hunter: the reckoning book
WebHunter The Reckoning Books Showing 1-26 of 26 Hunter: First Contact (Paperback) by Carl Bowen (shelved 4 times as hunter-the-reckoning) avg rating 3.23 22 ratings published 2002 Want to Readsaving Want to Read The reality is that its not only hard to find Hunters, who need to have survived a revealing encounter with the supernatural long enough to realize a Drive, but that Hunters are the underdog in most interactions with the occult. I felt like I was coming up for air after being underwater. A Many cells are ad-hoc democracies, reacting to thecell can consist of Hunters from any background and presence of supernatural threats as opposed to applyingany combination of creeds, and often does. herself isnt the vampire, but she will, with little regard for how others will be depends upon campaign con- affected. Art Its often inefficient andobjectively, cells often seem like collections of strange prone to human differences, but thats the nature ofbedfellows. Upholding a creed is a way of life, a personally defining perspective. Turns out, it was some multilevel-mar-Beyond the personal moral risks of hunting the super- keting scheme selling cut-rate exorcisms, but as thenatural, theres always the potential for the quarry to Full-Time Part-Timer discovered, theres much more tocapture valuable prototypes, and even use the Hunters the supernatural than bilking old people out of their re-own tools and weapons against them. Then again, those mortal author-sucker hunched over his collapsing prey in an alleyway ities may be slow to respond, themselves corrupt, orbehind the nightclub. Effectively, a Hunter is someone who knows about the existence of the occult and is self-motivat- ed to take action against it. Needless to say, such a catastrophe also places agreat burden on the Hunters themselves. WebHunter is a book about humans who have experienced something truly horrific/supernatural in their life and will stop at nothing to find out the truth and seek revenge. I know, believe me. Indeed, sometimes this last is actually true, and the suspected quarry is a mere min-The supernatural is uncanny. White Wolf Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. In fact, they saw it happen, once,and that was all it took to let them know they wanted 35, HUNTER: THE RECKONING Many will face struggle in their lives, but few struggles are so overt, so existential, as the struggle between monsters and innocence. becomes expendable. The Entrepre- tirement savings. ing for them.One of the problems of that problem the meta-prob-lem, as it were is that not every problem has a knownsolution. 5, HUNTER: THE RECKONINGINTRODUCTION Humanity clings to a comfortable illusion that the world belongs to mankind, that they lead lives of free-willed individuality, completely unaware that they occupy a world of grim mysteries inhabited by monsters. Well, theyre going to cross that bridge whenthey come to it. Everything was perfect until my old college roommateCharlie (M 34) started staying with us. The blood- upon humans falls. And at that point,would the monsters victim have been better off with-out the Hunter there in the first place? WebHunter Book: Visionary is part of a Hunter: The Reckoning series dedicated to the creeds, the character types of the imbued. Nobody wants to tell acop, We were pretty sure he was a werewolf, officer,whether or not the quarry actually was. Movies, however, they dont simply tell the story from hook tocomics, television, and the limitless reaches of digital climax. just, and some sort of power almost always For example, the Society of St. Leopold (see p. 235) resides with the wicked and unjust. The story likewise can become unfocusedif it must share the spotlight among a large entourageof main characters. Entrepreneur- ial Hunters may even use product-style R&D to address the threats posed by supernatural creatures. This also means that most Inquisitive does and then the cell would be completely unpre-Hunts are focused more on reconnaissance than target pared as the vampire steps out of a shadowy alcoveneutralization, and therefore, comparatively lightly behind them, because who knew that vampires couldarmed. The same kids who hangout on the corner, keeping an eye out for cops, can just Arsenal, Fleet, Improvised gear, Thwart theas well keep an eye out for a vampires sedan or a weird Unnaturalshapeless thing that leaps across rooftops. Hunters are aware of the supernatural and have awakened their Drives. ISBN 1-56504-735-4 Such may be the result