6 .single-team-area h3 .team-name, He oversees the non-academic units that interact most frequently with students and guests on campus, including housing, retail operations, catering, and the commissary. As Vice President and Chief Facilities Officer, Peter Sala oversees all operations of Syracuse Universitys athletic facilities, including the Dome, as well as other campus departments including Campus Planning, Design and Construction, Business and Facilities Maintenance Services, Physical Plant, Housing and Food Services Maintenance, and Energy Systems & Sustainability Management. Apply #rt-team-container-1931991435 .rt-pagination-wrap .rt-page-numbers .paginationjs .paginationjs-pages li>a:hover{background-color: #d44500;}#rt-team-container-1931991435 .rt-pagination-wrap .rt-page-numbers .paginationjs .paginationjs-pages ul > a, Meet three of the Syracuse University professors and researchers tackling major issues like global warming, natural disasters, biodiversity loss and food insecurity across diverse academic fields. Afterward, Sharon Owens 85, Deputy Mayor of Syracuse, will share more about her personal journey and provide career advice. ), as an assistant coach. Read more aboutlife eventssuch as getting married and becoming a parent, and contact HR Shared Services at 315.443.4042 with any questions. For Faculty and Staff. .tlp-team .layout6 .tlp-info-block{background:#3e3d3c;}#rt-team-container-1931991435 .layout15 .single-team-area:before, 315.443.3051 In that position, she led Ohio States largest college, which is home to 38 academic departments and schools and more than 20 centers and institutes. Library. From classroom assessment techniques to guidelines for moving a course online, and much more. Michael Paulus. Skip to main content. WebOur Staff Sarah D. Collins Director of Student Affairs As Director of Student Affairs, Sarah Collins serves as the primary point of contact for College of Law students, as the liaison between the College administration and student organizations, and coordinates and oversees student services. Deploy network infrastructure faster and easier than ever before, with pre-packaged yet massively scalable infrastructure components for top packet and optical systems. #rt-team-container-1931991435 .owl-theme .owl-nav [class*=owl-]:hover, 407-823-2387. #rt-team-container-1931991435 .contact-info ul li i{color:#3e3d3c;}#rt-team-container-1931991435 .single-team-area .skill-prog .fill,.tlp-team #rt-team-container-1931991435 .tlp-content, A list of print and electronic materials available in the Syracuse University Libraries. Alumni Clubs & Groups Professor of Practice, Quality Assurance Specialist | Center for Online and Digital Learning, Associate Video Producer | Center for Online and Digital Learning, Recruitment Specialist | Student Recruitment, Academic Program Administrator | Academic Affairs, Online Success Advisor | Online Student Success, Advisor | Academic Advising, Higher Education Opportunity Program, ESL Instructor | English Language Institute, Instructional Design Manager | Center for Online and Digital Learning, Assistant Director of Enrollment & Student Services | Office of Pre-College Programs, Executive Director | Office of Pre-College Programs, Multimedia Designer | Center for Online and Digital Learning, Assistant Teaching Professor | Academic Affairs, Inquiry and Application Management Specialist | Student Recruitment, Executive Assistant to the Dean and Associate Dean, Bachelor of Professional Studies Instructor, Language Coordinator | English Language Institute, Video Production Manager | Center for Online and Digital Learning, Academic Operations Coordinator | Academic Affairs, Communications/PR Specialist | Communications Office, Assistant Director | English Language Institute, Lead Video Editor | Center for Online and Digital Learning, Assistant Director | Bursar & Registration, Prior Learning Assessment Advisor | Online Student Success, Video Editor Associate | Center for Online and Digital Learning, Executive Director | Post Traditional Advancement, Global Partnerships Officer | English Language Institute, Executive Director of Administration and Strategy | Dean's Office, Quality Assurance Specialist | Center for Online and Digital Learning, Senior Online Success Advisor | Online Student Success, Office Coordinator | Office of Pre-College Programs, Executive Director | Center for Online and Digital Learning, Quality Assurance/Administrative Specialist | Center for Online and Digital Learning, Assistant Director of Operations | Online Student Success, Marketing Business Analyst | Communications Office, Student Services Coordinator | Bursar & Registration, Executive Director | Online Student Success, Digital Communications Manager | Communications Office, Assistant Director | Center for Online and Digital Learning, Pre-College Program Specialist | Office of Pre-College Programs, Database Administrator | Information Systems, Director | Higher Education Opportunity Program, Assistant Director | Student Administrative Services, Director of Admissions | Student Recruitment, Admissions Advisor-Military | Student Recruitment, Director | Diversity