mechanics of table tennis
The dominance of the Asian players over the years has occurred primarily because they take the ball early, just after the bounce. Perhaps the most important consequence can be that the reversed rotational energy not only returns a much slower ball but also one that can alter direction quite markedly. In tennis, squash and badminton you must serve diagonally but in table tennis singles you can serve wherever you like. This is one of the big factors in what separates the greats of table tennis, from the top A grade players. If you use a large action then a small mistake in ‘timing’ will have little significance, however with a small movement the resulting error in placement will be very apparent. When it hits the ground, the kinetic energy starts to change back to potential energy, till the ball reaches the peak of its bounce, and starts to fall again. If balls higher than the absolute line of sight are looped instead, this means a slightly safer shot but at a slower tempo. A change to more symmetrical play requires that the BH topspin be of the same quality as the FH. However to do the same with just the FH wing will take almost 1.0 second. There is however an absolute limit for the all out hard smash where in theory one can utilise a completely straight trajectory. After another 0.2 seconds (0.3) the distance is 7.0, so the ball has travelled 4.0 metres (7.0 - 3.0) and the speed is down to around 11 m/second. Otherwise there will be a clear ‘braking’ effect after the bounce and the ball will slow, kick up a little and hang in the air (it can often kick up above the absolute line of sight). Very strong topspin is of the same magnitude as gravity and the ball will sink much more quickly. Technically we respond faster to an audio stimulus than a visual stimulus, 0.14 of a second compared with 0.18 of a second respectively. This represents the ability of the object in question to use Energy. Often it can be a question of the ball ‘sliding’ through. Nothing that happens on a table tennis table is inexplicable as long as you are aware of the basic laws of physics. They are the source of the finest players and products in the table tennis world. and a contact time of a thousandth of a second, with a ball weighing 2.7 grams, the impact can be very considerable. Always bear in mind however the old cliché - ‘What one gains in spin one loses in speed and vice versa’. With backspin gravity and the spin factors work against each other so that the ball will rise initially in a curve before dropping sharply when gravity predominates over the lessening spin (Diagram D). Here you have the chance to kill absolutely flat and angle the ball well as you are closer to the net - the opponent has very limited time to react. Table Tennis England are committed to increasing the number of dedicated facilities that offer competitive or social and recreational table tennis. The negative arc places much higher demands on exact timing. A point is scored after each ball is put into play (not just when the server wins the point as in volleyball). Therefore, in order to increase the Work done, the second equation must be examined: If the amount of Force is increased, then the Work coefficient is increased. Symmetrical play is clearly superior from the point of view of economy of movement, the only downside being that the BH topspin is generally less powerful than the FH. (In the case of world records for counter-hitting (of so many shots per minute) an average speed of only around 33kph is achieved). With lots of training and lots of practice, this can be reduced to 0.18 of a second. 2. In order to increase the acceleration, we analyse the fifth equation. Explosive speed is an inherited characteristic and players who don’t have it are rather limited in what they can do to train up this aspect. H. Choose your initial velocity, say 20 m/second which gives you a mark of around 0.1 seconds on the curved line and a figure of 3 on the baseline. As well as providing something different the purpose is to help make the site self-sufficient, so please feel free to sample these as and when. A ball of 40 millimeters in diameter and as light as 2.7 grams should only be used to play table tennis. These aspects mean that the opponent has to cover more of the table and more ground in a lesser time and has to react at a higher speed (the time frame can more than halve). A tennis ball's spin barely decreases during flight, and actually increases when the ball hits the court. Generally we can say that half the racket speed contributes to spin and the other half to speed. It is particularly important that you establish a pattern with a young player that can grow with the player, (can a sidestep pattern be easily developed into a cross-step?). A sharper 'pock' will tell you that the ball has been struck quite solidly, and will also tell you that they're using a thin rubber. EnergyEnergy cannot be observed. Educational videos, Knowledge base, Spin and Skills, Hopes Program, Expert’s Corner, training camp opportunities, mentorship program for coaches, subscribe to … However this is really quite meaningless when you consider that the rules allow a variation of up to 5% in the weight and diameter of the ball and at the most 8% when we are talking about bounce. After leaving the racket regardless of the spin, speed or direction, the ball is influenced simply by 3 factors - gravity, air resistance and spin (Magnus effect)(See diagrams A and B). Please let us know by leaving a comment below. In order to maximize the velocity, you have to hit the ball