ofMore than the other organization types, Faithful intransigent dogma or even a penchant for justifyingHunters pursue and employ both True Faith and a ones Drive behind a personal mythology of a greaternumber of potent relics (in the form of Endowments good. see p. 97). Hunter: The Reckoning is the sixth Storyteller game release for the modern World of Darkness. (For more information on Desperationa horrific epiphany: the revelation that what one knew and Despair, see p. Everything from lone horrors to vast conspir- Always emotional, at times overwrought, the Gothicacies of supernatural predators prowl the night and approach emphasizes the strange, the forbidden andin some cases, even the day. Personality The Martial creed suggests a simplistic approach, but in truth this creed includes a breadth of Hunters who are Driven by a wide spectrum of motivations. Reference # Hunter supernatural abilities are called Edges, there is one set of edges for each creed, with edges being rated 1-5. Kitted out with 50 kilos of Unusual Threat-hunt-ing rig, from vee-identifying infrared drones to sil-ver-jacketed flechettes, theyre ready for a lot of theknown problems. For those who have discovered the ugly truth about the presence of the supernatural, getting paid to make the world a better place is a satisfying confluence of interests. But it all made 4, me feel powerless, like it was obviously wrong, and it felt dangerous, but what could Isay or do about it? A Martial Hunter might expect to fight a desiccated vampire in its shabby man- sion, ambush a werewolf prowling through the slums, attack the corrupt cultists of a demented warlock, shoot their way out of a Coalition kill box, or strike the bloodsuck- er who thought theyd found a powerless victim. Looked at any consistent methodology. Quite simply, forewarned is forearmed. Concept and Design Orgs can often offer 28, CHAPTER ONE: A COMING RECKONING MONSTER-XWelcome to Monster-X!Were glad youve decided to join us in our Crusade to Makethe Sun ShineSM. An introduction for new players and storytellers to Hunter: The Reckoning. This offers cells a broad set of perspectives and approaches upon which to draw. No kids play clued-in underdogs versus blood-spattered nightgaunts. Much of that same innocence is lost as kids mature into adults and realize the world for what it is and the dangerous things that lurk in its liminal spaces. Knowingthat the vampire seeks survival by taking blood meansthe Hunters need to keep an eye out among the mostvulnerable individuals in the vampires territory.Knowing that the vampires pursuing a longstandinggrudge means they should pay attention to the vam-pires assets and those of the rival, as well, survival andpride in this case being two very different motivations and, likely, machinations. The hunters presented within are not Imbued. Inquisitives are much more likely to rescue a Sense the Unnaturalvictim, recover some sort of insight-yielding artifact,collect a sample from an inert or incapacitated target, COMMON DRIVESor confirm previously observed data about a greatersupernatural-creature type than they are to extermi- Curiosity, Pride, Greednate a werewolf den with extreme prejudice. Theyve madea few trustworthy contacts in the pursuit of whatsactually going on, but its taking its toll adjunct 43, HUNTER: THE RECKONING Taking back the world means its going to be a fight, and Im going to bring that fight to the sons of bitches who are pulling it into their shadow. Eventually I realized that the only time the bendersdont happen is if Charlie and I stayed up all night play-ing video games when he was about to go off and do whateverit is he was going to do. Sure, theres high turn-gle owner who had obviously taken pains to prevent over in these sorts of web logisticssomeone from finding out this exact thing. Kraig Blackwelder. Hed eventually pass out and sleepthrough the night and that was the end of it. (real or imagined) failings that brought the victim to the attention of the occult, and thereafter swears toDangers hold the monster accountable. Ugh. Hunters break those monsters and sometimes by experimental means made possibleill-claimed power. Reminiscences of a Stock Operator (#125821489925). Contents 1 The Main Idea 2 History 3 Out of mutual enmity or whose skill set is most immediately applicable. The hairballs know Bait on sight, and maybe evenby name, no longer just a potential victim and nowlittle more than a Burned Asset. Pages It introduces the Imbued into the Classic World of Darkness. All together, their