australian female painters of the 20th century

australian female painters of the 20th century

Installation view: Gemma Smith's Threshold (walls). Music is among Dorrit Blacks most dynamic compositions. Celebrating Joseph Mallord William Turner (1775-1851) arrival in Cornwall 1811 including his engravings of East and West Looe, Pendennis Castle, and Saltash. Share on Twitter Julie Rrap, Persona and shadow: Puberty; Sister; Senex; Conception; Siren; Christ; Madonna; Pieta; Virago, 1984,KODAK (Australasia) PTY LTD Fund 1984; Purchased 2019. Sold for 360 inc. premium . Seeking to capture the spirit of the new age, printmakers sought new ways of expressing values that were reshaping the cities and towns. Portfolio; About; Collections; Artists; Exhibitions; Female Nude Hip Out Pencil on paper 11 x 14 in (27.94 x 35.56 cm) Frank J Bette; Inquire Purchase Share facebook; twitter; linkedin; email; . Smiths 2019 painting Cusp is seen in the background. Colour was key, and its formal and emotional qualities were used to create art that favoured idea and feeling above literal depiction. Andrews, an Ohio State University Chinese art professor, visited the Harn Wednesday to talk about female artists in 20th century China to an audience of over 40. Australian Painter: Mary Cecil Allen: 1893-1962: American Painter: Olive Beem: 1893-1989: American: Gift of Mrs Dolores Barber 1977, Valerie MacSween, Pakana people, Shell necklace, 1995, Purchased 1998, Lola Greeno, Pakana people, Shell necklace, 1995, Purchased 1998, Dulcie Greeno, Pakana people, Shell necklace, 1998, Purchased 1998, Corrie Fullard, Pakana people, Shell necklace, 2002, Purchased 2003. While Dorrit Black in a more modern style, captured the essence of a windy day at the beach in her lino cut, Wings (1927-28). It was inspired by a jazz night at the Dominion Arts Club, London. Russian art only got a 'female face' in the early 20th century, thanks to the avant-garde 'amazons'. AGNSW collection Dorrit Black Black boys post 1938. What dance did she not get to do?, Jo Lloyd, Archive the archive, 2020, Photographer: Peter Rosetzky, Images courtesy of Jo Lloyd. Films and the Stage. If she had gotten married, the news of her nuptials would have been all over social media. Jenny Christmann, 20 woollen books (detail), 197778, Gift of the Philip Morris Arts Grant 1982. Dorrit Black briefly studied in Adelaide before moving to Sydney in 1915. Gemma Smith is a passionate researcher of colour, using her work to explore its subtleties and behaviours. Installation view: Barbara Campbell: Cries from the tower redux, Soprano singer Hannah Bleby performing Cries from the tower redux, Barbara Campbell and Clare Grant performing Cries from the tower redux, Barbara Campbell, Dubious letter from the performance Cries from the tower, 1992, Purchased 1995, Barbara Campbell, Clare Grant and Agatha Gothe-Snape performing Cries from the tower redux, Del Kathryn Barton, the infinite adjustment of the throatand then, a smile (detail), 2019, Courtesy of Del Kathryn Barton and Roslyn Oxley9, Sydney, Barbara Campbell performing Cries from the tower redux, View of the audience watching Cries from the tower redux, Kathy Temin, Pavilion garden (detail), 2012, Purchased 2017, Kathy Temin, Tombstone garden (detail), 2012, Purchased 2012, Barbara Campbell, Clare Grant and Agatha Gothe-Snape following their performance of Cries from the tower redux, Book your free Australian painter Brett Whiteley is best known for being associated with the avant-garde and expressionist movements. Unlike many other female artists, Diane Arbus became famous for her photographs early on. Credits: Text and images taken from the exhibition at the Ballarat Art Gallery and interspersed with my own comments. Photographing a group of young women whose poses echo the forms of classical sculpture, Ferran considers the ways in which historical and contemporary images have positioned women as passive objects and sensual subjects. Jeffrey Smart Australian artist known for his modernist depictions of urban landscapes Purchased 2019, Flamingo Park (fashion house), Linda Jackson (designer), Jenny Kee (designer), Opal Oz outfit, 1981, Gift of Jane de Teliga 1987, Flamingo Park (fashion house), Linda Jackson (designer), Jenny Kee (designer), Universal Opal Oz outfit, 1984, Purchased 1985, Bush Couture (fashion house), Linda Jackson (designer), Black rainbow opal outfit, 