sam heughan tumblr just make it a double

sam heughan tumblr just make it a double

The sooner he can move, on the better. but the OL fans buy what hes offering, whether its his own businesses - clothing, whisky, gym membership, etc etc, or what hes shilling, or an OL Con special meet and greet etc. Or even dirks? Make it more androgyn. Peanut gallery Purv provided comic relief with cute names Samtina, Samgia etc, and as usual claimed direct knowledge thru DMs, direct sources and special knowledge- none of which she divulged of course. snippet from tumblr, where SH being gay is discussed on a daily basis now "Anonymous asked: Im surprised how sure you all seem to be thats hes gay. r370 Yes, it is wrong - always has been and always will be. I think he went to his MPC headquarters. One sign of how completely Sam transformed was the fact that despite having all of Sam's handsome physical attributes, Jimmy was not at all sexy. It was - what would DL know? Someone somewhere seems to be splashing around quite a bit of money to tweak the betting odds - for what these numbers are ever worth. Well, apart from saying rather than singing, looks like he's more or less fulfilled his wish. And the Omaze date competition reeled in the customers. Outside of Scotland he is very little known in this country and could do with putting in some solid acting work to change that. Purv is weird (but tolerably amusing) - how long did it take her to come up with that description of a guy's dick? Actor: Outlander. Web despite being branded like a whole new game, overwatch 2 is largely just an expansion of the original game. Seems like a networking opportunity lost - even the smallest and least significant party must still have some opportunities for making contacts. [4] Be seen in the company of attractive young women [ more credible if they are not too young ] from time to time and let the inevitable speculation of fans lead to the conclusion you are a hetero man! Guess it works for newbies and doesn't hurt that it's blown up and pushed by the head anti. $$ 20 is expensive. (Sorry, there are quite a few general dating app VICE articles in the link as well - tried deleting them but it deleted the whole thing too), Has Heughan Mole been accepted for the RAYA App as well /. A wise blogger recently copied post 345 of this thread onto their blog and expressed their agreement with it. I am new here and probably about to ask for feedback on the dumbest series of questions ever butIf PR wants to put to rest the gay rumors and boost Hetero image, why on earth wouldn't they have an ex or friend confirm through a well-orchestrated leak that S is not gay? But, one good thing - the roadkill is gone and a new wig has appeared!!! Ah, Purv is on the case! Haven't seen her hovering so closely with her other clients (around 275 of them, and some of them pretty high-profile eg Matt Damon, Christian Bale, Tommy Lee Jones, Lily Tomlin, Jodie Foster, Lisa Kudrow, Pierce Brosnan). Interview April 2015 - another time, another Heughan _________ BROWN: Is there a lot of pressure to capitalize on your current success? But Ill sh** a brick if someone like him becomes Bond. All 300 of them are in here in the closet with me ! it's as different from the second season as the second was from the r286 He would sell copies of the bus timetable, charging more for an autographed copy, and charge a fee if you wanted to sit down in the shelter. [r508] I agree with you that Alex doesn't appear in the least bit gay yet every time I see them together I just think 'mmm'. Bit of a giggle. We are apparently controlled by Pauley and Purvey. Bit of a track record, SH. a mix of both? r143 I'd say so. So, just because Sams new squeeze may have licked a few in her day (Im not saying she has, just hypothetical), doesnt mean she doesnt partake in the big D as well. It can't be a coincidence. Of course all the more reason to keep underlining the straight image - don't want to hurt that profit bottom line with the moneyed up worshippers. He was there but I wonder if Sam was the one who invited him. Looks like Graceland is now one of Heughans sponsors [ Instagram ], [R320] Agree, the beat, no acting no sign of ' light entertainment persona'. The Dude is Duncan Lacroix. Just want to sneak this in as I'm faced with a very busy schedule (and Murphy's Law of course, there are so many good memories to post today!) News reports that Heughan, 41, was quite cozy with pretty brunette Monika Clarke at Caf Select in the Soho neighborhood of the Big Apple on March 7, 2022. Originally posted by briellawarrior. They raised a lot of money with the date