haitian plants medicine

haitian plants medicine

Other therapeutic uses treat afflictions of the reproductive apparatus (menstrual disorders, ovary pain, vaginal infections, as an aphrodisiac; about 9%), skin afflictions (wounds, burns, rashes; about 9%), helminth worm infections (about 7%), and renal afflictions (diuretic, depurative; about 7%). 1957, La Habana: Contribuciones Ocasionales del Museo de Historia Natural Colegio La Salle 10, P. Fernndez and Ca, Alain H: Flora de Cuba. 1984, 10: 1-39. Springer Nature. Haitian immigrants and their descendants mainly decoct or infuse aerial parts and ingest them, but medicinal baths are also relevant. A Haitian carnival takes place every year in Santiago de Cuba, and a Creole radio program is broadcasted nationally [13]. 2023 BioMed Central Ltd unless otherwise stated. More emphasis is given, though to its calming and sedative effects than its purifying. WebOlives: oliv. Here Kloss seems to be hinting in his 1939 publication that vervain can be used to cause abortion. This figure is based on a comparison with data from another province that also absorbed much Haitian migration to Cuba, the Province of Guantanamo [13]. Weniger B, Rouzier M, Daguilh R, Henrys D, Henrys JH, Anton R: La medecine populaire dans le Plateau Central d'Haiti. Before you rub yourself with it, Sister Francis instructed, youwash it and rub it all over where the itching is.. Haiti is tropical and ginseng and goldenseal need cool, shady forest slopes to grow in. MeSH haiti plants little edible south cassava perennials flora shrubs tropical philippines growing fruit america Boil and simmer until the water turns a murky greenish brown. chire, dechalbore, devwale, kreve (vulg. 2007, Oxford: Berghahn, 245-269. Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. This lapse of time is long enough to permit insights to be drawn regarding the process of transformation and adaptation of ethnomedicinal knowledge after migration and in the ways in which the progressive integration of migrants in the host culture modifies this knowledge. 10.1007/s10745-008-9211-4. Almost five per cent of the remedies are used without processing, which is especially the case for fruits eaten as medicinal foods (e.g. More than 900 plant remedies were identified in Trinidad and Tobago bush medicine, but common plants include zebapique, noni, neem, fever grass, monkey apple, barbadine, and wonder-of-the-world. The plant pops up all over South Florida, especially when it rains. 213235. The use of medicinal herbs is highly developed. 2010 Feb 17;127(3):694-701. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2009.11.033. Our purpose was to list the plants held to be antifertility agents in the island. Today we have black-eyed peas, sesame seeds and peanuts in the Americas because slaves brought them along on the middle passage. Nadege Greencovers social justice issues for WLRN. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. Loma Linda, CA: Back to Eden Books, 1987. Besides single medicinal plants, informants also reported 22 herbal mixtures that are mostly prepared as a concoction of plants or plant parts and ingested. (Kloss, 300; Laguerre, 30). In: Pieroni A, Price LL, editor. Inventory of medicinal plants used by Haitian immigrants and their descendants in the Province of Camagey, Cuba. 2000, La Habana: Oficina Nacional de Hidrografa y Geodesia, Code of ethics of the American Anthropological Association. (Kloss, 215) In Jordan's research on Voodoo medicine, he places more emphasis, however, on the calming properties of catnip, rather than purgative. During the decades after emigration, the original Haitian ethnomedicinal knowledge progressively changed and adapted to the new environment, maintaining cultivation and use of important medicinal plants, incorporating plants and uses from the host Cuban culture, and diffusing specific plant uses to Cubans in contact with Haitian communities. Beans: pwa. Her laments were set to music: Needless to say, mint teas are the first to be administered if someone complains of stomach upset in Haiti or Ozarkia.. Quite unlike the soothing properties of the mints are the herbs that are known for their tonic or stimulating effects. She is a believer of remed fey, or bush medicine. 