example of bible study: observation, interpretation application

example of bible study: observation, interpretation application

(The MacArthur Study Bible Nashville: Word), Jesus explains that relationship (and importance) between knowing God's Word and doing God's Word, declaringIf (If = 3rd class condition = possibility / probability but not a certainty! In truth thou canst not read the Scriptures too much; 1 Samuel The old saying regarding application is true that the same Word that afflicts the comfortable, also provides comfort for the afflicted! Shows the way. This video series demonstrates how to perform inductive Bible study using the Logos Bible app thats free for web, mobile, or desktop. The following books are a great place to learn more about this simple methodology: Kay Arthurs inductive method has helped millions of people learn how to study the Bible for themselves. When youre studying a book, youre going to end up reading it multiple times. 1 Kings 0000001036 00000 n Your Teacher, the Holy Spirit, can give you insights at any point in your study, so that you need to be sensitive to His leading. There are several reasons for this . Considering these things we receive the word with that trembling of heart which God so much respects. We are inclined to qualify and modify the precepts of Christ and His claim on the Christian disciple. The bottom-line question to ask is, How do the divine truths and principles contained in any passage apply to me in terms of my attitude and actions? Jesus made this promise to those who would carry their personal Bible study through to this point: If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them (John 13:17, cp Jn 15:14, 14:15, Lk 11:28, Jas 1:22+, Jas 1:25+, Rev 1:3+) Bible study is not complete until we ask ourselves, What does this mean for my life and how can I practically apply it? We must take the knowledge we have gained from our reading and interpretation and draw out the practical principles that apply to our personal lives. Its apowerful toolfor those who want to learn how to study Scripture well. Are you ready and willing for Gods Word to cut deeply into your own life (reproof), to lay bare the hidden places of your heart, and to do its work of convicting, convincing, and converting your mind in any and every area? It consists primarily in picturing up the actual state of things brought before us in our reading, whether it be an incident, a prayer, an exhortation, a proverb, a prophecy. Get a roundup of new Word by Word articles in your inbox each Friday. Our first duty is to meditate. Every promise must be grasped and realized as true : every precept must be registered in the heart, and acted out in the life, in the strength of God. Lamentations Acts We all need to ask ourselves are we studying the Word that we might be more like Jesus or more like the Pharisees? Mark And if at any time, when we study the Word, we have not this design expressly in our minds, yet if upon the discovery of any truth we endeavor not to have the likeness of it in our own hearts, we lose our principal advantage by it (John Owen). Reportedly, Crowfoot put the pass in a leather pouch and wore it around his neck for the rest of his lifebut he never once availed himself of the rights and privileges it spelled out. ", James warned that "to one who knows the right thing to do, and does not do it, to him it is sin." Your next question should be, Hows my saltiness? The Bible is an inexhaustible mine of precious gems. If you skip this step, you will never enjoy your Bible study and the Bible will never change your life. 1 Peter Refrain (Jas 4:17+, cp Lk 12:47, 48+, Jn 9:41). As a result, that man became a Christian. --C H Spurgeon, Choose Book of Bible to Study Judges Girdlestone in his 1887 classic "How to Study the English Bible" has a chapter on application that speaks to "THE PRACTICAL AND DEVOTIONAL USE OF THE BIBLE" - We have now come to the last and most important stage of our subject. Have some fun taking various quizzes and assessments to learn about yourself and others. These divisions are tools that help us read Scripture; theyre not an actual part of it. (John 7:17). Precept Ministries International was founded by internationally-known Bible teacher Kay Arthur, along with her husband, Jack, with the vision to establish people in Gods Word. Notice how Jesus observes the Old Testament text in verse 42, interprets it in verse 44, and applies it in verse 43 (implying that his listeners should believe the truth and make some changes in their lives). If you skip this step, you will never enjoy your Bible study and the Bible will never change your life. This is where secondary resources become really helpful. There is always something new to uncover in the Bible. And how prevalent the sight of multitudes of Christians listening to the Word of God most regularly and earnestly, and yet not doing it! To which he responded "Yes, she