christine grahame illness

christine grahame illness

His hands are so bleached by the dye of this evidence Im surprised he doesnt glow during the day let alone at night. Can anyone supply anything more in pursuit of this possible Hereld clue concerning who made the decision? The current SNP, after the New Labour Blairite model, has become a mostly middleclass enterprise. James Caithness says: Dont cling to the lectern as if you are drowning Rees-Mogg mentioned in Parliament ~month ago: The Prime Minister is doing his job and Moanalot will have something to moan about in early February when Salmond gives evidence to a committee of inquiry in the Scottish Parliament and we find out all that is going on up north to the disadvantage of the Scottish people led by a hopeless administration.. A Bill that is introduced in the Scottish Parliament is scrutinised and debated by MSPs. 07291783. Sturgeon wont resign. I note that the Lord Advocate said that he was not consulted. FFS they cant tell the truth even when it doesnt matter and a lie has to be offered to back up a really dodgy bloody argument that just makes it worse. anyhoo, that`s why Saudi nationalised their oil , so all profits stay in Saudi. Unless, of course the Clown Office, Clown Agent and head clown the Lord Advocate misrepresent even more laws AND the judicial statement from last week by Lady Dorrian YET AGAIN. It is my understanding that the current Loard Advocate apologised for the Malicious Prosecutions fiasco, even though he inhereted the mess from the previous Lord Advocate, who got promoted for it, or something like that! Why can we not read that letter and judge for ourselves? Top of the News. Hopefully more MSPs and such like call for this before & after the election. What are Christine M. Graham's areas of care? 24 February, 2021 at 9:29 pm This is from earlier today in the HoC. Submitted by: Dr. Sandesh Gulhane, Glasgow, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party. Following yesterdays accusations by AlexSalmond against Nicola Sturgeons govt, I asked the House of Commons what mechanisms we have to ensure that the conduct of the Scottish Government does not bring politics in the whole of the United Kingdom into international disrepute.. Looking back now I see it was much more of an investment. Well. I simply could not have put it any better at all. After her visit, she told the press: "I found it quite upsetting. How did the mass Scottish political and legal car crash get to this level of dysfunction? Someone above quoted Alex Salmond on how he was basically saved by the Court of Session and the High Court. I didnt believe a word of it. You may surmise that but, all I can type is that, I just browse the WWW and post links to what I think will be of interest to readers on WOS. Re Christine Grahame dont know much about her but I do about parkinsons. I simply will not thole such dishonesty in my Partys officials, not under any circumstances. When ultra-unionist (and clueless) Guardian columnists like Martin Kettle are out batting for Nicola then if you cant smell the coffee then you probably have Covid-19. Thats what used to go on in Clarence House in the good old days. Think about it. On reading some seemingly valid points concerning the lady, the alleged excuses for her actions seem to be very much disputed. 24 February, 2021 at 10:03 pm, @ Brian Doonthetoon says: Did I understand correctly that among all the waffle, lip licking, mumbling and frantically making as he went along, he actually said that the interest of the COPFS in the evidence is now concluded? In this election, she increased her majority to 6,826. Her main challenger was Scottish Borders Council leader Shona Haslam, who took 12,981 votes for the Scottish Conservatives. Trackback: trackback from your own site. Probably tin-hattery but was a thought that crossed my mind. You unexist. @Captain Yossarian says: But, personally, I had sat with people on that committee and I know, while there might be some party politics in it, there were also genuine concerns, and I wasnt prepared to have the committee members, whoever they were, [treated] as if it was some kind of cheap political posing and it wasnt for some of them at all., Grahame brushes off a suggestion she is outspoken, rather it is that she speaks out when the situation calls for it. What is this all about, Brian? Hearing that commitee are now using their powers to compel the release of Murrels text and WhatsApp messages. 