1985, Purchased from Gallery admission charges 1985, Linda Jackson, Olga Ayers Rock coat, circle top and dirndl skirt, 1980-81, Purchased 1981. As a result, they played a key role in introducing concepts such as Post-Impressionism, Abstraction and Modernism to Australian audiences. (Photo: Wikimedia Commons, Public domain) The 19th-century Realist painter Rosa Bonheur was known for her stunning paintings of animals ranging from horses to bulls to rabbits. Withdrawn. When the text again changed to contemporary English in the top section, Agatha Gothe-Snape led the reading, the other two voices coming after, phasing in and out, overlapping, as all three wound around the work, increasing their walking pace in concert with the sharply narrowing conical form. Saturday and Sunday 11am-5pm. In addition to childcare services and respite from domestic violence, dedicated womens spaces, including the South Sydney Womens Centre, offered screen-printing classes. She wrote, Here I am transmitting the actions of Philippa and what I know of her life, into a dance, 45 years after her death. Based on the ancient art of Chinese flung ink painting, fragments of bronze form a mandala, or a chart of the cosmos, signifying the continuing cycles of life and death. Flamingo Park (fashion house), Linda Jackson (designer), Jenny Kee (designer), Opal Oz outfit, 1981, Gift of Jane de Teliga 1987. The 2021 Redux began in similar fashion to the 1992 original: with the opening section of William Byrds Mass for four parts sung live by a solo soprano voice. Many female artists are still unknown despite creating literal industry-changing masterpieces. Presented nearby are portrait miniatures on porcelain and ivory, a form of portraiture intended to be held in the hand or kept close to the body. Women were originally denied from attending life drawing classes at art schools. Working side by side, the women artists drew on their experience and cultural knowledge to create seven woven figures representing the sisters and a large woven form with small lights above, referencing the Pleiades star cluster. Whitney Museum of American Art, New York. Bequest of the artist 1951, Grace Cossington Smith, The Bridge in building, 1929, Gift of Ellen Waugh 2005, Dorrit Black, The bridge, 1930, Collection: Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide. It includes Allans art, personal tokens, and objects from her home, alongside the work and performance films of fellow artists from the 1970s to the present day. The development of this collection coincided with the escalation of the Me Too movement, a global response to the harassment of women. She began making colour linocuts in 1927, taught by her friend and contemporary Ethel Spowers. Gertrude Abercrombie (1909-1977) was a one of the modern women artists from American Surrealist movement. While its size and monochromatic appearance contrasts with her linocuts of the same period, it shares something of their emphasis on repetition, dynamic movement and simplified form. Speed, colour, design and above all a desire for the new galvanised a new generation of artists, many of them women, into creating prints that were unlike anything seen before in this country. Archive the archive is inspired by the life and work of Philippa Cullen, a performance artist, dancer and choreographer who sought to generate sound through the movement of the body using theremin and early electronica. Amy Sherald. Purchased 1989. Barbara Campbell Cries from the Tower Redux, Visit the website for Visit Canberra ACT Government. In the 1980s artists including Tracey Moffatt, Julie Rrap and Anne Ferran examined ideas of gender in works that merged photography and performance. In order to provide a better user experience, website styles have also been disabled. Here is just a small selection, although difficult to see the detail, of artists which include Helen Ogilvie, Megan Thomas, Ethleen Palmer, Norbertine Bresslern-Roth and Margaret Preston. Elise Blumann, Summer nude, 1939, Collection: University of Western Australia, Perth. Share on Linked In Despite never meeting Cullen, Lloyd conceived the performance as collaborative work in which she extends Cullens practice through her own. Emily Kame Kngwarreye, an elder of considerable standing in her community, made batiks before becoming a painter in her 80s. Rosemary Madigan, Torso, 1948, Purchased 1976. Nor was satire, as you can see here in Unk Whites ink on paper The Stage Manager told me I looked good enough to eat! (1934) which would not be acceptable in todays society. After her death, however, the artist's extensive and impressive oeuvre fell into oblivion for the time being. In Scenes on the death of nature, Ferran used the camera to explore the pleasure and ethics of looking. 