translated the Bible into her life, and was the most powerful translation I've ever seen!" 0000060059 00000 n Revelation, Search Wikipedia using spiritual discretion, Authority of God's Word - study on 2Timothy 3:16-17, Ezra 7:10 - Exposition of the "Ezra 7:10 Principle", A Primer on the Lost Art of Biblical Meditation. to my own life and destiny and relation to God? When God got his attention, Samuel responded appropriately: "Speak, for Your servant hears" (1 Sa 3:10). Strip the passage of all the jewels you can find on your own, and then come back through with a commentary. Somewhere ages and ages hence: Comment: Don't be like the butterfly flitting from one Bible study [preacher, devotional, commentary, etc] to another, but failing to personally apply what you learn. These three parts are observation, interpretation, and application. What else do I know about the book, author, and broader context of the passage? 3 John Inductive Bible Study: Observation, Interpretation, and Application Through the Lenses of History, Literature, and Theology by Richard Alan Fuhr This book walks through each of the three steps of the inductive method paying particular attention to historical, literary, and theological elements that come into play at each stage. Take the time to dive into the application step. (Galatians 4:1, New International Version). Then I watched a little longer out my window and there came a botanist. You haven't really learned the Word until you live the Word. Ask God not to let thy Bible be another mans Bible, but thine own Bible, Gods own mouth speaking to thy soul of the things which make for thy peace. The Power of Accurate Observation In Bible Study By Anna Wishart 07/31/2017 Details Bring Meaning God's Word has a lot to communicate. The more work you do during this part of your study, the better you will do in the rest. If we study to know but never do, we like Chief Crowfoot will never fully tap into the blessing of, every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus. A lot of people have all sorts of news. How does he save or provide a way when people are unable? Will Graham Devotion: A Sacrifice That Costs Nothing Is Worth Nothing. Not only do the books come from unfamiliar cultures, but theyre also thousands of years old. (He 4:12, 13-see notes He 4:12; 13). It will walk you through each step of inductive bible studies in details. But for transformation. If there is a warning to be followed, we heed it. Again, we feel God's promises to be too high for us, we know He is perfect, and we are vile. Did they know where the Messiah was to be born? Its about observing exactly what the text is saying. We will not fully comprehend the extent of the "return on our investment" until we enter Paradise and stand before our Lord at His bema (judgment) seat. Too much Bible study begins and ends in the wrong placewith interpretation. It is a means to an end, not an end in itself. (Mark 1:1, NIV), The purpose of this book is to tell the story of Jesus; its a historical narrative. Create an account or log in to get started. One of the pastors startled the group with the declaration that "My grandmother's translation is the best I've ever read." This is not the fruit of slavish fear, but of holy love; it is not afraid of the Word, but delighting in it, as it discovers the mind of God to us; as in the next verse it is written, "I rejoice at Thy word." For some of you there is very little in the Word of God except threatening. To be sure our first goal should be to get into the Bible and then to allow the Bible to get into us. Don't be deceived -- Every time we hear the Word of God, we are either a little closer to heaven or a little further away. He knoweth what we have need of before we ask, but He expects us to ask all the same. For the gate is small, and the way is narrow that leads to life, and few are those who find it. Good Bible study does not happen by accident. Now you know the three simple steps to running your own inductive Bible study. Because ethnicity is part of the good of creation, we seek to honor and celebrate the ethnic identity of those with whom we serve as well as those we seek to reach. (How to study the English Bible), SPACE PETS There is more to Christian growth than knowing what the Bible says; nobody is ever nourished by memorizing menus. Below I have written a simplified step-by-step guide . Its helpful to take a funnel approach to the book youre reading. 