local studies about juvenile delinquency
Juvenile Delinquency in Nigeria: The Problem of Application of Western Theories. The rate of juvenile delinquency in Nigeria today can be attributed to poor parenting which results from so many factors like step-parents (Singh and Kiran, 2012). , and if you can't find the answer there, please At this point, parental love and care towards the young person’s diminishes, as both parents may tend to find new life partners at the expense of their young person’s well being. . The second study is entitled “Culturally Specific Causes of Delinquency: Implication for Juvenile Justice in Hong Kong” and it accounts for culturally specific questions. When divorce occurs, the parent will no longer live together to care for the young person anymore. Describe the relationship between theory and research. Juvenile Delinquency: It’s Legality Juvenile Justice Act, 1986, was the first central legislation on Juvenile Justice, prior to which each state had its own enactment on juvenile justice, which differed in the way juveniles were treated by the different state legal systems. Describe the key components of theory. Every state in the U.S. is aiming to reduce the number of juveniles being recruited to delinquency, and the number of juvenile delinquents recidivating. A National Strategy for Juvenile Delinquency Prevention The juvenile violent crime arrest rate declined 12 percent from 1994 to 1996. Additional practical implications are discussed. FACTORS RESPONSIBLE FOR JUVENILE DELINQUENCY IN MUSHIN LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA, LAGOS STATE. Introduction. Parents, friends and teachers are all responsible along with the juvenile who commits a crime. Only partial statistics for 1957 are so far available, what there are, show that this increase was still continuing beyond the middle of the year. This article examines policy towards juvenile delinquency in colonial Kenya in the interwarperiod, arguing thatjuvenile offenders were the subject of scant official interest until the i93os, when a series of official reports was commissioned and … Few studies, however, have assessed cognitive functioning during the preschool years or followed the children into adolescence to understand the long-term link between early cognitive deficits and juvenile delinquency. BARBADOS EDUCATION 'PINKTOBER': What You Should Know About Breast Cancer & Its Awareness. Focusing on today's students, this comprehensive juvenile delinquency text debunks myths, engages students to learn key theories, and provides compelling applications that … In one study the researcher observed some deviant adolescents in their family setting. US Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Short and Long-Term Consequences of Adolescent Victimization, Scott W. Menard, (2002). The first study, “Research on Social Causes of Juvenile Crime,” is the most current research that looks into social causes of juvenile crime. Poor school attendance is correlated with juvenile delinquency for a few reasons. Often times the single working parents lacks parent–young person relationship because they lack adequate time to help their young person’s deal with the frustration of having only one parent present at home. A falling trend in the figures of juvenile delinquency-and, for that matter, of adult delinquency too- came to an end in 1954 and since then we have seen the figures rise at an increasing rate. This study is being conducted as a S.B.A assignment for Social Studies coarseI am pursuing. Modish project is an organization aimed at facilitating students with their various research thesis materials, and also provide them with effective solutions in other academic concerns.Rely on us for a stress-free research project work, A-class academic materials, and easy guides through the course of your academic programme. After a juvenile delinquency case, the judge issues a disposition. Another factor is the day of occurrence: this may be difficult to determine where multiple offences are involved-but the pattern is nevertheless of prime importance. Juvenile delinquency is also known as teenage crime. The first study, “Research on Social Causes of Juvenile Crime,” is the most current research that looks into social causes of juvenile crime. Juvenile Delinquency Theory to Practice Robert McNamara. Scholars and laypeople alike debate what causes young people to commit crimes. To troubleshoot, please check our Some communities are plagued by higher rates of juvenile delinquency, while other communities may have less frequent instances of juvenile crime. This has contributed to the growth of juvenile delinquency among pupils in Nigerian school. It was commissioned by the Security Bureau. Juvenile delinquency is a global phenomenon, and interest in comparative studies of juvenile offending and society’s reaction to it has been steadily growing, despite the inherent difficulties of comparing juvenile justice processes across different regions. The approach focuses on accountability, rehabilitation, and tailored services for targeted students. Since the youth of today are the future leaders of tomorrow. ADVERT SPACE !!! Subject: Law Topic: Case Study. This type of study is frequently used in biomedical studies to identify correlations between different variables. Young peoples’ behaviours are said to be in proportionate to the