old cat losing weight but eating well
Don't buy into the psychogenic eating disorder diagnosis until you try this first. Also he is constantly i mean constantly hungry to where I could feed him 15 times or more a day. He has no other issues. If they are, then swapping to a higher-calorie diet or increasing the amount fed gradually (by 10 per cent each week) is the next step. Pay close attention to your intake and see a doctor soon. Another vet thought it was horrible to biopsy any cat over 10 years old and also thought it was most likely cancer, and suggested putting him down within a week if treatement for irritable bowel didn't improve. My dear cat Plomo,seems lossing weight ?missing some teeth,acts normal,but im worried? In the last 2 months he has lost around 0.5kg and is feeling very bony. My cat had the same symptoms last february. He is on a 1 MG mini-meds does of Budesonide once a day. Please let me know what you found out. If your cat is getting very skinny, they may have more severe forms of calorie-consuming problems – or more than one. But I just couldn't do it. My 15 year old cat just died of jaundice. My cat is about 15 year old, he has a tumor and it's spreading, already in his lungs :( . My cat was 19 yrs old in May & eats about 10-15 times a day,but small amounts & still does not gain weight. My parents and I spotted him down the. Gastrointestinal Problems. Can anyone help me just to make her comfy as possible. ..tested for diabetes and checked his thyroid...he also took a urine sample and checked to make sure he didn't have worms. Tumors Certain types of benign and malignant tumors are notorious for causing weight loss. The British Veterinary Journal explains how these drugs are toxic to felines. He has been chronically hungry. He is 8 years old and has always been a good weight and had a stunning silver-grey coat. My dog is losing weight but eating very well. Dr. Liz Barton qualified in 2004 from the University of Cambridge. She has lost massive amounts of weight and is down to skin and bones. Today we found that she's peeing all around the litter box on the floor. Tonite she had urinated on the bed, i … Cats often put on weight in the winter, when they're less active. Changes in diet can help some older cats retain normal body weight, though, so speak to your vet if your cat is losing weight. Weight loss will occur in cats when the balance between calories in versus calories out swings to the negative. He is alert and actually sleeping less than he has in months, heâs constantly looking at me like thereâs something Iâm not getting , what could be wrong? He was so jaundiced he could hardly breathe. When it comes to dog losing weight, it is usually easy to point out the cause if the dog is experiencing a loss of appetite. Weight loss occurs when more calories are expended than are consumed. Hair loss from allergies. One vet wanted to biopsy the poor thing because she was convinced he had lymphoma even though blood work and ultrasound were normal. I want her to be my comfortable feisty old girl again, but I can't spend lots of money to fix her. Always book an appointment with your vet if you think your cat has lost weight. Has Symptoms Has Symptoms Has Symptoms Has Symptoms Has Symptoms Iris woke up one morning to have an epic bowel movement and she then vomited afterwards. If your cat is older, it is best to see a vet if they are losing weight, because there are many underlying conditions that can become suddenly worse in older cats. While most cats with intestinal cancer show a decreased appetite, some cats show a normal or increased appetite; as cancer cells infiltrate the intestinal tract, absorption of nutrients across the intestinal wall may be impaired. Our 15 year old cat has always been hungry but over the past few months became ravenous and even eating own poop! He losing weight about 2 years ago. She recently started acting ravenous and her behavior has changed. Obviously money is No object for many of you. I've read everything about cat illness I can find. Advised to feed him many small amounts a day. After a trip to ER to stablize him til his Vet opened in the morning, I helped him get through numerous seizures for 5 hours. My cat has got the very same symptoms. (Besides being hungry 24/7 and his weight loss) I was thinking it was just old age, but I'm betting it's his thyroid. The vet who insisted on a biopsy wanted almost $300 to confirm with bloodwork. Are there any home remedies to make them comfortable or signs When the end is near? It could be due to their age, a disease or even the time of year. Any ideas. A puppy losing weight but eating has a high risk for parasites, as they are easily spread and young puppies cannot receive preventive medications until they reach a certain age or size. Was checked out by the vet and checked out fine, blood tests, etc. My cat is 14 years old has very few teeth. Hyperthyroidism is usually thought of as a disease in senior cats but can be diagnosed as early as 6 years, with an average patient age of 13 years old. The vet took bloods. Will let you know when I find out. If your cat is so skinny that you can feel their bones, it is best to see a vet straight away before changing their diet. I was reading one of the article down below.there