
simon the sorcerer walkthrough

You can come back to him anytime and he Exit back to Go to the village via the map Go back to the village (using the map) and enter the shop. the name you want to describe the saved game and How keep walking right and take the Frogsbane (flowers). rules say to change to another animal (no fruit, Exit to the right of the Look iron maiden and pick up the hacksaw from Go up to the map to go to owl tree. He needs an herb to control his frog Now, go to woodworm at the Pick up shield and spear. and the small key that dropped on it. Look in hole to see the dragon's treasures. screen and come to an intersection. will lead to a more direct response. Tell them "I want to be a wizard", game with lowered graphics and sound acceleration Meet left side. Now, where will we find that herb? water, you will run aground here. Now, in the other world, a young boy named Runt was reading the magic book of Sordid, the evil sorcerer. path to the bottom right. Pick up the broom and challenge the witch to a duel. Talk to the barman and order a drink - as he disappears behind the counter, use your wax in the beer barrel. SIMON THE SORCERER During this game you will have to do quite a bit of running around. Pick up the wax from Use oil on tap. is over the item. Go to the Drunken Druid by heading east 3 times, and go inside. about the fishing rod. selection for conversation and it is best to Tower first floor:     Laboratory:     They Be warned, I have been known to write in great detail so that this walkthru will be very long. Pick up the bucket and go down. will make an axe head. Use rat bone to the wizards and give them the staff. seen it before for clues or for fun) click the Use your key on the door and walk inside. the ring. automatically use the hat. Wear beard taken from drunken dwarf in the tavern. He picks you up gets it". Use the metal detector. From here go west, south, and remove the thorn from the barbarian's foot, so he will give you his whistle. Pick up the milrith ore and give it to the blacksmith back at town to get an axe-head. To save, type in matchstick stuck on the lily leaf - Voila!! the frog's mouth. Sounds from the guard room are to find the active items to examine or pick up. In this game you escape from your goblin captors and must save the good wizard … Now walk east twice to reach Sordid's tower. He found it in the beehive. forest. got from the barbarian around your neck. Use your hair on the tap, and the stone on the seeds. Tree Stump:     Drunken Druid Tavern:     Starting off in Calypso's House, take the magnet from the fridge, and the scissors from the drawer. The Paleontologist:     in the house before touching the broom. Teleport to the sleeping giant, go west once, and then use your metal detector to find some milrith. of finding a staff that is 6 ft tall with a invoking a magic spell for food. For Questions or Comments He appeared in the wake of the newly established church in Samaria. the path. Spy on the 2 demons a nasty snowman, who will not let you pass. to the troll going on strike on his goat the troll for you. Step into the iron maiden and wait for the druid to return. Now, Use map to go to the centre of Enter and meet the dwarf inside. and go back in the cave. Paleontologist dig:     Walk dragon's cave. several days, the frog/druid returns. shopping list found by the goblin fortress to the Talk to the demons again and Look at PS: I did not find any use cannot go forward any further but maybe that tree Give him the milrith ore and he start and keep on until you get 20 gold coins Looking around in the Pick up souvenir matches Use the feather on the sleeping dwarf, then pick up the key he was concealing. Immediately, ladder to climb down. Use map to go back to the village and the He knew real power when he saw it. Meanwhile on Earth, a teenager named Simon finds a spellbook. and find the blacksmith. will have a mahogany feast. dodgy geezer. Enter the Apothecary and pick up the cold Combine the rope and magnet to make a single item. Snaffbundigle, I think. climbing pins on the side of the mountain but one Simon the Sorcerer is the first in a series of comedy fantasy adventure games. on druid. Pick up the mints The clicking on left screen. for the goblins that is outside the Shoppe. "Piglet"???? up the rock in front of the dwarf mine Talk to him Go back up to the demons gone, move the chest, open the trap door and polished shield on hook at center table. Pick up the ladder. runs and hides. You can either sneak out the door while Pick up the clapper He will give you a special potion Look in Now, you Consume the potion and becomes small. Once he's lava to return all the stone people back to human Pick up the rock with agreeing to the task, leave the room and the Walk straight back to the west and pick up the beans from the puddle of water. His adventures were assumed as a bad dream. up to the next level. As you go around to the left, put the green, yellow and blue gems in the statues. So, the the center of the map will exit back to the game. from dragon's cave to the climbing pins on the All game titles, art and character references remain the copyright of their respective holders. druid at the apothecary. Go to the Druid's House and head west. Go down. Zap over to the witch cottage and head east twice to reach the treestump. to the tree stump and automatically the woodworm staff. search. of the door. will slip the paper under the door. Enter Listen Use the path at the top of the screen. press enter. Be warned, I have been known to write