structure of the family they grow up or the socialization processes they go through from the type of family structure they found themselves(Abbie, 1990). The increase of juvenile delinquency among secondary school students in Mushin Local Government Area is a matter of great concern to many. If these notorious acts of juvenile delinquency are not checked it will ruin the progress of the nation when these set of children become the leaders of tomorrow of our great country. H 2: There is a significant relationship between peer influence and juvenile delinquency in Mushin Local Government Area. Parental divorce is a consistent (if modest) predictor of Juvenile delinquency and other externalizing behaviours during young person hood and adolescence (Amato and Keith, 1991). Young persons from single parents’ families especially from the single mother do not have proper correction from parents, and this tends to affect them from one stage in behaviour to another. ii 5. 15 Juvenile Justice Issues (3): Social Work with Young Offenders—Care or Control? This is because the state laws, norms and societal expectations in this part of the nation may vary from what is obtainable in the other parts of the nation. An individual is said to be an individual delinquent when, he behaves or performs any act which is dangerous to the society and for him as an individual. In many states, such as New York, parents can face penalties like fines and jail time when their children are chronically truant. The Council, an independent organization in the executive branch, examines how federal juvenile delinquency programs and other federal programs and activities can be coordinated among federal, state, and local governments to better serve at-risk children and juveniles. FAMILY STRUCTURE AND JUVENILE DELINQUENCY A CASE STUDY OF UKANAFUN LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA. The severity may also vary from one community to the next. Such family structure lacks the proper atmosphere and good socialization environment to train a young person in line with the laws, norms and moral values(Singh and Kiran, 2012). However, based on the crime committed and the severity of the crime, a juvenile may be prosecuted as an adult depending on the state's law. DOI:10.5790/hongkong/9789888028801.003.0012, 2 Understanding Young People: A System Perspective, 5 Working with Young People in Families, at School, and among Peers, 9 Working with “Youth-at-Risk”: The Way Ahead, 12 Local Studies of Juvenile Delinquency and Justice, 13 Juvenile Justice Issues (1): The Age of Criminal Responsibility and the “Family Conference”, 14 Juvenile Justice Issues (2): Community-based Treatments (CBTs) for Young Offenders. ADVERT SPACE !! Today, it has become a topic of great concern and needs to be discussed at a serious note. Juvenile delinquency is a global phenomenon, and interest in comparative studies of juvenile offending and society’s reaction to it has been steadily growing, despite the inherent difficulties of comparing juvenile justice processes across different regions. According to (Lofquist, 1993), studies found young persons in step families to be susceptible to peer pressure and deviant peer relationships, which may lead to later Juvenile delinquency, and girls in step families may be at increased risk to drug/alcohol use. When the biological parents of a young person separate, break-up, or divorced each other, if one of the parents decides to remarry and the young person grows in such home, the young person is not going to be properly trained as supposed. It is like any crime that human beings commit but these crime differ because they are committed by young people. Juvenile delinquency entails the term that is used to explain to young people who have not attained majority age and are involved in committing crimes. 16, No. It was commissioned by the Security Bureau. In this chapter, three particular studies regarding juvenile delinquency and justice are analyzed. If you think you should have access to this title, please contact your librarian. Juvenile delinquency is defined as “Behaviour by a person younger than 18 years of age, which causes or is likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress to one or more persons not of the same household as the person” (Antisocial Behaviour Act 2003 and Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011). Some of the topics are specific to one of the projects; other topics are investigated with data from two or all three projects. These activities are central to OJJDP’s mission to prevent and respond to juvenile delinquency and victimization. … This study examined the influence of, or correlation between, juvenile delinquency and the presence or absence of a father-figure in a male child’s life. Juvenile delinquency places a significant strain on society. Anti-social behaviors of young people has … Researchers found that different degrees of poverty correlate with severity in juvenile Juvenile delinquency is the participation by a minor child, usually between the ages of 10 and 17, in illegal behavior or activities. This phenomenon has a growing trend in our country as one of the youngest countries in the world. The families are given information to help better prepare them for the first court appearance. Which of the following best defines "disposition" in this context? Many