6.1.1, The world's most-read Scottish politics website, Posted on Remember, there were two justice committees at one time; I opposed that, I thought it was [a] nonsense and it didnt cure things, it just meant more legislation came through and that was with a Liberal/Labour government, so it doesnt matter who is in. It is not a universal feature, though, she suggests. Id never campaign shoulder to shoulder with some of the loathsome individuals in the SNP at present. I appreciate he will not be questioned directly on it & if he sidestep into the redacted area LF will try to silence him. Yes, the Court of Session came ultimately to his aid but at what financial cost to us and emotional cost to the appellant? [2] Grahame was brought up in Edinburgh, attending Boroughmuir High School. Date lodged: Wednesday, March 1, 2023, Supported by: Jackie Baillie, Claire Baker, Katy Clark, Rhoda Grant, Richard Leonard, Michael Marra, Pauline McNeill, Carol Mochan, Paul O'Kane, Paul Sweeney These people are so sure of their abilities that they think they can do as they please. Liam Fox might have added that if even part of what Salmond says is true, Sturgeon can expect to face criminal charges. Just saw this on ywitter from Ms Spear, Jaclyn McGowan faked pregnancy after one-night stand. Tuesday we take the wheelie bins out.. Apart from that, Im sure the superior intellect and years of sword-crossing with genuine political heavyweights will ensure Mr Salmond has more than a few aces up his sleeve I expect Scotlands former First Minister to take Sturgeon to the cleaners. The walls are starting to close in on a few key players. Rev, you have to be the hardest working Investigative journalist in the uk. Crown Office ordered to release evidence of Alex Salmond conspiracy Christine Graham has been working as a Executive Assistant at J. Hillis Miller Health Center for 8 years. You know how we are supposed to forget the 100 sheer Thanks for that, SD, I wasnt aware of this condition. I can remember Malcolm Chisholm coming out in favour of minimum unit pricing against the whole of the Labour benches. Or could it have been David harvie, the elusive crown agent who used to report to Leslie Evans when she got somebody to give him the unlawful report? The way to force the release of the information from the COPFS which can not be resisted, is simply to pass a one paragraph Act. Current status: Taken in the Chamber on Wednesday, March 1, 2023, Result 54 for, 64 against, 0 abstained, 11 did not vote, Submitted by: Tom Arthur, Renfrewshire South, Scottish National Party. The old grow lonelier, as the young forego their youth and grow lonelier still. If the Lord advocate had been at school and speaking in front of the class, the teacher would have told him to take a seat half way through to save him embarrassing himself any more. The rest are just balls. another pearl of wisdom SNP 1 and 2 Aye thats worked so eh far anything else , oh yeh forget everything we have seen and heard over the last year or so forget it even happened, forget Nicola Sturgeon stood up in Holyrood and said I will cooperate fully and comply with every requirement and request from this committee everything will be given to them in order for them to successfully complete their work . This is then updated with any changes they provide. Aided by the thousands of Wingers, who have to be the most knowledgeable collection of bloggers anywhere in the world. Malcolm is, obviously, but there are not so many doing that and, in a way, its because were so small., Chisholm will soon be off too, the former health minister having announced he will step down at the next Holyrood election. The campaign about Megrahi, and things like that, have all been important things to do and if nobody else was doing it, I might as well do it. A question by Liam Fox, answered by the Speaker. Those supporting Alex Salmond, Wings Over Scotland, Joanna Cherry, Kenny MacAskill et al. Two weeks later, the dog was put down after biting someone. Ah didnae dae it! We appear to be living in a Sturgeonian dystopia where her popularity insulates her from scrutiny. This website is using cookies. Millions to refurbish Westminster. Following his discussion from his legal team, AS is a smart, knowledgeable & courageous man. Sciences regresses as Galileos telescope goes unused again. From his performance today, I suspect he did not approve the letter, and he knows he is in jeopardy. Murrell is probably in debt up to his eyeballs. He appears to have lost a lot of weight too. Did I hear bodies being thrown under a bus by Wolfie? Date lodged: Monday, February 27, 2023, Supported by: Richard Lochhead, Ivan McKee, Lorna Slater, John Swinney Well known for being on the winning side of every political debate and well in touch with the average voter. Dr. Christine D. Graham is a pediatrician in Tucson, Arizona. Scot Finlayson says: It beggars belief. They would sit down and just talk and [at] one point, I remember a whole lot were talking and finally, I just said, look, you may have the rest of the evening to do this, I dont. Margaret Grahame, my paternal grandmother, was born in 1877. She will not consider quitting. Yet, the spectacle of seasoned politicians shrugging off their political ties has become less common as parliament has matured. Big Jock says: Just need to be patient for now. The man is obviously very ill and he is desperate to see his family absolutely desperate to see his family so, whatever it takes, that's the priority. I am angry and despondent: I may never see my nation free in my lifetime. I used to have some respect for lawyers, but as the years passed, I got to know a few, had to use a few, or found myself in court or on a jury my respect for the whole thing has long evaporated. At the forefront of the backlash are to be newly empowered minority groups set-upon by right-wing white heterosexual males, who as well as being the key to OWNING the streets (the roots of any fledgling dictatorship) are themselves being mass emasculated to simultaneously