was one written about her elder cat. Old age is not a disease! In reality, who can afford hundreds of dollars just to speculate on what is Wrong? She also said it was Biozyme Pancreatic Enzymes. Help please! If this doesn’t cause weight gain to a healthy weight, it is important to have your cat checked by a vet to rule out disease-related causes of low body weight. The answer is that it could be and to get the cat checked out as quickly as possible. Also her digestive track is very noisy. He lost even more weight and was making a chewing motion with his mouth all vets failed to tell me what that was. I now inject him with insulin twice a day and he is back to his usual weight . Out of no where he had hypoglycemia in January 2017. Poor Coat – Cats with hyperthyroidism often develop a shabby, disheveled coat. My 16 year old kitty had been suffering from the same ravenous appetite, projectile vomiting and weight loss. The Two Former Strays That Are My Whole World. But only your vet, after examining your kitty and doing bloodwork, can determine the real cause. My 8 yr old cat has lost alot of weight but eats all the time. She lays at the back of our closet, if she does sleep. He seems otherwise very healthy. He also poops out A LOT. He is constantly hungry. She then wouldnt eat her normal 3 servings of wet food and little bits of dry food in between. Together, you and the vet can then safely adjust what your cat is eating to the best diet for maintaining a healthy body weight. It's been over two months now and I'm happy to say he's gained weight, no longer vomits and is back to his normal self. Any other suggestions???? Attributable weight loss. Heâs so very thin . Dutifully gave her the shots each morning and night. Intestinal parasites are very common in cats and can lead to weight loss if left … This weight loss can be due to old age, but more often than not, it is an indicator of disease. This can give your cat an unkempt or scruffy appearance. Hi to the person above with cat with diabetes. He has been through many tests and ultrasound, but vet hasn't really seen anything significant. I'm sorry to hear that Sammy is not doing well. Over $300 in tests again he was FINE! Your cat’s inappetence related to the discomfort inflicted by eating. He went from weighing around 6 kgs to 3.2 in a matter if months. He dropped from a 16 lb cat to 7 very quickly. My male fur baby had diabetes. There are plenty of reasons why, despite still eating normally, your cat might be losing weight. Cat who are getting skinny but still eating – especially ravenously and in old age – are likely to be losing calories (for example in liver or kidney disease), or using them up (for example in hyperthyroid disease, diabetes and some cancers). Increased loss can be due to renal disease (loss of protein in the urine), vomiting and diarrhoea. I knew he wasn't eating because of that chewing motion. eating two 5.5 oz cans of food a day! Forever hungry! I took him to new vet. But the age itself is not a reason for weight loss. Weight loss is a case of calorie balance – either reduced intake, reduced absorption or increased use or loss. I gave him a homeopathic for it and boy did he eat. If you're eating properly but losing weight, it could be a sign of an underlying health condition. My 15 yo Persian has become skin and bones. Please look into this if your cat is having similar issues. Over the last year, his weight has gone down to where he is basically skin and bones. Weight loss can be an early sign of illness, so check with your vet. 6 months later my girl is insulin free! Intestinal lymphoma is a common disorder in senior cats, with weight loss being the most prominent sign. Try increasing their calorie intake and, if this does not help, then it is best to seek veterinary advice. Weight loss can be caused by many different problems, ranging from minor to serious. and rights that I have on my personal data, Buy any 4 bags of PURINA® food, and get the cheapest bag FREE. It's heartbreaking to see him getting so thin and begging for food all the time. All cats' metabolisms will alter slightly and the feeding guidelines may not be enough for some active cats. I found this post and went out on a limb and ordered Integrative Therapeutics Bio-Zyme. Regardless of the reason, it's a major concern if your cat stops eating. First, GI problems can … Is your cat losing weight but still eating as much as ever? He is coping really well, and cats can actually go into remission from diabetes. She tried a human supplement that she found on onlynaturalpets.com. Weight loss commonly occurs in response to dysfunction or failure of a vital internal organ such as the heart, liver, or kidneys. Help with gentle grooming, if your cat will let you. She drinks more water now and urinates more, sometimes in the bathroom. It is a group of diseases by thickening and altering the intestinal wall, decreasing its ability to absorb nutrients. Nonstop for a week until he was so weak he flopped over with a full belly. Generally, when cats eat well, it is a sign of good health. We made a big move so stress happened. My male cat is a Russian Blue and Siamese mix. Disclaimer: This website is not intended to replace professional advice / treatment by a licensed veterinarian. The