risk factors for delinquency
Thirteen studies were excluded because they reviewed non-explanatory risk factors for violence, offending, or delinquency. risk factors for juvenile delinquency, there is the frequency of children being exposed to harmful substances, both through directly seeing and by seeing events in the mass media. In any case, when it is required to explain how such attitudes become more salient to some individuals than others and which circumstances promote delinquency, specific challenges of acculturation (Phinney, 1989) should be kept in mind. One risk factor that seems to be quite prevalent and often mentioned is the link between low income families and delinquent children. By closing this message, you are consenting to our use of cookies. School Age The next crucial phase of prevention and intervention occurs during the pre-teen years. The generalizability of validation parameters also is threatened when cultural factors constitute environmental characteristics that may have an impact on the design or feasibility of validation research (Fazel & Bjørkly, 2016), which might be connected to the first and second point. Afterwards, they were asked about the expected reaction (‘If I were Ali, my family would expect me … ’). The same question was also asked with friends as the social reference group. More than half of the sample reported a high extent of discrimination. Thus, a prospective longitudinal study design is needed in the future to investigate the predictive validity of these factors. Thus, norms of family honour should be highlighted much more when explaining general delinquency among immigrants from honour cultures. Harris et al., 2006; Mewes, Asbrock, & Laskawi, 2015; Pascoe & Smart Richman, 2009; Stevens, Vollebergh, Pels, & Crijnen, 2005), but it can also increase the propensity of antisocial behaviour. Filling out the questionnaire took approximately 45 min. Studies in Europe generally corroborate these findings (Liebkind & Jasinskaja-Lahti, 2016; van Leeuwen et al., 2012). Volunteers filled out the questionnaire after all necessary information were given. As Table 1 shows, the educational level in the total sample was rather high, as 46.5% had completed A-Levels. Notwithstanding the different migration histories (labour migration vs. asylum seeking) of migrants from Turkey, North Africa, and the Near East, research has shown that many of them are equally afflicted by acculturative stressors such as low economic status (e.g. A lock ( Juvenile Delinquency, is the unlawful activities by minors in their teen or pre-teen years. This article presents an overview of risk factors related to juvenile delinquency. Moderate positive effect sizes were found for risk factors antisemitism (r = .31−.37), individual norms of honour (r = .37−.41), and family’s norms of honour (r = .27−.43), and large effects were found for the risk factor friends’ norms of honour (r = .34−.56). In order to really evaluate the possible additional value of culture-sensitive risk factors, a combined examination of these risk factors and commonly valid risk factors is inevitable. Regarding discrimination and an internal conflict of values, the measures we have used might not be the most appropriate. The aim of this study was to validate culture-sensitive risk and protective factors. Interdependent family structures and extended social networks among migrants can provide greater social support, which has been shown to be a buffer for acculturative stressors (Danzer & Ulku, 2011) and a protective influence against delinquency (Le & Stockdale, 2005). This bulletin is based on four chapters from the Study Group on Very Young Offenders, consisting of 39 experts on child delinquency and child psychopathology, 2001 final report, Child Delinquents: Development, Intervention, and Service Needs. Completed questionnaires were collected in sealed envelopes. Social desirability also pertains to the criteria of self-reported delinquency. Nine dichotomous variables regarding criminal history were summarized in accordance with Andrews and Bonta (2010; see Appendix Table A). Risk factors are defined as characteristics or variables that, if present in any given youth, increase the chance that they will engage in delinquent behavior. References, Delinquency Cases in Juvenile Court, 2018, Juvenile Residential Facility Census, 2018: Selected Findings, OJJDP News @ a Glance, November/December 2020. Risk factors are compared with those for (adolescent) male delinquency. Traditional delinquency theories typically exclude girls and examine economic marginalization as the primary risk factor for boys. Previous convictions and the age of first conviction were assessed afterwards. (2014) referred primarily on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and showed poor internal consistency (α = .63), we used only 3 items with acceptable factor loadings and adapted these items according to our context (e.g. While conducting such multiple significance tests, we considered the false discovery rate (FDR; Benjamini & Hochberg, 1995). Demographic characteristics (such as cultural