15 Feb 2023 NAS alumnae Julie Rrap, Fiona Foley, Fiona Hall, Margaret Olleyand lecturerGrace Crowley are featured in this article. Evelyn Dunbar, the only salaried woman artist during the Second World War, produced a series of pictures of female workers conveyed with dignity and strength as they adapted to the harsh reality of their changing lives. William Dobell - Art Quotes - Australian portrait painter and Archibald Prize winner . Woman in Restaurant, 1934 William Dobell (Australian,1899-1970) For the artist, the falling ribbon symbolises the promise of escape and overlaps with histories of women held captive in fairy stories, poetry, literature and history alike. Tjanpi Desert Weavers: Dorcas Tinnimai Bennett (Ngaanyatjarra people), Cynthia Nyungalya Burke (Ngaanyatjarra people), Roma Yanyakarri Butler (Ngaanyatjarra people), Judith Yinyika Chambers, (Ngaanyatjarra people), Chriselda Farmer (Pitjantjatjara people), Polly Pawuya Jackson, (Ngaanyatjarra people), Joyce James (Ngaanyatjarra and Pitjantjatjara people), Eunice Yunurupa Porter (Ngaanyatjarra people), Winifred Puntjina Reid (Ngaanyatjarra people), Rosalie Richards, (Ngaanyatjarra people), Delilah Shepherd (Ngaanyatjarra people), Erica Ikunga Shorty, (Ngaanyatjarra people), Dallas Smythe (Ngaanyatjarra people), Martha Yunurupa Ward, (Ngaanyatjarra people), Nancy Nangawarra Ward (Ngaanyatjarra people), Kungkarangkalpa (Seven Sisters), 2020, Commissioned by the National Gallery of Australia, Canberra 2020, Tjungkara Ken, Pitjantjatjara people, Seven Sisters, 2012, Purchased 2012, Topsy Tjulyata, Pitjantjatjara people, Kungkarangkalpa: Seven Sisters story, 1992, Purchased 1993, Ken Family Collaborative: Freda Brady (Pitjantjatjara people), Sandra Ken (Pitjantjatjara people), Tjungkara Ken (Pitjantjatjara people), Paniny Mick (Pitjantjatjara people), Maringka Tunkin (Pitjantjatjara people), Tingila Yaritji Young (Pitjantjatjara people), Seven Sisters, Purchased 2020, Ken Family Collaborative: Freda Brady (Pitjantjatjara people), Sandra Ken (Pitjantjatjara people), Tjungkara Ken (Pitjantjatjara people), Paniny Mick (Pitjantjatjara people), Maringka Tunkin (Pitjantjatjara people), Tingila Yaritji Young (Pitjantjatjara people), Kangkura-KangkuraKu Tjukurpa A sisters story, 2017, Collection: Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide. In 2010 Australian designers Cami James and Nadia Napreychikov established DI$COUNT UNIVER$E and began creating fashion informed by social, political and feminist ideas. Pioneers such as the 19th century Heidelberg School protested and finally by the early 20th century it became acceptable to incorporate realistic naked figures in their works. An iconic artist of the 1980s, Olivia Newton-John is one of the best-selling artists ever, with over 100 million records sold. AGNSW collection Dorrit Black Study for 'Nocturne, Wynyard Square' 1932, AGNSW collection Dorrit Black Nocturne, Wynyard Square 1932. AGNSW collection Dorrit Black Naval funeral circa 1945, AGNSW collection Dorrit Black Elizabeth Street, Sydney 1939. As mentioned yesterday the Australian Art World of the 1920s was dominated by men, however women began to make an impact. Anne Ferran, Scenes on the death of nature IV, 1986, KODAK (Australasia) PTY LTD Fund 1987; Purchased 2019. 5 min read, 9 Feb 2023 Becoming Modern, which I was lucky enough to see at the Ballarat Art Gallery in July, 2019, is a celebration of the tenacity and innovation of Australian women artists. She made her first colour linocuts in the early 1930s, exhibiting them over a six-year period with the Victorian Artists Society. Australian Painter: Grace Carpenter Hudson: 1865-1937: American: Lee Lufkin Kaula: 1865-1957: American Painter: Josephine Miles Lewis: Albert Namatjira 3. Many of her works featured African Americans engaged in a wide range of activities. Newton-John was born in Cambridge, England, but her family emigrated to Melbourne, Australia when she was six. AGNSW collection Ethel Spowers The plough 1929. Carol Jerrems, selected works from