contest last year but not sure that SH was all that comfortable with it. Here's an example of those homophobic stans and beards defenders [post redacted because thinks that links to their ridiculous rag are a bad thing. It was about Olympic swimmers and Sam played a main character Max along with Louise Ford (Elsa). weird to live in a world where Sam Heughan has the closet door shut and locked but it's lowkey confirmed that Richard Madden is sucking young twink cock Those crazy Scots! Starz is going on a Scottish road trip with Outlander stars Sam Heughan and Graham McTavish. BUT, Amy actually dispelled that myth, when after Sam said aint nothing straight about my Bat, YOU know that!she posted a picture of chocolate covered bananas that were not straight, as in they were a bit curved. [quote]He was simply magnificent, and gay. Just before the play starts, the theatre starts blinking their lights to signal to the audience that the play is about to start. Sam Heughan looks out for the manly men. Hiding in plain sight. Perhaps Samgia could have a quickie on a park bench and then race off for a post-coital tree climb - he'd have to watch out for freezing balls and splinters, but hey, it's all in the hetero game. Sam's new publicist, Jennifer Allen, put Sam 'into a box' and the ridiculous beardings and PR fuckery started. He himself is still feeding the shippers btw. There's a queen here alright, but it ain't me and it ain't Jess. JUST ME AND MY WIERDNESS, RIDICULOUSLY ADDICTED TO SAM HEUGHAN!!!!! I watched a couple OL episode and the guy can act. After all,he could model these last on the Magical Golden Dirk (or maybe Purv has copyright on that). Let me continue: YMCA - Village People; Freedom 90 - George Michael; Born This Way - Lady Gaga; Macho Man - Village People; The Bitch is Back - Elton John; Sissy That Walk - RuPaul; Express Yourself - Madonna; A Little Respect - Erasure; I'm Comin' Out - Diana Ross. But wait.. she was saying just a few days ago that because Hannah James was staying at the hotel where Sam was attending the TCA event, it's 'Samnah', people!! I wonder what's next, any predictions anyone? What a piece of crap. How is any of this credible. The shipping, increasingly bizarre as it has become, has been so important not only for his cover but for promoting his financial interests, most of which are firmly associated with OL and the Jamie/Claire magic. Supposedly Sam was out with the "pornstar" again last night. The man who shared this hotel suite with Sam in Memphis and 'handled everything' was not his bussiness partner Alex.. [quote] March 24 2019. Sam Heughan talks . I knew only about 2 names on the list. Luke.Or someone from the OL cast who would have as much to lose as him if the relationship became public Either way he must be living in some kind of private hell. It actually enhances the fanbase if she can be sold as a possible bisexual. [quote]If Sam comes out while Outlander is still on - mobs of menopausal and post-menopausal women carrying pitchforks would suddenly appear in the streets. Get it together, Sam, get security advice. Sam seemed confident as well. R29 I watched it partly, know what you mean. His worshippers will buy whatever he chooses to sell (some of them would probably even buy his bottled farts). I love theater and I love acting so as long as Im doing that Im happy and Im learning. Only 6 years to catch up on. The only difference here is the latest ones age she reportedly turned 40 in January. He's too beautiful to be a monk. But they have been periodically exchanging tweets and comments for quite a while. The Purv explaining away and sock questions are getting a bit frantic - an escalation as the Bloodshot release looms? According to that bastion of credibility, Purv, there's a possible new gf contender. He has appeared in 1917, John Wick, Sherlock, Garrows War, The Hollow Crown, Fleabag, 1917 etc. I am certain because Ive been spilling some tea lately on the private blog. To be the friend, the colleague, the role model and most likely the lover and partner and well, you know the rest. gay people. Sam Heughan shares behind the scenes footage on set of season six. Actual straight guys don't need PR firms, shills, flacks, red carpet rottweilers and beards to disprove anything. For six seasons, Sam Heughan and Caitriona Balfe have heated up the small screen as Jamie and Claire. Here I am. He needs a dose of Cree snark. Thats the objectionable part of the deal, not whether he likes meat or seafood." Too many in the fandom cant grasp the concept that Jamie isnt real. I much rather would see him working in West End as a happily