powers and armaments mean relatively little. A list of the Edges that hunters can use. Pay your rent. By contrast, those individuals in the employ of orgs dont have Drives pushing them to solve things their own way. These paragons of Hunter skill develop strong tactics and have access to puissant tools, and may even hire org-style ranks of order-taking operatives themselves. If nothing else, one can look to others of unknown supernatural threats, or even using the Huntones creed for a common take on the monster-infested as an opportunity to eliminate what they see as rogueworld and how and why to effect change. Those stories, we tell ourselves, began Storyteller describes what happens in the world as aaround a fire as warnings of real or imagined dangers result of what the players say and do. Thats it. A list of information that doesn't fit in the rest of the book. To a Hunter with a Faithful background, it may suggest a time of judgment, such as an era of Revelation or the loosing of Indras bolt. In Hunter, the player characters are imbued, chosen by mysterious powers to protect humanity against the monsters of the night. Learn Avengers' philosophies, motives and ultimate goals in the war against the supernatural. The vast majority of hunters in the orgs (and even many lone hunters) themselves doOne risk of being a Hunter is the consuming nature not.of the Hunt, of perseverance in the face of not just The ultimate Hunter intention in this regard is toadversity but danger. White Wolf Game Studio At some point,somethings got to give, and the Influencer is goingto either end up in the field getting a firsthand look atsome of the ill business the cell sends them in zip files,or theyre going to disappear once the quarry gets wiseto their patterns.Club PromoterThe Club Promoter has spent years in various nightlifescenes a few years before they were legally supposedto, but definitely long enough to have a sense thattheres a special sort of monster that likes to prowlamong the places where humans go to let loose andenjoy themselves. Some wants are endemic vampires need bloodto survive. Hunter, from its Creeds, Drives, and even descriptor of the Hunt itself, is very good at helping people come up with their own stories. Thats a mistake that led the Sharp- shooter to withdraw from the force, and one they stillEngineer havent been able to recover from. A single unblemished flower growing against all expectation on the grave of the murderer. Building, inventing, augmenting, or repairing Hunter companies with Entrepreneurial members while on the Hunt.may employ untested approaches. From the orglation. Learn Visionaries philosophies, motives and ultimate goals in searching for answers to the questions on all hunters lips: W h o created us? Our who arbitrates the rules and springs horrifying newstories changed from campfire warnings to epic poetry, challenges into the game.plays, novels, and operas. Sometimes the quarry appears to be a victim, suchNever trust them. Every com-T he world in which the Hunters stalk their pow- munity might be preyed upon. With precious few exceptions, this There are plenty of hunters out there who dontcomes at a moment of interaction with the occult itself, have Drives, of course, such as the student who pickedwhich may occur in a huge number of ways, directly or up a baseball bat after realizing his stepfather keptindirectly. Imprint Martial ArchetypesDangers DropoutPerhaps more than any other creed type, the differencebetween Martial Hunters and extremists can come to The Dropout thought they knew what they werethe fore. Many observers of the occult seem to exhibit no urgency monsters are preying on people, and, guess what, the Hunters already know that, so at some point, the impetus to actually do something about it may come to the fore. Books in italics are the book(s) corresponding to the "Year of" theme for that year. Publication # A Faithful might be a temple monk coming out of the cloister, seeking to restore harmony to a natural order that some rampaging blood-fiend has tainted. You chronicled the tragedies they wrought, these monsters, and the victims upon whom they preyed. Too many comrades-in-arms are deador in convalescence to make giving up the answer.Burned AssetThe op was a bad idea to begin with and everyoneknew it, especially the Burned Asset codenameBait. Bait was supposed to draw the targets attention,get taken back to the lair or the den or whatever thehairballs call their home base. A free preview is available at the World of Darkness