A book about Australian women 197374, Published by Outback Press, Narrm/Melbourne, 1974 , selected works from the Gift of Mrs Joy Jerrems 1981; Gift of the Philip Morris Arts Grant 1982. Gift of Mrs Suzanne Brookman through the Art Gallery of South Australia Foundation 2003. Celebrate dyk, We are hiring - final days to apply Spowers repeated this composition in two other colour linocuts, The plough 1928 and Birds following a plough 1933, indicating it was a favourite. Purchased with funds provided by the MCA Foundation, 2015. Some of his most popular paintings were inspired by British serial killer John Christie. Curated exhibitions have been especially effective in broadening the public's knowledge of the significance of women artists. Not only did she receive commissions from European nobility, but her studio became a stop on the Grand Tour an educational trip for aristocrats. Vote for Your Favourite Artists Of The 20th Century 1 She held her first solo exhibition in Sydney at the Macquarie Galleries, exhibiting works that declared the cubist-inspired aesthetics she had developed while overseas. australian female painters of the 20th century. Today Cunningham herself is one of the most important photographers of the 20th century. Tom Roberts 5. On this occasion, Canberra-based soprano, Hannah Bleby sang the Kyrie eleison from a long vertical aperture high above the performers and audience. Her works were characterised by strong, rhythmic design and sharp graphic contrasts of black and white. During the early decades of the 20th century, women were becoming more visible in the arts in Australia than ever before. With more than 150 artists profiled, the Know My Name book celebrates art by women from across Australia. Some features and content may not be visible. AGNSW collection Adelaide Perry Kurrajong (The citrus orchard) circa 1929, AGNSW collection Adelaide Perry Kirribilli - study for a linocut circa 1929. Kathy Temin, Pavilion garden, 2012, Purchased 2017, Kathy Temin, Tombstone garden, 2012, Purchased 2012, Marie Hagerty, deposition (detail), 2012, Purchased 2013, Lindy Lee, The Unconditioned (detail), 2020, Courtesy of Lindy Lee and Sullivan+Strumpf, Sydney. After travelling around Cornwall for the past week and meeting 4,598 dogs I realise I will have to do a blog on the Dogs of England! Their artistic styles, ideologies and use of medium . Portraying her home Alhalkere with plants like atnwelarr (pencil yam) in bloom, her work attracted great attention, and she represented Australia posthumously at the Venice Biennale in 1997. Working collaboratively under their fashion label Flamingo Park, they drew upon a mutual love for the Australian environment, developing a distinct voice in fashion through bold garments and prints. Jenny Watson, Self portrait as a narcotic, 1989, Collection: Museum of Contemporary Art Australia, Sydney. Micky Allan, selected panels from The pavilion of death, dreams and desire: The family room, 1982, Purchased 1984. Initially, the young female photographer, . Early-Mid 20th Century Women Artists. While her work has been contested, with some criticising her use of a male style, others admired her pioneering expression of desire and love between women. Exhibited nearby are the preparatory pencil drawing and lino block used in its printing. AGNSW collection Vera Blackburn Pattern 1936. Kathy Temins memorial gardens challenge the idea of monuments as heroic sculptures cast in steel. Find out more through the link below. Black reduced these forms to very basic geometric shapes in a compressed picture plane, influenced by the principles of cubism. English School (early 20th Century) River landscape. Inserting herself into paintings by the Norwegian artist Edvard Munch, Rrap twists her body to fit their original poses or, plays up or acts out in their limiting structures. Using art encyclopedias and museum websites, it has curated a list of women who have influenced the art world in a number of ways. AGNSW collection Dorrit Black Music 1927-1928. Her work is based in conceptual art and shows some attributes of feminism . Both reveal the influence of futurism and cubism and the tragic promise of a young artist, cut off through his untimely death in 1932. Purchased 2011. As the readings concluded, Hannah Bleby sang the final section of Byrds Mass, the Agnus dei. It was largely women artists who first championed modernism