and Inclusive Excellence, Assistant Director, Academic Programs | English Language Institute, Marketing and Communications Coordinator | Office of Pre-College Programs, Educational Technologist | Center for Online and Digital Learning, Assistant Dean | Student Administrative Services, Associate Dean, Academic Affairs | Professor of Practice, Assistant Director and Advisor | Financial Aid, Multimedia Design Manager | Center for Online and Digital Learning, Computer Consultant | Information Systems, Multimedia/UI Designer | Center for Online and Digital Learning, Professor of Practice; Program Director | Academic Affairs, Project Manager Online Programs | Center for Online and Digital Learning, Associate Director | Center for Online and Digital Learning, Operations Coordinator | Online Student Success, Learning Center Coordinator & Assistant to the HEOP Director | Higher Education Opportunity Program, Video Editor | Center for Online and Digital Learning, Professional Acceleration and Microcredentials, The Future-Ready Workforce Innovation Consortium, About the College of Professional Studies. As the Dean of Hendricks Chapel, Brian Konkol guides, nurtures, and enhances religious, spiritual, and ethical life at the University and across its extended community. Administrative Coordinator Kevin VanDerzee Associate Director Operations and Facilities. The Division of Administration and Finance provides high-quality services and a safe and effective campus environment to support the universitys mission of education, research, and community service. Admissions Daniel French serves as Senior Vice President and General Counsel. Registrar. Consult your supervisor or contact HR Shared Services at 315.443.4042 if you have questions about your status or benefit coverage during the summer. rFLA. Pamela Kirwin Heintz Associate Vice President & Director 315.443.3051 More about Pamela Kirwin Heintz . Allen will lead, develop and implement strategies to align the College of Professional Studies diversity, equity, inclusion and access (DEIA) initiatives. If you need time off for your own health condition or that of a family member, review theFamily and Medical Leave policyand the applicableshort term disability or salary continuation benefitsthat may be available. #rt-team-container-1931991435 .carousel8 .rt-grid-item .tlp-overlay .social-icons:before, You can request new ID cards by contacting theadministrator. Mary G. Opperman serves as Senior Vice President and University Secretary. #rt-team-container-1931991435 .overlay .short-bio p, #rt-team-container-1931991435 .overlay .short-bio p a{color:#3e3d3c;font-size:13px;}#rt-team-container-1931991435 .tlp-email, #rt-team-container-1931991435 a .tlp-email{ font-size:13px; }#rt-team-container-1931991435 .tlp-phone{font-size:13px;}#rt-team-container-1931991435 .tlp-location{font-size:13px;}, Bachelor of Professional Studies Instructor, Operations Specialist | Office of Professional Acceleration and Microcredentials, Recruitment Analyst | Student Recruitment, Instructional Designer | Center for Online and Digital Learning, Instructional Language Coordinator | English Language Institute, Director of Academic Programs | Academic Affairs
COACHING RESUME. To see all staff in each department, view the staff directory. Research WebDirector, University Records Manager Kate Hanson Director, SOURCE Emily Hart Science Librarian, Research Impact Lead Linda Dickerson Hartsock Executive Director, LaunchPad Cristina Hatem Director of Strategic Marketing and Communications Brenna Helmstutler Librarian for the School of Information Studies Scott Herrmann By logging intoMySlice, you can update most of your personal information, including your address, phone number, email, emergency contact and military status. Pete Sala is the Vice President and Chief Campus Facilities Officer and serves as the Managing Director of the Dome. Pete is responsible for: He distributes a construction communication update to provide the campus community with timely information regarding facilities planning and progress. For contact information, please log in throughMySliceto access the searchable Syracuse University directory. Supercharge your procurement process, with industry leading expertise in sourcing of network backbone, colocation, and packet/optical network infrastructure. 'Cuse Athletics Fund. To change your name in University records, you must provide a copy of your new Social Security card issued in your new name and complete aName Change form [PDF]. Anne Breed Executive Assistant. WebInformation for Faculty and Staff - Now celebrating its eighth year, BITH showcases works in the humanities, broadly conceived, by faculty, staff and student #rt-team-container-1931991435 .layout11 .single-team-area .tlp-title, Tracy Barlok was appointed Interim Chief Advancement Officer in Dec. 2022. Now, Cheverie-Leonard is a member of the Syracuse esports team. Steven Bennett joined the University as Senior Vice President for Academic Operations in 2017. #rt-team-container-1931991435 .isotope10 .single-team-area:before, Near. Associate Director WebAt the Frontline of Sustainability History. Senior Associate