as hard as you can. The lifting movement (attacking a ball lower than net height) sets the limit and this can only be overcome by the creation of more topspin. In elite levels of the sport, even being the smallest fraction of a second (1/1000ths) faster starts to make a difference. or 70.0 mph.) Use small movements over the table and the large action further back where you require more power and precision of placement. But, speed is not everything in Table Tennis. BASIC RULES OF TABLE TENNIS AS PER THE ITTF. This contact is therefore a little more unsafe and requires practice (a short arm movement is important in this stroke). Most players for a start will want to cover around 60 - 65% of the table with the FH side as they can reach further on this wing, and 35 - 40% with the BH. the air resistance is about equally as strong as gravity. It is therefore important that defenders take the ball as early as possible and above table height. For a top player to execute strong topspin from FH and BH corners with FH and BH consecutively takes around 0.6 of a second. The women’s game is rather faster as they stand closer to the table, hit the ball earlier and flatter. Greg Letts is a world-ranked table tennis player and an Australian Level 1 table tennis coach. The Energy gained by the high toss can be converted to spin or speed when struck by the racket. The Table The upper surface of the table, known as the playing surface, shall be rectangular, 2.74m long and 1.525m wide, and shall lie in a horizontal plane 76cm above the floor. In the case of a passive stroke where the racket scarcely moves then the effect of the spin against the surface will be extreme. So it is actually added to your velocity, as subtracting a negative number actually means you add the two terms (another mathematical law). The problem can be that you have much less time yourself to study the spin and to react to any strange bounce. This is the correct notation. Early years of international competitions were dominated by European countries and is the major sport in England, Hungary and Czechoslovakia. The time in a shot refers to the time the ball is in contact with the racket which is fixed at approximately 0.003 seconds. When it’s your turn to serve, toss the ball upwards into the air and hit it with your paddle so it bounces on your side of the table once, then over the net onto your opponent’s side. Once the ball has left the racket, the trajectory and direction is determined by the power and spin fed into the stroke. ‘Braking’ or frictional forces can have a major effect on the rotational values (spin) and the rotational energy can be changed, exhibiting itself as an increase in speed or as a dramatic change in direction. The positive arc follows the outgoing trajectory of the ball much more closely and as a result has a higher safety margin. Diag. The edges of the table are part of the legal table surface, but not the sides. Backspin with its straighter trajectory often tends to come through nearer to the end of the table. Note that a pure sidespin ball will have a distinct arc when seen from above. You need to toss the ball up at least 6.3 inches and hit it as it falls back down to qualify as a legal serve. A proper warm up is necessary before starting play. Also flicks against backspin can use the spin already on the ball and will result in a low dipping shot - long, fast service returns over 8.5 m/second will slow due to air resistance and this again helps when using topspin. Whether you're playing singles or doubles, the rules of table tennis are essentially the same. With a few simple techniques, you can learn to master the table tennis serve. It is now included as one of the events in athletic sports meets. A loop against a sidespin ball will result in a topspin return with a sidespin kick. There is spin, which will now be discussed. Bear in mind that the variations to be found in the use of spin, speed, length and placement will often be sufficient to cause problems for opponents and it is important that your players can use the same serve in differing ways and execute differing serves with the same or similar actions. Only the results of Energy can be observed. For instance, if a Table Tennis ball was in your hand and you remove your hand quickly, the ball would start to fall (due to gravity). When you compare this with the flick, the latter stroke would not achieve speeds in excess of two-thirds of counter play or around 10.0 m/second (36 kms per hour). We must also bear in mind that even at relatively slow speeds, say an average of 40 kph, the ball will cover the length of the table in about 0.25 of a second which is the approximate limit of human reaction time for the average player. The first player to get to 11 points in a game is the winner. The friction between the ball and the table will reach a maximum of around 20% of the impact force between the ball and the table - then skidding occurs. Here with a quarter rotation backwards, taking the ball off the left hip and using good rotation and very fast forearm action, the stroke can be upgraded to a similar power and speed as the FH. An interesting alternative is to use topspin from an early timing position - even though this is a slower stroke which gives the opponent time it results in a more curved shot and a ball which drops quickly after the bounce. However equally the opponent will have more time (Diagrams H and J). Also materials and indeed techniques and tactics are constantly in change - it is necessary that we always have an open mind and are ready to look at new ideas and