inner workings of a beloved feline have left many a pet parent scratching his head in worry, and according to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), it's difficult to say what the normal weight is for cats due to the variations in breeds and individuals. Recently he is asking for food all the time, looks like this is "normal" behaviour in this condition and age, he is very light but looks still gorgeous, my monster, anyway this is very sad to watch him acting like that . By A 15 year old cat otherwise happy who is eating but losing weight may just be preparing to die. I can feel her ribs and hip bones and her coat gets smelly. The first step to encourage a cat to eat is managing pain. He only weighed at the most 11 pounds and went down to under 7 Sonny is so skinny thirsty peeing alot and also runs around alot at times, he wants to eat all the time but at times he just won't eat what I've given him and I've tried all kinds of foods even adding cooked chicken and sweet potato to soft food and adding water then grind it up, it is so hard to get him to the vet I live on a island and its about to break-up with-in 3-4 weeks so we are kind of frozen in, please help me anyone who could give me other surgestions into how to help my poor Sonny....and also when he went to the the vet he was so very stressed which also makes their sugar go up?? So thank you for posting this information as it most definitely saved a member of my family. But lately nothing satisfies him. If weight is steadily increasing after 12 months of age, you need to start reducing your cat’s food. My Cat is Eating Well but is Still Losing Weight – Hyperthyroidism! Dr. Liz Barton MA, VetMB, MRCVS. You may have noticed that as your cat grows older, he TENDS to lose his appetite quickly. She goes up and down our stairs constantly. On the low side was RBC 6.42 M/ul,6.54-12.20, HCT 27.2% 30.3-52.3 & HGB 9.1 g/dl 9.8-16.2. Mostly soft but structured and less loose. My kitty will be 14 in July. Is it safe to wait that long to have him seen or should I go to another vet? I feel devastated watching her decline. Iâve changed his food , he eats some of it, Iâve even started giving him the high fat high calorie supplement , which he loves, but heâs still not satisfied. He has a healthy appetite but we took him to the vet because of my concern with regards to his weightloss. I have a 13 year old black & white male cat who has been losing weight even though he can eat non-stop and weighed 11.5 lbs. A cat’s relationship with food should be positive, not suspicious. The weight loss is typically a result of a decreased appetite. An excessive appetite, however, might indicate a problem. Vomiting – This is often a side-effect of excessive eating but might also be a symptom of the primary disorder. He lost weight and went down to under 7 lbs. My 16 yr old cat has not been eating and losing weight. i have not seen my problem answered. He did not die. Thyroid and diabetes tests were negative and the vets solution was to put him down. 3 liver categories were elevated but hey liver values always fluctuate. Figured his canine tooth missing had something to do with it. Either you see him in pain as he eats, or walks away from his bowl come mealtime. Is this normal. We took her to a vet and they found nothing it could be. Have a cat who is 17 years old. I so vividly remember my first encounter with a ginger tabby who would become my Chershire in late summer 2011. Thank You It really is most appreciated. It is common for older cats to develop medical conditions that cause them to lose weight, such as kidney and thyroid disease. My female cat had 4 kittens 6 weeks ago, she is always hungry eating all the time but looks like she is losing weight. It is common for older cats to lose muscle mass as they age. I fed her some extra food and slept with her. Dr. Barton is also passionate about supporting the people in this caring profession, and has written extensively wellbeing and supporting families. I want to thank the individual who posted the information on Bio-Zyme from Only naturalpet.com. We love him but don't want him to suffer. He was inspected for parasites and worms btw--NADA. He gets up on the table when i eat and seems to be searching for something heâs not getting. Privacy Policy of Wamiz He started throwing up bile. She did an internship at a specialist centre, emergency night shifts and shelter medicine. He was down to 3.7lbs, just skin and bones really, from a normal 6.5lbs. Its major symptoms are tremendous hunger, weight loss, and unusually frequent water intake. He is a male and eats a lot and goes in the litter box a lot, doesn;t drink too much. Vet said far too hard to resurrect and had to put him down. Gave me something for his appetite. In older cats, we’d put diabetes and hyperthyroidism on our list of illnesses that can cause weight loss in the face of a good (or great) appetite. Let me know if you like what you have read or if it has helped you with a problem. Other symptoms include increased drinking and urination, increased activity, vomiting, diarrhea, and muscle wasting. Beforehand, vet took tests. No tests showed disease, no lumps, bumps nothing. 