Athletic Director/Executive Director of 'Cuse Athletics Fund. More about Kathryn Bradford, Laurel Morton Student-Faculty Collaborative Scholarship Program. Coordinator #rt-team-container-1931991435 .layout1 .tlp-content, WebDirector of Undergraduate Recruiting, Maxwell School and College of Arts and Sciences 301 Hall of Languages | 315.443.4322 | Ash Andrews Recruitment Employees represented by a bargaining unit may wish to review additional information for bargaining unit members. Apply Your Military Skills at Syracuse UniversityOur Mission Is Your Mission, Benefit Administrators: Contact Information, Carebridge, our Faculty and Staff Assistance Program, Wellness Initiative for Faculty and Staff, Syracuse University Department of Public Safety Officers Union (SUDPSOU), Service Employees International Union Local 200United Contract and Contacts, Managing and Supervising Student Employees, Paid Family Leave Information for Managers/Supervisors, Health Benefits for Retirement Prior to Jan. 1, 2006, Health Benefits for Retirement On or After Jan. 1, 2006, Retiree Prescription Drug Benefit Medicare Part D, Financial Education and Planning for Retirees, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Asexual (LGBTQA+) Communities, Discrimination/Harassment (non-sexual) Reporting Procedures for Staff. A Peabody and Emmy award-winning journalist, Jeff Stoecker was appointed Vice President and Chief Communications Officer in April 2020. In-depth strategy and insight into critical interconnection ecosystems, datacenter connectivity, product optimization, fiber route development, and more. WebAcademic Calendar Campus Office Directory Canvas College Catalog Employment Opportunities Gmail IT Support Parking Permits Phinfo Publication Request Form Share News & Achievements Student of Concern Referral College Offices Accounts Payable Campus Security Dining on Campus Events Management Faculty by Department Faculty You can also add aPreferred Name, which will display in many University software systems, including as your email display name. Pete Sala is the Vice President and Chief Campus Facilities Officer and serves as the Managing Director of the Dome. Academics Whether your passion is for theater, sports, art, entrepreneurship, or mentorship, there are endless opportunities to stay connected with your alma mater. She joined Syracuse University in October, 2021 from the Ohio State University College of Arts and Sciences, where she was executive dean and vice provost. The founding college of Syracuse University remains at the center of undergraduate learning. 348 Hinds Hall. WebJohn Carruthers. Ophthalmology 1 Provider. More about Laurel Morton, 111 Waverly Avenue, Suite 102, Syracuse, NY 13244, Syracuse University Shaw Center Community Engagement. Allen joins Syracuse University from Virginia Commonwealth University, where they served as the assistant director of residence life for multicultural affairs since Syracuse University Libraries Alice Honig By Pearl S. Falk Endowed Professor Jaipaul Roopnarine, Associate Professor Emeritus D. Bruce Carter, and Professor Ambika Krishnakumar Alice Sterling Honig, Professor Emerita of child and family studies (now the Department of Human Development and Family Science) in the Falk College, died March 7, 2023. #rt-team-container-1931991435 .single-team-area .tlp-content h3 a{ font-size:16px; }#rt-team-container-1931991435 .tlp-position, Dara Royer is the Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer. Web 2023 Syracuse University. #rt-team-container-1931991435 .owl-theme .owl-dots .owl-dot span, WebStaff Directory Skip Ad Brenden Straughn Title: Assistant Coach Skip Ad Brenden Straughn joined the Syracuse mens basketball program as an assistant coach in March #rt-team-container-1931991435 .rt-pagination-wrap .pagination > li > span:hover, She integrates her commitment to social justice, strategic leadership and interdisciplinary approach into her work to advance diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility across campus. Stoecker oversees all day-to-day operations of University communications, including executive and internal communications and media relations, and provides strategic guidance, media relations expertise, crisis counsel and communications support. He also serves as Chief of Staff in the Office of Academic Affairs, overseeing academic operations for administrative units that report to the Office of the Provost, including Syracuse Abroad and satellite facilities around the U.S. and the globe. Program Director, Faculty Affairs, Women in Science and Engineering (WiSE), Digital Library Program Content Coordinator, Reference/Educational Technology Librarian, Law Library, Executive Director of Operational Excellence, Collection Development and Analysis Librarian, Librarian for the School of Education, Subject Instruction Lead, Collection Management Supervisor, Law Library, Assistant Director for Student Learning, Law Library, Engineering and Computer Science Librarian, Assistant Director of Collections and Access Services, Resource Sharing and Course Reserves Manager, Teaching Professor, Director of the Law Library, Director of Strategic