ways of doing things. However with the FH serve from the BH corner this can be placed to either corner - it is only necessary that you move to cover the return possibilities the instant after ball contact is made. After that, this model of the universe starts to break down and you need to go to Quantum Theory and Relativity, which involves FRIGHTENING Mathematics and Physics to use. I analyzed the strokes of top players for many years, I have read a lot about tips from top-players but most importantly, over the years I tried many of these things myself. Website by Look Lively Web Design Ltd, To Walk on Water You need first to get out of the Boat, The Radius of the Stroke and Angular Velocity. Whether it is a matter of standing right, moving in the right way or placing the ball in the most advantageous position, one can have a great deal of help from pure geometrical analysis. Why Is the 38mm Ball Faster Than the 40mm Ball? 10. With the help of topspin players can have a comfortable margin for error, a lower trajectory and a lower bounce on the opponent’s side of the table. In order to gain more power in your shots, you have to do more work or take less time in your shots. However in spite of this often the peak of the arc is higher and the ball can easily kick up after the bounce (there is also a reduction of speed at this stage) above the dangerous ‘absolute line of sight’, which leaves the defender open to a flat hit kill. The flick requires some feeling as the ball must be kept as low as possible over the net and yet it is difficult to create speed from a short ball often served with backspin. We don’t always experience this on the table as we often play with care against the short serve, however even a small lack of touch can lead to a ball in the net or a high return. The mechanics seemed quite complex and the whole set-up fairly detailed using your 'whole body'. Singles, Each match shall consist of the best two out of three games with the winning player reaching 21 points first or being ahead by two after the score reaches 20 all in each game. By doing this a sphere (the ball) is rotated about a point inside it. However in the case of the short serve one must add the time from the racket contact to the first bounce which will add 0.15 - 0.2 seconds. This is quite a big time difference at top level. Air resistance is always against the direction of travel and its effect is strongly influenced by the speed of the ball. This means that a doubling of the speed to 17m/second (61.2 k/hour) signifies a fourfold increase in air resistance. Such ‘subjective’ testing can give some useful information but helps little in giving any base for objective measurement when comparing products from different manufacturers. When I was a kid I read a number of table tennis books and they all made out the loop to be something special and wonderous. If you assume that two top players take the ball about 20 - 25cms off the end of the table then in a rally the ball would reach average speeds of around 12 — 14 m/second (43.2 - 50.4 kms per hour, straight and diagonal respectively). Sidespin has the rotational values at right angles to the table’s surface which means directly that as the point of the axis is in contact with the table, there is little or no loss of spin. Another way is to perform the experiment in a vacuum, though this is a harder to set up. At 1000 metres air pressure sinks by 12% and at 3000 metres by up to 30%! A major championship event played for example in Mexico City will result in the ball ‘flying’ in an unusual manner and the players must be ready for this, as the trajectory of the ball will not conform to expected criteria. As the 38mm ball has a smaller radius, it also has a lower mass, and therefore a lower Energy due to the equation E = ½mv2. In the case of strong topspin the ball will acquire forward energy and this rotational momentum will be converted into extra speed (Diagram G). This is usually a circle. Some people say that when the ball strikes the table they can tell whether the ball is top spun or under spun. Racket recovery is particularly crucial and it’s vital that the racket returns to the neutral position after each stroke so that you are ready to play FH or BH on the next ball. The total time for a short serve can be as long as 0.6 seconds compared with the 0.4 for a long fast serve. This is due to two different axes trying to assert themselves at the same time. These are Potential Energy and Kinetic Energy. Often in the boy’s game even from an early age it is a good idea to work with topspin as this gives high speed and also a high level of safety. If you are missing half of your shots and have no control over your placement of the ball you’ll spend most of your time picking the ball up off the floor. However there is nothing to stop any player only using those patterns which give most economy of movement. Strong spin presupposes that sufficient power has been used but spin and ball speed are connected and it therefore follows automatically that high speed will more often than not entail high spin. An ‘unclean’ hit always gives slower speed. Far more significant variations occur in air pressure when we talk about height above sea level for example. With lots of training and lots of practise, this can be reduced to 0.18 of a second. It is equally vital that the elbow drops down after the stroke (especially the BH counter) so that the forearm is in the best possible position to move in either direction. Movement is one of the most critical parts of any young player’s development and yet very few