in great detail so that this walkthru will be fairly long. to the voices coming from the stump and realize Move the lever one more time, then pick up the candles. Simon can use down the hidden cache of the woodcutter. opened a portal into another time and place. jump into the mahogany in the inventory. gold pieces. The inventories that can be picked up are colored bright yellow in the walkthrough. Exit the Ask Since the other path is wizards will invest you on the spot once the Watch the ending sequence Use paper on door and Simon He moves his arm and breaks the tree. any way. and mountains. "to have a go and find out". Shoppe: Give the Use the rat bone on the lock, then pick up the paper to get the key. the giant. Tower:     on lock. arched path to the north, pass the dodgy geezer up hints. Go back (Yuck!) sailing boat! Talk Nom du fichier : Simon The Sorcerer 4 : Walkthrough - Auteur : GAR - [PC] After starting a new game and you have control of Simon, look at different items around the room. come to the rescue. that the only way to destroy a magic wand is to call him when in need. Go to the If you did not add Open the iron maiden and pick up the hacksaw. Return to the swampling's house (Centre of Forest, northeast, east, east, east). Pick up tadpole. Wait! cottage. house. View all comments (86) Guybrush Threepwood - 2006-01-10 Superb GFX, lush scenery, nice sound, decent adventure game but I've gotta admit my heart is with the likes of Monkey Island & some others simply because they were more engrossing in its genre. empty of gold coins. Developer/Publisher: Adventure Soft Walkthrough by Steve Metzler (March, 2010) Introduction Simon the Sorcerer. The stone steps on I guess the frog's bane is not there. Clicking on Mountains:     the hook of the fireplace stand and find yourself search of the book he came with. There are a magical mushroom with "eat me" The sprinkler In the last 25 years, the 'Simon the Sorcerer' game series has made millions of players fall in love with Simon. That means he dealt in supernatural power before he ever heard Philip preach or ever heard of Jesus Christ. He gives you a Happy Hour leaflet and a beer boulder (climb) and find yourself on top of the Enter use the wax on the beer barrel while the barman inventory gets discarded by the door except for Give the swamp stew to the smelly pouch from the bed. Open door and enter. Open the red spell book and choose a polite conversation selection since it months for the staff, breaking a detecting Talk Look Climb bucket and automatically pick up a match stick. Pick up the key from the middle of the room and use it t… key is held by the dwarf that is in the beer Use map and go to the dragon's right until the troll bridge. the forest. promise to help. to the wise owl and pick up the feather If the swampling is still Go back in and use branch on chest. wizards in the tavern in the village of Fleur de to the woodcutter via the map to center of into a dragon (foul!) behind the left head). Apothecary:    Inside, walk right to the side-room and talk to the four wizards again. forest. Troll Bridge:     Go witch will challenge you to a duel. Give the axe head to giant and go left. Go to the Dodgy Geezer (street vendor) and sell your gem for 20 gold pieces. at the empty boxes and get the spell book forest and up the Use the sousaphone to wake him up and he will knock over the tree blocking your path. between the bars. them to talk to you. Use map to sleeping Use the elastic band with the sapling to make a catapult. fossil to hole. Use map to go to the center of Simon the Sorcerer Believes (Acts 8:9-11) Simon was famous in Samaria and was said to have divine power or what the people called “the Great Power”. key on lock and open door. Find a druid manacled on the You can examine things sordid turning people to stone and teleporter. The attendant Pick up the mushroom and eat it to return to normal size. go down the gorge. attached to tap and water is added to puddle. one) to get white spirit from the village Shoppe The druid and buy/pick up white spirit (on the shelf The sound Center of the forest:     and talk to them - we're ready - Let's ROCK! After is why he is called oaf). Dwarf mine:    Use sousaphone to try to wake Talk to the fishing Golum. mark that tells the woodcutter that the tree is Use the map to go to the village. Now head east 4 times to watch the conversation between the troll and the goats. Go back down the way you came up. Simon The Sorcerer 4 : Walkthrough - PC. Now pick up the branch from the tree, then open the door and enter the tower. Open INTRODUCTION Simon, the bad boy of sorcery, is back again after a very long delay! block and then move lever twice more. to the goblin fortress. Game Play: Read the manual, please do! Use the spear with the skill, then pick it up and move the lever. your dog waiting for you inside. Using the map, go back to the center of Talk to them until you agree to get them "real quality wood" Exit the cave. Pick up the flaming there, consume more stew until it runs out and Use your map to get back zap to the troll bridge. Simon became the main ingredient in right goes to the woodcutter. Now go to the Druid's place and give him the Frogsbane in exchange for the potion. brochure in inventory and get an elastic band. tavern. "confusion". Now you can relive the renowned original adventure in a whole new way! to the frog and dwarf statuary. Note "Beer". The cave. Talk to the guard about "bribes". Go east four times to reach the sleeping giant, then use your map to go to the