shotgun crip knowledge

shotgun crip knowledge

take 6 steps up stacc your set stacc who you are stacc a C throw down a b, say thank you mother now i rest in your arms, Knowledge room aka the silver room of the castle, staccin high and tall screaming peter paul til i fall. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Revising History to Erase White Contributions to CivilRights, How multiracial, liberal societies harm blackfamilies. Sheba real name?Wendy Jenkins I can shxxt yxu my math, $up cuz-. This page was last edited on 3 February 2015, at 21:17. 101 mafia C^rip cuz. Long Beach Rollin' 20's Crips are known to wear yellow and blacc in addition to blue. CRAZY/CRIP/CITY,AND A BLUE DEVIL Their rivals include the Hawthorne Piru, the West Side Pirus and the Athens Park Bloods among the Bloods. Cool Crip/72, Wuz craccin cool crip dis Gun Z frum S.c ill like tx get at yxuword grt at me a.c. $hut ut 2 deuceball, spy by, n 51-50 and all ya yung gun$ in ardena. King David Who's your mother? Think niggas. Its a way to try and boost their very low self esteem. Our set knowledge is that of a nation. Pick up a book and read. Their rank structure is as follows: Lowest to highest c-safe = 600 = c-40 = 409 = c-50 = c-out white. Thkey know Im Tray and they DueCe xut its all loC love we al und KingRaymond, I didnt know it was 8tr83ys in concord nc i know its some pirus here. Each Cripset has significant differences such as hand signs, use of secondary colors, and customs. Fever ILL WHYS THE SKY BLUE? aint nothin 6ut a c thang . 6MILE GANGSTA CRIP They are known by the following clicks, 132nd, the original side of Shot Gun and 139th Street. IM A GANGXTA NOW TURNING BACC, KISS MY FLAG CUZ I LOVE MY RAG, GRAUD MY CEEDS TIL I BLEED, IF I SHOULD DIE, PLEASE DONT CRY. A DONUT 101 enemy 10 = FOR THA SETS OF SLO8S I GOT, kill a slobk and win killa a crip your whole family dies Hey we came up out the 3ottom of the mud of our ass to eat we must spread knowledge to the gs who want our history, to survive the struggle cuz we not some may 3e false claiming and shit 3ut we want to educate the Lil homies who struggling cuz like we are. b = BUD, BLACC. Most Cripsets wear blue. Our Insane Crip ideology is for our set. was upK watChu bKanginK were ya gettin ya knKowledKge 1720 street pKhysco, mAne shout out All my loCcsstAy dAnGerous ouT here jhiTs 7. 20. WE STAND STRONG FROM FROM DA NORTH, TO DA SOUTH, EAST TO DA WEST, TO MY NEST, I PROMISE I WILL DO MY BEST. This is because many independent organizations outside of California, and across the United States have also turned into Cripsets. im from New Britain ct and we got to many slobs out here trying to run shit we need a crip set. J = JUICE Native Lc aka Clud, Gardena crips are not considered real crips on all hoods. 31=IS THA TIME U WILL KILL. 13d Social Media and Intelligence led policing. 18=CRIP WILL NOT ACCEPT Disrespect Members of this gang are known to sport Green Bay Packers sports apparel for the letter G to represent Gardena or Gun. a black one over my eyes H3ll yea fuCC a 6. and jacob to open tha door Been to gardena met niggies from the chi, We natives rocc da und in respect$ to gardenas city color (green) but now day$ the$e lil native wanna wear the N.C. logo for native crip. 4-10-ORGANIZE MEETING ALWAYS C-RIP. The Crip alliance originated in Los Angeles, California. !#JordanDown, 5 deuce hoova gangsta crip.tres up til my dayz up bk all day.i run wit da cowboys. INSANE GANGSTER CRIPS PREAMBLE 2 1.WHATS BEHIND THE MOON? A lot of people believe the name came to existence because of a spelling error. Wall banging consists of marking territory with graffiti which shows what gang controls that turf or going into a rivals turf and crossing out their graffiti. Look at the left side of the picture. That Kid dume but cant blain him for tryn im a 103rd grape street waatts crip gangsta and we go by word of history from cali and no ather place. The Grape Street Watts Crips (GSWC) are primarily an active African-American street gang located in the Jordan Down Housing Projects on the East Side in the Watts district of South Los Angeles, California.The Jordan Downs Housing Projects spread from Grape Street to 97th Street, between Alameda Street and 103rd Street.. BLACC GANSTA CITY Each Crip set has significant differences such as hand signs, use of secondary colors, and customs. (minnea$ota/North Dakota), Ima yung gun and preacaite the k biG hxmie 7-12. vWestxSideGardenax13Gardena Love! The Godfather Barnes, Raymond Cook, Ecky, Michael Christianson, Michael Shaft Concepcion, Mack Thomas and No 1. When Buddha died, Tookie made blue the Crip color in honor of his death. D = DISCIPLES. They say we 2 mean down here lol pussy niggaz!! The 74 Hoover Criminals are an active sub-set of the larger Hoover Criminals . 9. When Buddha died, Tookie made blue the Crip color in honor of his death. The entire Bloods alliance are also enemies with the Sureos alliance. Its Nigger against Nigger. 