open gay than in Hollywood as depressed closeted gay. R436 I didn't understand either why he wasn't at any of the parties in LA. Watch this space, I guess. The director was Cressida Brown and it was at Offstage Theatre at Bridewell in London in Jan. 2011. Click through the gallery inside for 10+ pictures of Sam Heughan out shopping in NYC. And we have Jonathon Van Ness as a guest Compere! I'm not buying it. Then why does Purv re-invent, extrapolate, fabricate and pretzel herself so hard into selling the straight narrative? I don't see him coming out of the closet any time soon. (Hope he keeps that event planner on speed dial if we trash the idiots who make him look bad, we better praise the ones who make him look good, right?). Roses are red Violets are blue Heughan is gay Wish you were too. Why do you even care about me enough to research my archives? Yep - And the latest acrobatic effort seems to be insisting that calling Heughan gay is a 'default explanation' due to shippers' sadness and anger at finally seeing through the PR fuckery that has gone on for so long. Speaking of James Bond, this has been a bit of a success story for SH. He did regroup and suggest that she open a new different account, and his worshippers sighed about how understanding he was blah blah blah, so not a bad recovery overall. Actors prepare for their roles, physically, emotionally and technically. UNQUOTE. Probably more of the same. Hmm A few tumblr-ites are now having a bit of a squabble over whether Heughan is with Duncan - posts like these would just never have appeared on tumblr even a year ago. Personally I don't think there is ever a legetimate reason to do so. Although he has sometimes seemed uncomfortable with it, he has been highlighting himself as a stud for YEARS - seeking votes as the sexiest celebratory of the year, sexual innuendo (although Im not sure that some of his fans would know what he is talking about maybe he could sell copies of the Urban Dictionary on the side), constant liking of the firm bare arses of young women almost half his age etc. Exactly. R460 He saved that for the tv interview(s). Can't help wondering if Heughan isn't being exploited by the guys who work for him [ Alex etc ] as much as he is exploiting the fans. She seems to have transferred to Glasgow with her long-term boyfriend in Sep/Oct 2017 because he got into Veterinary Science, and she commutes to a job in Edinburgh in her field publishing/media/marketing. He's created a brand and the demand for it by teasing the market with a very small product run. And it may just be coincidence that she is young, blonde, thin, athletic, US-based etc etc but IF, and it IS IF, this is another breadcrumbs episode, he's looking predictable, boring, and desperate to present that hetero player frat boy image - getting a bit old for it, mate. Not at all saying that it is wrong, could be spot on - just interested in the basis. that must be one of the other two women he's dating at the same time according to Purv. Purv claims she was told in 2014 by her original industry source who knew the director of Batman Live, who was gay, that when this source asked the director if SH was gay, he said SH wasnt and that he and the other gay guys were really disappointed when they realized this. Sorry, Purv - Georgia is no Heughan 'gf'. So if they were dating in real life, it would've been a perfect kind of relationship. Her makeup looked flawless and she looked relaxed and happy. Of love, heartbreak, tragic, funny, about the fandom but almost always revolving around Outlander, its characters and our favorite couple. Actors, through illusion, seek to convince their audience. Love the article's claim that 'Many of the gay rumors surrounding Sam Heughan (Outlander) seem to be tied to his obsessive attention to his body, like most actors', what a cop-out bloody excuse that is - hadn't seen that one used before. When Sam used to be so hot and new in the game he had really good artists taken pictures from him. No mistaking those words. Sam roland heughan is a scottish actor of stage, screen, and film productions, and a graduate of the royal scottish academy of music and drama where he was a 2003 nominee for the laurence olivier award for most promising performance for . Call going in to Beards R Us perhaps? hm.Duncan..? "Outlander" lead star, Sam Heughan, confessed that he had a hard time filming love scenes with his co-star and leading lady, Caitriona Balfe. The stalker crowd seems to be made up of three types - fans who always seem to be able to get a shot with him at most events, and I strongly suspect that at least some of