organizations, including the OJJDP, study juvenile delinquency, and report compiled data in order to learn what contributes to the issue of juvenile delinquency. In this chapter, three particular studies regarding juvenile delinquency and justice are analyzed. As the Chinese account for more than 90 percent of the population in Hong Kong, this may be perceived as a cause for delinquency. The scope of this study is a broad one but the researcher only centers on juvenile delinquency in Mushin Local Government Area, Lagos State.In the cause of the study, the researcher encounters some limitations which limited the scope of the study; Time constraint:The researcher will simultaneously engage in this study with other academic work. Single parenting families have a great effect on young persons and expose them to anti-social activities. This is because; the step-parent being not the biological parent will not have the full right to discipline the young person. Because young persons in step families and single-parent families’ records more negative trait in their lives, behaviour problems may be on the high side and these endangers the society. The present Guidelines should be interpreted and implemented within the … This study aims at investigating the factors affecting juvenile delinquency. In the criminal justice system, a juvenile is defined as an offender who is under 18 years old at the time he allegedly committed his offense. Few studies, however, have assessed cognitive functioning during the preschool years or followed the children into adolescence to understand the long-term link between early cognitive deficits and juvenile delinquency. Link between the Case and the Reading Chapter. social causes, juvenile crime, juvenile justice, crime prevention, culture, Chinese, interventions. Juvenile Delinquency is not only a prevalent issue but a serious concern of the government since the late 1980s that until today, not all cases are given immediate action thus worsening the situation of the problem. Bartollas, like his coauthor, is also the author of numerous articles and more than 30 books, including previous editions of Juvenile Delinquency (Allyn & Bacon, 2006), Juvenile Justice in America (with Stuart J. Miller; Prentice Hall, 2011), and Women and the Criminal Justice System (with Katherine Stuart van Wormer; Prentice Hall, 2011). The theories try to explain juvenile delinquency, but it is the FBI that collects the data about juvenile delinquents. Hong Kong Scholarship Online requires a subscription or purchase to access the full text of books within the service. The term Juvenile delinquency covers a wide range of unacceptable activity that blights the lives of many young people on a daily basis. Children whose families suffer financial and environmental poverty are clearly at greater risk than children whose parents have the income to provide them with a comfortable home. There is a lack of research, however, pertaining to cohabitation. A Case Study of Juvenile Delinquency. Conflicts, quarreling, and fighting were some common issues in these families. Some 20,584 minors surrendered to local police offices in the Philippines within two months since President Duterte stepped into power in 2016, … The idea is to surround at-risk youth with coordinated resources, with school staff, law enforcement, the courts, and service providers all delivering support. Both adolescence and the concept of juvenile delinquency are social constructs that vary by time and place. During the 1950s, most of the attention on juvenile delinquency concentrated on males. by those who have not reached 18 years. Both adolescence and the concept of juvenile delinquency are social constructs that vary by time and place. The Effects of Family Structure on Juvenile Delinquency by Alisha Parks Studies show that family structure is an important factor in explaining delinquency among adolescents (Price & Kunz, 2003). Questionnaire This is a survey carried out to determine the factors that contribute to juvenile delinquency. Abstract Children and juvenile delinquency is considered as one of the problems and concerns of different countries. Lunch At Marina Bar & Restaurant – In Bridgetown Barbados. Most legal methods prescribe specific procedures for handling juveniles, such because juvenile detention centres. THE IMPACT OF ISLAM ON THE PEOPLE OF OFFA (1803-2003), HISTORY AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS. A juvenile delinquentis an individual who repeatedly commits a crime or crimes, but are not prosecuted by law as an adult due to their minor age. More notable was a 31 percent drop in juvenile arrests for murder that occurred over the 3-year period 1993 to 1996, despite increases in the juvenile population (Snyder, 1997). On paper, a “wraparound” approach to managing student delinquency while improving school safety makes perfect sense. The problem with Juvenile delinquency is as a result of single parenting.More homes are breaking up today than it was in the 18th and early 19th centuries. 1-2, pp. In the following pages, the authors summarize just a few of these many inves-tigations. You could not be signed in, please check and try again. This ensures the safety and privacy of those children. 