make them more susceptible to State and societal subservience; which upon #ToryAnalyticas own militarisation trigger #OpFukuglaschu was (is) in the process of guilt-shaming demoralised and depressed young men to be handed their #PatrioticPoverty purpose on a plate and *channelled* to find their meaning in an #AusterityArmy uniform in order to begin the mobilisation of a truly global, 21st century fascism. In a situation where both the Lord Advocate because of his sitting in cabinet is in disrepute but the crown as represented by COPFS infested with MI5s is also in disrepute, the Lord Advocate becomes the weakest link, the expendable one. Millions for City Projects With pressure, and a slow increase in the number of charges, the police did open an inquiry. Guilty Fool takes sovereign nation for idiots! Do you understand that youre alone? This news has been on the WWW for ages but not reported in the MSM. Find a doctor Back Find a Doctor. Truth fades from memory as propaganda paints a new reality. A shepherd's daughter, her father travelled for work, so her formal education was limited. However I believe she was also gaslighted by British State plants whom she thought were her friends, within the SNP and Scottish Government Civil Service apparatus who no doubt reinforced the #BelieveHer messaging which followed and reinforced #MeToo in late 2017 and into 2018 until this day. And now its going to be the gift that keeps on giving. It was just a skirmish today; both Nicola Sturgeons Covid Presentation and the Lord Advocates appearance at Holyrood. Very interesting link Hautey, hopefully Salmond will now be able to tell all. A higher prison population is historically typical of countries under colonial domination. Im sure he can throw money about and just mark it down as Covid Costs. Surely not. Hes so obviously uncomfortable lying to ordinary politicians rather than the legal profession he normally lies to. There is no question now but we are in a major constitutional crisis. The halo of our Law Officers currently needs a substantial wash and brush up simply to be fit for purpose. Dear Me; Even winning is losing as the costs are huge, and the time you never get back. Liam Fox the Disgraced Defence Minister? I dont think that will work and I think the independence movement will be their victim. They both know it is the end-game now. Q. She later divorced and reverted to her maiden name. SC, a great support during her time of illness, along with a host of nieces, nephews, and other relatives, and . He was reasonably composed until he hit the point about not seeking to limit the evidence blah blah about 15.57.20. If so, she has a neurological condition called Benign Essential Tremor. She would either have to perjure herself or spill the beans. We have shared heroes and deeply intertwined histories too. To unpack that a littlein August 2018 AS successfully crowdfunded for the legal fees to petition the Court of Session for judicial review of a manifestly biased (a now widely-held opinion) civil service procedure,in which his petition was successful in January 2019, however there were no guarantees here. A family nurse practitioner is a nurse who completed a. Im wondering, as we all know the redactions are no such thing. This website contains useful information including details on how to contact me as well as local surveys and information. -. So sad that some people here are crossing the line in what they post. The balance is wrong for the Justice Committee and its not the first time Ive said it and it wont be the last. Fingers crossed. Her concerns were unfounded, they said. @ James Caithness I noticed that too he also had to put his finger on the page to remember what he was supposed to say (like a wee kiddy in P1) and got flustered when he was looking for the response on the page , maybe the loose bowels disturbed his concentration. Christine Comizio Jan. 20, 2023. . Christine Grahame MSP @CGrahameMSP MSP for Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale. I see Johnson is about to bribe local councillors with cash to play with at local level (ignoring Holyrood intervention) Those senior prosecutors have also ignored Lady Dorrians ruling. Wonder if he made a mistake there somehow. Phone: 07976 596 245 Current status: Taken in the Chamber on Wednesday, March 1, 2023, Result 23 for, 93 against, 3 abstained, 10 did not vote, Submitted by: George Adam, Paisley, Scottish National Party. I sincerely thank you for your post. Real professionals know how to lie and accept lies properly. Do you honestly think that with a case that can bring down the First Minister & her coterie and potentially the Scottish Government as as whole, the same person who brought the Lord Advocate & by association the Clown Office back into politics under the government as part of the Scottish Governments Cabinet, that the Lord Advocate would excuse himself in dealing with any of this? If the Committee serve a s.24 notice on Alex Salmond to produce the documents to them wouldnt he be happy to do that? Now those responsible for applying that kind of pressure to someone who served their country with verve and skill, these people finally are being seem for what they are and what they tried to do i.e. Who