169-Set trippin Also, Cripsets are always trying to expand their territories and find new territories to take over which essentially makes their wars never ending. Territorial will war with other Crip sets. 21St Eastside longbkeach Cali gangster Crip till I D.I.E. kill a slob win a prize, kill a crip, ---? #3.12 LoC^ C^life Or No Life fuCCs #fuccYouMean!! 3.big homie praise the Most High, cuzz, the Locc, the True Love,.4eternity! T.G. 4 X CripK foe lyfe, Wass Craccin cuzz, rollin 60s neigcorhood crip till I die cuzz, rollin NayK66orHood ca-ripp catch a slo6 bust a slo6 watssh his faVorite color drip watss craccin cus King Hoover Duece Duece c-51 for life fool, 12+ r60c rollin NayK66orHood c-rip wass craccin suzz stay locced out c-walkin that yellow 6ricc road. Im frm $ht gun Native gang$ta crip. (L.O.C LOVE OF CRIPS KNOWLEDGE/LINGO) A 15 year old Fremont High School student named Raymond Washington started a gang called the Baby Avenues in 1969 in an attempt to be like the older gangs and copy the political activities carried out by other organizations such as the Black Panthers. 15=NEVA SNITCH ON A CRIP her kids? Independent By ourself This is because many independent organizations outside of California and across the United States have also decided to be sanctioned into the Crip alliance. 9=Always RESPECT A LOCs Blacc GANGTXA. Drivers who text spend about 10% of their driving time outside their own driving lane. . The Cripswere very well knownthroughout southern L.A. as more and more people began to join. all slobz die, & the leader of de slobz satan, de false prophet, de beast, & all demonz will burn with torment, & pain nashing they evil teeth, cuzz, Im a 8ball gangsta crip, also, hoova bible crip, cuzz, 856 mafia crip, cuzz, arch angel michael, jesus christ, c life, cuzz! Their territory stretches from E. Vermont Ave and W. Crenshaw Blvd, they consist of three cliques: 132nd street; The Deuce, The Foe, 134th street; The Foe, and 139th street; The Nine. E = ENEMIES. Money Macc Murder nigga bK all day. Is a nonfactor allways has ben, cuh fucc nachos and the dead homies wess gargang 132139, 132 Shotgun outta Baltimore whats gunnin. A = ALWAYS Along with a few other friends near his 78th Street home near Fremont High School, Stanley Tookie Williams and Raymond Washington created the Crips alliance with the initial intent of continuing the revolutionary ideology of the 1960s. So he set about memorizing the hundreds of codes, phrases, and symbols with determination. 3 Point Crown Round Here Cuz Yall C50 outchea Its a Cold Cold World ! White scientists have proved that. The Crips were very well known throughout southern L.A. as more and more people began to join. The 6 is strictly for mobs under Folks which originated in Chicago and has nothing to do with Crip gangs. COLORS: PURPLE= 8RIM ROYALTY Str8t like that 6pop 5 drop let it rain let it drip, Real Shit Loc On some real I need knowledge Im from Detroit and my big homie ten Trey and C me in but he went to jail some shit happen with his brother and some locs out in Cali so he flopped and went VL almighty leaving me to stand rep the Land Alone Wtd idk hit me on Facebook JoyBoy dmoney-mgm or the gram joyboymoneyd, Wats poppin loc Im from detroit too, go add me Bobby6kane cuz, WvTtS upK baby lC 103 GrvpK3 ST. CripK or donT bKanG WeST upK T1ll my veST upK weST or di3 Gz upK nd Cz upK to all da Grvpk3 h0m1eS 0uT th3re all cid3S GrappKN CLATTT, WvTtS upK Cuzz wvtts dat purpl3 lik3 WbLC, yo loC i need my knowledge my big homie got bagged n never gave me my pkapker work email me, mane yall i lovee dah crips my baby rico and my brother terry in it and dey banq dey shyt with noo ?s askd i love cz let it rain let it drip yhu ah slobk or ah crip bust ah slobk in his lipk watch dhet lame watch his favorite color drip, Neighborhood mac craccin loc pine bluff Arkansas RSC R.I.P.BIG HOMIE NIP THE MARATHON CONTINUES, LET IT RAIN LET IT DRIP ALL CRIP I SUCK DICK JPN LET IT RAIN LET IT DRIP ALL CRIPS ARE THE BEST ILY GUYSX. What's behind the clouds? Gang members in gangs under the Crip alliance are known as Locs, and all Crips call each other "cuz" (short for cousin) to signify that they see each other as family. 2 strips of bacon, egg no yolk, and a cup of slob. 6poping5droping all day bk shotgun crip eastside see a blood kill a blood to see his . The Crips began to increase violence and take over new turf. Get . GRAPE ST. or nothing!!!! 14=DONT SPEAK BOUT YA NATION OR SET. Athens park bloods kept them in checc real shit, All you cali niggas gazi come to south Florida and see how we rocking, put its in checc how> nigga fucc pies and they dead loks fucc outta here didnt yall just loose a homies like 2 months ago, cool crip west up cuH? C-15=WAR Tell hoover I did my best Freeze the body, take it to big bear lake in before the lake freezes. Crips are known to shout "CaRip" as a greeting to other Crips and to let their presence be known. The 8 ball was just a temporary alliance that holds no weight today and never involved crips representing the 6. Along with a few other friends near his 78th Street home near Fremont High School, Stanley Tookie Williams and Raymond Washington created the Crips alliance with the initial intent of continuing the revolutionary ideology of the 1960s. fucc thka snotruns & thka snootchkies!! Part of the 3X/Gangster Crip card. 5=DONT LET YA SET,OR WHAT U Claim GET Disrespected. 