background) were assessed at the end to control for potential cultural priming effects (Kühnen & Oyserman, 2002). N = 140, the sample size was reduced due to missing data: for cultural background n = 135, for migration, n = 132, for education n = 129 for delinquency n = 133. Finally, intervention measures should also incorporate important others and their expectations, as recommended by our results, in order to provide a sufficient responsivity of intervention measures. The factors that were tested in this study could be used as an additional checklist by practitioners next to their common risk assessment procedures. Participants were asked how often (never, one time, 2–5 times, more than 5 times) they committed 6 different non-violent crimes (e.g. Andrews & Bonta, 2010). 1 The original measures used in this study can be provided upon request. Much of the literature that has examined risk factors for delinquency is based on longitudinal studies, primarily of white males. In addition to risk factors, an examination of protective factors that reduce the risk of delinquency is as crucial. Figure 1 shows that global discrimination, individual norms of honour, antisemitism, as well as family’s and friends’ norms of honour appear to be most prevalent among violent offenders. Social-cognitive development i… There are many factors like family & parents, education levels, financial problems, peer groups, mental issues, drugs, media, internet, easy access to online videos etc contributed for the immoral ideas of the teens. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. Therefore, it is crucial to study the honour-violence relationship in situational contexts and in connection with other’s expectations (Uskul et al., 2012). The scales individual discrimination, global discrimination, individual norms of honour, antisemitism, disapproval of sexual self-determination, family’s norms of honour, friends’ norms of honour, social support by family, and social support by friends were not adjusted and showed sufficient to very good internal consistency (see Table 2). Based on a thorough literature review, we investigated additional risk and protective factors via a postdictive correlational study design. Juvenile delinquency, also known as "juvenile offending", is the act of participating in unlawful behavior as a minor or individual younger than the statutory age of majority. Sex differences in risk factors are mainly found for individual and family factors. Many juvenile behaviors during the pre-teen and teenage years may be considered normal behavior for children, as they stretch their boundaries, and struggle to develop their self perception. Individual factors include psychological, behavioral, and mental characteristics; social factors include family and peer influences; and community factors include school and neighborhood characteristics. For example, individual adherence to norms of family honour correlated moderately with delinquency, which is in line with previous findings (Baier & Pfeiffer, 2008; Enzmann et al., 2004; Lahlah et al., 2013; Somech & Elizur, 2009). Many of these factors also showed significant correlations with the severity of delinquency among a subsample of offenders. Therefore, delinquency is caused by multiple reasons, i.e., biological, psychological and social environmental factors (1). We thank Dilara Isbara, Alaa Khattam, Wael Taha, and Cansu Turhan for translating. The influence that traditional norms of honour have on the emergence of violent delinquency can be explained via social information processing theory (SIT: Crick & Dodge, 1994; cf. Especially in the context of a prevention focus (Shafa, Harinck, Ellemers, & Beersma, 2015), norms of honour trigger violent action schemata (Arsovska & Verduyn, 2007; Baker, Gregware, & Cassidy, 1999; Kulwicki, 2002) and the legitimization of violence (Baldry, Pagliaro, & Porcaro, 2013; Caffaro, Ferraris, & Schmidt, 2014; Caffaro, Mulas, & Schmidt, 2016; Hayes & Lee, 2005). This is because many families have considered co-parenting thus separation is not a sufficient risk factor to facilitate child delinquency. Individual norms of honour (r = .27−.41), antisemitism (r = .31−.37), and a disapproval of sexual self-determination (r = .23−.26) were positively correlated with delinquency. The early identification of risk factors for juvenile offending is one important step in preventing youth violence and offending. dn = 133; F(9, 132) =4.98; p < .001, residuals are distributed normally, χ2 = 0.07, p > .05, Durbin–Watson = 0.82; Tolerance = .48−.89. Official websites use .gov This should also include more indirect measures, because social desirability might have biased our results. Given the preference for a collectivistic orientation in Turkey (Ayçiçegi-Dinn & Caldwell-Harris, 2011; Cukur, Guzman, & Carlo, 2004) and Arab countries (Buda & Elsayed-Elkhouly, 1998), two aspects are especially important with respect to norms of honour: the social situation that affords a particular behaviour (Kitayama, 2002) and the perception of others close to them (Beersma, Harinck, & Gerts, 2003). Concerning