does he report to now & is it waffle himself? Christine Grahame (Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale) (SNP): "No strikes. You are outside of history. Gave me a few good sniggers. I have been writing in here for the past 6-weeks or so. What about all the other people who have been maliciously prosecuted by THIS Lord Advocate?! The contempt of the SG and SNP leadership has fro democracy is only matched by the Brit Nat Pres and Medias contempt for the truth. Grahame, a veteran having been through four parliamentary elections, says she has never held ministerial ambitions and has never felt her freedom to speak up curtailed. Since entering the Scottish Parliament in 1999 Grahame has picked up a number of causes, notably; For more information see: Borders Railway. Whether she has actually nodded in the video, I am not sure because I have not watched it. Billions on Dud Track and Trace Judith McKinnon holds their hand all along the way. I suspect you have misdescribed me. It has said: We have not signed the contract with Circularity Scotland, Christine Grahame (Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale) (SNP): "I very much welcome a debate on preparing a new dementia strategy, because it is a miserable, cruel disease that impacts on so many people, and it is increasing, Christine Grahame (Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale) (SNP): "I thank the member for bringing this debate to the chamber, and I add my voice to those who are recognising and applauding the stoicism and determination of many in the hospitality sector, including pubs, small hotels and restaurants and similar venues in the Borders and Midlothian, which with Covid fundingalthoguh not all received itadapted as, See all of Christine Grahame's contributions in the chamber, See all of Christine Grahame's contributions in committees. "[20] A month later, Grahame arranged a second meeting with the prisoner, Megrahi. Moochie Welch - Bottom half crushed against a wall . Its an anecdote Grahame used to recite when she was a high school teacher in an effort to encourage kids to speak up. Fair point about Christine Grahames tremor, but in that film with her nodding YES, it was quite clearly well controlled, voluntary and given in agreement to Wolffes waffle at trying to STITCH UP ALEX SALMOND AGAIN. Date lodged: Tuesday, February 28, 2023, Current status: Taken in the Chamber on Wednesday, March 1, 2023, Result 55 for, 64 against, 0 abstained, 10 did not vote, Submitted by: Paul O'Kane, West Scotland, Scottish Labour. Probably wouldnt now though. Same as her boss. And he is a weasel. Whether it be sustained questioning over the conviction of Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi for the Lockerbie bombing, her bid for SNP deputy leadership a decade ago not, she says, because she wanted the job but rather because she was sick of seeing the same old faces in the frame or in the current debate on the abolition of corroboration in criminal trials, she has not been given to keeping schtum in politics either. Christine Grahame is a Scottish National Party (SNP) politician. Only explanation that fits his response. Now, granted, I dont know over-much about Haggerty, so I wont cast aspersions on her personally, but too many leadership supporters have been carrying on cheerfully without much opposition, and with fawning praise from certain quarters (not the Tory press, obviously, but parts of the media) that they actually believe their own hype and think they are invincible whereas in fact its largely the awfulness of Johnson and the Tories that has caused the frankly underwhelming rise in support for independence. I think the Cabinet Secretary had a good point in going into this, really, and I am not just saying that, I think he had a good point. Got to say Im kinda impressed with Jackie Baillie here. What did she do with those two genuine complainants, those two slices of reality about which to burnish her poison? Professional, independent upholders of due process, which has so many safeguards to help prevent any travesties of justice and democracy merely humble profferors of sage professional advice in this instance but its heehaw to do with us anymore were so over it. Then he turns into a stuttering mess for some reason. Isnt that what lady Dorian said too? That, from any governmental leader, is unacceptable. In 1999, she ran for equivalent constituency in the new Scottish Parliament. Clearly comfortable The Crown has her back. Has no one mentioned to them, their cover up has not worked? I really dont know how you cope with all this and I am so, so pleased that you can and you do. So she did. As the first from a working-class housing scheme in Edinburgh to go to university, Grahame found herself burdened by the feeling she didnt fit in and, she believes, underachieved as a result. As a member of 30 years standing, I cant quite believe Im saying that. These are the official transcripts of what was said by this MSP in the chamber and at committee meetings. SNP ROTTEN AT THE TOP silence is no defence. She held the position alongside Linda Fabiani from 2016 until 2021. There we have it ladies and gentlemen and all in between. Yup. A day of reckoning is definitely coming and