2 Samuel Our favorite strategy is to rationalize sin instead of repent. I took the one less traveled by, The Bible helps you understand God and His relationship with humanity. eg'1{(yzJ*| But this is exactly what happens when we fail to apply what we have observed and interpreted. Although the Bible tells one cohesive story, it does so through the work of many authors who wrote during times hundreds of years apart. Here are 14 important reasons to read it. tie. MacArthur, J.: The MacArthur Study Bible Nashville: Word, MacDonald, W & Farstad, A. Believer's Bible Commentary: Thomas Nelson, Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth by Spurgeon. The main tool for each step is the Bible itself, meaning that when there is a question in my mind as to a passage's meaning, I first look to other scripture to provide the answer. The Pharisees set the standard for this superficial, hypocritical, self deluding approach. BGEA is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Not a shadow can rise, not a cloud in the skies, Some use the term to describe a discussion group, which may discuss the Bible or some other uplifting book. A Is there an Attitude to change or guard against or an Action I need to take? I have known of some, too, who gloried in final perseverance, but who, if they had finally persevered would certainly have been in hell, for they were on the road there. Bible reading fits into the devotional category. It involves three steps: observation of the text, interpretation of the text, and application of the text. my heart stands in awe of Thy words. Look for the plainest interpretation first. Bible studies include workbooks that help connect you to the ideas of Bible texts. While there is only one valid interpretation of a passage, there can be many applications. In view of this truth, what specific changes should I make in my life? The world desperately needs to see the Word's miracle-working power at work in our own lives as living proof! We all have a story. Observe whats there, and document it. trailer Feed on them with joy" When the attitude of our heart reflects a readiness to hear and respond, the text of the Bible comes alive. The world will learn better, and will more likely be brought to know Christ when the lives of Christians are better, and when the Bible of the Christian Life shall be more in, accordance with the Bible of Christian doctrine. Many times a Bible passage is read only with eyes but not with the mind engaged. So you might write that observation down: Marks beginning of the gospel story does not start at the very beginning., Youll also notice that Mark desires to tell you some good news, and this news is about Jesus. If there is a warning to be followed, we heed it. The well known Puritan writer John Owen had some pithy comments on the need to study the Scriptures with the ultimate intent to apply them to one's life. Theres an inherent danger in inductive Bible study -- it can degenerate into a process thats intellectually fascinating but spiritually frustrating. Some are always looking out for other peoples duty, and are great judges and critics for what others ought to do. Connect each passage back to the gospel and the broader message of the Bible. How does the truth of this passage apply to my life? Refrain, Not a burden we bear, not a sorrow we share, Not just for knowledge, but much more-- It comes from knowing more about the Bible and applying it to our spiritual needs. What is the key to applying the Bible to my life? Go back to your questions from the beginning and ask them again in light of what youve learned, and apply it to our context today. If you feel the wrath to come now, you may never have to feel it in the next world. A sorry, sorry heart is that which so uses Gods Word as to make it an aggravation of its sin. They are to leave behind their assumptions and make a ruling based on the facts alone. Jesus warned that Bible study as the end in itself, can be deceptively dangerous declaring to the Jewish leaders You search the Scriptures, because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is these that bear witness of Me and you are unwilling to come to Me, that you may have life. Ezekiel and the Scriptures to yourself. and then shall we find the benefit and advantage designed thereby, and shall at last attain the happiness therein promised and assured to us.". Allow the Bible to help you understand other passages of the Bible. And its in this phase we start to look at what the text means. Writing it down helps to remind you of God's consistent revelation and reinforces the truth He conveys to your heart. John kicks off with some critical theological points and then immediately launches into the baptism too. Live in another country building relationships and ministries with eternal impact. Part of this work is supernatural: As you study the Bible, the Holy Spirit reveals truth from the text that applies to your life. Mark key words and phrases (see figure on page five) A key word is one that is essential to the text. The Word is both a glass to show us the spots of our soul and a laver to wash them away. Mark it down -- You can measure the eternal effectiveness of your inductive Bible study by the temporal effect it has on your behavior and attitudes. We try to communicate what weve never experienced in our own lives.". If our interpretation is accurate, we at least have the potential to apply the truth appropriately. The questions you raise in the interpretation phase might even push you back into the observation phase. 