and abstraction in Australia in the early twentieth century. Animals were a popular subject and many women often depicted Australian fauna in ink drawings or linocuts or woodcuts. AGNSW collection Adelaide Perry St. Stephens, Philip St. circa 1928, AGNSW collection Adelaide Perry South coast 1930, AGNSW collection Adelaide Perry Kirribilli (The little steamer) circa 1929, AGNSW collection Mabel Pye Spring morning 1930s. June 14, 2022; can you shoot someone stealing your car in florida . Lindy Lee, The Unconditioned, 2020, Courtesy of Lindy Lee and Sullivan+Strumpf, Sydney. In the list below, the top priced work is shown for each of the 12 bestselling women artists. Her subjects were taken from everyday life, including children at play and crowded city streets. Ruth Maddison, Lola McHaig, 60, Peg Fitzgerald, 64, Laura Thompson, 80, Pat Counihan, 74, Rose Stone, 69, Molly OSullivan, 83, from series Women over sixty, 1992, Kodak (Australasia) Pty Ltd Fund. Closed Good Friday & Christmas day Janine Burke (Heywood, 'Burke', AWR) has been a leader in this area. In particular close contemporaries, Thea Proctor, Margaret Preston and Grace Cossington Smith were frequently sources of inspiration and irritation to each other. List of Women Artists: Up to 17th Century 18th Century . Arthur Boyd 4. Rosalie Gascoigne and Fiona Hall were also selected for the Venice Biennale in 1982 and 2015 respectively. Made by women members of the Hampson family, their lively quilt reflects the nature of their lives at the turn of the last century. Ann Newmarch, Women hold up half the sky!, 1978, Gift of the artist 1988; For Pammie, 1994, Gift of Louise Dauth 2005, Misses Hampson, The Westbury quilt, 1900 1903, Purchased through the Australian Textiles Fund 1990, Bonita Ely, Murray River punch, 1980, Courtesy of Bonita Ely and Milani Gallery, Brisbane, Jill Orr, Naomi Herzog (photographer), Southern cross to bear and behold (flame); Southern cross to bear and behold (burning), 2009, Courtesy of a private collection, Jo Lloyd, Performers: Deanne Butterworth, Rebecca Jensen, Jo Lloyd; Producer: Michaela Coventry; Composer: Duane Morrison; Costumes: Andrew Treloar, Archive the archive, 2020, Performance commission generously supported by Philip Keir and Sarah Benjamin, Vivienne Binns with collaborators Daphne Anderson, John Abery, Genara Banzon, Lionel Bawden, Ray Beckett, Peter Binns, Beverley Bisset, Elsie Brown, Mike Brown, Erica Burgess, Norma Cairns, Eugene Carchesio, Cheo Chai-Hiang, Virginia Coventry, Rebecca Cummins, Mandhira De Saram, Bryan Doherty, Kate Dugdale, Lois Eastwood, Helen Eager, Bonita Ely, Nola Farman, Ruth Frost, Akira Fujishita, Kunio Fukushima, Tamio Fukushima, Mez Gates, Laurel Grey, Christopher Hodges, Pat Hoffie, Tess Horwitz, Kyomi Ititani, Hiroo Itoh, Josephine Knight, Shoichi Kogure, Steven Holland, Marie Howard, Wayne Hutchins, Narelle Jubelin, Therese Kenyon, Leonie Lane, Lila McLain, Marie McMahon, Seiko Machida, Irene Maher, Maria-Luisa Marino, David Martin, Eichi Matsuda, Jean Nixon, Rod OBrien, Valerie Odewahn, Pat Parker, Elwyn Perkins, Gregory Pryor, Emily Purser, Neil Roberts, Catherine Rogers, Shigeyoshi Satoh, Dalia Shelef, Muriel Smith, Jane Stewart, Osami Tominaga, Peter Tully, Ruth Waller, Meg Walsh, Paul Westbury, Anthea Williams, Alice Whish, Tower of Babel, 1989 continuing, Gift of the artist 2020, r e a, Gamilaraay/Wailwan/Biripi people, Resistance (flag), 1996, Purchased 2004. The print echoes the self-consciously tasteful imagery of Proctors eclectic still-life compositions, although it was made several years after Feint and Proctor quarrelled and may be a barbed commentary on her work, rather than a respectful homage. Kevin Best (1932-2012): artist, awarded the Order of Australia (OAM) Kate Beynon (born 1970): artist Charles Billich (born 1934): artist Asher Bilu (born 1936): painter and sculptor Vivienne Binns (born 1940): artist, awarded the Order of Australia (OAM) Karna Maria Birmingham (1900-1987): artist, illustrator and print maker Sidney Nolan Photo: Peter Morgan. Event Produc, We are open ALL WEEKEND! The text is taken from Letter III of the so-called Casket letters, dubiously attributed to Mary Queen of Scots and used to implicate her in the murder of her second husband, Lord Darnley. Weitzel made a number of strongly graphic linocuts of urban subjects while living here including the Harbour Bridge, inner-city streets and slums. This list of artists born in 20th century includes people from USA, France, UK, Australia, Spain, Italy, Japan and many more countries. An The Art of Margaret Preston opened in Adelaide on 22 May 1980. Grace Cossington Smith (1892-1984) was a genuine trailblazer - her 1915 painting The Sock Knitter is considered Australia's first Modernist work, leading the country's response to European Post-Impressionism. 