320 What could be the problem? I finally found on the Internet he was constantly nauseous. She had been eating a little bit of food on her own. Lose weight from a tumor. I also switched him to a high protein and grain free diet. My cat is so thin.she has 6 pouches of high protine food.she poos it all out and dont seem to get any goodness from it.and cries all day for food. Most probably a serious medical situation can be associated with your cat’s appetite reduction. He has become quite skinny he was a large fat cat but over the last year he seems to keep losing more and more weight and eating more and more food. One category for kidney showed up but nothing sky high. Never offer human painkillers, such as aspirin or ibuprofen, to a cat. It makes you wonder: Is your cat sick? Maybe that isthe best thing. I had him over 14 years and am bereft. But since weve taken her t… There is something out there that flies under the radar of all the test panels where a cat becomes anemic, can't produce new red blood cells regardless of protein intake. She was elected onto the board of the Society of Practicing Veterinary Surgeons in 2019 to co-ordinate the national vet wellbeing awards. She eats constantly. ð, Hi I have a Male cat Sonny, he is almost 12 years old took him to vet his sugar level was very high and in his urine too, told he was diabetic put on insulin twice a day bought the device to check his levels, he was then put on a lower does and one morning had such a low number almost went into Hypoglycemia, so off the insulin he went vet said he was in remision. Dog Losing Weight but Eating Well, Normally, the Same or More. Instead we purchased Biozyme pancreatic enzymes (human supplement) from www.onlynaturalpet.com and he is finally at peace and gaining weight! I thought I order the same for my cat but it was totally different. In reality, who can afford hundreds of dollars just to speculate on what is Wrong? Acts fine otherwise. If your cat is eating more than usual but still losing weight, hyperthyroidism is a likely culprit. It may be a sign of an underlying medical problem. Vet kept him over night and was sure he would die. It is important to weigh senior cats (10 years or older) regularly and if any significant changes in weight occur (10%) it is wise to make an appointment with the vet (simply telephone 01254 53622 to make an appointment with the vet or to get advice). By clicking on "Confirm", I acknowledge having read the She yowls and prowles about all day and night. He was back to normal in a matter of a couple weeks and after many glucose tests he went into remission. my 18 year old female cat has been losing weight but she is still eating. She said to be that skinny with all test fine is weird. For example, cats with small intestinal disease may lose weight before exhibiting anorexia, vomiting, or diarrhea. He was so anemic even though tests showed NOTHING. He did NOT want to die the way he was eating. If you noticed that your cat not eating much and especially having some weight loss (for 3 days or more), then this is a significant indicator that there may be a health problem. he even looks uncomfortable scrutched up looking when he sits. Do not disregard veterinary advice/treatment. ... may lose weight or become dehydrated. what can i do? As the days wear on, you see him leave his bowl filled with food, either sleeping or preoccupied with something else. So in answer to the question of an older cat is drinking more water, eating well but losing weight – cat diabetes? She then said he will most likely have brain damage. Why It's a Problem If Your Cat Stops Eating . I'm afraid of surgery because of his age. Many cats tend to put on weight in the winter, as they are less active, and lose it again in the spring and summer, as activity levels increase again. Nothing but clear and foamy came up. A cat of any age who is not eating but is losing weight should be checked by a vet before the cat becomes underweight. I cant get him in to see my vet for 10 days. I took him to the vet a few months ago and she said heâs just a thin cat. His diet has been changed to only soft food- venison and is always hungry. FYI: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. A 15 year old cat otherwise happy who is eating but losing weight may just be preparing to die. I brought him to the vet because since i adopted him when he was a yr and a half old he throws up easily because he doesn't chew his food well but wolfs it down. His fur is also looking a little dishevelled. This is because some cancer cells consume calories, virtually robbing the kitty of nutrition. Weight loss in cats is usually a sign of a problem. elderly cat still eating but losing weight. Pay close attention to your intake and see a doctor soon. My cat is an 18+ year old tortoise shell. At least 10 x per day. He does not exhibit the behaviors of the dying cat but I am worried it's just a matter of time. Our cat is 12 years old,always gone until supper time, now he's losing all kinds of weight ,down to just skin and bones, but he constantly eats like he's never been fed and at times after he eats he will bring his food back up and now he's pooping in the house also he now has few teeth. She gets on the kitchen cabinets searching for anything she can get, grabs food, and will even knock over drinks to get to them. Another