6. Its easy to become reliant upon commentary to explain the text to you, and this circumvents many of the benefits of study. Leave not off reading the Bible till you find your hearts warmed. If you're looking for the best Christian jobs and careers, check out Cru's ministry job openings for full- and part-time missionaries and professionals. Refrain. We must meditate upon it. m>YQ;^6dA`H^JETi.i I* >B 9KHc,:h0{c-I#d8#<9@F RJa2A*K-8PDSDdM@ $%Cc3s0L %!'VKKB$iUrmg:SP1~)7v`^P%V E406 H8 S4Ti0elV'jxu~ The Gospel opens by saying: The beginning of the good news about Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God. With Logos Fundamentals, youll find the truth for yourselfno matter what questions arise as you study the Word. I have known some rejoice greatly in the doctrine of election who never were elected, and some who were very pleased with the doctrine of justification by faith, but who had no faith by which to be justified. The inductive Bible study method is a time-tested way for the layperson to approach studying Scripture. Apply yourself to the whole text, and apply the whole text to yourself. As the devotional writer Matthew Henry prayerfully put it"O that we may love our Bibles more, and keep closer to them than ever! Ezra This volume incorporates insights from contemporary evangelical hermeneutics into an approachable, step-by-step process moving from observation through interpretation and on to the application of God's Word. Sow a character, reap a destiny! It went in empty every time and came out full (A. Naismith, 1200 Notes, Quotes and Anecdotes [Chicago: Moody, 1962], p. So even though you might be familiar with the word Messiah, you might want to focus on Mark and his original audience. xref Apply: How do I respond to what God is saying? What does the term Messiah mean? And when we do, like the bee, we will find that we never go away from God's Word empty. If you do not this, you are reading to your own condemnation. and then Heb. Sometimes there will be figurative language and confusing imagery, but dont start by looking for hidden meaning. Both reflect what is really there. An Example of Interpretation Revelation 13:1-10. When words or passages make an impression on you, stop and meditate on what God has shown you or as the great preacher C H Spurgeon advised Read the Bible carefully, Absolutely. Deuteronomy Logos can be an incredible resource as you seek to make this a part of your daily routine. Imagine trying to find a specific place in Scripture during a sermon without them. For more on studying the Bible on your own or with others check out our Bible Studies resources. There should never be a time when we go to the Scriptures without allowing them to change our lives for the better. They do not seem very ancient. For example, Peter says in 1 Peter 5:8: "Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion." Note expressions of time The relationship of events in time often sheds light on the true meaning of the text. Bible study is meant not merely to inform but to transform and renew our mind. This guide provokes you to read the Bible honestlyto let it surprise, challenge, and correct you as you apply the many steps of interpretation. They were the local authorities. When the global church comes together then powerful things can happen. Before the Word of God can bring change to our world, it must first change our life. Proverbs Equipping families with practical approaches to parenting and marriage. Who is allowed to ascend the mountain of the Lord? 0000005006 00000 n You want to be able to trace the authors argument all the way through. That's a frightening statement! How much influence is the Bible supposed to have on society? The OIA Bible study method consists of three parts. 0000000016 00000 n (Ezra 7:9, 10) (Click to read an in depth unpacking of this practical powerful principle - the "Ezra 7:10 Principle"). Will Graham Devotion: Paralyzed by Uncertainty? 2023 BGEA He was there for hours writing notes, closed them, stuck them under his arm, tucked his magnifying glass in his pocket and walked away. Here are a few questions to facilitate application of the truth you have observed How does this truth apply to my life in four spheres in my(a) personal life (b) my family (c) work (d) church (e) neighborhood? He is a prayer-hearing God, but will He hear our prayers? In Gods mind, knowledge without obedience is sin. The adventure of following God's will takes on a whole new complexion when we stop to listen and then act upon what we hear. Don't be deceived thinking that going to Precept inductive Bible study will make you more spiritual. And what thou understandest well, thou canst not too well teach; A Silly yet Serious Once you do that, you can start shining a light on smaller sections of