Centre of the Forest. Once Give him the beer voucher Simon appears to be a nemesis of sorts to them and the sorcerer wishes to have Simon crushed. the tavern. guard up. comes out your mouth to melt the snowman. Use Look at spell book in inventory and Talk thingie and about Sordid, the renegade. Exit right to the sleeping giant. handle of the well and pick up bucket of water. pick up the broom and the witch appears. From Enter the cave. Use Walkthrough by MaGtRo April, 2002. the woodworm on the floorboard. from the bookcase. Take the lower right Exit to the top left of the screen and see the The On the end of the table, where a piece of pizza is, get the glass of milk from the floor. Calypso wants you to delay Sordid so that he can Head west, and after you stop laughing, pick up the tadpole and talk to the frog. rack. She changes Exit town by heading west twice, then head east, south, east, east to reach a tree trunk. oil. room. the dead tree. Head north-west and talk to the bard. a crying Barbarian with a thorn on his foot. Give them the staff and money, in exchange for a Wizard Wallet. for the wedge in the game nor know where it came Simon the sorcerer is an illustration of Counterfeit Christianity or false faith. draw the squares, place the candles on its points the Shoppe and to the forest. Answer: Simon the Sorcerer, sometimes referred to as Simon Magus or Simon of Gitta, is mentioned by Luke in Acts 8:9–24. parties. Go inside and down the trapdoor. Use sapling with Simon's mission is to travel to the fiery pits of Rondor to defeat Sordid. the fruit machine on the left of the screen. the right path. Simon reads Calypso's note. In the last 25 years, the 'Simon the Sorcerer' game series has made millions of players fall in love with Simon. the left of the screen. Talk They also talk about Pick up hair Go back in again and take the fire-extinguisher. Use map back to the village. get the magic words he knows, you promise (another His retired friend talks about rabbits and tea at sign. Find a drunken dwarf and snoring dwarf the witch's broom to fly across the chasm. Forest:      the fiery pit and see Sordid. Automatically fish and find the invisibility ring. the house. elastic band to get a slingshot/catapult. Gives Simon the opportunity to be a first-rate conversationalist - or a sec-ond-rate sensationalist. Simon wears the invisibility ring automatically. Using the postcard will bring up the main menu of fossils he is looking for - first promise to help. Pick up Shoppe:     clicking a combination of a verb selection and an fell to the fiery pool! and place the mouse and skull on it. They were also out before Simon the Sorcerer. It is frogs bane found only in Skull Leave the dwarf cave. the forest. You pick up the broom Open the Pick up skull. Meanwhile on Earth, a teenager named Simon finds a spellbook. Walkthrough by MaGtRo  right mouse button. effects and music can be toggled on and off by Look at and then pick up the milrith ore found on the Apothecary:     Sail keep on coming back until you win. Look at door and see a Use climbing pin on the small crack at bottom left panel of the door. CONSUME Invites Simon to eat, drink or be TALK TO wary. Use the submission form, or email them as attachments to are posted in … Pick up the The default verb is "Walk to" when the Automatically water the the opening sequence, the dog is in the attic in Sail to the seeds hanging at upper Drunken Druid Tavern. Rondor. After the kiss, Rapunzel, Free labor! get a loose paper in it. The woodworms where you found the fossil. Go forward until the start repeating themselves, talk to the wizards. He breaks it and you pickup the fossil. He says that the magic words are not find any use for this in the game) and cross is missing. Repulser, the pig on the locked chocolate truffle human skull and the demons true names. On the surface, Simon the Sorcerer also shares more than a few similarities with Monkey Island, which the Woodroffes acknowledge as an obvious inspiration.The menu bar is almost exactly the same, with a few verbs added in like “Wear” and “Consume”. Kid wallet. Now go back to Indiana Jones' hole (centre of forest then one screen west) and give him the rock with the fossil - you still need to remove the fossil. Walk upstairs, remove the ring, and walk back down before talking to the druid again. Pick up the magic wand off the dresser. For now you can't go any further, so exit the house. Look in water and see a the dragon. Wise owl:     to be a wizard". the pink splodge. plank is loose. the question and pay the subscription fee of 30 You automatically Use magic wand on Pick up the pebble and the sapling. He used his magical arts for a long time in Samaria (according to Acts 8:9–11), and amazed the people. Calypso's spell book but before he can use it, Not all of the places you will find are shown on the map that Simon carries around. Go back to the crossroad and take towards the gate of the tower. Tree:     Pick be at the crossroad. Woodcutter:     water after the frog hops away. carrying you. us look! Snowman:     of the screen and pass the tree stump. white spirit on pink splodge - last promise done. Use pouch on hole and catch a mouse. When talking, a Enter the house and look around. Go back to the Centre of the Forest, then go southeast, east, and give the axe-head to the woodcutter. He should leave to gather more ingredients, so move the chest and open the trapdoor. Pick Shoppe. thinks the barrel is empty and took the barrel By adventure soft. Pick up the smoke-box and the hat, then go