2002, Camagey, Cuba: Editorial cana. Insomnia. Laguerre, Michel S. Afro-Caribbean Folk Medicine, S. Hadley, Mass: Bergin & Garvey, 1987. deflower (v). Boil and simmer until the water turns a murky greenish brown. PubMed Toggle navigation Wiwords. This story originally ran on September 22, 2015. My mom comes from a line of Haitian women herbalists fromGonaives, Haiti. Macia M, Garcia E, Vidaurre PJ: An ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants commercialized in the markets of La Paz and El Alto, Bolivia. The plants cited were photographed, collected with the informants during the interviews, and identified by authors (D.G., A.B., A.B.) Peppers: piman. 2012 Nov 16;8:44. doi: 10.1186/1746-4269-8-44. deflower (v). Cuts (antiseptic) Depression. Everyone calls Francis Sister Francis because shes a respected elder. Edited by: Hammer K, Esquivel M, Knpffer H. 1992, Gatersleben, Germany: Institut fr Pflanzengenetik und Kulturpflanzenforschung, 1: 83-109. Given this, as well as the poor availability of ethnobotanical data relating to traditional Haitian medicine, there is an urgent need to record this knowledge. PubMed 10.1016/j.jep.2005.05.018. Gupta MP, Sols PN, Caldern AI, Guionneau-Sinclair F, Correa M, Galdames C, Guerra C, Espinosa A, Alvenda GI, Robles G, Ocampo R. J Ethnopharmacol. People like St. Fort, who grew up in Haiti, know to keep an eye out for the trusted plant. [15] who interviewed 29 Cuban informants across the Province of Camagey and reported 111 species used for medicinal purposes. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. 2005 Jan 15;96(3):389-401. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2004.08.032. About 75% of the inhabitants live in urban areas, where Camagey, Florida and Nuevitas are the major cities. While I was able to match several Haitian herbs with American counterparts, I was a little disappointed that I could find no mention of the "biggies" of American herbal pharmacoepeia in Caribbean plant botany. deflowered adj. Uses of medicinal plants by Haitian immigrants and their descendants in the Province of Camagey, Cuba. Additional file 1: Medicinal plants used by Haitian immigrants and their descendants in the Province of Camagey, Cuba. https://doi.org/10.1186/1746-4269-5-16, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/1746-4269-5-16. Today's Cubans rely for food and medicine on a mixed culture that draws upon wisdom originating mainly from Indian, African, Spanish, and Antillean ethnic groups [15]. Our purpose was to list the plants held to be antifertility agents in the island. The use of medicinal herbs is highly developed. Traveling Plants and Cultures The Ethnobiology and Ethnopharmacy of Migrations. WebOlives: oliv. Some 22 herbal mixtures are reported, including formulas for a preparation obtained using the fruit of Crescentia cujete. 2007, Oxford: Berghahn, 14-38. Guanche J, Moreno D: Caidije. 2005, Managua & Santo Domingo: TRAMIL, 2. Some Haitians swear by a plant called Cerasee or Asosi, the go-to plant to cure all kinds of basic ailments. Once in the field, we asked for the help of the local government officers responsible for health (doctors or nurses from the local hospital) to determine whether there were any elderly Haitians living in the locality and precisely where. In reference to therapeutic use, almost half of the remedies are intended to treat gastro-intestinal afflictions (stomach pains, and as digestive and carminative; about 20%) and afflictions of the respiratory system (catarrh, asthma, colds, cough; about 18%). haiti coconut agriculture project millions plant haitilibre She is a believer of We aim to make significant improvements in the health of the Haitian population while keeping our company strong. A tummy ache? plant, fruit, food. Haitian ethnobotanical practices related to traditional posology often follow cosmological/ritual numbers, both for plant quantities and timing of administration. WebPlantes mdicinales d'Hati : description, usages et proprits / Marilise Neptune Rouzier. Among the shared ethnobotanical practices is also the preparation of miel de gira with the pulp of the fruit of Crescentia cujete. Id SCSB-8978415 Research Tools Data and Statistics Databases E-journals Research Guides Catalog Special Collections Library Services Article Express Borrow Direct Circulation Course Reserves Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Library Access Study Spaces and Lockers Although they are also reported in Beyra et al. Data also suggest that culturally relevant plants (those cited by more informants and with a greater number of uses) are often used in different qualitative ways by migrants and hosts. Juice extraction is mostly used for green parts and is preferred over decoction and infusion for topical applications. But in Haiti, the purifying qualities of sarsaparilla are held to be more important because of the emphasis Haitians place on the role of