these are tipped off by PR and maybe even paid for their efforts; obsessive fans who want his attention and go to any con etc just to be near him - one poor older soul recently raced to an airport in Canada just to give him a much cherished teddy bear which would have meant nothing to him but obviously meant a great deal to her (now that's sad); and the ones trailing him, sitting outside homes, moving nearby etc, and to me they are the most sinister ones, who may even mean him real harm if they don't get the recognition they think they deserve, or if they think he no longer fits their fantasy (like turning out to be gay). There would be nothing wrong with it if he were [gay], but hes not. He'll send out whatever innuendo, hints etc etc he thinks will get SH's notice and thanks, and that other attention seeker, Purv, is only too happy to help. Next time you 'drop into ' Data Lounge, and I'm sure you do sometimes in the 'wee small hours of the morning' read Reply could change your life! 'Samday services"? He will need to get a move on with getting more movie roles, because OL seems to be deteriorating in quality, with some really poor writing, and some poor performers, particularly Skelton, and since mid Season 3 he has increasingly been an emasculated 'eye candy' side player. Of course he does still get the multiple-voting fan awards run by JJ etc, and he did get a Saturn award, but some of them were a bit of a joke. In two months the only posts that have leaked were about Paul Camuso.. R500 I also find it ironic Tyson's flowery suit looks gay. On the list I do like the idea of some of the impersonators - a Heughan impersonator could probably make a mint with the worshippers (but then of course they'd be sued by the man himself). When will that finally stop? Check out the teaser here! She needs a shorter haircut. "It would be hilarious if the woman wasnt the bunny girl. This story is so much second hand embarrassment and is just an unbelievably bad timing and storytelling. What's next, Purv on the S6 premiere? A bit awkward to want it both ways now. How would you react if any blog you enjoyed reading closed up shop and went private? Sam talks about his favourite Scottish restaurants, when and where youll be able to buy The Sassenach range of spirits, writing The Clanlands Almanac, his food obsessions, what life looks like after Outlander and much more,, funny how both SC are suddenly active online today and only few minutes apart, Maybe some time away from the kids together . Suspect it might be something of a 'vanity 'project for him. [quote]I come to attack the Sam fraus for being homophobic. This time he doesn't have to rely on drops into facebook accounts, supposed sightings, photoshopped and cropped images, and if the rabid fans run with it, he can point out that 'Well, the article did say.' . Build a bridge and get over yourself. [147] Thanks for the welcome and your reply. AMONG OTHERS THINGS: OUTLANDER,ROBERT PATTINSON , NCIS, NCIS LA, Supernatural, Paul Walker,Grey's Anatomy, Metallica, the Beatles, Downton Abbey, Fast and Furious, CHRIS EVANS,, SEBASTIAN STAN, the Peanuts, & the Big Bang Theory. Such manipulation is almost beyond credibility ! Treating Sam Heughan like a piece of meat! I don't know that he doesn't give a fuck..he might just call him of send him a (personal) message. I am looking forward to the new season of Outlander, go Sammy, boy! And she may have two children. One closet case (Henry Cavill) about another closet case (Sam Heughan): "I watched a TV show recently that I thought was absolutely spectacular: Outlander. JA does get her clients high profile interviews and contacts etc (SH is on Fallon Tonight again in the next day or so presumably Bloodshot, Red Notice, Paul Newman (? His androgynous optics changes more to female side. It's disgusting. Also the comments from skeptics. Yes, here we go again.Straight (pun intended) out of the JA bearding playbook : - The pap walk just happened to be in a very busy tourist area on a Saturday afternoon (so private, unlike his real private life) with fans there with their cameras for that candid shot; - various bloggers had just happened to be fed a heads up name, which they did not pass on - spoilsports; - shes US and US based - convenient for FIFO; - Apparently he just happened to follow her on IG before he went to Vegas, and she has Lionsgate links and attends a lot of their events. Certainly there has been a real increase in tourism by insular monied OL fans (who are also of course potential buyers of his whisky), and this should be acknowledged, but bringing Scotland to the rest of the