12 Women of Abstract Expressionism to Know Now. THE NATIONAL ART SCHOOL ACKNOWLEDGES THE GADIGAL PEOPLES OF THE EORA NATIONS, THE TRADITIONAL OWNERS ON WHOSE LANDS, WATER AND SKIES WE MEET AND SHARE. Black boys is the common name for the Xanthorrhoea genus of grasstree. Visitors of all ages participated in Allans exhibition, preparing snacks, watching TV, and lounging on the bed. Watch. There are so many possibilities to play out. See more ideas about australian art, australian artists, female artists. The combination of meditative states and expressive gestures underpins Lindys Lees wall sculpture, The unconditioned. For 25 years, the Anangu women artists of the Tjanpi Desert Weavers (Tjanpi meaning wild grass in Pitjantjatjara language) have developed and mastered their skills, weaving baskets and creative collaborative fibre art installations. John Brack 8. For the next couple of days you will be learning a little more about these Australian women artists before continuing to bring you the latest news from Europe and England. Julie Rrap, Persona and shadow: Puberty; Sister; Senex; Conception; Siren; Christ; Madonna; Pieta; Virago, 1984,KODAK (Australasia) PTY LTD Fund 1984; Purchased 2019. Brett Whiteley 1. Jun 23, 2019 - Explore Stephanie Wellard's board "Australian female artists of 20th century" on Pinterest. He quickly gained a reputation with the local avant-garde for his sculpture, linocuts, textile and furniture design; his short time in Sydney had a disproportionate influence on the development of local modernism. She worked at the court of the Duke of Alcala, the court of the Duke of Savoy and in Florence, where members of the Medici family were patrons. Australian Botanical Artists Margaret Flockton (1861-1953) Paul Jones OBE (1921 - 1997) Emily Pelloe (1878 - 1941) Betty Conabere (1929 - 2009) Margaret Stones AM OBE GM (1920-2018) New Zealand Botanical Artists Susan Worthington (2022) AFRICA South African Botanical Artists Dr Auriol Batten (1918-2015) Barbara Jeppe (1921-1999) Championed by some of her most famous contemporaries, including Edgar Degas and Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Valadon was no minor artist, and one of the few women painters of the era to receive. She studied figure drawing and, at age 23, began to focus exclusively on art. Those also experiencing oppression as women of colour and/or trans women were often left behind. The Australian Flower Paintings of Ferdinand Bauer was published in 1976. . Barbara Campbells Dubious letter (1992)60 metres of hand-embroidered ribbon tacked together to form a skirt-shaped objectwas suspended from the high ceilings in the Remembering gallery, centred to eye level, with generous space all around. Joanna Mendelssohn Art Gallery of New South Wales 2 December 2000 - 25 February 2001. Most famous women artists of all time Photograph: Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence 1. Tania Ferrier, Shark bra and pants, 1988, Collection: Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth. She enrolled at Claude Flights Grosvenor School in London after reading his publication Lino-cuts (1927), of which she later wrote: *Here was something new and different I had seen nothing more vital and essentially modern in the best sense of the word than the reproductions shown. Purchased 1989; Feathered fence, 1979, Gift of the artist 1994, Janet Laurence, Requiem (detail), 2020, Purchased 2021, Dr B. Marika, Rirratjiu people, Yalabara, 1988, Commissioned by the National Gallery of Australia and the Australian Bicentennial Authority 1988; Miyapunu and guya, Purchased 1987; Muka milny mirri, 1987, Purchased from Gallery admission charges 1988; Birds and fishes, 1984, Gift of Theo Tremblay 1987; Miyapunawu narrunan (Turtle hunting Bremer Island), 1989, Gift of the artist 1990, Queenie McKenzie, Gija people, Gija Country, 1995, Purchased 1996.

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australian female painters of the 20th century