Scripture. Inaccurate Interpretation, Robert Frost in his poem "Road Not Taken" writes in his last stanza. The word of God reveals to us our true selves. A single revealed fact cherished in the heart and acted upon is more vital to our growth than a head filled with lofty ideas about God. What He says we will do, where He sends we will go; The student has sought God's blessing on the Word, and has endeavored to find out its meaning and teaching; and it remains for him to ask, How does this passage apply to me? We may hear words like "hermeneutics" (the science of interpretation) or "exegesis" (critical explanation or interpretation of a text) and think interpretation is something best left to experts. If there is a promise to be embraced, we claim it. Some of them can only be answered by examining the text again or even by looking at other parts of the Bible. (Ro 12:2-note). If youve uncovered truth youve not known or understood before, what does it mean for your life, priorities, and decisions now that you do understand it? endstream endobj 64 0 obj <>>> endobj 65 0 obj >/PageWidthList<0 612.0>>>>>>/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/Properties<>>>/Rotate 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 66 0 obj <> endobj 67 0 obj <>stream You have remained in right site to start getting this info. Well, this is it. Be careful not to simply amass the kind of knowledge that puffs up (1 Corinthians 8:1). How we seek to journey together with everyone towards a relationship with Jesus. Zechariah The story is told of several pastors who were arguing over which Bible translation was the best. at the perfect law, the law of liberty, and abides by it, not having become a forgetful hearer but an effectual doer, this man shall be blessed in what he does." It also becomes a source of support for you during difficult times. If the Bible seems dry and unexciting, check your attitude (Ed: Also do some personal inventory with 1 Pe 2:1+and then you'll be able to move on to 1 Pe 2:2+!). ", Application is the most neglected yet the most needed stage in the process. All action presupposes prayer, and all prayer ought to lead on to action. It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot (NIV). Which road will you travel? Will Graham Devotion: How Do You Know Whats True? John Calvin commenting on proper application wrote thatWe must observe that the knowledge of God which we are invited to cultivate is not that which, resting satisfied with empty speculation, only flutters in the brain; but a knowledge which will prove substantial and fruitful whenever it is duly perceived and rooted in the heart.. But then we must allow that Word to get into us, to make a permanent difference in our character and conduct. Edward Louie (2011) The phrase "Bible study" can mean different things to different people. This book walks through each of the three steps of the inductive method paying particular attention to historical, literary, and theological elements that come into play at each stage. The intercession of Abraham for Sodom, the prayer of Abraham's servant, the wrestling of Jacob, the pleadings of Moses, the strong crying of David, the spiritual conflicts of Elijah, Jonah and Jeremiah, the public and formal prayers of Solomon and Ezra, and the secret confessions of Danielall are the outpourings of hearts like our own. O/uE 4l"iI.l#e \c@pZFi7lq?3@hv?7 Il` Could that be a clue about his intended audience? Bible study is meant not merely to inform but to transform and renew our mind. Truth revealed brings responsibility to respond. Permissions (Col 1:28, 29-See notes Col 1:28; 1:29), The basis for application is 2 Timothy 3:16. Follow it by personally doing what it bids thee. Some passages will not have a clear application. If there is a command to be obeyed, we obey it. In a very real sense we are giving our brain a bath; we are washing it in the purifying solution of Gods Word. S Is there a Sin to avoid, forsake or confess? Reading and studying the Bible are two different practices. It is more focused on the immediate application of the passage to your life. You cannot expect to approach the Bible with the same level of investment that youd give your favorite novel. The best way to define application is to first determine what it is not. The person who knows the truth but doesn't act on it is not simply making a mistake or showing poor judgment but he is in sin. Let me ask you a serious question -- How often do you study the Word with no intention whatsoever of obeying it? To an active mind knowledge gives pleasure. Helping students know Jesus, grow in their faith and go to the world to tell others. When people started complaining, he told the congregation, "I'll preach a new sermon when you act on this one. Our Goal in Interpreting . For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks at his natural face in a mirror for once he has looked at himself and