world??? And he has never re-tweeted that interview on Twitter, as he has done every other interview. Predictably, they glossed over the part of the article that states that she is already attached. How about Jamie going off with John Grey? Her promotion of closeting and bearding and all her stupid matchy shirt etc games are part of the problem in perpetuating the HW homophobia. r478 And Skelton still can't act. 00:00. In the meanwhile Duncan Lacroix is congratulating Valbo(Sam's friend and MPC colleague).. Maybe Heughan was paid a big fat fee for joining. Whether it is him or his PR team or both, they do tend to go through these recycling episodes every now and again. But as he becomes better known and his career takes off, if it does of course, and gets a much wider fan range, if Purv keeps jabbering away, her hetero player selling contortions are going to look bizarre to newbies (The Magical Golden Dirk? These homophobic trolls have been trying to derail and close these threads since years ago. May still be in there somewhere - in the closet with him. And despite his pretence, he really wasn't comfortable working to identify with the super stud jock group, but he was trying (far too hard) to hide. On cue, the SpazPurvMuso troll is having another CAPS-LOCK hissy fit. Er, did not Amy say "Nope, not my boyfriend" or is that conveniently forgotten by Purv? If I were him I'd stay away from EDA, all the fans and Peakers..or maybe he enjoys the attention. Best dressed of 2019? simply because the need their king of men to be straight? are just a few.(none of the pictures are mine and do not . You first have to create an account, then go to the blog and click on the button to request access. ". No - tied to his PR games, his showmancing, fauxmancing, straightwashing, his own words 'nothing straight about my Bat', 'boring an homosexual never go together but thank you for the compliment' etc etc and etc. Looks like closeting will be even more necessary to get work with the premium women's hetero fantasy cable outlet. He does not own his body and his true character. Sam Heughan and Amy Shiels (Instagram) The . This has been around for a while but still worth a giggle. Sam seems to be a touchy/feely kind of guy, physical, fanpics and also with his co workers male and female so that arm around her shoulder means shit if you ask me. He was sitting on the edge of his guest chair like a virgin on her first meeting with the grooms mother. I agree that it is about money or otherwise you wouldn't go into business but he did seem confident and honest for once in that interview when he said he wanted to not just lend his name to a brand. Heughan and former Outlander cast member, Graham McTavish, who played Dougal MacKenzie, appeared on Good Morning America to announce their new show coming to Starz . ], Related: Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia creator Rob McElhenney may think hes exposing hypocrisy by making the ultraconservative Mac gay, but hes perpetuating a trope that absolves the straight community of responsibility for homophobia, says Louis Staples. Apparantly it does matter to him what he's selling. Sad to see a talented actor putting so much energy into this kind of stuff instead of his craft. He isn't paying Jennifer Allen/Viewpoint to make him look like a clown. Probably doesn't matter all that much at the moment, as he is still not all that well known outside OL. A little goes a long way. Tired of this , hes a great actor and according to everyone ,really nice man. r 269 FF stands for Flames and Freaks. Poor guy was out of the closet and had to go right back in when they cast him. Just in time for Bloodshot premiere! Add younger homophobic stans to the list. Just because Heughan was snubbed last year doesn't mean he's also out this year. Forget Coleen versus Rebekah, the . correction not a blog, a fan account. I wonder if they're not even friends anymmore. Scran season 6: Sam Heughan talks Sassenach Gin, favourite restaurants and life after Outlander. Heughan hasn't hinted at any further film projects/parts he's been offered [ except for the cameo part in the Dahle biopic] whilst Balfe is part of an Oscar nominated film. Whatever next !! Is it my imagination but are Heughans stick thin legs getting even thinner ?Would it not be possible to ' build up ' the lower half of his body to match the top half ? silvercitysands reblogged this from owlnguava. Sam Heughan Tumblr Just Make It A Double - Sam Heughan Tumblr Sam Heughan Outlander Jamie Outlander Funny.

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sam heughan tumblr just make it a double