0. Each chapter begins with a commonly held assumption about delinquency, and offers a fact-based explanation ; Boxed inserts on applying everyday theory from real world examples help students connect current research and practices to the juvenile … Juvenile delinquency is a gateway to adult crime, since a large percentage of criminal careers have their roots in childhood causing serious problems all over the world. Juvenile delinquency is participation in illegal actions by minors who are categorized as a statutory era limit. Single parenting affects young person’s mentally, emotionally as well as psychologically(Muehlinberg, 2002). Another important aspect is whether there is an association between psychosocial factors and severity of crime in juvenile delinquency 2. According to Inyang (2004), the type of household in which young people grow up influences the extent to which they may become delinquent and the type of offences they are likely to commit. My indebtedness for valuable information gained from the authors referred to in the bibliography, The study variablesincludefamily structure like divorced, single parent, step parent and their effects on the growth of Juvenile delinquency in Ukanafun Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State. Describe the key components of theory. 0. The way parents treat their kids can have a lasting impact. 14) Cathy Spatz Widom, “Child Abuse, Neglect, and Violent Criminal Behavior,” Criminology 27, no. At the most basic level, poor school attendance is a form of juvenile delinquency: truancy. In 1974 Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act was put into place, but only authorized in 2002. Young persons of single parent are likely to involve in crime(Singh and Kiran, 2012). The Council makes recommendations to the President, and to the Congress, at least annually. CXC SBA CXC Social Studies Juvenile Delinquency In Schools Questionnaire. Most legal systems prescribe specific procedures for dealing with juveniles, such … SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY. This subject can be divisive because it is a major issue in today's society. The Council, an independent organization in the executive branch, examines how federal juvenile delinquency programs and other federal programs and activities can be coordinated among federal, state, and local governments to better serve at-risk children and juveniles. As part of the NIJ Study Group on the Transition from Juvenile Delinquency to Adult Crime, several scholars examined the differences between juveniles … Poverty is a major risk factor for juvenile delinquency. The Council makes recommendations to the President, and to the Congress, at least annually. (Hengeller, 1987). Before coming of age girls and boys have less understanding of the world. CHAPTER ONE. Therefore I have decided to conducta survey and investigate my community thoroughly with regards to the level of juvenile delinquency. Numerous documents were filed regarding the issue and one of which speaks about a 10-year-old boy named Marlon. Research has shown that young persons from single parent homes are likely to be involve in anti-social activities or become anti-social than that of the intact families.Single parents’ families and in particular mother only produce more young persons with behaviour problem than two parent families indeed the very absence of intact families makes gang membership more appealing(Muehlinberg, 2002). Facts. 1 The Study of Juvenile Delinquency 1 Understanding juvenile delinquency Developing and evaluating theories of delinquency Purposes of delinquency research After completing this chapter, students should be able to: Understand the approach and structure of this book. In the U.S.A., the definition of juvenile delinquency embraces a wide range of situations when the law is broken by individuals who are underage, i.e. It often leaves victims feeling helpless, desperate and with a seriously reduced quality of life. The situation in Ukanafun Local Government Area, Akwa Ibom State may vary from that of other state in Nigeria. This states that all children involved in criminal courts are protected federally when placed in their care. Juvenile delinquency is also used to refer to children who exhibit a persistent behavior of mischievousness or disobedience, so as to be considered out of parental control, becoming subject to legal action by the court system. Juvenile delinquency is a persistent issue that exists among virtually every community within the United States. Various parts of the chapter reading apply to the case. Published to Hong Kong Scholarship Online: September 2011, DOI: 10.5790/hongkong/9789888028801.001.0001, PRINTED FROM HONG KONG SCHOLARSHIP ONLINE (www.hongkong.universitypressscholarship.com). 16 Juvenile Justice Issues(4): Restorative Justice (RJ) for Young Offenders, 17 Some Final Remarks on Working with Young Offenders. There were more conflicting situations in these families. The purpose of this essay is to examine the empirical studies of the Social Learning Theory on juvenile delinquency. Next. The role of the family in juvenile delinquency is well established. CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. It is the duty of parents to care for their wards, but where one of the parents is not there the young persons are likely to see such situation as an opportunity to express freedom from restriction and are likely to indulge in anti-social activities. 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