posts like yours can help to secure a proper outcome. How can this man stand in parliament and say that the COPFS has redacted the evidence in the interest of the public when it is in the interest of the public to know who abused their position of power, who breached codes of conduct and who contributed to the waste of millions of pounds in an unlawful procedure and the damage limitation exercise that followed? Big girl did it run away!. incompetences of Tory management of Covid 19 because The truth will out in full and in glorious technicolour. I think that the role of backbenchers and the role of people like me is to, in a way, hold your party to account a little bit at times; [though] not to freelance, because Im very loyal to the Scottish National Party and to independence Whereas in here, it may seem a bit [contentious], theres fewer of us. ", Asked by: Grahame, Christine, Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale, Scottish National Party, Date Lodged: 2 February 2023, "To ask the Scottish Government what assessment it has made, as part of its cross-government coordination of Covid Recovery policies, of the wider ongoing impact of COVID-19, including on the economy. Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale Constituency. I think the problem for the Justice Committee, which started and has grown over the years, is theres no space for inquiries. Christine, concerned the animal would soon bite a young child, went to her mother. Biology, B.A. what a shifty cunt he licks his lips like a serial killer in a movie. the 2 month long vaccination program is going so well? Christine Grahame (Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale) (SNP): Official Report: what was said in Parliament, Members of the Scottish Parliament (MSPs), Scottish National Party Leadership Election, Scotlands Hospitality and Brewing Sector, Local Government Finance (Scotland) Order 2023 [draft], Eddleston Water Project Named UNESCO Ecohydrology Demonstration Site, Congratulations to John McOwan, Chevalier (Knight) of the Legion dHonneur, Asda Extends Cost of Living Support in Cafs and Blue Light Discount, Penicuik Athletic and Football Strips for Malawi. Boris is spending money like Scottish water! 9+ years of both covert and overt operations by the British state designed to destroy trust and confidence in Scottish institutions and devolution? In what possible way does the assertion that Sturgeon broke the Ministerial Code have any impact or bearing upon the anonymity of the conspirators? After the election, she was reshuffled from chair of the Scottish Parliament's Health committee to Shadow Minister for Social Justice, generally seen by media commentators as an upwards shift. I wonder whether Spear feels the same way about men who threaten corrective r*pe of one of her erstwhile colleagues, or is that all right for her? See all of Christine Grahame motions in Parliament. Does this mean that COPFS has been chancing their arm with that letter hoping Fabiani and co would be intimidated by it and remove the publication? ", 8. SNP government try to bleed him dry. Whatever the outcome of Evil Queen Nic v Honest Scot Alex, surely the Yoons are going to play on this for a long, long time afterwards. 24 February, 2021 at 6:37 pm, Even more interesting is this bit from Craigs site There is one extra thing in Aberdeins suppressed evidence which is not in his trial evidence. To date, the case [for abolition] has not been proven beyond reasonable doubt, she says. This is OUR democracy, not theirs. And one post in particular seems to suggest that she is no shrinking violet. I wonder if Jaclyn McGowan will get a reprimand from Above looks interesting , is the press turning? Fundamentally, what is at issue is an order by the High Court handed down to protect the anonymity of complainers. My mum is a sufferer. That tells you that Donald Gorrie was a bit of a rebel. @Mac Ayeand even a former FM had to crowd-fund to finance it. No mention of the damage the brexit carnage has done to the country, nor the fact that over 120000 people have lost their lives to covid because his party was only interested in brexit and getting their donors money spinning PPE contracts!! And intriguingly it seems the Crown Office will soon have another opportunity to obstruct the committees work: Hopefully that one will be less of a damp squib. Yeah, yeah, yeah, Theyre all above reproach. Nothing to do with agreeing with him. Preparations had been made since December 2017, when Police Scotland were approached for the first time by Judith McKinnon. Couldnt be bothered with what I know is going to be shite spouting all the way. A general characteristic of middle class people is they are always shitting themselves about one thing or another. Although she was unsuccessful, she was elected as an additional member of the South of Scotland region. She cannot help it and it is difficult to treat. For the record, we thought youshould see what the Scottish Parliament considers to be the appropriate treatment of an Urgent Question. Another way, lets put it like that. And they examine the work of the Scottish Government. who has a neurological condition that causes tremors.

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