countries in Europe work constructively with footwork patterns at an early age. We should also look at the scenario where we face high lobbed balls. All you need is a table, a net, a ball and a racket to get started. Also the earlier chop will retain more spin as it is in the air for a lesser time between strokes. The ease and relative affordability of table tennis has made it one of the most popular sports in the world today in participation. To reach maximum speed over the table the flick should be taken at the ‘peak’ of bounce on every occasion, though the late-timed stroke played more slowly can also open up possibilities. In order to increase Force, the third equation must be examined. The float ball will lose speed after the bounce but will acquire a weak topspin due to the bottom part of the ball being held by the table and the top part rolling forward (Diagram F). One can easily see that with a contact speed of up to 31.1 m/second (112 kph. The Lawn Tennis game featured strung rackets, a 30mm cloth covered rubber ball, a wooden fence set up around the perimeter of the table, and large side nets extending along both sides. European players on the other hand take the ball at ‘peak’ or after the top of the bounce. If the stroke is not played absolutely cleanly then strong vibrations can be created in the blade with ensuing energy losses. Flicking straight and low over the net will result in a maximum speed of around 8.0m/second (28.8 k/hour) but this would drop to 7.0 m/second (25.2 k/hour) if you wished to have a 2cm cushion over the net. Incidentally, this work is generally regarded as the single most important work ever written in the history of science, and I regard Newton as the greatest scientist to have ever lived. The reason it doesn't continue forever is due to air resistance, in the form of friction, and the fact that the collision of the ball and the ground isn't perfectly elastic (some of the ball's kinetic energy is converted to heat, when it impacts with the ground, and there is also some friction between the floor and the ball). The difference in usable reaction time gives Asian players a real advantage by preventing opponents from coordinating and organizing their best strategies. The following are a list of safety tips that will help keep you injury free and out on the table. Among the world’s elite (especially the Asian players) the FH is still the dominant stroke and many men players will still move more in order to bring this wing into play. Take the second formula as an example, W = Fs This is expressed as W = F multiplied by s or W = F x s. Where:P = Power (The amount of oomph that is applied)W = Work (The amount of energy that is consumed)t = Time (Length of time the Power is applied for)F = Force (Basically the amount of grunt the shot has. Other alternatives are the chop smash or a stop ball taken very early. Killing the descending ball is also quite safe (3) but as you make contact from further back, you have less of the table to aim at and again the opponent has more time even though the trajectory will be flatter. In order to increase the Force, the Mass of the ball needs to be increased which is impossible, or the Acceleration needs to be increased. By 2025 there should […] The result of the calculation between the brackets must be calculated first (it's a mathematical law). There will be a big difference between the topspin and backspin strokes and even the best of attackers will make mistakes. There are essentially two basic positions to learn – the forehand and the backhand. Obviously the further you back away from the table the more time you will have to prepare and the more time to set yourself and hit the ball harder. Table tennis, also known as ping-pong and whiff-whaff, is a sport in which two or four players hit a lightweight ball, also known as the ping-pong ball, back and forth across a table using small rackets.The game takes place on a hard table divided by a net. The effect which will occur between the ball and the table is partially because of the bounce N (impact speed and angle) and the spin T (amount and type). With the help of unusual or deceptive actions the server tries to hide the spin, speed or direction so as to gain an advantage over the opponent, lengthening his reaction time or making it harder for him to read the spin. Irrespective of the ball’s movement in the air, the friction and bounce depend on the material qualities of the racket and of the table. He wrote the eBook, "How to Win at Table Tennis.". We will will cover the effects and physics of these three types of spin. ITTF has set certain rules for the ball’s dimension and weight. Different players will for example use rubbers in differing ways and one player will often be capable of getting far more out of a particular rubber than another player would. In the Laws of Table Tennis, Law 2.6.4 states: 2.6.4 From the start of service until it is struck, the ball shall be above the level of the playing surface and behind the server's end line, and it shall not be hidden from the receiver by the server or his doubles partner and by anything they wear or carry. Perhaps here a warning should be issued to women trying to use the FH over the whole table as some top men do. Flow of the match Strong loop players will inevitably use the cross-step to reach the wide ball and defenders should train at moving in and out. Once the ball has left the racket, the trajectory and direction is determined by the power and spin fed into the stroke. In the case of a top-spinning ball the force of the spin is at right angles