discrimination, we examined two different facets separately. Because the original 4-item scale of historical collective victimhood designed by Schori-Eyal et al. Ethnic differences in juvenile violent offending and the role of gender role orientations, Individualism, collectivism, and delinquency in Asian American adolescents, The influence of school demographic factors and perceived student discrimination on delinquency trajectory in adolescence, Acculturation and psychological well-being among immigrant adolescents in Finland, Umgang mit fehlenden Werten in der psychologischen Forschung, Cultural discordance and the polarization of identities, The impact of culture and identity on emotional reactions to insults, Understanding ethnicity, identity formation, and risk behavior among adolescents of Mexican descent, The enduring significance of racism: Discrimination and delinquency among black American youth, Host national and religious identification among Turkish Muslims in Western Europe: The role of ingroup norms, perceived discrimination and value incompatibility, Acculturation, substance use, and deviant behavior: Examining separation and family conflict as mediators, Acculturative stress and specific coping strategies among immigrant and later generation college students, Perceived discrimination and impaired mental health in Turkish immigrants and their descendents in Germany, The role of honor concerns in emotional reactions to offences, Perceived discrimination and depression: Moderating effects of coping, acculturation, and ethnic support, The social psychology of collective victimhood, The effects of neighbourhood poverty on adolescent problem behaviours: A multi-level analysis differentiated by gender and ethnicity, Thirty years of research on the level of Service scales: A meta-analytic examination of predictive accuracy and sources of variability, Risk assessment: The predictive validity of the youth level of Service case management Inventory with African Americans and Girls, Acculturation, enculturation, parental adherence to Asian cultural values, parenting styles, and family conflict among Asian American college students, Perceived discrimination and health: A meta-analytic review, Stages of ethnic identity development in minority group adolescents, The multigroup ethnic identity measure: A new scale for use with diverse groups, Cultural values and intergenerational value discrepancies in immigrant and non-immigrant families, The impact of ecological risk and perceived discrimination on the psychological adjustment of African American and European American youth, Sources of immigrants’ underachievement: Results from PISA—Copenhagen, Acculturation and perceived intergenerational differences among youth, Validity of the level of service inventory-revised (LSI-R) among African American and hispanic male offenders, Sexualstraftäter ohne und mit Migrationshintergrund aus dem Nahen Osten und Nordafrika. No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors. Does the youth level of service/case management inventory generalize across ethnicity? The best predictor was the individual’s perception of friends’ norms of honour (r = .34−.56). The internal conflict of values scale contained 6 items (e.g. For illustration purposes, we z-standardized the means of the scales while non-offenders (n = 35) served as the reference group. Friends’ norms of honour positively correlated with delinquency (r = .56, p < .001), while, in contrast, social support by friends correlated negatively with friends’ norms of honour (r = −.25, p < .002). It takes a look at the individual factors of impulsivity/hyperactivity and intelligence/attainment, and then evaluates the family factors of child-rearing methods, specifically supervision and discipline, young mothers and child abuse, … The juvenile justice field has spent much time and energy attempting to understand the causes of delinquency. In addition, Cronbach’s alpha coefficients were calculated to examine the internal consistency. According to this view, the high percentage of offenders with a MB among offender populations can be explained by a different exposure to general risk factors (e.g. Multiple risk domains have been identified for life-course persistent (LCP) offending, but a quantitative review of the effect of different risk domains was not yet available. 