Marketing and Communications, Librarian for the School of Information Studies, Lead Curator, Curator of Plastics and Historical Artifacts, Faculty Developer for Diversity and Inclusion, CTLE, Head of Digital Stewardship and the Digital Library Program, Head, Learning and Academic Engagement Department, Catalog and Archives Librarian, Law Library, SCRC Reference and Access Service Librarian, Librarian for Business, Management and Entrepreneurship, Library Technician-Access and Resource Sharing, Catalog Librarian, Part-Time, Law Library, Executive Assistant to the Dean and Dean's Office Manager, Librarian for the Newhouse School of Public Communications, Program Management Coordinator and Data Specialist, Assistant Director of Academic Expectations, CLASS, Senior Academic Learning Specialist, CLASS, Technical Services Librarian, Law Library, Administrative Assistant for Faculty Affairs, Office of Academic Affairs, Head of Collections and Research Services, Library Technician-Circulation, Law Library, Dean of Libraries and University Librarian, Interim Dean of School of Information Studies, Assistant University Archivist and Pan Am 103 Archivist, Assistant Director Academic Programming, CLASS, Director, CLASS; Interim Director, Center for Teaching and Learning, Librarian, Research and Emerging Issues Analyst, Associate Dean for Research Excellence, Interim Director SU Press, Electronic Services Librarian, Law Library, Humanities Librarian, Digital and Open Scholarship Lead, Martin Luther King Jr. Library (Arts and Sciences), Center for Learning and Student Success (CLASS), Office of Undergraduate Research and Creative Engagement (SOURCE), Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence, Equity, Diversity, Accessibility, and Inclusion, Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) Guide. 315.443.3051 tomake changesto your benefits. Here, you can see explore the work of students and fellow faculty. SYRACUSE, N.Y., April 3, 2023 Syracuse University College of Law has announced that Rob Beard, senior vice president, general counsel and corporate secretary at Micron Technology, will deliver the 2023 commencement address. Thanks, your message has been sent successfully. Toggle Scoreboard Menu View Full Calendar 'Cuse Calendar . Mike Haynie is Vice Chancellor for Strategic Initiatives and Innovation, University Professor, Executive Director of the Universitys Institute for Veterans & Military Families, and the Barnes Professor of Entrepreneurship at the Whitman School of Management. Syracuse #rt-team-container-1931991435 .owl-theme .owl-dots span, Find a doctor Back Find a Doctor. He works closely with the Provost and their leadership team on academic unit budgeting, personnel management, communications, advancement and strategic planning. #rt-team-container-1931991435 .layout12 .single-team-area h3 .team-name, Note that the VSP vision plan does not produce member ID cards to mail to you, but you can print a facsimile of an ID card by logging into their site. He also provides oversight for the Minnowbrook Conference Center, the Sheraton Syracuse University Hotel & Conference Center, and Drumlins Country Club. COACHING RESUME. You may contact him at 315.443.3517. Business, Finance and Administrative Services, Campus Facilities, Administration and Services, Campus Planning, Design, and Construction, Energy Systems and Sustainability Management, Planning, design, construction, and renovation of the Universitys facilities, Energy systems and sustainability management, Oversight of the day-to-day operations of the Dome. WebSyracuse University and Its Governance 1.1 Mission and Vision 1.2 History 1.3 Schools and Colleges 1.4 Chancellor and Chancellors Executive Team 1.5 Board of Trustees 1.6 University Senate 1.7 The Faculty 2. A former U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of New York, Frenchs private practice involves complex civil litigation and white collar criminal defense. #rt-team-container-1931991435 .rt-pagination-wrap .pagination > .active > span{background-color: #d44500;}#rt-team-container-1931991435 [class*='rt-col-'] {padding-left : 8px;padding-right : 8px;margin-bottom : 16px;}#rt-team-container-1931991435 .rt-row.special01 .rt-special-wrapper .rt-col-sm-4 [class*='rt-col-'] {padding-left : 0;padding-right : 0;}#rt-team-container-1931991435 .rt-row.special01 .rt-special-wrapper #special-selected-wrapper {margin : 0;}#rt-team-container-1931991435 .rt-row.special01 .rt-special-wrapper #special-selected-wrapper .special-selected-top-wrap > div {margin-bottom : 0;}#rt-team-container-1931991435 .rt-row.special01 .rt-special-wrapper #special-selected-wrapper .rt-col-sm-12 {margin-bottom : 0;}#rt-team-container-1931991435 .rt-row{margin-left : -8px;margin-right : -8px;}#rt-team-container-1931991435.rt-container-fluid,#rt-team-container-1931991435.rt-container,#rt-team-container-1931991435.rt-team-container{padding-left : 8px;padding-right : 8px;}#rt-team-container-1931991435 h3, Administrative Coordinator Kevin VanDerzee Associate Director Operations and Facilities contacting theadministrator School ( Greenbelt,.... 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