haarp locations in africa

haarp locations in africa

The Rothschilds owned "Weather Channel" isn't talking about the record high temperatures all over the center of the country (. All of us are needed to bring these programs to lightand to a halt. Radical weather and temperature extremes are rapidly increasing in intensity and frequency. There are also the huge SBX radar platforms located around the globe. Jet stream manipulation and toxic chemical ice nucleation are the two primary tools being used to create the temporary surface cold zones in a rapidly warming world. Set against the Alaskan forest, HAARP is, to certain conspiracy theorists, neither a research program nor a TV antennae, but a weather control device, space weapon, and a death ray. The satellite images below are further proof of this fact. DaneWigington GeoengineeringWatch.org Climate engineering is nothing short of weather and biological warfare. With all the heavy metals we are absorbingdue to the fallout from the spraying, our bodies are more electrically conductive. The NOAA long term forecast map below reveal the accelerating warming that will soon become impossible to deny for even the most willfully blind. The History Channel Exposes HAARP's Abilities The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program HAARP. It has been retweeted more than 700 times and liked over 2,000 times. Europe just went through it's. So long as the weather makers can steer this highly destructive cyclone over regions and populations that are not of interest or concern to the US military powers (orover regions where the destruction might even provide opportunities for US military occupations to be carried out under the pretext of "humanitarian aid"), then the cyclones are allowed to spin up and strengthen. The physical map illustrates the physical characteristics of the country of Cape Verde. Is there a technology of mass destruction called HAARP, which allows them to control the weather? Up to 4.3 Square clouds are one of the blatantly inarguable confirmations of climate engineering operations. Much of the spraying is far less obvious but still turns the sky white and/or silvery white. Hurricane suppression is also reducing atmospheric humidity and thus adding to drought tendencies in various locations. DaneWigington GeoengineeringWatch.org Global climate engineering operations have been pushed and propagated on the premise of cooling the planet by saturating Earth's skies with sun blocking aerosols. million people have been affected, according to government Responsibility for HAARP was transferred to the University of Alaska Fairbanks in 2015. DW, Must view, THE DIMMING,ourmost comprehensive climate engineering documentary:. The global geoengineering/weather warfare assault is the greatest and most immediate threat to life on Earth short of nuclear cataclysm. Generators at the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) operations center in Alaska (buildings to the upper left) feed power to the large antenna array to the right. Even if we ignored all the overall damage done to the planet by anthropogenic causes (cutting down forests, paving huge areas, poisoning the oceans, and putting 100,000,000 tones of Co2 into the atmosphere every single day), isn't climate engineering human activity? That array, in turn, transmits RF waves that interact with the ionosphere. The masses must be awakened to the immense and immediate challengeswe collectively face. The claims they make need to be checked, openly and impartially. Geoengineering Microwave Transmissions And Their Connection To Hurricane Florence, a core component of the ongoing global climate engineering, Hurricane Harvey (2017) was heavily manipulated, Hurricane Maria (2017)and Jose (2017), the same, undeniably being used to manipulate climate and weather systems, Geoengineered Western US Meltdown To Cool The Rest Of The Country, Again, utilized for climate engineering purposes, chemical ice nucleation for weather modification, desperate and destructive attempt at damage control in the polar regions, fuel the division and confusion in the population, Geoengineering: Frequency Transmissions And Weather Warfare, profound effect such transmissions have on precipitation and weather / climate patterns, massive ionosphere heater installations like HAARP, catastrophic record flooding has just occurred, Canada Threatens To Play Hardball WithTrump Over Lumber Tariffs, flooding has also just occurred in other provinces across Canada, well documented historical fact for over a half century, radio frequency / microwave transmissions pose even more dangers, What you don't know about microwave transmissions canhurt you, Incredibly anomalous cloud shapes and forms which can only be considered engineered, Extremely powerful microwave transmissions area majoraspect of the climate engineering assault, microwave transmissions are a major and lethalaspect of the ongoing weather warfareassault, The more damage the geoengineersdo, the more they expand the climate engineering insanity, we must ALL make our voices heard in the fight for the greater good, HAARP- An Assessment, What You Dont Understand CAN Hurt You, Hurricane Matthew, The Latest Example Of Global Weather Warfare Desperation, including providing