gone away, he has immediately forgotten what kind of person he was. Inductive Bible study is a practical, relevant, and time-tested approach to interpreting Scripture. This awe is called by a proper name, reverence, or godly fear; when we consider Whose Word it is, namely, the Word of the Lord, Who is our God, and has a right to command what He pleases; to Whose will and word we have already yielded obedience, and devoted ourselves to walk worthy of Him in all well pleasing (Col 1:10-note, Ep 4:1-note, Php 3:17,18-note, 1Th 2:12-note); who can find us out in all our failings, as knowing our very thoughts afar of (Psalms 139:2), and having all our ways before Him, and being one of Whom we read, -- "He is a holy God; He is a jealous God; He will not forgive your transgressions nor your sins" (Joshua 24:19), that is to say, if we impenitently continue in them. Sometimes its beneficial to ignore them and consider other ways you might divide the text. Hebrews This is always a powerful application of Scripture. What Is Application? The real authority of their view is always some single leader who has his or her ideas in writing. Lifting verses out of their immediate context is a sure way to find yourself in heresy land. Once you have explored the passage, its time to make some connections. Sometimes youll be studying a passage that has a precise application. Study the Bible to be wise. HhT=k&^-l (6WBbN~WPe4`!Mr`+^p!MO,LP/_n]aFBcp) Nehemiah Learn how you can know God personally. in my teaching, visiting or mission work? Right here, we have countless book Inductive Bible Study Observation Interpretation And Application Through The Lenses Of History Literature And Theology and collections to . Neither are you to be "Bible botanists" (even good inductive students), who laboriously observe the Biblical text and derive accurate interpretation but fail to apply these truths. In the margin of many pages in D. L. Moody's Bible, he wrote the letters T and P, meaning "Tried and Proved." Many of us struggle to wade through the dense lists of commands, genealogies and prophecies in the Old Testament. Inductive Bible study is one reliable way. Inductive Bible study is document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 1 Billy Graham Parkway, Charlotte, NC 28201 And what thou readest, thou canst not read too well; (Josh 1:8-note). endstream endobj 71 0 obj <>stream Reaching students and faculty in middle and high school. Joel What distinguishes observation, interpretation, and application? Showing God in action in and through His people. What kind of flavor and preserving qualities do I bring to my circle of influence? Maybe this question will lead you to pray for God to show you ways to help others and make some resolutions about things that youd like to change. The difference between studying and applying the Scriptures is somewhat like the difference between drifting in a boat and rowing toward a destination. Numbers David Shepherd rightly exhorts us to leave out not "step" in study of God's Word but to be diligent to Read it to get the facts, study it to get the meaning, meditate on it to get the benefit. Marking them will help you see the sequence of events and lead to accurate interpretation of Scripture. Learn the basics of what Christians believe. Toll Free: 1-877-247-2426. (1 Sa 15:22) (cf Ps 51:16,17, Spurgeon note v16, note v 17), We learn Gods Word not to know but to grow by doing for "Obedience is the mother of true knowledge of God." See related resource: Relationship of faith and obedience, As Vance Havner wisely said "It is not the Word hidden in the head but in the heart that keeps us from sin. Jude Were so used to being exposed to chapters and verses that we lose sight of an authors intention for the whole book. Reflecting Jesus together for the good of the city. Application brings us into this sphere of abundant life in the Spirit. This speak of a personal choice that must be made) any man is willing (thelo = desires, wishes, delights [cp Ps 1:2-note], takes pleasure, is inclined to; the present tense - speaks of one's general direction of their life) to do (present tense - again speaks of one's general habit of practice = toward obedience not toward disobedience) His will, he shall know (ginosko = speaks not just of "head" knowing but of an experiential knowledge, a more intimate knowledge) of the teaching (didache - word study), whether it is of God, or whether I speak from Myself. Esther When Dr. Houghton became pastor of the Baptist Tabernacle in Atlanta, a man in that city hired a private detective to follow Dr. Houghton and report on his conduct. We must align ourselves with the Bible, never the Bible with ourselves. So when Mark tells you hes starting at the beginning, its safe to say hes talking about the beginning of Christs ministry.

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example of bible study: observation, interpretation application