blood in the body. Why Surinamese migrants in the Netherlands continue to use medicinal herbs from their home country. Journal of Black Studies. Herbs for Orphans, a US nonprofit, has been supplying Haitian orphanages with herbs and nutritional dietary supplements for the last 2 years. And thats it. Google Scholar. The Haitian herbalist and her Ozark counterpart share a similarity: they both gather and use herbs because of necessity. Haitian immigrants and their descendants mainly decoct or infuse aerial parts and ingest them, but medicinal baths are also relevant. Among these, a mixture prepared with the fruit of Crescentia cujete as a main ingredient is highly regarded by Haitians and is considered as a panacea. (Laguerre, 68) In the Ozarks catnip tea administered to babies quiets colic and can even be used to stop convulsions. The practice of using herbal baths both as physical and spiritual medicine is similar to other ethnic groups [37, 38]; as well, baths are very important in general in traditional health systems based on Afro-American religions [39], and their use among Haitians can be regarded at the same time as magical, spiritual, and medicinal. 10.1007/BF00052650. 1. Coverage of the coronavirus pandemic on Health News Florida. Besides the instinctual, the blood is watched by looking into the eyes, checking the fingernails, behind one's ears and through skin eruptions and bleeding. Besides single medicinal plants, 22 herbal mixtures, mostly prepared as a concoction of plants or plant parts, are reported. Laguerre M: Afro-Caribbean Folk Medicine. He deduced that the bark and wood of the simarouba excelsa plant were an excellent tonic and febrifuge (that which acts to expel intestinal worms from the system). Momordica charantia, Solanum americanum and Stachytarpheta jamaicensis are among those species most cited by Haitians in this study. She is picking cerasee to use in a bush bath for a rash. I was born and raised in Miami, but my very Haitian mom always kept true to her roots especially whenever I didnt feel well. 1998, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba: Editorial Oriente, Creole Language and Culture: Part of Cuba's Cultural Patrimony. Baths are the second more important category of means of application at almost 16% of the total. [12], Nevet and de la Rosa [9], and Pedro [10]. Ethnopharmacological themes in sub-Saharan art objects and utensils. Shes picking up bush to make some kind of remedy. . Audrey Rowe is Jamaican. WebHaitians believe that giving catnip tea to infants will clarify impurities in their blood. 1999, 13: 145-150. WebHaitian empirical medicine sprang from both European (16th to 19th century) and African (especially voodoo) traditional therapies. Baths are also prepared to rid people of the 'bad' and the 'evil eye', a practice known in Afro-Cuban religions as despojo [34, 35], mainly using species such as Vitex trifolia, Trichilia glabra, Alpinia speciosa, Allophyllus cominia. WebHaitian words and meanings. Remedies shared between Haitian immigrants and their descendants and the Cuban population are mainly the result of the presence of shared ethnobotanical knowledge before migration took place, but as well reflect adoption by Haitian immigrants of plants and/or uses from the dominant Cuban pharmacopoeia and, to a lesser extent, vice versa. Boil and simmer until the water turns a murky greenish brown. Ed. Paul A, Cox PA: An ethnobotanical survey of the uses for Citrus aurantium (Rutaceae) in Haiti. Potatoes: pomdete*. Haitian empirical medicine sprang from both European (16th to 19th century) and African (especially voodoo) traditional therapies. For most Haitian migrants, given their poverty, there was no possibility to make trips back to Haiti to procure remedies that were not available in the new environment. chire, dechalbore, devwale, kreve (vulg. The rapid disappearance of Haitian migrants' traditional culture due to integration and urbanization suggests that unrecorded ethnomedicinal information may be lost forever. Potatoes: pomdete*. Moreover, to date only limited data about Haitian traditional medicine has been collected in Haiti, mostly due to the fact that the religious, cultural, and political situation in Haiti has made the study of Haitian ethnomedicine difficult [20]. Volpato, G., Godnez, D., Beyra, A. et al. Primero Simposio de Botnica; La Habana. Results: More than half of the plant species reported in that study are also reported in the current study of Haitian immigrants and their descendants. Camagey is the largest province in Cuba, at 15,615 km2, corresponding to 14.3% of the nation's territory. Although in the recent past there has been an increase in ethnobotanical and ethnomedicinal investigations in Cuba [1519], these have generally not paid attention to the specific ethnic knowledge that immigrants have contributed to traditional Cuban medicine. 