2159 Words 9 Pages. Disapproval of sexual self-determination was measured using two items taken from the survey of Brettfeld and Wetzels (2007; ‘The way western societies deal with sexuality is a sin’ and ‘Homosexuality is not acceptable’.) These buffers are known as protective factors. Second, the social context can have a great influence on individual behaviour due to social affordances. The evidence supports this assumption (e.g. Even though our findings suggest that norms of honour are particularly connected to violent delinquency, we also found positive correlations with non-violent delinquency, corroborating similar findings (Somech & Elizur, 2009). In addition, this paper will demonstrate how these three risk factors interact with one another, resulting in a higher propensity for involvement in juvenile delinquency. Present evidence regarding widely used risk assessment tools suggests that such tools may have inferior predictive validity for offenders with a migration background (MB), especially from Turkey and Arab countries. On the other hand, intergenerational conflicts can boost interpersonal and intrapersonal value conflicts (Dennis, Basañez, & Farahmand, 2010; Rick & Forward, 1992). Hypothesis 3: Protective factors sensitive to cultural socialisation, like a supportive relationship with family and nondelinquent peers, correlate negatively with delinquency. The unemployment dynamics of male immigrants in Germany, Thinking about the self influences thinking in general: Cognitive consequences of salient self-concept, The practice of honor crimes: A glimpse of domestic violence in the Arab world, Making men out of boys? LockA locked padlock It also fails to notice specific challenges migrants face during acculturation (Phinney, 1992), namely the psychological process of adopting the cultural traits of another group (Berry, 2006). Thus, these norms should not only be assessed for the individual person, but also for important others and in the interaction with the important others. However, our results indicate that traditional norms of family honour are also relevant for delinquency. Multiple linear regression analysis was applied to examine the potential mediation of social support by the approved norms. This article first investigates risk and promotive factors for delinquency in the Cambridge Study in Delinquent Development (CSDD). Thus, the predictive validity of culture-sensitive risk factors definitely needs to be further examined with official crime data. Moreover, the less important factors need to be stressed as they are the most likely to be overlooked. Until now, there are only some studies that suggest a limited validity of common risk factors (e.g. (, Finding color in conformity: A commentary on culturally specific risk factors for violence in Australia, Forensic risk assessment and cultural diversity: Contemporary challenges and future directions. Bivariate correlation coefficients were used to investigate the relationship of risk and protective factors with delinquency and tested one-sided according to our hypotheses. On these grounds, we were also not able to control for potential confounds, like immigrant generation, age, and education, via complex multivariate analyses with enough power. When closeness goes along with an endorsement of hierarchy, it may hinder self-determined decision making (Liebkind & Jasinskaja-Lahti, 2016). Therefore, we applied cognitive interview techniques of probing and thinking aloud (Fowler, 1995) among four participants who were male and had a Turkish or Arab MB. In line with the intercultural literature (van Leeuwen et al., 2012) and forensic experts’ suggestions (Schmidt, van der Meer, et al. As Table 2 further indicates, all scales were not normally distributed according to the results of Kolmogorov–Smirnov tests. In relation to child delinquency, the Study Group defined individual risk and protective factors as an individual’s genetic, emotional, cognitive, physical, and social characteristics. It is possible that a more specific assessment of different individual discrimination events (e.g. According to our research design, we cannot say if the assumed cultural similarity of participants having a Turkish or Arab MB is greater than the differences between them. Another factor positively correlated with juvenile delinquency is a teen’s regular exposure to violence. Third, and most importantly, the predictive validity of these risk assessment procedures could not always be ensured. Based on a thorough literature review, we assumed that acculturative stressors (individual and global discrimination, conflict of values; hypothesis (1)) as well as culturally shaped norms and attitudes (norms of honour, disapproval of sexual self-determination, antisemitism; hypothesis (2)) induce delinquency. To learn about our use of cookies and how you can manage your cookie settings, please see our Cookie Policy. However, especially among immigrants, such information is often not accessible (Schmidt et al., 2018), greatly constraining the use of such tools. In contrast, we expected social support to diminish the risk of criminal behaviour. Gender. Although differences in arrest rates may be mediated by stereotypes and racial bias in law enforcement (Junger-Tas, 1997; Snowball & Weatherburn, 2016; Taillandier-Schmitt & Combalbert, 2017), the results of self-reported delinquency support the findings of overrepresentation in most studies (Baier & Pfeiffer, 2008; Belhadj Kouider, Koglin, & Petermann, 2014; Dimitrova, Chasiotis, & van de Vijver, 2016; Junger & Polder, 1992; Torgersen, 2010). Any consideration to cross-cultural variability of risk factors were tested in this study can be considered as a reality! Practitioners next to common risk factors shared by males and females only on official, secure websites of risk! 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