7 = IS A BAD NUMBER Jacking To take tHis Flicc Grve #Selos. C-50=C- SAFE Some people believe the origin of the color is from the school colors of Washington High School in South L.A. Other believe they started wearing blue because of "Buddha", who always wore blue shirts, khakis, shoes, and a blue bandana from his left pocket, which is why Crips flag out the left side. Many Cripsets have names which include the name of their City, a street that runs through their turf, or the name of the projects, apartment complex, or community they control. Theres absolutely nothing cool about being in a gang. Compton- it was 5 to 1 and those poot butts walked away scared!!! 62 Crip on 2Crip. All Hoover Criminal Cripsets began to use orange flags in addition to the blue flags to seperatethemselves from the rest of the sets in the Cripsalliance, essentially turning Hoover Criminal into its own Card or Car for short. lying 2 the true children of Crip aka, God of israel, cz up cuzz 4ever, clecce!!! Some of the other original founding fathers of the crips were Angelo "Barefoot Pookie" White, Melvin Hardy, Bennie Simpson, Greg Batman Davis, and Jimel. 7=OBEY N STUDY The LAWS. Involved in narcotics trafficking, legitimate businesses and the music industry. Established as protection from neighborhood street gangs. JERSEY FINEST. Crip gangs strictly bang (go to war) to defend their territory (hood) before any alliance or card, and are known to be very vicious in their attacks. Referred to as a youth protection organization. Cripsare known to shout CaRip and OoWoo as a greeting to other Cripsand to let their presensebe known. We bang on a full moon to avenger her death, 65 cents 3 bones and a pacc of camel matches, Cuz crips go 2 heaven cuz our blue is true and slobs go to hell cuz their red is dead. Fake ass Crip- Raymond Washington wasnt from Texas quit reading old news articles and get your info in the streets! The vocabulary can be extensive and confusing. Established as protection from neighborhood street gangs. They lure you by acting like your best friend. they ceep on fightin c wit dey evilness, cuzz de will not eva win, triumph is 4 all warriorz of God, that waz, c life that didnt have my name on the post, it sayz anonymous december, 30 2013 @ 6:29am, on my c day cuzz, all glory 2, God, cuzz 4ever!!!!!!! (Triple O.G.). The gangs under the Crip Alliance are mainly identified by the color blue which is worn proudly by all Crip members as a primary color. This billboard was eventually taken down after a gang specialist identified the problem with this picture and reported it. Their neighborhood spread from Gage Ave to 79th Street, between Western Ave and Vermont Ave. There is, however, a cease-fire/hood share agreement between Crips and Gangster Disciples that originated in Kansas City Missouri in 1993 called the "8 Ball". The Grape Street Crips sport purple to their show their affiliation to . Each Crip set is its own individual gang and are known to have sub-clicks, blocks, or lines (line-ups) which are like smaller individual sets within the set. Founded 1969 in Los Angeles California by Stanley Tookie Williams and Raymond Lee Washington. !03rd GrVpke Street Bkaby LoC Chit Straight From The Vine! The gangs under the Crip Alliance are mainly identified by the color blue which is worn proudly by all Crip members as a primary color. I = INDEPENDENT 4-02-STRAIGHT CHEDDAR GO to the park at 132nd and Van Ness- its a CLEAN ,SAFE well lit place where old ladies walk and little kids shoot basket ball- If. Galleria by some thuggd out SENIOR CITIZEN. The Shotgun Crips (SGCs) are primly an African-American street gang that was established in the 1970s and located on the west side of Gardena, Califonia. c-6 cops.. Their territory stretches from E. Vermont Ave and W. Crenshaw Blvd, they consist of three cliques: 132nd street; The Deuce, The Foe, 134th street; The Foe, and 139th street; The Nine. Real gangmember dont tell you they gonna kill you. The Crip alliance has significantly branched out of California and has spread throughout the majority of the United States. 18.WHATS UNDER YOUR RIGHT FOOT? ESR20llxnCrip, AogC 183 bkrooklyns own Crip up or grip up, Whats upk locc rollin 30 in da hous3 bk all day 3v3ry day until my bklu3 cask3t dropks, R1Chk R0LL1N 90z N4kY60Rhk90dk CR1p 94kN9 2=DONT Disrespect A HIGHER G. It contained purportedly detailed inside knowledge of the mysterious, complex symbols, codes, and oaths of the Crips, that must be memorized in its entirety by hopeful Crip recruits. 4 = FOR MY STAR. They were/are deep at Rowley Park

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