disease that makes the cat lose weight with good appetite is what we know as Inflammatory Bowel Disease. What should I do if my cat ate a bird and is sick? A vet will be able to check if this is due to painful arthritis, which may be helped by medication. She has two dogs and a rescue cat with no tail. Reduced intake can include reduced appetite, pain eating (such as dental disease), or a lower calorie diet. Cat who are getting skinny but still eating – especially ravenously and in old age – are likely to be losing calories I took him to him to the vet and he was diagnosed with diabetes , which is what I had suspected as he was urinating all the time and drinking a lot of water. A first step should always be to check a cat is getting a high-quality, digestible diet in the right quantity for their stage of life and size. It's easy to do just leave a comment in the box below and click the like / share or +1 to let others know about my site. Obviously money is No object for many of you. Or is your cat still eating, but seeming to lose weight anyway? They mentioned his thyroid. If you weigh out how much you’re feeding your cat, that helps to ensure you are giving a consistent amount (especially if more than one person shares responsibility for feeding). Really would like to see a picture of it or the page. Remember, there will be fluctuations, such as when a young cat is growing or when an older cat becomes less active. Intestinal Parasites. Never happened. Cerenia which has ceased the vomiting and prednisolone. Good high protein diet. Cats thrive on routine – they are creatures of habit and any significant change to … I give him fancy feast or Iams pate. Allergies to cat food can be a reason for a cat losing hair and weight, says … Many people worry about their cats getting fat, but unintentional weight loss can be a serious issue, too. I'd love to hear what you think of this page or my site. I was giving him insulin 2x daily for 5 years. So basically there was nothing else picked up in the bloodwork, so the vet is really unsure as to what could be wrong. We happily celebrated his 13 th b-day in March. Rushed him in. He was hungry all the time and was losing weight rapidly. Change in Routine. He has been given fluids on many occasions. in 5/2009 and early this year he was … I did not want him to die of course. Old age does not cause feline weight loss, but old age can increase your cat's risk of acquiring certain feline diseases or a number of problems that cause this illness symptom. The vet has done bloodwork, urine tests and xrays and says nothing is wrong and he is healthy. Could he have cancer. My almost 15 year old male cat has the same problem, our vet did a thyroid test and it was normal,what the vet wants to do next is do a test foe feline diabeties. Increased metabolism can be due to endocrine diseases, and there are also other calorie-consuming conditions, such as heart disease and cancer. Why Is My Cat Eating So Much And Losing Weight? I took him to vet ALL tests over $300 worth showed nothing wrong. The results were in and her levels were normal! Rapid weight loss is easy to spot but gradual weight loss can be tricky, especially if your cat is fluffy. Reduced absorption can be due to diarrhoea and diseases affecting the gut or liver, which processes food. It is not uncommon for older cats to have increased calorie use through hyperthyroidisim and heart disease, and increased loss through the kidneys. While a minor to moderate infestation won’t put a puppy or dog in any immediate danger, it’s a … If you're eating properly but losing weight, it could be a sign of an underlying health condition. He had to have the other pulled last year. Cats tend to lose the ability to digest and absorb fat as they grow old. If your cat is younger, then checking and adjusting their diet first is a sensible step, provided they are still eating. Healthy animals can experience weight loss, but in a geriatric cat, a subtle decrease in weight can also be the first indication of illness. Maybe that isthe best thing. There are several types of tumors that affect cats, most of them with weight loss. My cat did not act sick, just hungry and starving. It is a good idea to take the packaging of what you feed your cat when you go to see a vet, so they can check that the diet is suitable. Brought her to several vets before I found one that had experience with diabetic cats. While cats can live healthy lives into their late teens and even early 20s, ... Signs of an Old Cat Dying By Lisa McQuerrey Your cat may enjoy companionship or prefer to be alone at the end. Within 2 months she was more herself and was once again ruling the house and running with her brother each night. Like in humans, old age can bring on a multitude of illnesses and some times symptoms are not always clear cut in defining illnesses. Are there any home remedies to make them comfortable or signs When the end is near? They ran many tests that came out clear for many issues. Well-recognized causes of weight loss in old cats include chronic renal disease, diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, and dental problems. A couple months ago he began chronic vomiting with diarrhea. He is always straving I feed him and feed him and he is still hungry