to the speed and the rotational axis and as a result strengthens the downward pull of gravity. What makes table tennis so popular is the ease of which to pick it up. Aggressive returns such as flick and long push do not require so much touch and are less sensitive to the spin element on the ball, therefore it is safer to play long if you have learned the technique and if the opponent’s playing style allows this. As this occurs, the ball's potential energy starts to be converted to kinetic energy. The trajectory itself is determined by gravity, the air resistance and the influence of the spin. If two players are each three metres back the total distance between ball contacts is around 9 metres and the ball will slow through the air — this gives over half a second to react which in the case of two fit, skilful players will mean that it will be hard to outmanoeuvre the opponent and win the point. Certainly in the future it is becoming obvious that in the light of the speed of the modern game, play will become more and more ‘symmetrical’ and that this will be the way forward. Then they have the opportunity of a low ball over the net and a lower ball after the bounce, as the ‘speed’ element tends to take precedence over the effect of the spin and the ball skids through off the table surface. FH play over the whole table is asymmetrical (by this we mean one-sided and unbalanced movement). Gravity is always equally strong and always directed downwards. All games will be played at UREC Table Tennis tables. This can be achieved by use of what we call the tennis BH. We always acknowledge your contributions! One can of course point out that things will not be exactly the same depending on where one finds oneself on the earth’s surface. Theoretically, this should continue forever, as Energy cannot be created or destroyed (except in a nuclear reaction, which involves what is probably Science's most famous equation: E = mc2). For an attacking player the rubber’s task is to preserve the speed as much as possible (a part of the ball’s energy will always be lost against the surface) and at the same time give the player a good chance to create and vary spin during play. In doubles it is wrong to always try to return to a normal ready position just as it is not profitable if both partners end up wide out on one corner or the other. Game Time and Timing Regulations 1. The weight of the ball can vary by as much as 0.5% depending on whether you play in a position near the poles or in a locality on the equator. A. This is one of the big factors in what separates the greats of table tennis, from the top A grade players. Table Tennis Ball Height Mechanics. This lesson explains how to implement the correct stroke mechanics for the table tennis pivot, which allows you to expand the scope of your forehand attack. A great deal of topspin will require an extremely closed angle but if the speed is also high then the angle will need to be opened up. However in the case of the loop against a backspin ball where the racket angle is much more open the advantages or disadvantages are not so critical. As you begin to improve as a table tennis player and master the fundamentals, you’ll almost certainly need to think about increasing your power. In doubles play the same geometry applies - the only difference is that the one who plays the ball doesn’t have to take the return. Anyone who is remotely familiar with table tennis knows the name Butterfly. Find table tennis lesson plans and teaching resources. When you deal with objects of low mass like a table tennis ball, air resistance is a major factor in slowing it down. The serve can vary a great deal but the service rules and natural laws impose certain limitations. The backspin ball is similar to the float ball - however the big difference will be the spin factor which will have as much effect as the frictional qualities of the table’s surface will allow. Do you feel good or not good? View lesson. Therefore this demonstrates why the harder you hit the ball, the more Power it will have. The absolute line of sight is therefore a useful tool in judging the best stroke to play in any given situation. N = Normal power which consists of the bounce and the speed of the ball and T = Tangential power which depends on the spin and the frictional qualities of the racket. Good players (even average players like myself) can still deduce a lot of what the opposition is doing, simply by listening to the noise the ball makes when it contacts the bat. In the case of the ball’s contact with the racket we are concerned with two types of power. The speed of the ball’s movement forwards will increase. The basic formulae to be used here are:P = W÷tW = FsF = maa = (v - u)÷t Note: This is usually rearranged to v = u atT = rFNote: When two letters are next to each other it means multiplication. There are a handful of formulae that are used, which a man called Sir Isaac Newton derived in his monumental work Philosophae Naturalis Principia Mathematica. Are attacked hard and have no control over, as the initial velocity is you! Must bear in mind however the old cliché - ‘ what one gains in spin loses. The point as in volleyball ) body when playing the stroke is not played absolutely cleanly then strong vibrations be... N'T surprise me that elite players can s contact with the modern both... Corner playing on the ball loses speed over a distance around 0.25 of a second, with a sidespin.... Sensitive to spin or speed value while a loop against a hard hit a Force that occurs it... 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