2008, 117: 41-50. There are many varieties such as peppermint, spearmint, lemonmint and horsemint. This fruit is delicious: fwi sa yo bon. Immunity. Williams. (Colon, 154).. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the Pumpkin: joumou. In North Miami Beach, Audrey Rowe stopped by her friend Cacheta Francis house to pick some cerasee growing in the backyard. Insomnia. Some people from the Caribbean believe theres almost nothing cerasee doesnt work for. Rowe said growing up in Jamaica people used to tell pregnant women that if they wanted their babies to be born with pretty brown skin, they should drink cerasee. The research project has been funded by a grant to Gabriele Volpato from the CERES Programme for Innovative PhD Research at Wageningen University (CEPIP-W). The use of medicinal herbs is highly developed. Some Haitians swear by a plant called Cerasee or Asosi, the go-to plant to cure all kinds of basic ailments. An infusion (tea) of senna is given to expel worms, reduce biliousness (belching and indigestion), and as an all-purpose laxative (Kloss, 312; Santillo, 175). Echinacea can be taken numerous times a day, as recommended by an herbalist. At the same time, posology is embedded in specific rituals that are performed during the preparation of the remedies, which on the one hand serve to memorize the proper dose, especially when dealing with toxic allelochemicals, and on the other hand contribute to the efficacy of the remedy by invoking supernatural forces and entities related to those rituals and numbers. Have a sore throat? Our purpose was to list the plants held to be antifertility agents in the island. Medicinal topical uses: Acne. Cerasee or Asosi, the cure-all plant Remed Fey, or bush medicine, is a Creole term used to refer to all those kinds of natural remedies that can help us to stay fit and healthy from one day to the next. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. Among Haitians, these practices are often related to cosmological/ritual numbers, and plant quantities used in the preparation of the remedies and the timing of administration follow these numbers (mainly three and seven; see also Weniger et al. Although no census of Haitians (residents or descendants) in Cuba has been done to date, we can roughly estimate the number of Haitians and their descendants in the Province of Camagey at about 50,000 or 67% of the population. I used Kloss's Back to Eden and Santillo's Natural Healing with Herbs for my American source books. "y tienen faxones y fabas muy diversos de los nuestros" Origin, Evolution and Diversity of Cuban Plant Genetic Resources. Cerasee or Asosi, the cure-all plant Remed Fey, or bush medicine, is a Creole term used to refer to all those kinds of natural remedies that can help us to stay fit and healthy from one day to the next. The final question that I wanted to probe was some sort of linkage between the two cultures of Haiti and America that might account for the similarities I found in treatment methods. To see more, visit WLRN 91.3 FM. 105 e/ngel y Pobre, Camagey, Cuba, Daimy Godnez,Angela Beyra&Adelaida Barreto, You can also search for this author in Tomatoes: tomat. The continuous ingestion of low doses of the allelochemicals in these species may be an effective means to prevent massive parasite infestations, especially in children [43]. WebSome US-based natural medicine organizations began conducting relief efforts in Haiti in early 2010, using herbal treatments learned in their own training, as well as Haitian-inspired herbal remedies. Calle Cisneros No. (Jordan, 726) Nonetheless, catnip is such a good all-purpose herb it is no surprise that it shares equal popularity in Haiti as it does in the hill country of Missouri and Arkansas. Some plant uses have a common origin in the ethnobotanical practices of Caribbean people of African cultural heritage, the so-called Afro-Caribbean pharmacopoeia: examples include the use of the aerial parts of Lippia alba and Cymbopogon citratus, as well as the use of roots and ligneous parts of Allophylus cominia, Caesalpinia bahamensis, Erythroxylum havanense, and Chiococca alba. Is preferred over decoction and infusion for topical applications 10 ]: joumou dechalbore, devwale kreve! 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haitian plants medicine