eats like he has never been fed Even though I just fed him an hour ago.. What can I do? Also, Iâve noticed heâs standing funny and he drips poop all over his bed. I have been mixing half a tablet in all his meals, making sure it's thoroughly mixed so he gets some in every bite. The important thing is to know when to see a vet and how to change their diet – if needed. If older cats are less active, they may actually gain weight. She has lost weight until she is very boney. Her clinical passion is diagnostics and getting to the bottom of an animal’s illness, in order to help them get better as soon as possible. If your cat isn't feeling well, it may stop eating because there's something stuck in its stomach or intestines.Or, your cat might not like the food you're offering. Weight Loss – This is common in cats with hyperthyroidism and it can happen rapidly. Just had a panel of bloodwork done & everything was in the normal range except BUN was a little high @54 mg/dl 16-36. After doing my own research (I'm a biologist), I determined the cat had exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (he was tested for thyroid and diabetes and both negative). Just withered away. She has a varied career treating all creatures great and small in the Lake District. Taking him to the vet today. Your cat's lack of eating can also be a symptom of a disease or problem that's causing pain or discomfort. Learn more about Feline Hyperthyroidism, and what your options are for treatment. It could be due to an underlying health condition or even the season. I'm worried. It’s the result of a benign hormone-producing tumor on the thyroid gland, which elevates levels of the thyroid hormone. Kidney disease and metabolic conditions are common in older cats, so if weight loss occurs it is best to have your cat checked by a vet, as many of these conditions do not make your cat ‘sick’ until they are quite advanced. One of the most common conditions resulting in weight loss despite a good appetite is hyperthyroidism. Every since my cat had kittens which was 6weeks ago she hungry and thirsty all the time then she's very picky when she want before its driving me crazy. If you require any veterinary related advice, contact your veterinarian promptly. Even his teeth are fine! Any issue in the GI tract can affect a cat's weight. My 13 yr old cat weighs only 9 and one half lbs, he was once 15 lbs. We removed all dry food after reading many articles about remission. Often in older cats there can be more than one condition occurring at the same time. These symptoms, especially in older cats, may also be indicative of diabetes, kidney failure or another condition. Most are readily suspected and confirmed based on physical examination and routine laboratory testing. I thought maybe it was the supplement that was making him poop but heâs doing it more lately. And increased loss can be due to painful arthritis, which elevates of! Over 14 years and am bereft down below.there was one written about her cat! May not be enough for some active cats all around the litter box on the low was... And they found nothing it could be due to painful arthritis, which processes food to renal disease ( of... They ran many tests and ultrasound, but seeming to lose his appetite quickly with diabetic.... Budesonide once a day picked up in the urine ), vomiting, diarrhea, and increased through. 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Is that it could be due to renal disease ( loss of protein in the urine,... When an older cat is having similar issues daily for 5 years is often a side-effect excessive... N'T buy into the psychogenic eating disorder diagnosis until you try this first an early sign of an old cat losing weight but eating well... When more calories are expended than are consumed months became ravenous and even eating own poop,! Disease or even the season that makes the cat checked out fine, blood tests etc. Versus calories out swings to the vet and they found nothing it could be a sign illness... The floor cats there can be due to an underlying medical problem be searching something... Diagnosis until you try this first before exhibiting anorexia, vomiting and weight loss occurs... Learn more about Feline hyperthyroidism, and muscle wasting pain or discomfort comfortable or signs when the balance calories. As quickly as possible 8 yr old cat weighs only 9 and one half lbs he! Making him poop but heâs doing it more lately eating normally, your cat Stops.. 'M afraid of surgery because of my concern with regards to his weightloss any issue the... Can anyone help me just to make them comfortable or signs when end! Grain free diet, can determine the real cause an appointment with your vet, after your. Than one and little bits of dry food after reading many articles about remission yowls. Vet if you think your cat losing weight should be checked by a vet and out... He eats, or kidneys g/dl 9.8-16.2 in January 2017 condition or even the season levels of the,. Or even the time and was sure he would die the table when i and... A varied career treating all creatures great and small in the bloodwork, can determine the real cause th... A homeopathic for it and boy did he eat little bit of food her!
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