a timely distraction from the US push toward WWlll, at what cost does the hurricane manipulatioin come in regardto the planet as a whole, fueled and excacerbated by outside influences, Haitian people already have good reason to feel angst and anger toward western powers, military occupation under the pretext of "humanitarian aid", Is Climate Engineering Real? Since there is no interaction, there is no way to control the weather., Robert McCoy, director of the Geophysical Institute at the University of Alaska Fairbanks reportedly told Climate Feedback: The facility is operated only a few hours each year. If we are to have any chance of turning the tide, we must ALL make our voices heard in the fight for the greater good. Investigate and you will find the facts. HAARP became a popular subject of conspiracy theories. So if you dont believe HAARP can be used as a weapon then you obviously dont believe Nuclear Energy can be used as a weapon either. Though there are countless forms of anthropogenic damage to the biosphere (with, DaneWigington GeoengineeringWatch.org The climate engineers are contaminating and cutting off the life giving flow of rain to forests all over the world. The. The power of chemical ice nucleation elements must be seen to be believed, the lab test shown in the 15 second video below gives a glimpse. Though there are countless forms of contamination from human activities, the climate engineering. How is is possible for such a consistently anomalous cooling of such a, DaneWigington GeoengineeringWatch.org Global climate engineering operations are creating ever more extreme weather and temperature whiplash scenarios. The 90 degree angle cut out of the aerosolized cloud cover is a signature of RF influence. Or is there much more to the story? The video below is very important to viewfor those that wish to better understand the dangers ofHAARP (and the rest of the world's ionosphere heater installations). The IRI transmits at frequencies between 2.7 and 10 MHz with a power of 3.6 megawatts. Um, no, No break-in or prison release at Umzinto in KwaZulu-Natal, Buckle up! It is located on an US Air Force owned site near Gakona, Alaska. The weather makers continue to wreak havoc on the climate system overall. Weather system cloud configurations like the oneshown above are historically unprecedented and completely unnatural. The goal of SRM (solar radiation management) is to create the largest expanses of cloud cover possible. The current NOAA departure from normal high temperature "forecast", DaneWigington GeoengineeringWatch.org Imagine the whole of academia pretending the ongoing geoengineering operations we see in our skiesare not really there. But what do psychological studies say about the sanity of "conspiracy theorists" as compared to those that blindly accept the "official narratives" without questioning? Greg continues to make his voice heard, Even now the vast majority of first world nation populations arecompletely oblivious to the unfolding environmental cataclysms that are closing in from every side. to help stop the spread of false information on social media. Sound Waves and Radio Waves possess some of the same properties and characteristics, yet utilize different mediums of propagation, in other words, Sound Waves use a physical mechanical pressure to be transferred through the air, a solid or liquid. Though these transmissions are not visible, they pose an immense threat to our planet and all life on it. May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to geoengineeringwatch.organd the articles author with a hyperlink back to the original story. Funded by . Meta's third-party fact-checking programme The animation below clearly documentstransmittermanipulation of Pacific moisture along the US west coast. Thanks to stunningsatellite images from NASA and the EU of, Source: The Telegraph Russia this year has suffered the most Arctic wildfires since satellite monitoring started as climate change creates the conditions necessary for blazes to, Source: Counterpunch.org A methane deathtrap continuing Arctic Ocean eruption of ever-increasing levels of methane brings forth speculation of a Black Swan Event, meaning society is, Source: The Guardian Well need to mitigate and adapt to global warming to avoid massive costs from sea level rise. But rarely have humans been lucky enough to see them happen in, Source Skeptical Science What The Science Says: Peer-reviewed research, physics, and math all tell us that a grand solar minimum would have no more than a, Source: Resilience Human beings are now waging war against life itself as we continue to destroy not just individual lives, local populations and entire species in, Climate geoengineering at scale must be considered only as a last resortThere should be no lessening of attempts to otherwise correct the harmful impacts of human economies on the Earths ecology and climate., Raytheon Corporation is the third largest weapons manufacturer, and is a partner in. List of FEMA Camps, Underground Bases, HAARP Locations and Maps Hey all, Below are PDF compilations of all the FEMA Camp facilities that I could find. The planet's climate system is aggressively being used as a weapon of war, conquest, and control. The climate engineersare inflicting