Website, requiring only registration. WebTargets of the Hunt New adversaries and monsters for your Hunter Chronicle Inside this book are a series of new antagonists for Hunter the Reckoning 5th Edition, designed to be used as written or to serve as the inspiration for your own unique, personalized menaces.Included are ten simpler opponents that can be used for quicker hunts or as As regards drawbacks, one risk is that that emergent technology itself has no moral bent, meaning that the tools developed to fight the night-haunts can also be used by the night-haunts, or even for other purposes unfore- seen during development. Lists are re-scored approximately every 5 minutes. down in one shot. Often after describing the actions you want to take, In the format we detail in this book, Hunter is de-the Storyteller tells you to make a dice roll to see if you signed to be played at a table, virtual tabletop, or emer-succeed in doing what you have illustrated with words. The creatures of the night have held court since before the dawn of history. 54 Werewolves 179Creed and Drive 57 Sorcerers and Their Creations 185Advantages 70 Ghosts 196Experience Points 82 Fair Folk and Stranger Things 208The Relationship Map 84Chapter Three: Edges and Equipment 89 Chapter Seven: Rival Organizations 219 Organization Types 220Concepts and Flexibility 90 Special Affairs Division (U.S. FederalSystems 90 Bureau of Investigation) Assets 90 227Aptitudes 93 Information Awareness Office 232Endowments 97 Society of St. Leopold 235Weapons 100 The Arcanum 238 BOPE-RJ (BOES of Rio de Janeiro) 242 3, HUNTER: THE RECKONING T he hair always stands up on the back of my neck when the sun goes down, any time I can see it happening. against the monsters to fight fire with fire. Drive risks Suspicion of whether anyone they know is in on the becoming obsession, which can come to dominate theconspiracy. I used to have that same attitude. In 2022 Renegade games released a new edition of Hunter: the Reckoning using the 5th edition rules. Other wants are more personal, such as onevampire wanting to engineer the destruction of anoth-er for a perceived slight at their secret courts during abygone era. I saw another near on the loading dock of thenewspaper building, this strange rectangle with a number on it that I thought was justa concrete wall, but it opened up and I blacked out again. Enter the Hunters, the dedicated monster-slayers. Hunters of the various creedschange. by. So back in college, Charlie was a handful. your stories, rather than dictating a narrow experience.The actual, historical Gothic literary movement has Were just suggesting a starting point.some fairly unenlightened attitudes, especially regard-ing gender, ethnicity, and matters of civilization vs. What is thebarbarism. Use the cool parts of the genre, not the Hunters Creed?parts that should be relegated to the historical dustbin. 42, CHAPTER ONE: A COMING RECKONINGInquisitive Archetypes teaching made for its own financial hardships and now the Adjunct Professors boyfriend has drawn the line atData Liberator hearing any more about ancient mummies or whatever at the university. Hunter's virtue tracks are unique for being 10 point values; Hunters use Virtues to boost many die rolls, yielding considerably higher bonuses. Webweb feb 11 2002 predator prey mage hunter the reckoning book 5 paperback february 11 2002 adrian cross is unwittingly abetting the efforts of the. The first edition of the game was released in 1999's Year of the Reckoning, and featured the Imbued. Look, here's my messages. Storyteller Creator and Contributors: Mark ReinHagen, Andrew Greenberg, Chris McDonough, Lisa Stevens, Josh Timbrook and Stewart WieckDesigners: Andrew Bates, Phil Brucato, Ken Cliffe, Greg Fountain, Ed Hall, Jess Heinig, Michael B. Lee, Richard Thomass, Mike Tinney and Stewart Wieck Inquisitives know this, of actively want to obfuscate information about theircourse, and are therefore among the most knowledge- presence. Monsters are real literal, genuine Vampiric cults smuggle victims across bor-monsters, from blood-drinking vampires to frenzied ders with impunity and sway their victimswerewolves to ghosts, warlocks, and even stranger emotions, convincing them that they enjoythings. Thank you! A stroke of luck, then, to find the ad in the back of the alternative newspaper: high pay, flexible sched-Dangers ule, learn on the job, and not selling knockoff perfumes face-to face. Only with time, careful planning, and survival could they ever hope to take back the night. and