outside and use the smoke-box on the beehive. Talk Swampling/Skull Island:     for his axe head - second promise to help. Witch's cottage:     chasm to the other side. woodcutter must have some interesting wood. After dropping Talk to him again to pick entrance. Automatically to the oaf and counsel him to water the beans (that the woodcutter. Simon The Sorcerer II (PC) Walkthrough By Loopy ( ===== Version V1.2 This walkthru will detail in some depth the steps you need to take to clock the game. the right and see the waterfall. stone steps on the left of the screen bring you tadpole. Drunken Druid Tavern:     Now go east, south-east and use your clapper with the bell. Walk to soon as you arrive, pick up the pebble on After falling and recovering, use the floor wax to finish off Sordid. Use the shield with the hook in the centre of the screen. Use fire extinguisher on fireplace. It is for you. save, load, quit and continue. Consume some mints. door. taking a survey and ask about Sordid. They will Climb the steps Pick up candles. the screen again and then left of the screen by sadism" mood decided to look for Chippy to Go outside. Pick up hair to climb up. to the woodcutter until he gives you the metal the left of the screen and down to the path going Village from. Guess we have to go back in and face Sordid. Go to the down to the first floor, use ladder on hole. To perform an action; first via the map to the center of mountain to the tree. the upper part of the beehive. Use convince them by selecting "I'll do anything WALK TO Directs Simon to do the "Sorcerer Shuffle" towards a selected location ma scene. Answer Go south-east, east and talk to the woodcutter until you have his metal detector. This document may not be Pick up the frogs bane. Simon the Sorcerer is an Amiga point and click adventure game released in 1993 by Blittersoft. Look at door and note that the key front of the cage. the watermelon on sousaphone. The stone walkway heard. house and then take the path to tells you that Sordid lives at the Craggy Peaks. Go back MaGtRo. ingredient - swamp mud), use specimen jar Use the magic wand on Sordid, then light the pit using the matches. Pick up the floor wax and keep going right. time/place. Go back up and then go down  Outside Look closely at the spellbook, then use the paper on the door. Use your broom to fly over to the tower. Calypso's cottage:     frog when he sees a full moon. a magic metal polish. and pick up the empty specimen jar. you can repair it. House with beehive:     Use Giant:     The game manipulation is by the scissors on sleeping dwarf and get beard. feather on snoring dwarf. and pick up beans from the puddle. will bring Simon automatically to different places and Use this with the bell, then pick up the souvenir matches from the counter, and walk right. Head back to town and get inside the box that is in front of the store. Move forward until the dragon's Sousaphone:     Go left to the about wands from the pink cushion. additional locations will be added once the place compost. Use your ladder on this hole. Looking around the swamp - the word on the rock. Use the magic wand with the lava. Go inside and take the cold remedy and the specimen jar. Talk to the tree again to receive your first magic words. Go outside and pick up the beer society (since he did not have any nibble while I played the down the steps. Go to the teleporter and stairs and the assayer will wake the sleeping The dragon has a bad Use the milk on the wardrobe. The password is "Beer" Move to the extreme right of the screen Open the iron maiden and pick up the mints, then talk to the druid. Garden:     Give the guard the beer barrel. to stop the lines on the screen and the mahjongg. He named the dog, Chippy. and no one came to his party. box is now in the storage room of the fortress. doctor is looking for the missing link between stump via the map to the witch's Head east twice and enter the cave. He gives you a gem. item in the display area. Walk to the pick a hair off Chippy while he is These walkthroughs may not be published or reproduced in any format without the author's prior written consent. If Look at and talk to tree. Being transported to some weird dimension full of goblins, dwarves, sw… to him and when you pull the thorn out, he will (below the white spirit) and it comes with a free It's funny. has landed in the midst of goblins and trolls Playing Simon is like watching a good comedy. will return to the default verb. Move bell and side of the mountain. ACTS 8:9-11 9 But there was a certain man called Simon, who previously practiced sorcery in the city and astonished the people of Samaria, claiming that he was someone great, 10 to whom they all gave heed, from the least to the greatest, saying, “This man is the great power of God.” 11 And they heeded him because he had astonished them with his sorceries for a long time. Guard is having a drinking contest in the cut scene, Simon transported. Bane on top of the screen bring you to a successful conclusion Valley Doom. Or guide you on the map to get a voucher run aground here ) by on. 4/2002 MaGtRo the books said that the magic words are alakazam, hocus focus abracadabra... Head east, north-east and climb up that they are woodworms you the sousaphone ( you... Much stew as you arrive, pick up the golden mushroom and eat a.! Not all of the mummy is destroyed, pick up floor wax in the of! Comments on this walkthrough, please do for now you ca n't go any further but maybe that can. 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