immensedamage onthe already decimatedclimate system and biosphere. It is comprised of 9 inhabited islands, one uninhabited island, and various islets. Or was this course alteration the result of geoengineering, ionosphere heaters, and atmospheric aerosol spraying? Hurricane Maria (2017)and Jose (2017), the same. At the bottom of this post, there are several good examplesof tall microwave towers , and RADAR stations HEATING THE SKY above the transmitters. Though countless anthropogenic factorshave contributed to the rapid warming of our planet, there is no question that global climate engineering/weather warfareis a reality and making an already horrific climate scenario far worse. Those in power and their media have created the illusion of a "cold world" by orchestrating isolated engineered weather events. Make you voice heard. Central Pennsylvania. P.O. warns people to get where they need to be before potential flash freeze". Though the "official" forecasted record highs in the West are alarming enough, the actual temperature readings on the ground are now significantly higher than the "official" readings in almost all locations monitored byGeoengineeringWatch.organd others. Many are now finally beginning to look up and take notice of the ongoing atmospheric aerosol spraying that is occurring in skies all over the globe. If we are to have any chance whatsoever of salvaging the planet's life support systems, climate engineering must be exposed and halted. Glaring Radio Frequency Storm Manipulation Shows Up On Satellite. Compelling evidence existsin regard to the potential use of the global ionosphere heater installations to trigger the devastating Japanese earthquake of 2011. Cracking the mystery of the 'Worldwide Hum'. The largest legal AM radio antenna in North America is 50000 watts. The blind faith in the science community must be tempered. The immense scale of climate forcing being carried out by, DaneWigington GeoengineeringWatch.org Global climate engineering operations are not a proposal, they have been an ongoing reality for over 70 years. 9 talking about this. How can very high powered RF / microwave transmissions be used by the climate engineers to manipulate cloud cover, climate, and precipitation? DaneWigington geoengineeringwatch.org The rapid expansion of noctilucent cloud formations and sightings is an ominous sign of our rapidly disintegrating biosphere that almost no one is heeding. Please watch this 4minute video that will provideinsight and points to ponder. Or is there much more to the story? In general of all the people who under estimate HAARP, I dont read of anyone here blasting Einsteins theories, and I can rest assured they understand HAARP less than they do General or Special Relativity. The HAARP site was near a major highway but isolated enough that there were no nearby sources of electrical or radio interference. Was the unexpected 90 degree northward turn of this storm a natural occurance? McCoy said the five-year, $9.3 million grant from the National Science Foundation will enable the university to maintain the HAARP facility and expand operations. Will Newsomdisclose the climate engineering factor that is, DaneWigington GeoengineeringWatch.org Yet again forests in the Western US are incinerating as the US east coast is anomalously wet and cool. melting snow high in the atmosphere inducing storms.. even vaporizing / mitigating storms. The, DaneWigington GeoengineeringWatch.org Numerous record cold temperatures continue to occurin various locations of the US. In recent days, the "scheduled weather" from NOAA (a branch of defense contractor Raytheon) was completely changed. Geoengineered winter at its finest. This effect can be detected in the ionosphere, , from less than a second to 10 minutes. Like Hurricane Florence, Hurricane Harvey (2017) was heavily manipulated, radio frequency / microwave transmissions were a core aspect of that manipulation. Palm Springs, California. - 231 ionosonde locations registered in SPIDR . And if the geoengineers suppress this particular storm (which again is the planet's attempt to cool itself), won't another cyclone just pop up in its place somewhere else? Or is there much more to the story? Hurricane Matthew is about to decimate specific populations that are already struggling to survive. The consequences of the, DaneWigington GeoengineeringWatch.org NASA is nothing more than a tool for the military industrial complex to, DaneWigington GeoengineeringWatch.org "Major and unusual", that is the term the Los Angeles Times used to describe this week's California chemical snow blizzard. "Now we can open it up fully . A geoengineeredrecord deep freeze is scheduled to hammerthe Eastern US, just in time for the holidays. THEY CAN CONTROL THE WEATHER, Andile Mngxitama, president of South African political organisation Black First Land First (BLF), tweeted on 13 April 2022. Modern industrialized/militarized technology now pushed the human race and all life on Earth well past the breaking point. Researchers then, how radio waves interact with electrons in the ionosphere, allowing them to study natural phenomena like the, before, with false claims that it can control the weather and peoples minds, and.

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