consequence, as the Hunters delve into a threat, Hunter: The Reckoning is a storytelling game suffering the outcomes of their actions, which estab-about those people and the desperate measures they lishes the urgency to pursue the subsequent threat, andemploy to emancipate themselves from the evils of the so on, until it reaches its climax.supernatural. But it feels like I'm onto something, like I saw something I wasn't supposed to,and now I just can't stop looking around me because it might happen again, and I mightmiss it. The upcoming World of Darkness event combines Vampire: The Masquerade with Werewolf: The Apocalypse lore, and continues the story of Cecily Bain! The occult nature of the supernatural means walk through shadows? For some Hunters, working for an org provided the A Hunters Drive changes them, even beyond the opportunity to awaken their Drive, whereupon they re-obvious. Covers PDF + Hardcover, B&W Book $29.99 $42.98 Average Rating (45 ratings) Take Back The Night For centuries, supernatural powers have reigned, warring among Faithful Hunters might expect to rebuke an impure purveyor of otherworldly temptation in their fleshpot lair, counteract the profane curses of a muttering hi- erophant, empower the other Hunters in the cell with their own zeal, repel the degen- erate spawn of an undead firebrand, and scourge their hometown of supernatural evil given worldly form. All of these and more become capital-H Hunters. A character purchases edges by spending virtue points, but must purchase edges with a creed linearly. into default, crimes become justifiable for the greater And any number of additional, personal emotions good. In the end, the Hunter may very well standgiven rise by the Hunters personal situation. The 1999 Jul-Dec Catalog has a different text entry for the book: For centuries, supernatural powers have reigned, warring among themselves, culling the human herds and lashing out from the shadows. The "action" could be anything: attack, defend, negotiate, evacuate innocents, or even simply resolve to act when they're better equipped to do soanything but passivity or retreat. Several supplements indicate that the Messengers intended the Imbued to serve as an army, but intentionally limited the Imbued in order to prevent the problems encountered with their predecessors (presumably the Solar Exalted). Avengers, Innocents, Redeemers 36, FAITHFUL CHAPTER ONE: A COMING RECKONING In churches, pagodas, mosques, and temples, Hunt- ers of faith gather. That last approach is extremely risky, but it happens. This can be everything from brutishly As well, Martial Hunters are most likely to face abreaking down a door and taking the head off the double threat of situations that make demands uponundead to a nights-long stakeout, tracking the quarrys their personal lives. Route DriverInitially, the Data Liberator assumed it was a PanamaPapers-style tax dodge, and the further they dug, the The three people who had the Route Drivers route be-more they realized thats exactly what it was but for fore them all stopped showing up without notice. Supernatural creatures might represent notions of mortal sin, sent to seduce or victimize, or might be members of unholy hosts at odds with the very existence of the world. 2022 Renegade Game Studios. Thats it. Supernatural enemiescan find the Underground to be unpredictable, since Envy, Oath, Vengeancetheyre rarely using any sort of codified process orobservable procedure outside their own idea of best DESPERATION DICE FIELDSpractices. The do-it-yourself nature of the Hunt is of-ten the extent of the philosophy behind Underground Stealth and subterfuge in service of the Hunt.Hunters kill the monsters and keep them guessing.Which isnt to say the Underground is stupid, foolish, Underground Archetypesor uncoordinated. Relatively little become justifiable for the greater and any number of additional, personal emotions good be. Of the imbued reference # Hunter supernatural abilities are called edges, there is one set of edges each! Creed is a mere min-The supernatural is uncanny break those monsters and sometimes by experimental made. The creeds, the character types of the book estarland redeemer strategy guide! Employ of orgs dont have Drives pushing them to solve things their own way the World..., augmenting, or repairing Hunter companies with Entrepreneurial members while on the employ... They know is in on the grave of the murderer goals in the end of it suchNever trust them a. 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